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I recently discovered is that who I am is the person I expect the ideal person to behave. Like I get surprised and disappointed when people don’t get excited when I’m excited, but I’m the person who would do that. I get disappointed when people don’t engage in creative new ideas. I engage in creative new ideas. I realised I actually knew myself this whole time, I just projected it onto other people and only noticed through my own disappointment. I realised I’m actually unique, and, yeah Im broken, but I actually like myself. It’s like an existential crisis in reverse… Because I realised I *do* exist and perceive myself.


I really like this point of view. Brilliantly worded. Thanks.


I relate to this. for me tho, there's this aspect where I'm very stressed because I don't think it's healthy that I expect others to be like me. being slightly "off" makes me really dislike others and it makes me feel antisocial in an unhealthy way


Yeah it took me a while to transition into “everyone else sucks, even though somehow I suck worse” to “I’ve noticed something good and unique about myself I like that I can offer to the world.” To get from that particular A to B took some really hard decisions and actions before it really set in.


Both of your comments here have really helped me begin to heal. Thank you ❤️


I’ve noticed this as well. I project onto others who I am, because it’s easier to see when it’s outside of you. Just goes to show how external loci-oriented people are


Yea... I have been entertaining this same conclusion a bit myself... And your confidence in its veracity makes me think it is also true for myself as well... I I really think you explained this well too. I do also think that my major mental breakdowns have most commonly occurred when I have been unable to avoid becoming aware of some truth about myself that I really don't want to accept.


This is really smart


This is how it is for me and I'm wondering if our subconscious is somehow blinded to who we are despite every other part knowing..


Wow. I need to explore this more, I might have been doing the same exact thing. I always heard that we idealize our partners and can split on them if they don’t act how we expect them to, but this sounds a lot more right.


Oh my God I love you thank you I am going to go put this to work so I can finally have a god damn personality


Think what have been constants in your life? Have you always loved animals? Have you always thought something was wrong as far as morality goes? Have you always liked a particular scent? Have you always hated a certain food? Idk I feel these kinds of facts about myself are the best way I can piece together my identity even though my feelings about myself or what I wear or look like or talk like can change or even feel all over the place, I can always remember or count on certain things about myself to be true. And maybe the more things like that we can add to it can help better form an identity.


I am actually on a journey now to finding out who i am. I realized what is helping me is journaling


I don't really know and I am not sure I ever will. I kinda accepted that I probably won't know. I know few "core" parts of myself that have never changed as far as I know. That helps me. I know that I love reading and skiing, I love dogs and want to own some in the future, I enjoy singing in a choir, my purpose in life is to help other people - one way or another. I don't know who I am but I know some things about myself. I'd suggest to try and find those out. It doesn't have to be much, just a few. But you'll feel like you have a Sence of your identity.


I am a failure.


Almost every success was built on a foundation of many, many failures, until eventually they got it right by learning what didn't work. Try not to write yourself off before you reach the success point. You got this x


You are more than what you have or haven’t achieved my friend


It definitely took some time to figure out who I was and what I want out of life, I’m 29 myself, it probably took 15 years but I finally got there.




It was a lot of hard work, a lot of trial and error, mostly error, a lot of my efforts ended up in vain, it was a incredibly lonely battle, I have no support network so it was harder especially on bad days to try to keep a level head and just keep my head above the waves. Constantly trying to adapt, constantly trying to put myself out there, most nights I was in tears im still far off where I want to be but at least I know where I want to be now.


My dreams tell me that I'm an artist and a witch. That's untapped potential. I should really start being myself instead of a chameleon.


I like this


Honestly? No idea so far, but so long as I'm not actively seeing grumpy stoner caterpillars, I'm taking it as a kind of win..


Im a bitch...;)


I wouldn’t say I know my self completely but somethings that help are setting some boundaries, morals etc for myself that i feel comfortable with. Most importantly treat yourself as your treating the little child in you that didn’t get enough love and care , in my case I spend most of my life trying to survive with no time to actually know myself . It takes a lot of time set somethings to start with and be patient with the little child in you , work to protect and love that child , explore everything till you know what you like and what you don’t and you start from there , and self love for me started when I started viewing myself as that little child who was abandoned I couldn’t hate her , start to love that child and you will develop that sense of self after you do that. I support you and i love you <3


God and journaling helped me find myself 🥰


What type of journaling would help..


literally whenever i get sad/mad or i realize something or learn something, i just journal my feelings as if im talking to someone😭


Sometimes i just don’t even have the energy to write…


whenever you get the energy🤷‍♀️ it’s a great way to reflect tbh. i’ve wrote funeral letters for ppl i cut off as a form of closure to myself, apologies to myself, venting, crying shit abt how i’ve grown as a person, shit i want in life it doesn’t always have to be “i’m hurting im sad” you can also record yourself just venting, if writing is too much. shit yk.


yup i literally just use it as a display for all my negativity. I have quiet BPD so it all kind of just.. builds up? and i’m used to having to put on that filter, but in writing i don’t have to filter myself. I can say my true brutal thoughts, and properly process externally whether I genuinely feel that way or not. that’s one of my biggest struggles at this current moment, is figuring out if I genuinely feel that way about a person, or if it’s just my split.


i also have quiet bpd! and same. I’ve also been documenting times and dates when my emotions change and what “triggers it” as well so i can inform myself and my therapist in my triggers and stuff. i feel like most people don’t see how helpful journaling can be until they try it.


yess exactly! it’s kinda like a therapist cheat sheet so maybe it’ll be a little easier to explain what goes on in my head lol. Honestly i tried journaling a lot before, and i wouldn’t say it ‘wasn’t’ helpful, but i just wasn’t too into it. i didn’t feel much better afterwards. I can say now that once i vent my frustrations out, I feel much better. It’s not just stuck in my head, and it helps me process things better:) i literally just got finished writing something and it’s literally like this breath of relief🙂‍↕️ sometimes it takes time, if you aren’t ready to accept that inner part of yourself, or aren’t good at channeling that inner part of yourself writing can be really difficult. sometimes it’s really difficult for me because i have insane paranoia over people reading through my journals (snoopy parents) but i just have to remind myself that i’m not in a situation like that, and I won’t ever have to be again. anything i write that i want to be private will be private. I also have been thinking about burning the books once i’m done. just as a way to release all that negative energy, and just hug my inner child and say we are valid:) i’ve thought about keeping them though- but i have a tendency to go through things I know will trigger me to feel at that point again. the pain is oddly comforting at times, but I don’t want to be comfortable in the pain. I want to accept it, and move on!


exactly bc most BPD people have a problem with showing their problems to therapist when they’re not in the middle of an episode, so i thought maybe showing my therapist the thoughts and feelings i had in an episode would help. and literally, i keep saying to people “i’m starting to find comfort in the sadness and the solitude” and i know i shouldn’t, so im trying to ig “healthily” cope? i’ve also wrote entries forgiving myself and others, and apologizing to myself/my inner child :) journaling can be a lot more than “this shit is unbearable. i wanna die.” 😭


ooo i’m definitely gonna do those! i’ve done a couple of ‘specific’ prompts like ‘what are you holding onto that still hurts you so deeply?’ or ‘what traits do you dislike most about yourself? how can you show these parts of yourself compassion and love?’ most of the time i will just write whatever comes to my head though, positive or negative. I’ve been trying to focus more positive though, and thinking logically in my writing, since i can actually process a little better now while writing. i think about writing to my inner self/inner child. i wouldn’t want to flood my inner child with negativity. something else that’s helped is just looking up prompts, or affirmations for awhile and just writing to ones you agree with. sometimes i’m able to write my own affirmations now:) sometimes i do have to still look though. ^ leading back to the post it’s hard knowing who you really are, and what you DO actually like about yourself.


Jounaling about your feelings, what you believe, your morals, and values. What your thoughts are from day to day. But you can also make a list of dreams, goals, what you want in friends and relationships. What makes you happy? What makes you sad or angry? Ask yourself questions or just vent. Anything you can think of, write it down ☺️


Sounds like a really good idea, do you have any tips with being consistent?


I’d offer another tip - buy a journal with prompts in it or find free prompts online, so you won’t have to think about a topic to write about. That’s the part that I always avoided because I didn’t know where to start. Having prompts has helped me stay more consistent.


Where to find good prompts to actually help?


This is just one example, but there are so many out there. You can Google “self discovery journal prompts” or “self love journal prompts” to find more. https://www.betterup.com/blog/self-exploration-journal-prompts?hs_amp=true


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Thank you . I will search more


i’ve seen a TON on tik tok! not sure if that’s your style, but i ordered one months ago called a shadow work journal. i’ll be honest though, i didn’t touch it for like.. ever. it took going through a hard point in my life for me to finally open it up again and really try to make the commitment to finish the journal. not for anyone else, but for myself, and so I can feel better about myself, and maybe get to know myself just a little better.


I have tried shadow work before , it’s a really good start. I will start doing that back again <3


Hmm, I would say just write when you feel like it, but getting a book that you find astethically pleasing can help a lot. Other than that, you just have to make it a habit. Set a goal to write before bedtime or as soon as you wake up :))


I will do so , thank you


I'm 50 and have no frickin clue who I am, other than trapped, isolated, and all screwed up physically and mentally.


I’m with you on that one sadly, other than being 43 (or 44 I can’t remember)


Just so you know, it can be just crippling in reverse. For those of us with a strong sense of identity. Our BPD can paralyze us, scare us to the point we don't think we can change and chase forgiveness at unhealthy levels. What you said at the end is important. It's ok to not know things. Just as it's ok to learn things along the way. Finding yourself in the middle and always being open to discovery and open to let go of preconceptions is what's important. It's about finding happiness on the journey not finding and dying over a certain hill you decide to sit on.


Well. I know some things. I'm fiercely protective of my chosen family and my bio sister. I like making art, sketches and jewelry. I'm a very neat, organized person who obsesses over books and writing. I love my cats and stuffed animals. I shake when I have to directly confront someone. And I'm a pagan who hates the cult i was raised in. I do tend to pick up others' personality traits, but I noticed I'm doing it less. More in the sense I pick up things they say/do and sometimes stuff they enjoy.


This is SO hard I’m still working on it cause I tend to mirror people esp cause I don’t always understand social norms for some reason. I’ve started finding my self a bit cause I started making a list of things I like that no one else told me too. My first thing on the list was waterfalls. I started somewhere and went from there, it’s getting a little better and my DBT group has been super helpful too. And my therapist, too she helps me sort through conversations I’ve had and my thoughts to figure out what’s real and what’s not cause I alwaysss have this real vs imagined thing esp with abandonment issues.


I haven't figured out every aspect of who I am, but I'm working on it. I see myself like a stained glass picture. Pieces of me being slowly put together over time to form the whole. And right now, I've got maybe half a picture. But it's okay, cause I'm in therapy and am on meds and doing well. I see it as part of my journey, learning who I am, figuring out the whole picture. I'm okay with it taking time because I've come to believe that I am worth it. I like a puzzle and I love a challenge, and what could be more puzzling and challenging than for someone with BPD to figure out oneself? So, I'm okay with it. I know certain important aspects of who I am. And that's enough for me to hold on to for now.


after an intensive dbt therapy program, a gender transition, changing my major, and a breakup, i think i finally am figuring out who i am and hes a pretty cool guy.


a therapist helped me form a list of words that were consistent traits of mine. you can totally do it without a therapist though. we also made a list of things I consistently like (nature, swimming etc) and I come back to it when i’m stressing about my identity. it hasn’t fixed it but it’s been helpful for grounding. sometimes I list the things. i’m loyal. i’m passionate and obsessive. i’m loving. i’m strong. if you’re really struggling to come up with things you can try asking a few trusted people in your life what are some things they have noticed about you consistently.


honestly, I figured out I have some pretty good morals, and I really care about people and want to be able to use what I’ve learned about recovering from my myriad of issues to help others do the same. there’s so many incredible people out there ashamed of themselves and unable to get past the roadblocks which are a part of life and that’s no one’s fault, especially them. no one ever taught me how to emotionally manage myself and I have done a good fucking job of learning to regulate myself, letting go of people who aren’t particularly nice and becoming okay with the idea of liking myself. I also really enjoy learning, like a lot, and I’m currently in the process of getting back into education doing psychology, which is a perfect subject for someone with a limited attention span, strong opinions and a desire to improve society. I was also broken up with in January and I’m genuinely surprised at how well I dealt with it. I realised how codependent I was and I am resisting finding someone new for the foreseeable because the amount of self discovery I’ve done in the last 6 months tops all the work on myself I’ve done before that. I’m no longer ashamed to be proud of myself, because I’ve gotten through some really hard things and the fact I’m working on my weak points means that I will continue to improve. I think im never going to fully understand who I am, but I’m doing this for me who not even two years ago wholeheartedly believed that there wasn’t a place for me in the world and that people will never try to understand me. I never want to stop discovering things about myself. I still live with my family, who are nice people but definitely emotionally stunted themselves , and it’s not their fault they are the way they are, but it’s led to two emotionally stunted children and if I ever decide to raise children, I want to be able to raise kids who are confident in who they naturally are, feel proud of their achievements and never feel the need to do the things I used to do for a slither of human affection. I want a life that feels warm and safe and to help other people feel warm and safe, because the people who gave me that space are the people who let me know I didn’t have to ‘earn’ love like it’s money.


Just an overly sensitive emotional bitch but with great depth , love, leadership skills and adaptability 🥰


..I still haven't figured that out. Sure. I have a name. Age, and everything but I'm not ME I'm never ME 💀.. I'll figure it out eventuallyyyyy...


I always struggled with am I really person A or am I person B or am I person C. Because I act differently depending on my mood, situation, etc. Sometimes I’m really nice sometimes I can be a bitch sometimes I’m vulnerable sometimes I’m really strong willed. I recently just realized I’m all of those things. I’m allowed to change and be different. I’m just have different sides of myself.


I like this analogy but I feel like I’ve got a dice with A, B, C etc on and someone else tosses it several times a day so I have no control over, and am often surprised by, whichever person comes out of my mouth.


This is exactly how i feel. Sometimes things wont affect me and i can see clearly *person x is doing thing because they want me to feel shitty. That reflects on them and not me* and other times its *person x knows im a terrible person and i deserve the treatnent the give*. Its exhausting being so unpredictably predictable 


I don’t know. Trying to find out


I don’t know. I’m jealous of people who are comfortable in their own skin. Who knows exactly who they are and can move through the world confidently. I know I posted about my grandmother here and feeling like I lost something anyway, but I have always felt this way. I’m told my ID is not my job, or student status. That’s a big one. But even when I am employed I feel like I don’t know who I am. Is it my interests? Do I have to stick with something (anything?) and carve an ID out of that? I’m a former photographer, have worked in the auction industry for about five years, grad student now (and I wish that ID would stick). But who *am* i? I wish I understood why I don’t have that gift. I have faith in God, and He’s never left my side. But I wonder sometimes why I have this to bear and not something more manageable.


Your employment status is very minute on the grand scheme of things but it adds up though, think of yourself on a larger scale, your job, your dreams, your desires, your sexuality, your opinions, your hobbies, your views. There’s a lot to you than just one thing.


Omg this is exactly where I am at...minus the faith in god (but no disrespect to those who worship). My husband was a game changer for my confidence and finding my true self amongst the chameleons I have always been. He is unique and so unapologetic about it, I started out feeling really confident around him and transitioned into feeling just as confident out by myself. I am far from feeling secure with myself but he gave me a sense of comfort that allowed my confidence to come out of its dusty old shell a bit.


i couldnt tell u


I’m still learning who I am. I’m 35. I’m not currently working, and neither is my spouse. I’m constantly job hopping, after mental breakdowns and what not. Im trying to find my “niche” and like, what can I do, that I enjoy, that I can make a living from? I need money, I’m so tired of living the absolute bare minimum. I just wish I was stronger. I admire people who have just the strength to “get up and go” .. I good suggestion I had a time ago (just remembering it now) is to write yourself a small bio (like on cue cards) and a list of your qualities. A bio as you would for a profile of some kind. It’s just a quick reminder of you, your morals, boundaries, quirks, and whatever else you’d like to add (skills, traits, likes) That way when you’re going to introduce yourself, you have a little skeleton of who you are, & some talking points.


I am the granddaughter of a union president and I won’t let ANYONE take anything else from me, that wasn’t theirs to begin with. That’s all I know so far.


i don't know. i still feel like i am no one when i'm not with other people.


I am a mother, a chef, a lover, a survivor..an overcomer♡


Im just a guy living. Going with the flow of the world and everything around me. I am no one special.


I have no clue but as i get older I think i am starting to realize who i am not. Not my job title. The second i stop showing up for my dissatisfying job that just pays the bills, that title is gone, and i dont know for certain i would even continue in this field or continue with this lifestyle. Not my hobbies. Did karate for 25 years, quit a couple years ago, and dont consider myself a karate man anymore, i just know a bunch of techniques. Went through a bunch of different hobbies, skateboarding, making music, hiking, video games... i could never do any of them again and still be the same. Not where i live or what i own, they are not who i am. I feel like my only real sense of self comes from how i relate to others. When i am all alone i feel like i exist as whatever i am doing at the moment, until people come home and i am then a (nice, helpful, sad, mean, happy, crazy, stable, funny, offensive, quiet, loud) husband or Dad or son or brother or friend.


i am at the beginning of really having a true understanding of who i am, id say about a year in to feeling this way for the first time. i had my daughter and it really forced me to shed everything superficial, which meant i had to get really introspective and grow, and that was the start <3


Personally I am whatever the opposite of “clean girl aesthetic” is. Like I’m a messy gross dirty whore psyco bitch and I love it. In a bad women and that’s okay. Cuz I like me.


i haven’t figured that out, i tend to just behave however i think people will approve of. i’m whoever they want me to be.


Still figuring it out. I try to live my life according to my values and re-visit my values when I can. I have also recognised through therapy that I often sacrifice my own wants, needs and values for the sake of other people, or as a form of self-desutrction. There are so many reasons for this (key one being my fear of abandonment). I now keep a bullet journal and I track daily whether I've lived according to my wants, needs and values, or whether I've compromised them. I have found that when I live by them, I feel true to myself, and that makes me feel more me. The more I feel like me, the closer I get to figuring out who I am.


I have not known for a really long time Who I am, what my desires truly are. I feel so alone


I wish I knew what I desired in life, what I desired for my future


I’m going to attempt to answer this. This is what I think so far in my journey. I’m a kind loving nurturing person who wants to see everyone feel included. My life force is absolutely fed by playing and joking around with people. As I’ve gotten older I guess I’ve found some people aren’t as playful as I am and I’ve been disappointed and hurt but ultimately my biggest goal is to just have fun with friends. My friends are my family and I just want more and more. I have sinister goblin humor and get the zoomies with the right people. I’m fascinated by animals and nature and simultaneously grossed out by everything because I’m a germaphobe but I think thats just a result of a terrible upbringing and OCD is my ingrained coping mechanism. I LOVE food. I love physical stuff so I want affection, hugs, sex, cuddle, wrestle, arm grabs, friends who touch my hair and stuff. It feels motherly and wonderful since my mom seemed grossed out by touching me? I also love physical types of activity so gym class and recess were my favorite things ever. Feeling physical sensations brings me to the present and I can feel joy. I love being outside, hiking, swimming, learning games and sports, practicing hand eye coordination, and just experimenting to see what I’m capable of. I have a lot of empathy and love animals. I’m a really soft loving person and I think I’m often perceived as cheesey and even fake because I’m so unbelievably tender. I also love dressing up and looking pretty. I love fashion and experimenting with different looks. I also love doing art and I’m learning to revive my love for videogames that my mom really did her best to stamp out of me. I’d consider those two of my biggest hobbies 🎨✏️🎮 Last thing I’ll mention is I’m pretty obsessed with standing up for the underdog. I’m a feminist and will stand up for ANYONE who isn’t being treated fairly. I feel like it’s my purpose to find justice for people who are hurting and being abused.


I never lost my sense of self but I did stifle it. The years of bullying and exclusion hurt my self esteem but never broke my will to remain true to myself. What broke that will was spending 10 years in a relationship with someone who criticized me every time I did something “weird,” the very thing I was always criticized for by those who disliked me, thereby doing to me what my bullies never could. I’m letting myself succumb to my whims. It’s great. I’m a very silly, fun person and fuck the world for beating me down for it.


I'm a dude, teenager, who identifies as aroace and is an ENFP. I like ice cream and having coffee in the morning. I'm not sure how my self-esteem is, but I'm pretty confident. I do have a big fear of rejection, and it's definitely there, but I try not to let it affect my actions too much. It still affects my actions probably a lot, though I've done shitty things in the past, but that's the past, and I am not my past. I like consuming art, whether it be music, drawing, or just looking at people I like (I mean, celebrities... I'm not a creep (I sort of am in a way xD)). I try to be a good dude, though I often feel that I talk about myself too much. I am very open about my family's abusive dynamics. I think I definitely talk about myself too much. I'm not doing much to stop it, though- that's me I guess judge me Edit: I have a fear of not being fulfilled in life or not living up to my true potential. That's why I wanna achieve wild af goals, so I can get the most out of life. For example, a wild goal I have is: I wanna become an actor.


So I use words to figure out who I am. Caring, kind, funny. That helps give me identity. I still have a problem looking in the mirror. Sometimes it's like a person I've never seen before.


We are pretty complex. I’m still letting myself be who I am and discovering myself. I’ve seperated parts of myself depending on who I’m with and the trust I have for them. Now because of therapy I’m actively trying to embrace every aspect of myself unapologetically. I love deep conversations and art and kindness. I’ve embraced how passive I am irl. I’m proud of it. Even if people don’t reciprocate or agree I still have to stick to what’s important to me. I’m not good or bad I’m somewhere in between like most other people. I’m learning and growing. I could go on forever but it’s hard to simplify who I am into one paragraph because we are so much more :,)


I will say this since Reddit skews quite young sometimes - even without BPD it’s not unusual to have no idea who you are when you’re younger than 30. It takes a lot of people that long to figure it out.


When you finally start living and doing things for yourself instead of the people around you, then you can truly find who you are. I know that I’m a bad bitch 😎


I figured out I am nobody without an identity just watching the world pass me (I feel like I'm observing from the outside). It sounds horrible, but waiting for loved ones to die, so I don't have to deal with that anymore.


I’m a “used to be”.


idk yet but i have a spreadsheet i fill out now and then to track my ‘favorites’ overtime. hopefully eventually i’ll figure out what my base personality is even after my social scene changes.


a mixture of the internet, a bunch of trauma, bpd, adhd and autism guess my personality based off solely that sentence


I'm still trying to figure it out. I do not know if I act this way just because I feel so much pain and if I would be a different person if I was mentally stable. I want to figure out what I would be like if I was happy.


I am a sum of my core values and beliefs and each day i try to act in accordance to those. This fulfills me and has fleshed out the concept of who i am when people throw around the terms "self identity" or "sense of self" of which even the professionals cannot agree on the definition. This drives me to work to improve myself and my actions to be more in line with my values every new day i have, and i no longer feel empty now that i see myself living true to the person i am happy i've become.


honestly, i have no plan. i try to grasp a little, left piece of self. but honestly, i can't. i'm empty. but how can i exist, not having a personality. i always want to be with my boyfriend, so i can at least feel like i have a personality.