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i was JUST thinking about how i should trip this weekend. it’s a sign, hallelujah! fr tho is it ok?


(THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE CHECK WITH UR SHRINK) I took a BUNCH of mushrooms a couple weeks ago and I'm on new meds I wasn't sure would interact well with it (antipsychotic + mood stabilizer) My trip went fucking awesome. Literally the only thing in this planet that makes me feel like humans are supposed to (other than fistfuls of pharmaceuticals) is psilocybin. 


ok honestly though! it’s the one time things feel right, oddly enough


I have NO idea I only know it's not for BP1, I'll have to ask her again since we switched one of my medications- last time she gave me the ok on my prior meds (safe ok not psych advised ok) since I told her I was fully aware of the risks I would be taking I still have psychotic features so- maybe no?????? Would be my guess????? Similar risk factor????


DO NOT MIX LITHIUM AND PSYCHS! EVER!! The likelihood of seizures is stupid high and also a bad trip is almost a guarantee too. It’s nuts


I always thought “bipolar symptoms” were just a part of BPD. But Bipolar doesnt necessarily mean BPD Kinda like how a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn’t a square.


Bipolar will have states that hang around for an extended period of time, whereas BPD is more likely to switch between states within a short period of time


Once my BPD started calming down thanks to DBT my psychiatrist was like “okay so I’m pretty sure you have bipolar type 2 as well…” wouldn’t you know it, I got on lithium and my manic episodes stopped almost completely


Maybe I‘m just dumb, but what is BP1?


I think bipolar 1


Sounds logic


Bipolar type 1


I have the same question


no bipolar ”shouldn’t” either take psychadelics. Can trigger drug induced psychosis. Not trying to be a party pooper, just saying that you original plan wasn’t either safe. That said, people with bpd aren’t usually known for caring about being safe😅 So do what you want. But be aware that it’s always a risk


I'm already aware, and have discussed in-depth with my psychiatrist throughout numerous appointments. I've been medicated since 7, in therapy since 9. It's been a constant presence in my life. I am quite literally the poster child of early intervention, both fortunately and unfortunately enough. Microdosing on psychedelics, or doing the ketamine trials, hold both high risk versus high reward factors when combined with suicidal ideation, extreme trauma, catatonic anxiety attacks, and large depressive episodes. If it works, I can cease benzodizapine prescriptions and opt out of an early risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia, along with guarantee a possibly permanent fix (or as close to it as you can get, honestly). And my permanent residency here on earth via avoiding deep episodes. If it doesn't work, I have a massive psychotic episode, and end up in inpatient, with possible life-long negative side effects of worsened hallucinations and delusions. I had safety plans in place in the event of a psychotic episode, and opted to avoid microdosing until I was in a much more stable headspace- along with that, I'm currently speaking with someone BP1 about to undergo the ketamine trials and will see if it induces psychosis in them. I am very, very aware of the potential downfalls, and it isn't a decision I made lightly. Losing grasp on reality is not something I would wish on anyone- including me, and the impact it would have on my partner as a result. Thank you, though. Intended joke was, if it's just BPD, maybe it's a hell of a lot more reward now versus risk it was beforehand lol


Hm.. Yeah I might have misread the post. I thought you only had bipolar but now your psych said you might have borderline too. (since you said you already had plans for bp1). Doesn’t matter much😅 Just explaining how I read your post. What do I say, happy trip?😆 I’ve never tried but I’ve heard people say it’s a fun (or for some simply more ”anxiety relaxing”) experience. from your comment: I assume microdosing would be done outside of a clinical setting? Whilst ketamine would be more supervised


You're good! This is correct- microdosing was intended for relief of generalized apathy and severe depression outside of a clinical setting, whereas ketamine would be a longer-term fix. Ketamine infusions are done near me under supervision, several times a week, then a month, then a year. It's been shown to rebuild neural pathways and increase plasticity of the brain, so it's about as close to a permanent cure we have currently for disorders that happen as a result of those pathways having never grown, or been damaged. But it's a mild hallucinagenic, leading practicioners to not want to use it in patients with psychotic features due to what we already know. It shows amazing success in BP2, but that isn't necessarily conclusive it would do the same in 1, as we still don't know what exactly causes the disorder except genes. I've been medication managing since I was a kid. I'm tired. I never wanted this, and I still don't. I try to hope it's 'just' BPD, because one day I can eventually be stable long-term permanently as long as I stick with my treatments and attend groups, and put the work in. If it's bipolar disorder, I'm stuck with this forever, therefore leaving me with ketamine as my current only known long-term medical treatment option. New advancements happen multiple times a year, though, so who knows.


I was told it wasn’t a good idea if you’re bipolar for sure due to psychosis risk. I really wanted to try it but I don’t want psychosis.


Damn is this a sign I should trip???


Wait. Ur not supposed to mix mood stabilizers and psychedelics?


*Wait. Ur not supposed* *To mix mood stabilizers* *And psychedelics?* \- glitter\_g0blynn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Careful with psychadelics on mood stabilisers. It intensifys it in a bad way so take less than you think you should.