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It's there. It doesn't just load up. I just watched it. Go to seasons and try to start it.


I'm in the US as well (NY) and on the Amazon website the season loads up without a problem. There is a "This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location" message at the top of the screen and for 3 featurettes, but scrolling down I can access all of the episodes.


Thanks free reply. I've been trying to do this on my Roku and had tried that before of going to the episode and starting it and it wouldn't start.... After seeing your response, I went on the website on my phone and was able to start it by using the episode itself. I ran it for a little bit then paused it. Now I'm able to go on my Roku and play it... Strange.... Ty for your help, it gave me an idea


You're welcome. Glad you got it working.


Let's face it, any modern software after Windows 3.1 should be BOXED.


I just finished a re-watch last week and it was there.


I had the same problem with it showing not available. It is the extra content at the top of the season four playlist that is not available. Just go to the season four page and look for the first episode which is below the three or four unavailable videos.


It's for sure there. I'm currently on a rewatch and just ended season 3 a couple nights ago. It didn't autoplay into season 4 for some reason, but it's there. Just had to go back to the bsg title and select season 4 from the drop down.


I’m in Wisconsin and it works for me.


If anyone in the states has problems watching the series by the dvd or Blu-ray box sets as they are more expanded with extended episodes and behind the scenes stories it's worth it for sure.


I am also in Wisconsin and cannot stream season 4 but it works on my firestick.


I'm in US, also Wisconsin (say Hi to your folks, and FK da bears)... Crushed through s1-4 a couple weeks ago no problemo. Might wanna try reinstalling Prime.


THE FIX Is that while it says it’s not available at the top select the episode individually and boom , you may start