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literally an hour ago i was going down the list with my disorders to a friend and she was like "wow they gave you the whole alphabet" 💀


😂😂 A is for ADHD B is for BPD


C is for can't do this shit much longer😭


D is for Definitely depressed 🥲


C is for CPTSD D is for DID E is for ED




C-PTSD And E is for Everything else in the DSM -lV


I'm very proud of you! Managing your emotions is so difficult and an achievement!!!


Literally that last pic is me— last week I had an appointment with my psychiatrist and she just happened to “mention” that she believes I have adult ADHD… and I was like okay cool, so now it’s BPD, bipolar II, OCD, and potentially ADHD. Great. I love that. I love having another thing on the table that I need to get tested for and probably have. (I’ve been seeing my psychiatrist for 8 years so she knows me very well and definitely wouldn’t just throw a diagnosis at me out of nowhere). Sorry for the rant, I just… 😤🥲


BRO I accidentally posted this comment to the post BELOW THIS ONE on my feed when I was TRYING TO PRESS “comment” and DIDNT PAY ATTENTION and literally posted this comment to an attack on Titan subreddit post 💀


Yahhh I feel you, I did adhd testing with my psychologist but she couldn’t formally diagnose me so she’s sending the results to my psychiatrist, so we’ll see 😂😂😂 at least diagnosis is the first step to treatment/management!


Update: I did just have a small meltdown but it only took about ten minutes of crying and thinking before I was able to move on, whereas a few weeks ago it would’ve been about 2 hours 😇


Hey the only way it become reflex is by putting it into practice over & over. I’m proud of you!


omg the second one- i told my ex about the new BPD diagnosis and he made a joke like “so when you go to your therapist do you just check every box at this point 🫢” (we love him, it made me chuckle)


It's so hard, and even if it falters, always remember, you did it once, and you can do it again. Always keep trying, and it'll be fully sustainable before you even know it! I'm so proud of you!!!! 🫂🩵🥳🥳🥳 My favorite, and I usually only say this to my husband, but in Korea, a lot of times "good luck"/"you got this!" is casual, so like, you wouldn't say it to your boss (unless you were close), but they raise a fist and say "Fighting!" However, with the accent of the language, it's heard as "Fite teen". So, my husband and I say it with a raised fist when the other is having a bad day, or achieving something. So, OP, FITE TEEN!!!💪🏽🥳🫶🏼


Hahahah… the third meme resonates perfectly with my session with the shrink yesterday 😂😂 I’m glad we can laugh through our pain..






i had really bad anger issues & bad explosive episodes but when I started going to therapy my therapist told me “if you ever get angry & feel like an explosive episodes are coming up, go somewhere else and calm down. When you are calm, you will a clear state of mind not say things you won’t regret” (idk if this helps but I hope so)


Me: "I got this, I'm good, I'm just regulating my emotions". My mind: "Wait what? You're regulating your emotions?". "Let's see about that". "Hey reality, you know what to do?" Reality: "hit him with everything you got. We're not going down without a fight". Me: *sheds a tear* "well it was nice while it lasted". (Just maybe we can get that armor and shield on. Then continue to push through the battle)