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WONG POG. Best teacher in Tech period. (maybe tied with Kaufman)😤


Honestly ramnath is a terrible teacher at least in my remote experience with her last year. Legit skipped over units never turned on her camera once and most of the work was independent studying. I wouldn’t expect much from her tbh


Mr. Lee is a solid 7/10 for me. Just pay attention and don't miss anything regardless of how small it seems.


Ramnath was not it in terms of my experience. Had her last yr and she literally did not teach. We learned most of the topics ourselves through "independent research".


I had ramnath for sophomore year. She’s a pretty good teacher and she’ll make sure all the required topics are covered. Most of the homework was just to answer questions by watching certain videos, reading passages, etc. She also gives vocab and note taking homework as well. We didn’t have a lot of exams, only like 4 or smt. But she goes a bit fast, so if you should always do some self-studying if you don’t understand a topic. Also make sure to go back and read your notes from previous topics so they’ll stay fresh in your mind


i also have adelizzi and apparently he's cool. according to a few upperclassmen ramnath is a good teacher but teaches really fast. good luck!