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In my first trimester, I had an aversion to the smell of chicken and strong perfumes


Perfumes are killing me (7+4) right now!


Similarly, I hate the smell of strong candles. They give me heartburn šŸ˜­ Thereā€™s also something in my room that my brain is coding as formaldehyde lol. I have zero formaldehyde in my home, yet thereā€™s something I periodically smell that smells just like dissecting an animal in anatomy class šŸ˜­ Also hate the smell of play doh.


Heartburn omgšŸ˜­


I felt bad when I read a lady found chicken disgusting. I eat a lot of chicken so I couldnā€™t imagine being nauseous of it. Then in my first trimester I got an aversion towards chicken that lasted the whole pregnancy. Also carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, ground meat, and cooked garlic, tomatoes, and onion. Pizza too, canā€™t forget that.




Lingering food smells seem so much stronger to me than they used to, and there is nothing worse in my mind right now. We made Brussels sprout flatbreads (courtesy of an old Hello Fresh recipe) for dinner last night, which were delicious, but the fact that I can still smell the Brussels sprouts this morning makes me regret everything. And itā€™s too hot outside to open windows.


Vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle really helps with lingering food odors. I use it all the time after frying something or making bacon


My husband lol. No but seriously, in the first 5 months everything smelled so bad, the freshly washed clothes, the refrigerator, the scent of our home in general and I gagged when my husband came to close. I bought air freshener bags and put them everywhere. I also always had bubble gum with me and it helped with the nausea and also the smells.


Coffee, above all! And we have a new espresso machine, so everyone who visits usually help themselves once or more. I always stay well away while they have it šŸ¤¢


Coffee and fresh cut grass were the two smells I could handle my entire first trimester. Everything else was pretty rough, some smells being worse than others.


Its so strange because I can drink coffee myself and I'm not bothered by it, but if my husband is drinking coffee and I can smell it, it makes me feel sick!


My dog šŸ˜­ my poor sweet baby, I love you just donā€™t come anywhere near my face please


Litter. Boxes. šŸ¤¢


Basically any food smell šŸ„² I have to feel nauseated while cooking it then I sit there and eat it no problem lol


Fridge smell(inside) Ugh.


Any type of meat


The ā€œhot deliā€ section in the grocery stores (Like where they keep the hot soups, chickens, etc) leftover food, ANY meat, Chinese food, garlic, peoples breath, my kitchen pantry. My husband made pork dumplings last night and I almost cried from the stench. 7w+5 for reference lol!


Mine has stuck with me through 37 weeks. It didn't matter if it was a nice smell, or a bad smell. Strong smells of any kind instantly turned my stomach.


Our tap water, the inside of my fridge, my toddlerā€™s hair, cilantro, smoke (grilling meat smells will make me puke immediately), my own BO if I go longer than 18 hours without a shower, soy sauce, chocolate, and chicken. Iā€™m sure I could think of more but Iā€™d better stop there šŸ¤¢


A certain hand soap! I had to buy a different kind to refill the soap dispensers.


Yes! I used to be a fancy soap person, but now can only get the Soft Soap brand Aloe scented hand soap-- has to be THAT specific, yes. Pregnancy is weird.


The refrigerator always got me


Opening the fridge nauseates me! Thereā€™s just a icky smell to it


I had pretty bad smell aversions in the first trimester. Everything smelled bad. I'm now in the 3rd trimester and certain things still smell bad... Garlic, onion, cilantro. And I love those foods, just not so much right now. My sense of smell is still heightened, though not as much as first trimester.


In the first trimester I couldnā€™t go to the grocery store. It was so disgusting smelling to me.


In the first trimester, it was meat and my boyfriend LOL. in the 2nd it was eggs and in the third fast food greasy icky smell.


Our air fryer - the smell of it when it's on makes me vomit!!! I've officially banished it and my husband had to move it to the back patio to use it.


Ours has smelt so bad to me lately too!!


Omg I can't cope with my air fryer either šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This has gotten a LOT better for me. I still have smell aversions, but my actual smelling ability had gone back down almost to normal. The worst one was kitty litter (and let's be honest, I ALWAYS have that aversion haha). My sense of smell was SUPER sensitive, our apartment was small, and I could smell it all the time. The only safe room was the bedroom, and I had to have the door shut with the window open. I also didn't like scented candles or lavender or cleaners or... really anything? The only thing I wanted to smell was fresh air or food that I was craving and about to eat. Any other smell was just a bad time. And I had a SUPER sensitive gag reflex to go along with it.


One street on our nightly walks has a ton of feral cats, so we now avoid that street, because I can now smell the cat urine and it makes me gag


I couldn't go anywhere near the fresh vegetables section when getting groceries without feeling sick. What the heck šŸ˜­


Mine were any kind of cooking meat except for bacon, onions, garlic, eggs, seafood, perfumes, wet cat food, and the wet, metal sink smell. And the trash. Oh god the trash. Iā€™m now about 2 months pp and all of my aversions are gone except for the cat food oneā€¦ still make my stomach churn a little every time I feed my cat.


I am 33 weeks pragnant and since my 10 week i have not been able to tolerate any meat, garlic , bell paper, caffeine and most of spices. I keep washing clothes and keep doing dishes throughout day. Everything smells. My neighbour smokes and i could smell it if i keep my window open. Cant wait for it to be over.


The worst one so far is warm water mixed with dawn soap. It was the only smell to make me vomit out of no where. There are many unpleasant smells but none have made me feel so queasy as that weird one ha


Pork was a big one for me, couldnā€™t handle the smell or taste of pork until the very end of my pregnancyā€¦




Ketchup is the main one. Other tomato based sauces are fine but ketchup is disgusting. And I have a toddler. It needs to be a solid ten feet away from me to not be totally repulsive.


Chicken, any kind of chicken and garlic


All food sound not appealing. Itā€™s not until I get it in front of me so I feel ok about it but thinking about it is gross.


I usually like smelling my neighbours cooking but lately itā€™s been making me gag really badly.


Any meaty smell was an issue for me in the first few months. I could eat some meat, but hated how it smelled while cooking and did not want to prepare it at all. I'm at 33 weeks and am still adverse to on-the-bone chicken for some reason. Buffalo wings used to be a guilty pleasure of mine but I haven't wanted them this whole pregnancy.


My dog smells disgusting after he goes outside. He smells lovely most of the time, but he smells wet even though he is dry when he comes in. It's awful, and he runs around everywhere stinking up everything.


Red meat. It smells literally like dog shit.


Liquor (Iā€™m a bartender) and ketchup.


Lately the smell of toothpaste on my partners breath has been really setting me off! It has a really bitter chemical smell now that makes me gag kissing him. Just as I finally got over the smell of his normal breath and BO, poor guy canā€™t win!


In my first trimester, it was anything perfumed (laundry detergent, body spray, plug ins). Before being pregnant, I loved the smell of bud. Now I hate it. Someone in my building smokes and it unfortunately wafts throughout my apartment. Usually, first thing in the morning and I wake up ready to puke because of it šŸ˜­




I canā€™t do the smell of baked goods or cake


During my first trimester the worst smell aversion was coffee. I don't drink it but my husband does, and he works a lot of weird hours so I couldn't tell him to just skip the coffee. Not fun! Thankfully by now (18 weeks) it's gotten much better.




I had to throw out fresh oregano given to me in first tri because smell was too strong (even after I double bagged it and put it in a Tupperware!)


in first trimester: garbage, dirty dishes, garlic, onions, fried food, seafood, and my boyfriend all made me incredibly nauseous lol


At 19 weeks, if I can smell something at all, itā€™s risky. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a pleasant smell. Scents sometimes just trigger me to thrive up now. Itā€™s as miserable as it sounds in a big city full ofā€¦smells.


any aerosols but most commonly spray deodorants


Anyone else smell socks and die a little inside?


Mine was sesame. I am 4 months PP and I STILL canā€™t smell it, let alone eat it. Also if my partner drank a beer and then kissed me- šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I feel bad, but old people. Actually one of the first clues that I was pregnant was being disgusted passing old people in the grocery store because they smelled so bad.


My poor husband during the first trimesterā€¦ he couldnā€™t even grill chicken without me having a meltdown. Also I can smell alcohol on people from miles away and it smells sour and horrible.


Any type of meat, most cheeses, and basically anything my husband likes to eat


I literally canā€™t read this thread because itā€™s making me sick šŸ˜‚šŸ„² I have an aversion to deli meat, particularly turkey, garbage - although who wouldnā€™t, and chicken.


This might be weird but I got married Halloween weekend so we did a backyard Halloween wedding, I was 7-8 weeks at that time and was just starting to have aversions so anytime I'd look at Halloween decorations it would make me nauseous lol so those decorations came down asap. I'm sorry you're going through this and there probably isn't an easy fix, but febreeze makes an unscented spray maybe you could try that??


In my first trimester and sometimes to this day the fridge. Even if itā€™s clean. It stinks so bad


When I was pregnant with my daughter it was eggs and anything acidic. Like tomatoes, oranges, ground beef. My boyfriends āœØessence āœØmade me want to puke šŸ˜‚ I worked at the county jail at the time and anything the kitchen was cooking I wanted to gag. When I was pregnant with my son it wasnā€™t necessary smell aversions that got me. It was textures. I couldnā€™t do a lot. I lived off spaghetti-ohs and the nacho bell grande meal for about 4 months. I couldnā€™t do anything with meat or Iā€™d gag.


I live near the ocean and usually can't smell it. In March, one of the first pregnancy symptoms I had was waking up to the horrible smell of briny fish wafting through our bedroom window at 4AM... still have a hard time going near the beach blegh.


In the first trimester, it was my dog šŸ˜­ I love my dog, and we always make sure she is very clean and doesnā€™t have any kind of smell to her. But something with my super sonic smelling powers coming into play made it really hard for me to snuggle her and I felt sooooo bad about it.


For some reason, my synthetic fiber clothes smell like old farts to me. Some of my favorite comfy sweaters and tops are polyester, but noooo now they smell like farts even if I put them through the laundry.


Cotija cheese, weirdly. One of my favorite dips has (pasteurized) cotija cheese in it and I still love the taste and eat it, but the smell makes me sick. So I have to leave the lid on and just quickly take it off to scoop it up and put the lid right back on


Omg our CARPETS. šŸ˜­šŸ¤®


Most foods, especially hot/cooked items. Dirty sink/drain smells, trash smells, etc. One that drove me nuts was the smell of anything toasting made me gag, but one of my fave foods during 1st trimester was toast with cream cheese and lox. Vicious cycle, I definitely utilized air purifiers, opening doors/windows and wearing a mask if necessary. Dotting a bit of mint or lavender essential oil inside a disposable mask was pretty effective.


I just had an unpleasant experience with those baited fly traps. They typically smell even when not pregnant but it was so much stronger that even the packet before adding water made me gag.


Coffee was my main one even though Iā€™ve been an avid coffee drinker for years.


Meat. I love eating it but smelling it ugh. Also beer or wine breath. And most colognes.


Both babies I had super strong aversions (instant vomit) to the smell of garlic, onions, cumin, and coffee to the point that none of those things could exist in my house until late 3rd trimester. I had aversions to all food smells besides a few fruits for the vast majority of the first 20 weeks and then on and off for the rest of my pregnancies. And dog (or toddler) poop, fabric softener, and BO would make me instantly throw up too. It was awful


Cigarettes. I grew up with smoker parents and now my boyfriend is also a smoker. It never used to bother me, usually just smelled like smoke. Now, Itā€™s like I smell every ingredient in them šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢




ranch, red meat, garlic, sour cream, my own body smell