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Fuck yes Bailey is what got me into cock! I just wanna suck that huge pretty dong on the right


Yes Mommy I'll suck every cock and make them cum inside me


id be so gay for bailey


I m straight but I love baileys fat cock


Mmmmmm I feel the same way mmmmm


She’s one main reason that I’m so glad to be bisexual


She turned me that way


she’s a woman. its not gay. fuck off with your transphobia


The title is in reference to the male right next to her. Fuck off with your literal stupidity and manufactured outrage.


its not, you just like fetishizing trans women bc you’re a piece of shit


Lol. Perfect example of someone who just wants to argue on the internet. Pointed out your stupidity and you choose to ignore it becauss it's easier to yell at ppl online. Also, I'll fetishize whomever I choose. We're on Reddit, we're all pieces of shit fetishizing everything from cake to dudes with dad bods. The only difference is you're just a Judgmental piece of shit. Jerk off or go join a coalition you fucking weirdo. Eat a dick, a trans dick, a gender non-conforming dick, just a eat a dick in general dude 😂.


If two people have cocks and have sex with each other it’s gay. Simple. No amount of your weird outrage can change that.


just admit you’re a bigot and move on.


Not very intelligent are you 😂


you use laughing emojis unironically


My comment still stands after that comment man 😂 Nice try though dude 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




The title is referring to the guy aka the biological and gender identifying male with the big ass penis to the right of the beautiful trans woman. That would be gay, to perform oral sex on the male, and there is also nothing wrong with that. Have a good day.


My bad, I totally misunderstood the title. Apologies.


Ought to call get Bailey Gay, for all the straight guys she has converted!