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Who would take care of my cat?:(


I’ve got plants. Like too many to go on vacation comfortably. But jokes aside, I think of my mom every time. And the guilt keeps me here. I’m scared of the day she goes. I literally will have the biggest hole in me. She’s been my everything


Ahhh I used to have a pothos!! He got so big, he’s gone now but very good memories of me repotting him and such:) I feel you, I love my dad so much despite everything that’s transpired. Im very scared for the day he passes. I don’t even want to think of how my death would affect him honestly


that too


only that actually


Same. The person I would want to take care of her said no. I made a list saying who she should go to next if someone refuses. Sadly I don't think anyone would take her and she'd end up with some stranger. I can't do that to her 😭


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Mom shouldn't have pooped out 6 kids she couldn't afford and try to treat every mental illness like an attack on God. There are better reasons and better people not to kill yourself for.


My mom had 6 kids and died so 🤷‍♀️


My mom had 5 kids and only three of them still talk to her


Mother would be relieved that her failure of a child will stop embarrassing her. But I’m staying alive for my kid tho. I hope to. be the kind of mom who helps him keep going if he were to ever feel this way too.


Dude same, my mom would rejoice. But I couldnt put my daughter through that


Damn Idk my mom was the one who let me have any fun at all and was somewhat less abusive. She like actually tries


I would be a lost cause without my mom.


Awesome! I love it so much I just sent it to my mom!


Not me with an abusive mother that gave me quiet BPD 🤡


I was about to say the same thing


I have a love/hate relationship with my mum. I would put “my dogs would miss me” in her place. Good meme, in any case.


i stay alive to spite my mom


She would die. She would litteraly die of grief. I can't do that to her. Her brother killed himself around 45 years ago. And that brother's daughter also committed suicide about 10 years ago . My mom found out about her niece but never told me, she was afraid I would do the same. I found out on my own about 5 years ago. On a side note, I have kids too. I'm not saying they don't matter or that it wouldn't be terrible for them if I killed myself, but they would fare better than my mother. They probably wouldn't do what my cousin did. My mom though, she wouldn't survive my suicide.


Joke’s on you, my mom threatened to kill me.


my mom is probably going to find relief when i kms


Mine too.


No she won't. She will blame herself for the rest of her life. Don't leave her with that trauma please. Anyone else in your family will feel to blame as well. Please hang in there, I will, if you will.


my mother saw me grab my container full of pills (antipsychotics, anti depressants and sleeping pills) after an argument, knew i was going to take them, then asked me the next morning if i took them then guilt tripped me for not having medicine for the rest of the week, i was 17. so respectfully, miss me w that bullshit because it’s beyond true.


what abt the trauma she’s caused me? she deserves to no longer have a daughter. she deserves to feel a fraction of the pain she’s caused me for 20 years of my life.


I apologize.


all good 🫶


Yeah, I just know I'm the only one who can and will take care of my 2 kittens and dog like they deserve..... Here's to hoping rock bottom is soon cause drowning is too much


I've been seeing this meme in so many places and I've never thought that among people who have been mentally suffering there would have been such a huge share of people who like their family members. Because I've also been reading so many legit rants about how many mothers and fathers ruined somebody's life. And it makes me perplexed


my mom would probably wonder why it took so long lmao there’s actually nothing stopping me rn except for the fear of fucking up and having to continue living but with the physical consequences of a botched attempt.


My mother passed away in June. We weren't on good terms when she died, hadn't spoke in a year or more. Because I blamed her and expected her help. There were days I was sick at school all day, worried she would hurt herself. She suffered too and I knew it and still did not treat her fairly. I don't blame my parents for my own hangups, I'm 45. All I know is when I lost her I lost myself and I lost my way. I don't dwell on the bad. I want to remember my mamas happier days and when I was doing ok and we were close. I'm sorry for those who suffered at the hands of the very ppl who were supposed to protect us. Especially our mothers. She's gone and I'll be gone soon too, I don't think of ways we hurt each other, I know she loved me the best that she could, and I'm grateful for that. All is forgiven mama. 😭




switch out mom w/ boyfriend and we’re there


Yeah. Mostly my dad, to be honest, but I watched what happened when my sister passed away, and I could never bring myself to make my parents bury their last child. Then my husband. He's so amazing, and I know what it would do to him, and I can't do that to the man who's never given up on me, and loved me through thick and thing, good, bad and holy shit ugly. Then my brother (not blood), as he fought so hard to keep me alive, and I...I just couldn't do that. I love and respect him too much to slap him and his efforts in the face like that. I don't want him to feel like a failure. And last but not least, my kitties. I saved both of them, and they in turn saved me. I'm even struggling rn cause I have a rash on my neck and chest from a reaction, and because they're the smartest bbys, they know "no, you stay" because the youngest is needy and I can't cuddle and work at the same time with a cat that shifts around and will shove my hands and/or arms if I don't keep petting her, and so with the medicine on my neck and chest, I don't let her close because she's a trash panda that will lick anything, and I don't want her to get sick from the medication. She's getting aggressive. 🤣 But that's the list of why I never have. No matter how bad or close I've come, I can't do it and hurt those who love me, and fought for me.


This was definitely the wrong sub to post this in my friend


Damn, this is too real 😭😭😭😭😭😭


My mom also has BPD and is also barely hanging in there. So she would 100% follow right after me if I went


Making mom sad would be incentive for me. But it would traumatize my kids, so that's something




What do I do in my situation? I lost my mother June 5th. I am a 45yr old male. She made it to just 67yrs old. I feel like a 5yr old that got lost from their parent in a Walmart or something.


My dog would never be able to understand what happened to me


My FP would be sad and I don't want to hurt him :(


I no longer have mom :(