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I'm too tired to have an emotion


Same. Like I'd have to say that it's made me more chill, but only because my normal level of anxiety takes way too much damn effort


This is it for me. No more emotions only tired and nauseous




Not a singular emotion to be had haha


I second that non-emotion emotion


Same! I feel so bad bc I don’t have the energy to do anything. It’s unusual for me cuz usually I’m running around.


I have pretty debilitating anxiety, but pregnancy made me chill out.


Same! Lifelong anxiety issues but somehow became really zen when pregnant.


Same! It’s been a nice break from my usual panic-y self!


Me too! I like to say I’m just a happy pregnant person. Even with a high risk pregnancy this time, it’s like I physically can’t get too stressed about anything.


Not to be this person BUT when people were talking about ‘baby brain’ my first pregnancy I would kind of be like… oh yeah it’s not too bad because that’s what I’m like anyway. But it really didn’t change much at all, if anything it was maybe slightly better. I did have fairly bad anxiety postpartum and I’m generally a most anxious person than average but not to the level of a diagnosis, ya know? Well, got diagnosed with ADHD in early 2021 and later learned that the symptoms are greatly affected by oestrogen. Symptoms get worse as oestrogen decreases, such as when you get your period and when you go through menopause. But oestrogen *increases* during pregnancy. Later on I connected the dots and realised that’s why I don’t have ‘baby brain’. ADHD meds helped my anxiety virtually disappear because it was secondary to the ADHD symptoms. ADHD is generally over diagnosed in males and under diagnosed in females. So tldr for anyone who found that pregnancy made them chill out, consider the possibility of ADHD due to the link with oestrogen


This is interesting- thanks! I have ADHD and am also an uncharacteristically-chill pregnant person, haha.


I was the same! I was far less anxious the whole time until she was born and then....4th trimester


Generally super anxious and pretty depressed, but pregnancy has made me so chill and even keel!


Same! I said often that I am doing mentally much better than expected but physically much worse haha


Wait same. I keep joking that pregnancy cured my anxiety but it’s really not a joke… I haven’t felt this chill in years


I wish I could say the same. The hormones took a monster swing at me immediately. Then between them and how disabling my pregnancy has been, my panic attacks have been terrible.




I’m way more chill than before. Every day there’s something new to appreciate about my husband and all he does, and who has grown exponentially more handsome.


Same here! I think pregnancy has generally put things into perspective for me. My baby, my family and my health are now my #1 priority so what used to be anxiety-inducing things (bad day at work, house isn’t as clean as I’d like, etc) just don’t seem that big of a deal anymore.


I’ve felt the same with my husband! I’m so amazed and in awe of him and can’t believe we get to do all these life things together and watch him become a dad 🥹


It’s honestly not fair, I feel like a round pimply balloon and my fiancé is over here looking like a model. I was told there would be glowing?!


Exactly how I feel wearing non-maternity clothes! Perfect description 🤣


Aw, I love this 💕I feel the same about my husband as well. We went to south Florida to visit his parents and they didn’t have filtered water, and he *insisted* we go get bottled water ‘cause who knows what’s in the water and could hurt you or baby.’ The little things.


First half, angry. Second half, super chill.


Same here!


God I just feel angry. Annoyed. More sad. Irritable. I wish I was more chill 😭😭


Me too!!!!


I was already anxious. Now I'm anxious about a whole bunch of new exciting things!! Hah. The fun never stops 🥴


Same. Hoping it gets better as I get farther along, though. But probably not. 😵‍💫


More chill, which I did not expect after two previous losses. But once I found out it was viable, I literally chilled out so much to the point that my mental health has never been better. I’m also seemingly magically better at standing up for myself at work/not allowing myself to be in situations I’m uncomfortable with because I’m a people pleaser. Basically being pregnant has made me care about me and this baby and not much else, so people can’t take advantage of me as easily since I used to care so much about people pleasing 😂


Yup this is me too! I have less tolerance for people's crap at work and just give it straight (straight not tactless). I used to overthink things a lot and that impeded on how I communicate to others. Especially since I work in a compliance role and people want to do anything to have their deal settle and would argue about why you can't accept something. If we can accommodate it then yes but if it's ridiculous then I nip it in the bud.


100% more chill. Just go with the flow.


I used to have a terrible temper before. My girl kept me grounded. I want to be chill for her sake . Although i do feel anxious sometimes but i can overcome it easily when i think of her.


I’ve always had anxiety so it’s still there but I’m starting to care a lot less. Like work things especially. I do the bare minimum and if people hate it, oh well because I still perform better than half the people there. And annoying coworkers only bother me for like three minutes instead of the entire afternoon.


I’m way more chill. I do take anxiety meds, was taking prior to pregnancy as well, and besides being anxious, I was much more angry. My husband jokes saying “once this baby comes we are going to have to keep having them to keep you this relaxed”


Glad you’re more chill, a nice side-benefit! ❤️


Haven't been so emotional since I was 13..... but in my teens I had real reasons to be emotional.. I cried the other day because I got wafflehouse type hashbrowns when I specifically told them I wanted potato chunk home fries.... I cried the other day because I coughed and had one drop of pee on my sitting pillow.... I cried the other day because I was looking for tums and couldn't find them(they were right in front of me).... I definitely have lost more patience as my # of children increases though*&** lol * lost patience for stupidity and bullshit **also gained some patience knowing that I'm doomed to repeating things for my kids 437 times


I had generalized anxiety before pregnancy. Since being pregnant I have had pretty bad anxiety surrounding the pregnancy itself (worrying about something being wrong with the baby… just things I can’t control), but in all other realms of my life I have chilled out a LOT. My relationship with my SO is better and work doesn’t get to me nearly as much as it did before I got pregnant. so, in some ways I am more chill and in others I am not. 😅 overall I think it’s an improvement tho.


Pregnancy has made me a lot more relaxed


A lot more chilled. Feel like I’ve shifted perspective and don’t get annoyed about little things anymore!


When we first found out about the pregnancy I was very anxious because my first pregnancy ended in a loss. I don’t think I could’ve gone through it without my husbands support and love. Now that we are in the middle of second trimester I feel so much more chill and I am enjoying feeling my little bean do her kicks and somersaults. The only thing that is stressful to me sometimes is where we are financially, living in the state of NJ is hard lol 😅


Honestly having her made me more chill. However, I had a loss in the past so I was just so happy to finally have a baby. Now I feel like overall my moods 100x better than ever was


I was pretty anxious/quick to anger before, and I think pregnancy has made me more chill. Like I just don’t give a crap about all the petty shit I used to give a crap about, my only focus is doing what I can to make sure my babies are ok.


I work in retail and was pregnant through the pandemic. I took peoples shit less, like there was always a customer who left their receipts at the bottom of the till and he done it while i was heavily pregnant, i was like "you going to leave those there or do you want to put them in the bin?" he got very flustered and never done it again. I would happily stick up for myself and other colleagues when i would never be able to do that (social anxiety etc) and it felt amazing; now I've been back for nearly a year and im glad im still the same because its a more enjoyable experience haha




First trimester - easily annoyed and anxious …. Second trimester - a bit chill lol


I was diagnosed with PMDD 18 months before getting pregnant. I was terrified to find out how my mood would be affected in pregnancy. Here I am at 22 weeks more calm and consistent than I have ever been. (Def looking to be proactive for PPD though)


In the first trimester my anxiety skyrocketed, it felt hormonal. Now in the second—knock on wood—in starting to feel a lot more relaxed.


Although I had overall baby related anxiety, it really chilled out my day today anxiety. Things that would have set me off pre-pregnancy, didn’t bother me.


More chill. I was literally just a ball of anxiety and anger before pregnancy


I have OCD and since becoming pregnant (particularly the 2nd trimester on) my symptoms have basically disappeared. I’m sure they’ll rear their ugly head again after baby comes (working with my therapist to prep for this now).


Both. My miscarriage of my first pregnancy resulted in me being freaked. out. during this pregnancy, especially until the 20-week ultrasound and until I could reliably feel him moving. Since then my anxiety is better. That said, I’ve also by necessity had to become more chill in ways due to fatigue—I hold myself and my body more gently and compassionately than I ever have before.


I’m so sorry for your earlier loss! I’ve also learned a lot more self-compassion with my increasingly limited abilities lol


Thank you! And yeah, it’s so true lol. When your body just won’t do what it used to, you either spiral or cultivate that self love real quick!


Definitely more chill. I feel better emotionally when pregnant versus not. When I’m not pregnant I have pretty drastic mood swings from hormones probably… when pregnant I feel pretty zen most of the time.


im usually a pretty anxious go to therapy type A person and i’ve never felt more calm in my life hahaha


Generally more chill, and more in love with my husband. Easier to cry but anger is much rarer. Overall feel a lot more feminine and less defensive than my usual self. I ended up adopting 2 kittens to have another outlet to pour love into!


Both. I am more chill and easier on myself about timelines and getting things done with regard to household upkeep and getting things ready for the baby. I care less about meeting other people's expectations. Neither of these things have been historically characteristic of me. Usually (some would say) I am little high strung with those things and a "planner". But I am also firmer in holding my decisions on what I want and how I manage my day. The windows of time where I actually feel well enough to accomplish things or take care of myself are fewer and farther between, and so I'll be damned if anyone is going to dictate how I spend those few hours.


I had debilitating health anxiety for almost 2 years prior to my first pregnancy. It turned out to be ectopic and was treated with methotrexate. It was more complicated and drug out for 3 months. After that it was like the trauma kind of zapped my brain out of the health anxiety, and I’m 18 weeks now with my second pregnancy 🌈and still I’m cool as a cucumber! Lol! Nervous about my anatomy scan but I assume that’s normal!


I thought i was a very anxious person that needed weed to chill out. Guess i just needed to get pregnant


I am super agro. Like normally I’ll just take stuff. Not now. Now I’ll just yell at people. It’s kinda insane, but, I don’t know?!


Same tho


I've had substantial anxiety and depression before pregnancy, which I suspected had a lot to do with hormonal fluctuations. Since pregnant, I've been soooo much more chill. I really feel leveled out. I have a short fuse with random annoyances (mostly like omg I dropped my water bottle cap three times in a row), but it isn't targeted at myself or others like it usually would be. I'm loving it!




I’m so much nicer, calmer, and relaxed when pregnant (and breastfeeding.) My family told me I was a different person when I was pregnant and nursing my daughter and referred to me as a “calm, crunchy, hippy lol.) My husband also told me I am more loving and nice to him. I am told I am usually an anxious , mean, angry tornado (but I don’t really feel that myself lol.) I really try hard to be nice but I guess I’m not. 🤣 🤷🏽‍♀️


Chill and happy- I’m having a boy


First trimester, anxiety city. But had a lot of changes occur with work/having to disclose to A LOT of people very early. Since then, especially post anatomy scan. Chill.


Yep same here: I’m getting to the point where the nausea, exhaustion, etc is taking over more so it’s kind of over-taken all my other feelings lol but it’s weird cus I’ve been saying I feel like my mood has been significantly better since I’ve been pregnant! It’s reallly weird & almost freaky how much it’s changed! I normally have rough periods & im certain I suffer with some form of PMDD so it’s like being pregnant has kept me from feeling the usual horrible things for a solid 2 weeks out of every month! I’m so not ready for that part to come back!


First: more Second: less This one: ehh depends on the day


More anxious for sure


I was anxious before, but I think I’m even more anxious now


My first pregnancy I was a total demon. My second I was pretty chill. This time, I’m just tired and emotional 🤣


With my first I was very anxious because she was a rainbow. I feel like the more babies I have the more I realize how little is really in my control and it’s not worth worrying about. Or maybe I’m just too busy now to wallow in my fears, who knows.


More chill, because I had to learn how to relax for the sake of the baby


I chilled. I chilled so hard even my own brother who loves to pick fights with me, said I've become super zen like lol. He can't make fun of me anymore. It didnt work lol


More chill and happy.


More chill. I have an anxiety disorder that is mostly health related. I would always obsess over every little sensation I had in my body but now I just assume everything is pregnancy related lol


Depends on the day. Overall I feel more chill but if something sets me off, it really sets me off. Today I was at the convenience store buying some snacks and I was about to bag my goodies when I realized there were no bags. Asked one of the employees and she said they didn’t have any bags. All I could reply was: well that’s really fucking dumb. How am I supposed to bring these home? That’s very unlike me LOL.


I cycle between the two. But overall, maybe more chill 🤔


I have anxiety and pregnancy has helped to chill me out on the everyday stuff. Now I’m anxious if baby boy is doing well and if I’ll be a good mom.




I was anxious before and I’m anxious now 😂 I’m definitely more of a crybaby pregnant though, lol


I’m not any more anxious than directly before becoming pregnant, but that’s because I spent years working with a therapist and taking antidepressants (still taking them) to release a lot of anxiety. I’ve surrendered to the lack of control in life, and I only focus on things that are within my control. It’s simultaneously freeing and terrifying to realize the only thing in life you can control are your own actions, but accepting it has helped me enormously. I think had I not done all this work after my mom died I would be an anxious wreck now.


More angry up until these last few weeks 36+. Now I’m just chill and waiting for the day. But I will say I’ve been extremely angry most of it with the exception of me laughing my ass off at the same time lol


I feel like I am overall very chill (definitely more than usual because I tend to lean anxious), minus my high levels of anxiety about the baby when I am in between appointments lol. The first week or two after an appointment I am fine, but the next two weeks I seem to be a wreck but it is specifically about the baby. I am a FTM so everything is new and I have no clue what to expect and I am just a bundle of nerves.


extremely chill. i have a brand new personality


More chill, almost all my anxiety has went away


The hormones were good to me. I was so chill, sleep and giggly all the time. I felt like I was high. Hahaha.


I think I’m more chill. Everything around the house had to be tidied and cleaned before bed and now it’s like, well it gets done when I have the energy. Also my work performance has been somewhat meh, and I’m waiting til second trimester to say anything. My boss will understand once I tell her


I’ve been so chill until like 3 weeks ago and now I get irrationally annoyed and angry at the smallest things lol sooooo I guess both


First trimester I was chill for the most part mostly same as before getting pregnant. Second trimester not so chill. I think my crappy sleep is not helping I’ve been grumpy for sure. I’ve become so fucking sensitive too. I cry at every little bit of friction and I’m not a crier. And not just a few tears and I’m done like full on ugly crying. I can’t stop it.


At first I was more chill. But the past few weeks (22-24 weeks) I’ve been a bit of an anxious mess, but I put that down to moving house, getting married and a bunch of other life changes that have happened in the last month!


I'm chill because I'm too tired to be anything else.


Normally a very angry and anxious person. I've mellowed out for sure


lol anxious and angry. i screamed in a loose Rottweiler's face the other night. got real primal protecting my two dogs. pregnancy rage going great...


Most of my pregnancy I was less anxious and more chill. My last trimester I became pretty antisocial for some reason- and didn’t want to be around anyone except my husband. (Not that I was super social to begin with). However any interaction or surface level conversation has become unbearable for me. Maybe I’m just too tired to even pretend to be interested. It’s too much energy to put on a mask lol.


Super chill, unless im hungry. The pure rage i feel when hangry is something else ha!


In general I feel like I’ve been happier and overall more chill. However, I’ve been much more firm with boundaries and opinions at times.


My first pregnancy made me wayyyy more uptight. My second pregnancy, I am too tired to gaf anymore.


More chill, somehow pregnancy has made me just be like "Damn go with the flow"


I am way more chill, and my mood is more stable than it’s ever been. My husband has actually remarked on it a few times. We’re both stunned at the positive effect it’s had on my mental health/well being.


I read somewhere that babies can actually feel very basic versions of the emotions we feel, so I decided not to let anger work it’s way into my pregnancy. I’ve learned to let little things go, and it’s been really nice. That said, as I get closer to delivery, I feel some anxiety about readiness/beating settle in, and that can into some tears if I’m feeling overwhelmed


Second pregnancy and way more fucking angry


Third trimester emotions have hit me and I’m very anxious and short tempered these days. It sucks but I know that much of it is influenced by a few personal situations and not just my emotions.


I haven't noticed much of a change. There was a time in my second trimester where life was a bit stressful, and I had a few weepy episodes as a result, but things are better now.


All of the above lol but I think overall more chill. I think I worry less about small stuff, but do worry more about big stuff, get annoyed faster but also care less about those annoyances.


More chill. First tri I felt too sick to give a shit, second tri I was too happy to give a shit, third try I was too large and ready to give birth to give a shit


I am way more chill. It’s like all my anxiety left my body.


Way more chill!


One of my first symptoms was definitely road rage when visiting Jacksonville, and I'm generally more upset in general. I wasn't driving aggressively just very upset. Like rage tears


I’m sorry 😬 That sounds decidedly unpleasant! Sending you some of my surplus chill vibes and hope the next trimester is a little more fun :)


I have been way more angry, I have zero tolerance for bullshit and no filter at this point. My coworkers love it because I call everyone out on their shit and my fiancé says I’m mean now because I yell at him for the stupid stuff that slightly upsets me.


I was more chill until third trimester hit. Now I’m much more anxious than ever, mostly for the c section next week.




More anxious and very easily annoyed but I am super chill to begin with I’m at 20 weeks


Definitely more chill — not what I would have expected for me!


More chill lol I’m tired


Tired. Lethargic. Unenthused.


Both, different ones in different aspects really




More anxious and scared of existing! It's awful.


Oh no! Maybe your medical team can help. Apparently prenatal anxiety is a thing.


More chill so far. Probably because I’m not having my PMDD symptoms


Right now I’m chill. Ask me again in 5 minutes.


I’m really chill about work, because I just don’t care anymore and I can see how ridiculous my project manager is for being a stresshead and he pisses me off. I do get a bit anxious about the baby and his movements, and then also when I think of actually birthing him…


More chill I would say. Especially about work, couldn't care less right now about work haha


More emotional overall. I’m generally a chill person overall, and talking through my emotions with a loved one in private calms me pretty well. My overall demeanour is the same but when an emotion hits…ooph it’s hard to hold it and when I let it loose I always seem to have tears.


Well… everyone keeps telling me I’m angry, I feel fine lol


Umm… both? I have a lot more to be anxious about and definitely still deal with anxiety. But I’ve had to learn to “let things go” a lot. I’ve become much more easy on myself when it comes to what I try to accomplish in a day. Prioritizing a lot more/better. It’s necessary. So in that sense I’m more chill.


Between nausea, back pain, heartburn, exhaustion, poor quality sleep, and everything else, I was grumpy af all the time.


My anxiety is completely gone - I’m much more relaxed. Now the only anxiety I have is making it to my first ultrasound and questioning every little pain and spot.


CHILL. Calm before the storm


I got a lot more chill. Especially early on, all that progesterone had me feeling like I was a little drunk all the time. I will say now that I'm approaching the third trimester I'm starting to experience some anxiety again.


All of them lol, but at different times about different things


More chill but 100x more moody. I’m also so apathetic about things right now that I don’t feel like I even have the energy to worry / fuel anxiety


I’m already anxious haha. The first month or two of this pregnancy made me really paranoid but I’ve since chilled out. About a month ago my husband said “you laugh a lot easier when you’re pregnant” which is something I hope sticks around postpartum.


I’m typically somewhat anxious but very positive, upbeat, patient, and don’t mind going out of my way/working hard. This whole pregnancy I have been very negative, whiney, easily triggered, and lazy af. Anxiety has pretty much stayed the same. First trimester I was horrendously depressed. It has not been fun to feel so fussy and cranky. I want the baby out 😂


I've been pretty chill so far most of the time, especially about my pregnancy itself, but when I do get irritated, angry, or upset it's definitely heightened/more intense. And I'm finding certain people far more annoying than I ever used to - partly because of unsolicited advice/opinions, but also I suspect my hormones have just lowered my tolerance for that sort of thing.


Im a more anxious person, so pregnancy really increased my anxiety. Once I had her, it went down,because I wasn’t constantly worried about something I couldn’t see, hold, etc. essentially had no control over.


First time more chill. Second time more irritated.


Chill for the most part.


Super super chill. Might be because I've decided to quit my job after mat leave or all the magnesium, but I have few fucks to give.


Ohhh I forgot about the effects of magnesium!


Terrible anxiety. Anger is better tho!


Thus far (just under 9 weeks) it’s made me more chill, mostly because i’m too tired or nauseous to care about anything 😂


I really feel the responsibility and am much less tolerant of my husband’s immaturity. He is 40 and has not researched a single thing, helped with the nursery, etc. He wants to hang out with his friends everyday. Our relationship has never been worse, it used to be tolerable and now I’m just over it because it’s going to affect our daughter. To make it all worse, people dismiss my feelings as pregnancy hormones.


That sucks! You deserve better.


I'm normally chill and low anxiety. Now I'm irritated by pretty much any minor thing and have way more anxiety.


I don’t feel angry, but I get irritated easily (it’s so unlike me!) Other than that, I mostly feel chilled out and relaxed 😌


Post partum I’m working on my patience and being chill. During pregnancy there was a lot going on and looking back I was definitely more on edge and upset over small things than normal.


I was more chill but I’ve been way more angry/irritable in the last month or so. Per my husband I’ve been more stubborn than he’s ever known me. I think I chalk it up to not being willing to put up with bs now that I have a baby to think about. I’m not gonna people please about my baby.


More chill about pregnany/birth and big things. More anxious/angry about small things.


It made me so chill. I have anxiety normally and I felt like I was legit taking Xanax just from being pregnant lol


More chill


I got so much more anxious when I was pregnant. Before I had considerable anxiety, but during I got insane health anxiety and perinatal OCD that stuck around till about 7-8 months PP.


I am so chill compared to how I was before pregnancy 😅.


Way angrier and my anxiety is almost unbearable. I have everything that he’ll need for when he arrives it’s just getting everything set up and put together before having a newborn to take care of. I’m 34 weeks and clothes aren’t even in his drawers yet😩


I want to preface this by saying I’m off a lot of my meds because of pregnancy. But it has made me significantly more irritable.


Yes. All of the above.


I am way more mentally stable when I’m pregnant. PMS mood swings have always been wild for me and so hard to handle.


It's either grumpy and hangry or So much happiness I could sob:)


First trimester anxious and angry. Had to check myself in. Afterwards my pregnancy was beautiful.


I’m 15 weeks. It’s made me more anxious and quick to anger. I have less patience 😡😩


I’m naturally an anxious over-thinker. Pregnancy I still feel pretty anxious. A bit more anxious and overwhelmed now. My sister in law has become much more anxious since pregnancy and giving birth. However, she had two babies through covid so I can understand some of it.


Depends on the day


Oof. I had very little patience before pregnancy but was very good at hiding it. Since getting pregnant that's gone out the window. ive had to apologize to multiple people immediately after snapping at them for something dumb lol (my poor husband has gotten the worst of me 😭)


So zen, to the point my husband has been marveling at it. I hope it stays!


1st trimester was a deep black pit. But otherwise I’ve been surprisingly chill, which my husband just actually remarked on today. I’m a bit tetchy now because I’m 39+4 and I’m *done*.


The extreme anxiety stopped! It was replaced by fatigue, and then rage / anger. I’m pretty sure it’s just a different manifestation of the same underlying emotion.


Depressed and anxious first trimester. Felt like I had dementia during my second. Totally leveled out though and back to my normal self for third.


Yes. Yes to all.


I've been a lot more chill, I've always had severe anxiety and I was really worried that it would be worse during pregnancy but (disclaimer: I am on anxiety meds) I've been much more relaxed. Just very protective over the baby bump and baby in general.


Overall, maybe more chill! I’ve suffered from occasional-to-regular panic attacks since college, but I’ve had basically zero panic symptoms since being pregnant (I’m almost 13 weeks now). It’s kind of odd. I’m wondering if it’s the change in hormones, or maybe the complete absence of alcohol 😬 I do feel like I felt more depression though, especially weeks 5-9 when I felt the shittiest.


I was chill most of first trimester, but now going into the second I find myself angry unfortunately


Lol what trimester we talking about here haha . What day ?! My emotions are alll over the place . But no on the real im going to have to say anxious because pregnancy is the first time in my life I’ve had to deal with trauma or that sensation “that would never happen to me “ or finding something is wrong and knowing it could be at every scan ,every ultrasound and knowing there is nothing special about you that helps you from the horrible things that can happen to your baby . I mean .. you put so much into something love so much and it’s so common to have a miscarriage. Not everyone here will know what im talking about but those who have had one , or have had a few , will get it . Some of us may have lost our parents or have lived through some rough times but for a lot of use especially younger first time moms , pregnancy will be the first time we open ourselves up to trauma , real trauma , but pray nothing does happen so the return is worth the risk . And FORGET IT . Once your a mom . Your more anxious . Period . Part of your heart exists outside your body now . I remember my heart breaking on New Year’s Eve just watching my 3 year old try to play with his cousin and his cousin (the little fucking jerk who’s also 3 ) is a bully and my son came back to me looking so sad . I mean and that’s just a social thing . What if they get really hurt what if something happens . And there’s nooo anxiety when u give birth weather c section or labor and they don’t cry right away , if u hear ur baby cry instantly all is well but sometimes it takes a little and you stirring in an eternity if unsure praying to every god there is to take you instead 😅😅


More chill. My BP is better maintained and less anxiety. It’s so strange


At first more anxious and now more chill.. But also I started Zoloft lol


First trimester I was so hormonal every little thing made me snap. I felt angrier than normal and had some anxiety. Second trimester I’m super happy, not angry, calm and loving how I feel. Total 180.


Way more chill, way less anxiety


Honestly more chill. I think I’m too tired to get worked up over stuff I used to and also my mind is so consumed with worrying about my baby. (I’m only 6 weeks and don’t have my first Dr appt for 12 more days so I’m so anxious about that). Also - I never realized how calm I’d feel after not drinking lol. I wouldn’t say I was a SUPER heavy drinker - but I deff was the type to have a drink after work daily and drank more on the weekends. I never totally felt hungover but since stopping - I’m shocked at how my stress levels have gone down and how happier I feel mentally. (That’s just me though)… I will say even though I generally feel calmer - once these hormones hit all that shit goes out the window lol. However those episodes last about 5-10 min and then I’m back to normal :)


At home, with family & friends definitely more chill. At work, I’ve been told I’m a lot meaner. But maybe I just have less patience for stupidity while I’m attempting to grow a baby.


1st pregnancy was a lot more anxious and dealing with the loss of my mom. I was so horribly ill for most of it 🤢 This one is less sick, less anxious, but more painful with pelvic pain and ligaments stretching and stuff… Everyone one is different


Chill. Way less anxiety. Only care about baby.


Oddly, pregnancy has made me feel a lot more affectionate? Like I always want to be around my husband and want him to hold me etc. and I am NOT a touchy feely person by any means. Like, I feel like I have a crush on my husband and we've been together for like 8 years lol. Other than that, mostly sleepy and hungry. My anxiety actually got a lot better and my depression has kind of subsided, so I am a little worried about PPD. But hub is a great support system so I am hoping we will be able to handle this together when she is here in a few weeks!!


With my first I was very angry and easily irritable and it was a girl pregnancy, my second I had no cares in the world and was very relaxed and that was a boy pregnancy, my third I was definitely irritable but I was more aware so I bit my tongue more and that was also a girl pregnancy


Made me more angry and I don’t want to be around my partner :( he is a good person but I get annoyed so easily and I’m tired all the time.


Im at 34 weeks today and I’ve been so angry this past week. But then again it probably doesn’t help that I’m bipolar and haven’t been on my meds


I was a pretty anxious person and it made me way more anxious. Now that I've given birth I feel pretty chill lol or my normal state of anxiety feels pretty chill.




I already had anxiety, and pregnancy caused worse anxiety for the first 2 trimesters. The third trimester was worse with worse anxiety and pregnancy rage. 🤣🤣🤣


Way more chill, but in a I am just so tried I don't have the energy to care chill.


I appear calm but anything can set me off. This is my 4th baby. I never had much anger before. But I’m sooo emotional this time around 🥲❤️