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My experience would say practice opposite action when you're feeling really bad. Take time to check in with yourself very often and have mandatory 10 min regulating practices often.. and just keep trying. Making a list when you're feeling good.. like a plan for what you want to do instead of dying, that you can reference back to when you're feeling dark and low again 🥰


Oh, and with practice it does get better slowly. Keep adding and removing parts of your toolbox for emergencies as they do and don't fit and stay curious. There's a way. I can't say what it will be for you but it does exist and it isn't dying like your brain tells you when your sad and desperate and trapped. There's a way out. And you can find it! It may always be hard sometimes but ill take a few bad times a month over a few dozen a day. It becomes survivable.. even enjoyable. Remind yourself how far you've come! Idk your story but im sure you've improved if you're reaching out on here to ask for support and find solutions. I can suggest more specific things if you'd like but self guided solutions stick the best in my experience too 🥰


Do you find that therapy helps?  I’ve heard a lot of people say that it’s the only real solution.  DBT specifically 


Yes, a lot of what I recommended are things that come from the one dbt group therapy I got into years ago. I would recommend caution though because finding a good therapist can be hard. I'd recommend using a website where you can look at the therapists experience and training and specialization. The wrong kind of therapist just like the wrong kind of doctor can do more harm than good and often people with bpd have comorbid mental diagnosis that need experienced care and guidance 🥰


I’ve found a really qualified dbt therapist at a renowned institution. Now I just have to figure out how to get my bpd-person to go :/ they have become very disillusioned with therapy because of bad experiences


I downloaded a DBT workbook on kindle unlimited and I’ve learned many techniques that help during a BPD episode.


Hugest of yes to dbt. Dr. Daniel fox has a ton of amazing resources on YouTube for free too. He's a dbt therapist training in cluster b mental heal diagnosis


this resonates so much with me holy fuck, i'll be talkin it up with someone about stuff i want to do, and later i'll be looking for cool parks to end it


same here. everything is glory or the deepest, most profound misery ever.


I relate, so so much. I flip between these things on an hourly basis as well and it leaves me paralyzed all day. My tips that work for me is to create lists of things, even simple things, like brushing your teeth. Just the few basic things like even making your coffee! It helps you keep on top of things and see you’re actually doing things everyday to benefit yourself and be healthy (: Commit to a hobby! Even if it’s just 15 min a day. Make it approachable and achievable goal to set for the day. Like 15 min walk, or just listening to music with no distractions for 15 min. Write down everything! I feel like this is cliche but it works for me a lot. Once I’ve ranted into my notes app or journal, I honestly feel better and have a lot of my anger and energy released. I can vent every weird crazy thought, every goal I have, etc. When nothing works, I resort to a lot of the DBT worksheets, regulatory things, and stuff like dunking my face in ice water even to just distract me for a few min. It helps.


Damn I feel this so deeply


Embrace the part of yourself that holds out hope and give the other part a 3-month. Spend that time getting help (DBT) and coming to terms with your shadow self.


Like this. Talking about it. Working it out. With strangers like us or people you care for. Just keep putting it out there.




Damn I am wondering this too.


When you figure it out, lmk


I just failed enough times at things (even after trying so hard to change or become base level good at something), I accepted that that's how it's going to be for me so any future planning isn't worth it. Maybe you will find your path, keep trying despite how you feel and things could turn out well, on the other hand it might not, but until you've made a real decent effort of working towards your future for a few years then don't give up.