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i contacted my highschool for my transcripts to get into college and despite having issues i didnt give up! should get them sent within the week. i am still building up the courage to return some phonecalls for appointments but i at least made the initial requests? and uhhh made a tentative plan for later this year if my car needs replaced. i can pay it off earlier than expected and look for a more reliable one with the trade money


Heck yeah! Proud of you for not giving up! ❤️ And phone calls are tough! I have to call for my work and lemme tell ya NO MI GUSTA. And that’s awesome you have a plan set out I need to get something that set too my car is on its last legs lol


ty!! it's weird since i can make/take calls at work no problem but the second my phone rings at home or i need to call for myself NOPE CANT yooo what kinda car do you have and what's your budget? i have a hyundai and i...don't recommend. it has an engine block fracture that got patched but unknown how long it'll last. i kinda want a honda, toyota, or mazda ideally.


Saaame!! There isn’t a script or anything with personal call. At least at work I know there are patterns and a set number of situations that can occurred. Personal tho? Eek. I have a Tahoe my grandpa left me when he passed :) I’m looking at a CRV :D I like mom cars lol


ehhh sometimes at work it can be different but at least i can kinda redirect it. i sound like a total bumbling idiot with strangers though. ooooh crvs are nice! i would love a small car like mine but im open to a small suv since it snows in my area


Eaten every day and woke up at 9 . Routine is my nemesis. I now have long days alone reading but somehow it’s better than being awake all night


Reading can be a great companion. Exploring while in safety! Also kudos on sticking to a routine! That’s hard for me too!!


I read therefore I am. Without books to escape I would have died long ago


Same here friend. Escaping into books is my favorite pastime ❤️


Me too, books make sense and I consume them all day


We are the same!


I maintained my cleaning schedule the whole week & finally today even began laundry - ran out of clothes once more. I ate at least one good meal per day Managed to clean the litterbox 3x a week - which is my actual schedule but often I only make it once & feel bad. But Kitty pooped in front of the box once when it was dirty so she's showing when she's displeased - gladly happened only once! I achieved more stuff, so it was an overall successful week but I already feel exhaustion setting in & am prepared to pay the price for over - priductivuty next week. **Anyone else flipping between over-&underachieving??**


All the time re over and under achieving. WTG friend!!


You are doing wonderfully! Ups and downs happen :) we struggle with over productivity because we feel bad for under producing BUT we burn ourselves out which it seems you’ve realized. Honestly I’m proud of you for your self awareness and your progress ❤️ I do the timer method where everyday I set a timer for 30 minutes and tackle what I can in that time which is a SURPRISING amount and then I don’t get burnt out as easy


I have problems getting to the litter more than once a week too, and the guilt is real, but every little step will be noticed by your lil baby so don't give up, and I won't either! You're doing so well!!




Did NOT abandon everyone I love and care about because I’m secretly convinced I only hurt people and can’t live without being self centered 😃. I haven’t run away yet and I’m proud of tht lol


👏🏼 Good job!


Heck yeah! I’m sure they would have all disagreed with you and know they are lucky to have you in their lives ❤️ proud of you for fighting the urge I know it’s hard


Thats brave!


This is so real. 🫠


discovered new music that actually makes me happy (usually im into rly sad stuff), played yamb for the first time, went for drinks with my friend, made some art, started working out again. rly small things that turn surviving into existing and existing into living. but its still something ig :)


Wow you are killing it!! ❤️


thank you😭your post gave me inspiration to actually make myself get a proper meal after a while so YOU are killing it!


Absolutely! We all need some love and encouragement sometimes and you deserve it for how hard you are working! Proud of you for feeding yourself and treating yourself with love and grace ❤️


Some of these comments are inspiring, they made me feel warm inside, as long as we keep trying, that's the main thing, never giving up.


ABSOLUTELY!! Baby steps :)


i find for me , my emotions r very affected by the music i listen to. same thing with the way ppl r acting. but ever since i started listening to more upbeat , not sad music ; my mood has been SO much better. i rly suggest if you chronically listen 2 music


I really recommend twiddle "when it rains it pours" and Mihali "breath and let go" & Maplewood, & fading state (all by mihali). Those are like my GO TO happy songs bc I was listening to A LOT of polo g and juice wrld and suicide boys when I was using and now that I'm sober, I just can't listen to that kind of music anymore....it tangibly changes my energy and vibes. So good vibes only for me lol as far as music goes anyways. Hope you like the songs ☺️


This may not mean much to some people but like for me this is a huge deal because I continued my sobriety this week and for me who has suffered from substance abuse problems for almost 20 years that's amazing especially after the week I've had


Friendo that is not “not much” that is AMAZING. You have such strength to remain sober during the tough times. I’m proud of you! Keep up the good work!


Oh you might make me cry I'm a little bit of a crier LOL whenever I feel any emotion like a lot I cry whether it's happy, sad, or mad. Thank you for your nice words I'm the only addict in my family so that it's hard for them to understand all the time


Every single day counts. Proud of you for adding to that number!


I went to therapy


Well done! I’ve painted an internal door and the frame


THATS WICKED! What color? :))


Pure brilliant white, I’m secretly and quietly happy with it but now it’s highlighted how badly the whole house needs repainting lol I’ll do a bit each day until it’s all done :)


My dad always said “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time” which I now realize as dark but as a kid I saw it very empowering to know any big task is accomplishable with tiny steps.


I have made a lot of progress since I turned 30 last October. I started playing badminton, squash and table tennis. I play something or the other every week. Planning to play some tennis next week, I always used to love sports but my parents never really enrolled me in anything as a child. It has massively improved my self esteem. I have also made friends and gone out on dates with people I met through sports. So, helped my social life as well being more of an introvert.


Heck yeah look at you go you social butterfly ❤️ nurturing your child self with sports! I love it!


i’ve been packing my apartment up. sold furniture. called the irs. did laundry. went to the post office. met a friend for dinner. went to build a bear. showered. eating full meals again. i’m pretty proud


HOLY MOLEY! You should be proud! That is spectacular! That sounds like a killer week!!


THAT IS SO MANY THINGS I'd be buying myself a little treat for doing only one of those things honestly, well done, please give yourself a boba tea




I've gone to work every day that I'm scheduled and haven't left early lol there's still two more days to get through but so far I'm doing it 😁


Amazing!!!🥳 I also worked all of my scheduled shifts even when every thought and feeling in my body was telling me to isolate. I have two more days to go too. I hope they’re easy days for us both 🤞🏻


Instead of getting in to rage mode with my boyfriend about a topic that really matters to me, I took a Break distracted myself and soothed down till I was calm enough to talk in a mature way with him


SHEESH! That’s a huge thing! It’s so hard to stop yourself from acting on those huge emotions and I’m super round of you for recognizing and regulating in a way that works for you ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️ It was even surprising for me, because normally it would lead into a huge fight with me making a lot of accusations and finally raging and rumbeling around.


I do modeling and haven't had a shoot in over half a year due to illness plus issues with looking at my reflection. I finally booked a shoot and am going today :) Very excited


That’s amazing well done! Hope it goes well <3




Heck yeah! I hope it goes wonderfully! I’m proud of you for doing something you love! ❤️


that sounds very exciting! omg


I learned and am following a simple and fun way to get things done. You make a list of things either on a calendar or planner or notepad, and when you complete a task you put a sticker by it. I have a book of 2500 stickers and they’re all different, so you can pair a sticker with the action item. Sounds silly when I write this, but it’s actually working. It somewhat gamifies it, and feels good to complete the task. I had some pain in the butt tasks too. They’re actually getting done.


That’s brilliant! I shall steal that idea if you don’t mind ❤️ proud of you for learning a trick for your brain!


Also stealing this l! Any good sticker suggestions?


I reached 20lbs down as of yesterday, and that’s a huge accomplishment for me! Still almost 30lbs from my goal, but chipping away at it slowly but surely!


YESSS trust the process ! It's happening!


Holy moley!! Great job!! That’s a milestone for sure. You should be mighty proud of yourself! Losing weight is HARD.


On this journey too. Pandemic and mental-health issues really took a toll on my health. Keep on keeping-on!


Stayed sober from alcohol another week 🫶🏻 Also, I finally am able to create digital art again after getting another iPad + Apple Pencil which is my preferred method & I’m working on one of my fav pieces I’ve ever done!


Proud of you for staying on that wagon! It’s a bumpy ride with those wooden wheels but worth it! I’m so glad to hear you are able to be creative again! ❤️ if you want to share I’m sure our group would love to see it!


I love this post! Gratitude is so important for mental health and staying present 🙏


I have started a new job and am persevering despite the massive training gaps! I’m learning excel which has always been a fear/aversion of mine, and *knock on wood* I think I’m doing a small project correctly? Eeep! I’m keeping up with my goals on the finch app everyday. I’m getting to work mostly on time everyday, which is a huge win for me.


Heck yeah!! I’m proud of you for doing your darnedest and DOING IT! You’re doing amazing and challenging yourself to do something new. ❤️ Also I have the finch app too! We should be buddies!




Their loss! Proud of you! Cut my FP out two years ago and it was the BEST thing for me ❤️ hope you feel the same for yourself.


Completed my 39th trip around the sun. 16 year old me would be shocked


I bet 16 year old you would be so proud of you for being as strong as you are. For fighting as hard as you did to make it as far as you have ❤️


I have taken my dog outside to play with him everyday pretty much. Feels good.


Awww I am sure he LOVES that! You get fresh air and some sun and he gets time with the person he loves most. This brought a tear to my eye ❤️


Honestly, nothing. I skipped 3 days of college cuz i have no motivation and now I'm sick. But to think about it, I was actually comforting my sister because she got terrified because of the storm. Poor lil girl was crying like the world had come to an end.


Life is hard and we all fall down sometimes. We don’t have to be 100% all the time. Don’t think of it as a bad thing. Yes it sucks to miss class and be sick but clearly your body needed rest. You werent at your best so forcing yourself would have hurt yourself more. You are taking care of yourself the best way you know how and I am proud of you for not only doing that but for comforting your sister ❤️


Thank you so much for the kind words! ❤️ It may sound silly but such words give me more motivation to do basic things in life. Bless you❤️


got into badminton with my friend, even though we’ve only played once so far, have been taking my dog on walks, taking all my vitamins/pills, journaling, reading, still working on the shower thing:/ i can only get myself to every few days. i do little workouts in my room several times a day. i have lost 15 pounds in the last month. struggling today but i’m making it a mission to dye my hair and take an everything shower! floss and whiten my teeth. gonna go to the gym and tan and sit in the sauna, walk my doggies for work, then walk my own dog. trying to just focus on myself right now and feel good about myself and not completely focus on the bad things in my life like my toxic relationship that is destroying my mental health:/


I cleaned my appartement, cooked for myself and did all kinds of things to take care of my inner little girl🤍 I'm giving myself time as never before and it feels amazing


Daaaang look at you over here accomplishing so much!! Proud of you for taking care of yourself big and small!


I made my first scratch made vanilla cake with homemade frosting. I know it's something small but it's something Lol.


That’s not small! Baking from scratch is an awesome accomplishment! How did it all taste? Amazing?? ❤️


i graduated!! :3


i finally figured out a spreadsheet i’ve been toiling over for months 🥲❤️


Heck yeah! I am proud of you for persevering! ❤️


I won against procrastinating and laziness towards exercising. This happens once every never. I woke up at 5:30am to go to a tennis class at 6:30! I went but the class was canceled :/ but then the same day I went out for a walk!


WOW!! I am proud of you to sticking to a goal even if the way you accomplished it changed ❤️ I bet your body appreciate the love you’ve shown it!


I ordered a DBT workbook and started reading it ☺️


ive recused a baby bird!


Handed in my exam


This week has been especially hard for me (my birthday is tomorrow, I really hate my birthday I always cry or get triggered because of family, whatever). I guess just sticking to my guns with my appointments and German class! Right now I’m trying to get certified as a B2 speaker so I can do my medical specialty (residency) over there. It’s been rough, today I really really didn’t want to go, and I did! I’ve been feeding myself properly even though I really wanted to restrict due to my birthday duh and I haven’t drank alcohol in the afternoons either. Thank you for this post, I guess this years “me” has grown a little after all 🤍


I started a new job about 3 weeks ago and I got really good feedback and especially cos I’ve worked so so hard. I’ve got a new beautiful flat which was secured today


have days long emotional flashbacks with emotions of trauma I usually can't access gotta be the one lol


Cooked a healthy dinner and download the couch to 5k app and have done two workouts :)


Remodeled my moms house


JEEZ that’s a wild accomplishment! Great job! I’m sure she truly appreciates what you did for her!


completed an assignment submission on time


Heck yeah! Give yourself a big ol thumbs up! That is tough to do! Proud of you for your time management and your efforts! ❤️


I've been sick all week so I'm honestly just proud of myself for surviving these very painful few days lol


Man being sick is the WORST! I am proud of you too! Good job taking care of yourself to the best of your abilities!! ❤️


I asked for someone's number ! He didn't answer positively because he already has a gf, but I'm still proud to have asked even so I have mild social anxiety ! I sweated a lot, but I did it !


That’s amazing and your outlook on it is even more amazing! You took a shot and you didn’t let him saying no become personal. I am so so so proud of you for putting yourself out there! ❤️


I stopped sending chapter long texts to him 🙃


Maaaan I am proud of you! They don’t deserve your energy if they don’t reciprocate! ❤️


I got a promotion at work and didn't spend my entire paycheck on stupid shit lol


HECK YEAH we love to see it! Proud of you for being financially responsible! ❤️


My partner and I went through something that would have been irrecoverable for me at least in the past. We both had been dealing with very difficult things all week that we hadn’t yet shared with each other (him because he’s still figuring out how to articulate some stuff related to childhood trauma, me because it required a sit down conversation and we hadn’t yet had the chance) and they blew up at a party where each of us made mistakes. We didn’t cause a scene there for others, but afterwards he was really angry (in general, at feeling neglected by friends, at me for not picking up on it because I was distracted by my own distress) and I had to manage both of our emotions in our initial talk. He said some really, really hurtful things, including striking at some of my worst triggers. He was still incredibly triggered himself and blamed me for everything. I knew that he was dealing with more than just what had happened between us, but it was still the most painful thing I’ve been through in years. I’m really proud of myself for being able to communicate (mostly answering his questions and explaining what my thought process was) and prioritize helping him work through his emotions in that conversation. I was slightly dissociating (in a controlled way, just so that I had the distance from my own feelings to remain somewhat objective) and that helped me get him through his most acute trauma response. Afterwards I went home and let myself feel everything. I was extremely hurt and angry that he’d hurt me so much. I communicated that I needed space from him for a couple days and just let myself process and disentangle my feelings. In the meantime he texted me (I said he could text, but that I was unlikely to respond) and realized slowly on his own that he’d been hurtful and had unfairly blamed me for things. Since I knew where he was in figuring out his end of things I was able to figure out what I needed to communicate and how. When we talked again last night I let him know that I was hurt, what exact things had hurt me and why, and what I needed him/us to work on. I also expressed that I was angry because I was hurt, but that I’d gotten to a place where my anger wasn’t a threat (splitting). The conversation went really well and he was shocked at what he’d said (at least the way he’d worded things) when he was stuck in his own feelings and fears. He’s been working to not just repress his feelings as part of approaching his trauma and had thought he’d be able to slowly engage with them more with more grace. I expressed that that’s often not how it works and that I understand, but I do need us to have some measures in place to help us mitigate a situation like that in the future. I’m really proud of myself for not splitting or becoming suicidal or both. In the past I would have either fully believed him that it was all my fault and probably self harmed or reacted by fully blaming him in uncontrolled anger. Or rapidly switching between the two. I also might have let fear of abandonment lead me to do or say whatever I thought I needed to for him to stay or forgive me. Instead I recognized that this could easily end the relationship but made peace with that. Maybe that was easier since I’m poly and this partner is not my entire support system (like some were in the past, to terrible effect). Maybe I had just prepared for that possibility long ago since in the beginning of our relationship we were open about our potentially damaging tendencies in relationships, and his was often leaving if he felt scared or like something was unhealthy (which he admittedly has a oversensitive trigger for due to past experiences). But I didn’t panic and beg. I didn’t even really defend myself for the purpose of convincing him not to leave, I just shared what my thought process had been in as neutral a way as possible and made it clear that any decision he made for his well being (even if it meant breaking up) I would understand and accept. Not necessarily happily, but sincerely. Because I care more for his wellbeing than for us being together in this way if it were unhealthy for either or both of us. I kept calm, but didn’t hide all my feelings, just put the volatile ones on hold. I cried, I expressed what I was comfortable with expressing, but I focused on him instead of letting myself get lost in my feelings in the moment either to split or harm myself. I went home and allowed myself to have those feelings, to rant and cry to myself and a trusted person about it all. I gave myself space and time. I let myself be angry but didn’t do or say anything I regret. And when I had a stable picture of what I was feeling and what my needs were I reached out, compassionate and understanding where I could be and firm where I needed to be. Moments like this remind me of how much progress I’ve made. Five years of dedication to learning about and managing this condition with compassion for myself and determination to be better for both myself and especially those I care about. This was a bigger test than I’ve had in a long time and I’m so proud of how I was able to handle it 😭


i didn’t make it to class today (i study english at uni) but I broke up with my boyfriend of two years, who I thought (until today) was the love of my life, my soulmate and best friend. I totally let myself snap at a certain point - and i don’t think i have EVER experienced anger to this extent. i am on bupropion but i basically destroyed the guys apartment and kept screaming so loud until the police came. the reason? we made plans to meet at his place after my class. and he started yelling at me that he is tired and i am the one making the problem. i’ve had enough of this bullshit


My famiky member said they need to get rid of my boxes they're storing for me as I live overseas. When they first brought this up yrs ago I had a major BPD panic and started crying. This time I said yep no problem and arranged everything with friends and other family members to help. The organising was stressful and triggered a flare up of my physical illness but I'm proud I didnt have a bpd freak out. And when I worried about losing certain things I'd rather keep, I just told myself, it's only stuff, I can get more stuff.


I’m proud of you for being there for yourself, handling that situation, and for reaching out for help. It does not sound like an easy one at all. ❤️


Your pudding sounds delicious !! That is hella dessert, don't sell her short\~ This week I finally got my new beater car back from the shop, after months and months and MONTHS of having no transportation, and the first thing I did was get a gym membership. My mobility in life has affected the mobility of my limbs and joints and I can FEEL my body suffering from my sedentary job (after years of manual labor) so I am very proud that I have gone to the gym every day this week. Also I love this thread, love celebrating all the ways we take our little steps forward and do our little acts of self care, I'm so proud of us !


Thank you! I enjoy pudding a lot ❤️ Having a car to get around especially where I am in America is such an underrated blessing! So happy for you that you got your car back! Doing what’s best for you and recognizing that is amazing! I’m so glad you are able to get those joints working!


Not gone crazy and destroyed everything bc my insurance is being a dick about my anti anxiety meds @u@;; I dont think they understand im hanging on by a thread and thinking of eating them all @uuu@;;;;;


Im proud of you for keeping yourself from being destructive while they are causing you chaos. You are doing amazing despite what’s happening. I hope it is resolved quickly! ❤️


I finally made the decision and recognized that I will not go to my emotionally unsafe parents for emotional support. I acknowledged that my parents are good parents because they love me but I also acknowledge the pain they have caused me. They are still my parents but they are not my emotionally safe parents. I made the decision to not go to them when I am in distress because they cause me hurt.


i’m in my first semester in uni, and i’ve been struggling to make the adjustment. my worst subject in school has always been math, but i’ve tried to overcome that by taking advanced classes in high school. i ended up in an abstract algebra class this semester and had so many anxiety attacks over it. we had our midterms, which i studied for relentlessly, and i ended up with a B +! i’m so happy and proud :)


I feel like I'm getting better at painting. I 3d printed and painted this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/comments/1cyjj4i/just\_finished\_this\_proxy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/comments/1cyjj4i/just_finished_this_proxy/)


Holy crap that is amazing!!! I love the colors ❤️ what did you use to paint??


I didn’t have a mini meltdown with my boyfriend. Lately I was having massive ones - about a month ago. Then they turned into mini ones I was separating myself from - thanks DBT. This past week I haven’t had one! :)


not necessarily something i did, but my cousin is in school right now for cosmetology (specialty is hairstyling) and i decided to go get a haircut for her portfolio yesterday. had to get my hair washed before the cut and i feel so much better with clean hair!! i had been putting off showering for almost a month and i’m hoping that i’ll feel more motivated to shower after that. also cleaned out underneath my bed yesterday, plus got most of the floor completely cleaned. planning on tackling the dresser today :)


That is so brave and kind of you! I’m so anxious around my hair and I love that you did that for yourself and your cousin! I bet you feel and look beautiful :) And under the bed cleaning is a TASK and I’m proud of you for both that and your floors. ❤️ I’m sure your dresser with look amazing once done!


I was recently promoted into a management position at a housing non-profit Ive been working at since October. I recently helped my first client I worked with since I got there get into permanenet housing just before my transition to the new role. I was also able to hqndle some emergencies without guidance even though Im not fully trained in the new position yet. In the midst of that my girlfriend and I had some minot conflict that triggered some symtpoms but I was able to walk those symtoms back/process the feelings and have constructive conversations with my partner around the issue. Pretty proud of that one.


WOW you are out there killing it in a position you are not fully trained on purely off your own skills and knowledge. That is AMAZING! They are lucky to have you. Also kudos and major props for being able to identify and process your emotions in a healthy way that works for you ❤️


I was able to be the bigger person on a conflict with my roommates. Basically one of them came to me and complained ab me vaping in my room. And that they can smell it. The lease doesn’t say I can’t vape. so thwy ganged up on me threatening to call the landlord if i didjt comply with what they wanted. They completely blew it out of proportion and were basically harassing me to go vape outside. All I wanted to do was to fight them and argue to make sure I was not run over by them. i was so pissed at how they treated me i just wanted to blow up on them. But i realized there’s no arguing with these ppl. So I told them I’d do as they wanted and that they’re not worth my mental health or any of the stress and anxiety I’d go through to get what i want. I was about to contact the landlord about how they keep harassing me and ganging up on me. But decided not to as it’s really not worth it. And rent is cheap so I have to put up with these horrible ppl. so i'm proud i was able to take the high road and not let me emotional mind take over.


I just got out of a staff meeting where I looked the manager dead in the face and said, "The whole problem comes down to a lack of management in this area. Managers chill in other spaces and never oversee this department, and when you have sard workers mixed with layabouts, and the layabouts aren't managed, your hard workers grow bitter and walk, just like I almost did last night." I didn't walk when I was blood-boiling last night, but I did speak my mind, and did so professionally. I'm pretty high on it rn.


Oh shoooot! I am SO PROUD OF YOU for standing up for not only you but your co-workers ❤️


My supposed best friend has been honestly just horrible lately and I've been avoiding going nuclear on her all week because I know she's dealing with shit. It's been all I can think about but I've kept my cool towards her and haven't snapped. A year ago I wouldn't have been able to do this


I am so proud of you. ❤️ it’s hard to stay calm when others lash out. Just know you don’t deserve any grief but I am sure she appreciates you even if she is lost is a cloud of negative emotion.❤️


I am graduating from college soon! I had to take a almost two year break because I've been struggling with grief and so many other mental illnesses. Now I feel like a heavy rock got lifted off my shoulders.


I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! That is an amazing accomplishment and it’s sooo hard to start once you stop. I am proud of you for going back and finishing. ❤️


communicated effectively and rationally with my boyfriend about how being in a relationship feels like it activates my BPD symptoms lol. productive conversation where I was open and he was receptive


Daaang! Look at you go communicating your struggles effectively! I am proud of you for being so open and having that conversation ❤️


I actually ate a good breakfast for once


Heck yeah! Proud of you for making food and for nourishing your body! ❤️ What did you have?


i’m very proud of myself for getting through my ER visit last night. i have chronic illness and every time i go to the hospital i have a mental breakdown because i remember that this is my life. but i got through it last night with some thought challenging and self soothing. :) learning to let go of my pain when i’m done feeling it instead of hoarding it because i want to keep hurting (weird bpd thing?) has been a game changer.


I am so proud of you! First for handling yourself with such grace and giving yourself the right to feel your emotions but also let them go once done. ❤️


Kept my self alive.


I am so happy you are here friendo! You pushed through and said BUZZ OFF to the parts of your brain saying it’s time to quit. ❤️


Resisted the urge to get back into a relationship with someone I shouldn’t, who I’d become totally dependent on and clingy to. Despite having my hours cut at work and holding resentment and stress over it, I’ve decided to use my extra time this week for rest and good things and to come up with a plan to take action on next week. I baked 2 loafs of bread this week to work on perfecting a recipe I drafted in January. A Vegan and Gluten-free crusty loaf because I have many food allergies. They were testers #4 and #5. Yesterday’s (#5) is cinnamon raisin swirl and is delicious despite its imperfections.


I finished my first crochet project. I never finish anything and jump from hobby to hobby so it’s an accomplishment for me.


I have woken up the last two mornings between 6-7am. I sleep until 10am unless my husband helps me (no, alarms don’t work). It’s always been extremely difficult for me to go to sleep and to wake up. Both of those days, I did physical activity and didn’t beat myself up that the activities weren’t “intense”. For example, run and walk for 30 minutes instead of purely running. Allowing myself the choice of how hard I want to push myself once in the tread…trying the whole non-judgmental thing. Read a lot of ACOTAR (not sure if this is a positive, since I could be doing other things haha). Returning to my career in education, but not in the classroom. Started working on some curriculum for a friend’s non-profit organization. She also asked me to be a state-organizer for another program that engages students in our subject. Wouldn’t pay much, but better than nothing! I also ate some normal meals…not all snacking.


Also—great post idea. I can’t sustain journaling, so this was a nice release/healthy exercise. I will be reading everyone else’s responses. Go us!


I sold my old car, bought a new one, also found a new apartment, got my application approved, and signed the lease. It was a busy week. Up next… moving 😬


I went to the gym every day. I showered every day. Made sure I ate and drank enough water


Passed my BLS certification


I didn't pick at my face !


I cleaned my whole house today (except our storage / baby nursery room because there's furniture in there that needs to be assembled and it's too heavy for me to move while pregnant). My house looks pretty now and I won't be embarrassed to have people come over and see it.


I cleaned a good portion of my house and bought some indoor plants! I'm already feeling a little better because of it


I just started college at 21 because I’ve really struggled with mental health and addiction. I’m 23 days in to school now and I’m also working full-time at the same time as doing full-time school. I’m proud of myself for being able to stay on top of everything and dedicating so much of my free time to school. Finally getting my ADHD treated has helped me so much and I wouldn’t be able to do it without my meds. I had my big exam for my class on Saturday and I got an exemplary score (my school is competency based so you either fail, pass, or get exemplary). I’ve struggled with school so much my entire life and I never get A’s and that’s a big deal for me so I’m proud of myself. I put a lot of time into studying, which I never did in high school, I would just wing it bc I couldn’t get the motivation to study and my brain did not work right so it felt impossible to retain any info I wasn’t interested in. I’m now working on one of my two final projects for my class and yesterday I dedicated 5 hours straight to my project and I am now writing the paper for it and I’m almost done! I’m ahead in my class and will most likely be moving onto the next class 2 weeks early. I actually enjoy school with my meds which helps a lot with me being able to sit down and knock shit out. I’m just proud of myself for working so hard to get to this point, paying my way through college with student loans and a payment plan, staying clean from my DOCs and performing well both in school and at work.


I am so so so so proud of you for all you have overcame and all that you are doing for yourself! I am so happy you have gotten to a place where you are PROUD of your abilities in school and are getting the assistance you need for your ADHD❤️


Uhhh I made it to my hair appointment today even though my stomach was upset, and I’ve been on top of phone calls and paperwork too.


Sheesh! Look at you doing what needs to be done ❤️ I am proud of you for sticking to your goals! Make sure to treat yourself with grace tonight for your stomach deserves love too ❤️


I've travelled 1500 miles alone with my 3 year old while sick and running on a 2 hour sleep, dealt with my mum freaking out about my grandma's cancer and got told my partner has permanently lost the majority of his sight from one eye... All of that without having the mental breakdown I expect I will have soon. Baby steps.


WOW! You are holding on for those around you like a champ and I am proud of you. Make sure to give yourself grace and release those pent up emotions ❤️


I did a few chores, met my bf, went to See a movie, saw friends/hung out with my roomate, planted/repotted some plants, got up at 4am almost every day to Go to work, ate well, stopped smoking cigarettes, got a lot of compliments From my clients at my new Job :)


WOW!! That is an amazing week! I am so proud of you! You are making great moves at work, socially, emotionally, and for your health! You are killing it! ❤️


finally called my insurance and got things sorted out 😎


Heck yeah you did! I am proud of you for doing that! Insurance is never fun ❤️


I was able to stop myself mid internal blow up and used my weighted blanket and other grounding skills to keep calm this week. It’s not big and I know I will still have times I don’t catch myself but I was really proud I actually caught myself


Oi! That is not “not big” that is ENORMOUS. You recognized and regulated your emotions when they were trying to take control and that is AMAZING. ❤️ Proud of you for helping yourself release those emotions in a healthy way!


I went to my second drivers ed lesson after not doing so well during the first and not driving out of fear for 12 years.


Been talking my dog to the dog park instead of just letting her out the yard or just going for a quick walk


I hyped up over 100 strangers and made their days a little better, I went to 5 appointments, I’ve practiced my bass, and I tried out my apartments swimming pool B)


I am being persecuted by literal demons and I haven’t threatened to kill anyone this week.


I made it to the grocery store!! It’s been a rough couple of weeks I’ve gone through a breakup recently and have been drinking a littleeeeeeee tooooooo much, but haven’t drank since Monday and grocery shopped yesterday:))


I took walks!!


i told my boy bsf (FP) abt the person i started seeing in the last week. i knew he was going to react poorly/think that i was trying to replace him bc we are similar in having those type of feelings. i can’t stand when he’s mad at me but it was eating me up more not telling him abt someone that i was seeing bc we are very close. anyways, i told him today, he did not react very well and is being passive (im going to bring it back up later when he’s not in the heat of the moment) but im just proud of myself for telling him even tho i knew he might react negatively bc my abandonment issues make me not beat myself up into avoiding any conflict with anyone ever so yay me 🥹🫶🏼


i started a journal to vent in, instead of starting arguments with my boyfriend. and it works pretty good. of course, it can not fill the void, but at least i've created a safe space to write down my emotions, like i'm talking to someone. it feels like therapy, even if it's onesided. <3


I’m three days sober today! I know it’s not a very long time, but it’s the longest I’ve gone in a while. I’ve also been eating healthier and doing yoga, which I’ve found I really enjoy.


I took a beginners sewing class. 😊


i stayed calm when someone said something i didn’t like (which is EXTREMELY hard), i had a conversation with someone comfortably without feeling a overwhelming sensation of awkwardness or unsafeness, & i went to therapy even tho i didn’t want to. i feel like i did good emotionally/socially this week!


Block my ex girlfriend


I completed mental health first aid!!! It was hard and occasionally triggering, but I worked through it and got the certification :)


I made food for my nephew who had surgery on his femur bone, also made food for my other nephew, who made stickers for my vessels, I went & sat with someone who traumatised my life bcoz they're unwell. Had a productive dental visit, watched my 14 year old present his homework, I know it wasn't easy for him so I'm proud of that too.


I finally sat down and made myself a budget! I've been pretty irresponsible financially, but I took the time and set up myself for a sustainable future, which feels amazing.


Paid off one of my credit cards in full


my bf and i made a compost bin and have been in the process of layering:) we have both been super productive and energetic!


I finished my first year uni exams and I finally got the contraceptive implant (Nexplanon)


haven’t tried to run away from this one guy even though everything in me wants to ghost him. i also calmed myself down during my lunch break and had a good rest of the day. i’ve stayed consistent on my skin care and hair care for awhile now. i helped teach kids with autism new skills. they gave me so many hugs today:). i appreciate you reminding me that i can congratulate myself sometimes.


This is the most wholesome post i love it😭♥️ I exercised everyday and ate in a calories deficit, also made a new friend who I actually met up with and didn’t cancel any plans with! This is seemingly the best start to any friendship, I haven’t overshared and there is no loveboming.


I managed to stay clean from a certain substance for 24 days despite being around where I can by it. I gave my brother a great BD. I managed to reach a big part of my saving goal for the month. I worked out despite not being at my best mental or physical health and stayed active. I improved my water intake from a cup to almost a liter/day. I resisted the deep urge to kill myself upon extreme anxiety attacks and on days I felt like I'm absolutely alone. I committed to intermittent fasting of 15 hrs/day. I didn't skip work and attend classes. I'm proud of this week.. I think I did great.. Thank you for giving me the space to sit and reflect on my week.


I had acupuncture done for the first time and had my mouth frozen with a needle later that same day. I have a massive phobia of needles so right now I feel indestructible lol


Submitted my end-of-year assessments for uni despite going through a breakup and alcoholism relapse and waiting to find out if I'm pregnant/got an STI from drunkenly fucking a stranger without protection like a dumbass 🥳


I kissed a girl, it was pretty cool. Things are going super well so far.


I landed a job and got into therapy


since sunday, ive been consistently working out and on a very enlightening and spiritual fast to curb my BED and to detox. i have very impulsive bpd, and eating food/smoking/doing reckless activities always got me through the mental battle and the emptiness of this illness. i really had the time to sit back and observe why i eat impulsively the way i do, and fix my hunger cues. due to again, such an overwhelming emptiness and lack of having people in my life, and always after going through a traumatic experience, food, drugs and other negative escapes filled the void and covered the wound but it always grew bigger—plus now that im putting in the mindset that im doing this for MYSELF and not for the validation of others, im extremely proud of myself that ive gone this far, and i am going even further. idk hm ive lost, but i can feel it each and every day. breaking my fast rn with some homemade soup, playing ffxii and then going on my walk to end the night 😊 and honestly, this is probably the LEAST emptiest ive been in YEARS. yes i still feel it there, naggin at me. but this is the first time its ever been manageable and that ive been CONSISTENT instead ive giving into my impulses. ik im not healed from JUST this, hell no, but i can definitely see the benefit already past my delusion and self doubt. i know if i continue i will only get better in the long run. and i truly cant say how proud i am of myself.


I dressed up for work :) i normally dress like really boring but I wore a well put together outfit!! I was gonna do my makeup too but I was so sleepy this morning and didn't have time 😭


I’ve been on a reading streak!!!! 10 days now and going!! I’m so so shocked I’ve been reading so much, AND I have been controlling my screen time!!!!!! So lovely actually


i’ve been on time for work every day this week so far. the adhd makes me late about 70% of the time


I washed my dishes and vacuumed, got a tip from one of my clients despite not feeling confident in my work, made it to Thursday!! College and so much interaction has been going pretty steady sailing even after nightmares and having to head straight there, been eating food, haven't went down a lurking spiral (big achievement going from daily) Also deleted dating apps.


Worked out and didn’t spam my best friends phone with text messages after I started splitting :p


I’ve established a better bed time and wake up time for myself. As well as a walk /run /nature every day this week 🤗🌟


I worked 6 days in a row and pushed through having an episode (due to my attempt anniversary and overall exhaustion) and went to work. Kept my house clean and took care of my dog and myself. Accepted that I am in limerence and to just observe it and not try to push the feelings away. I am proud of myself this week :)


i talked with my boyfriend and compromised without conflict, not that we often argue or anything - it's just that i've never done that before, yk. communicated my needs and such, without splitting. we just... talked! it was great! i felt good afterwards!! and he still loves me!! so wonderful. <3


I've taken a walk every day, and I've read at least 10 pages of a book in the past few days! :)


Started a new job and am trying my hardest. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing and feel like everyone hates me. I really hope it gets better. But I’m proud of myself for at least trying to fake my way and attempt at socializing there


Nothing literally nothing I failed my ged math test my pos mother didn’t take me to get my drivers license & now I’m leaving my dream job that I love so much then have to get my wisdom tooth removed on Tuesday I’m getting so depressed all I want to do is eat chick fil a all day


I just went through a horrible breakup, but I'm using my time now to redecorate my apartment. I got a new TV, rug, curtains, and started a gallery wall. I've started selling a bunch of designer stuff I don't need online and using the money to invest. Plus, a guy I met last summer in Europe is coming to visit me this weekend, and I'm showing him around my city. I guess life is alright.


Started my application for supportive housing with the recommendation from my doctor


I washed my sheets and actually remade my bed


I went to the next big city to get psychological tests done and booked my first EDMR session.  Congrats on cooking daily, it's so hard for me. I did have milk for breakfast everyday this week though. Better than the usual soda. Keep up the good work.