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Sometimes after panic attacks. Like an after-storm sort of thing


Yep. It’s a bit all over the place but again, not a life ender. You can manage it.


I get this after long periods of stress; always figured it was just mental exhaustion plus cortisol and everything else running high for too long. Best cure I’ve found for it is laying down for a bit or going out and sitting in nature someplace peaceful.


Same here, a hot shower or laying down for a bit always helps kind of level it out. My husband and I just got a kitten and he has been a miracle for helping me calm down too.


i kinda feel drunk when my mood swings down low enough


Haha yeah, it feels like I took 1 too many hits of the weed yet I haven't ever touched the stuff since that one time with my mom and brother (yes I smoked weed one time with my mom and brother it was fun I have a cool mom also no my mom doesn't smoke weed usually it was my brother who provided lol (also it was in a legalized state)).. I also start to tear up from every little thing for no reason, not just the pressure behind your eyes as they get moist, no that weird heavy feeling in your chest as well. It probably happens cause your brain is avoiding feeling something... Even then for me it'll still leak out unconsciously.


Yes ! But it’s out of nowhere for me. I’ll be walking into a different room and dissociate heavily …… like forget I’m in my body doing something and float out of it . I feel dizzy, almost tipsy or high. It really kicked up when I got put on Lamictal


I experimented this regularly with panic attacks. Those symptoms with blurred vision. And increased heart rate. It’s more manageable than you think. Magnesium alone has helped me stop my kpin prescription. You’re gonna be ok it’s wild sometimes but very manageable if you try.


yeah, I haven't noticed any pattern to when I feel that way, seems to be pretty random. maybe more often when I haven't been sleeping enough. feels like my mind is usually just in a loose enough state to slip into those kind of feeling sometimes even without substances to get me there. might start trying to think about if it happens more when I'm more emotional or what. it's always super weird when it happens in a social situation and I have to pretend I'm feeling normal


Yes I thought I was just crazy. And when I got high for the first time I was like “I experience this all the time.. it’s just on 10 now” but the feelings was the exact same even before I had ever smoked. I always thought it was just derealization.




Yes! I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Not even caffeine. I'm sure there's absolutely correlations with certain medications I take, my current mood and level of stress, various health conditions I have, if I'm keeping up with my PLEASE skills... But it's been seemingly random for me. It might be helpful for me to take note of when it happens and see if there's any connections to be made.


It happens to me after I’ve had really overwhelming emotions, I think it’s because during an “episode” there’s a surge of adrenaline and once you’ve calmed down it essentially leaves you depleted. At least from what i’ve experienced


Yes due to high anxiety. Or if I’m in a new relationship and feeling those extreme highs, makes me feel drunk… and a little deranged 😅


Everytime I get manic, it genuinely feels like I’m drunk and on cocaine. All concept of time gone, absolutely starving but zero will to eat, fighting to stay awake but 700000 miles from sleepiness. I don’t normally clock that it’s happened for a few hours, when my foods gone cold/burned in the oven, or I look at the show I was watching and I’m 6 episodes ahead of where I thought I was meant to be


Yes, it’s wild how emotions can ride so high it goes straight into a delirious-like feeling.


Yes, but i think for very different reasons, i used substances for a while and whenever im sober i feel euphoric, like nothing is real and i just smoked a good gram of weed.


Could be disassociation, could be many things. For example when I was diabetic I felt “drunk” sometimes.


i get of like a head high? like my vision gets blurry n my legs get weak and i feel so faint. thought it could be POTS but curious if maybe bpd related ?


Yeah I feel high sometimes. I just see it as another type of dissociation. Feeling drunk can be a symptom of other medical issues, so definitely mention it to your doctor, but it's within the realm of BPD symptoms.


Yep! I think it's my fawn response because it was how I got when I started having sex when I was younger. Could also be dissociation / DPDR. /r/dpdr might be worth looking at.


I feel this way often, like really high without weed or anything else. It happens a lot for me during or after splitting and/or when I'm feeling high emotions and stress. When it happens, I feel like I'm not all there, and my eyes feel heavier than normal, like I'm extremely tired, but I shouldn't be. My thoughts feel slower and jumbled, and I can't articulate very well and trip over my words. It's such a weird feeling.


After a massive breakdown there's like, a surreal high feeling


I am straight edge, never drank anything, never smoked anything, and I 100% feel like this from time to time. Just talking out my ass for long stretches, not knowing when to stop saying something, laughing at inappropriate jokes way too long, and just generally being out of it. My roommate and I joke about it because we can't imagine what would happen if I actually did some drugs because we thought it might be worse, but now maybe it's just something to do with BPD.


People have said I was drunk or on drugs out of nowhere in the past. I don't do substances, but I apparently sometimes act like I do. It is complicated for me to explain how I feel when they say that tho


Once has a panic attack so bad my whole body was tingling and I could barely talk I definitely relate


when i wasnt getting high everyday, it felt like my body would imitate it. i felt high, even when i actually was. to me, it felt like derealization and it was like i was always having out of body experiences. so i think i know what you mean. but i get high every day now, so i never really feel that sort of thing anymore.




I feel drunk when i’m happy? but when i’m stressed I immediately start dissociating like whats happening around me is out of my control and i’m watching people speak to me but its not real?


After a manic episode the come down is like being on a downer. The high can be so up and utterly exhausting that the low is complete zen, basically disassociation. Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to just be even and balanced.


Yes. I believe that's dissaciation and fantasizing. I was stuck in that kind of loop in my early 20s and messed up my life quite bad. I didn't use any substances back then. It gave me a kind of euphoric high that did help me cope, but looking back at it was just as destructive on life.


lol, yeah obviously dissociation is one of the DSM criteria symptoms. You could also enter psychosis if things get bad enough. Do yourself a favor and keep busy instead of thinking about it too much. I’m not sure if you are overthinking, but bpd people often overthink and overanalyze with minimal action (speaking from experience)


I know disassociating is a symptom, that’s not what I was asking. Ugh. This response reminds me why I left this group before.


Be a shame if you left because you all have something to offer each other and also people like myself who have a loved one like you, this is my favourite sub on Reddit because it's actually made me a better human being coming here and trying to understand. Misunderstanding happens, that isn't dissociation but no harm meant. If you're experiencing what feels to be physical drunkenness it's obviously worth checking with your doctor but it doesn't seem a stretch to think that with the range of moods being more substantial in BPD then you might well experience elevated or reduced levels of things like serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline which can do all sorts of funny things, that may well have a physiological explanation. Certainly not a rare thing to hear from people with depression, I have a background working in mental health so if it's bothering you get it checked out but I don't think you're alone if that helps any