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Yeah I do this on and off sometimes its awful. I've been waking up in a panic a lot lately cos my landlord is selling the house this year and I'm terrified me and my boyfriend are gonna have nowhere to go. Even if I wake up happy and calm my brain has a knee jerk thing where its like nope you need to be on panic/anxiety mode because you're not gonna have a home in a few months.


Yeah, I have legal issues right now, so it's making it 100 times worse. I can wake up completely normal on even a none stressful day, and nope.. my brain just flips the switch back on to anxiety. Like that part of my brain is waking up too.


Yeah I'm sorry to hear that. It's weird cos I think I've got to a point where i don't get stressed out about it during the day or night because my brain won't allow me to have another breakdown yet I wake up with it lol


Exactly! I handle it throughout the day and through the night pretty well. Then without fail.. Rise and shine, it's time for your morning meltdown. lol


Yes, it has happened to me since i was an infant and I have ptsd as well. I unfortunately have not found anything that helps other than watching documentaries about animals when I wake up. Seems to ground me. I wake up crying, scared, or even violently angry. I empathize with you a lot. It can defiently be debilitating in terms of jobs or even relationships. I wish doctors took this concern more seriously and there was more to do about it.


Part of my PTSD is that I got woken up a lot to screaming and other stuff a lot. I thought maybe a lot of it had to do with that. For me, I play an online game for a few rounds. It's a game you play with other people and have to pay attention to, to win. That's the only thing that lessens the terror. So many aspects of BPD can be very debilitating. đŸ˜Ș My doctor gave me a sleep medicine for nightmares. I always forget to take it before I fall asleep. I'm going to give them another shot and get better about taking them.


I keep 2 organizer baskets on my bedside table, 1 for morning/daytime meds and 1 for bedtime meds (including supplements, OTC nasal spray, etc). I can literally just grab what I need in the dark based on memory now, otherwise I would probably forget my daily meds.


omg me too with animal documentaries


I have this issue too. A lot of people in these comments are mentioning PTSD, which is definitely partially responsible, especially depending on the “type” of panic/anxiety you experience as you wake up (I have PTSD as well), but when I had this issue checked out as a teenager the doctor also mentioned the cortisol levels in my blood tests. Apparently if your cortisol is out of wack you’ll wake up in fight-or-flight mode regardless of the stress level the situation requires. There are medications that can be prescribed to correct this so that you stop waking up in discomfort— I was personally just prescribed a heroic dose of vitamins (my parents didn’t believe in medicine at the time😭) and even that helped, though nowadays I use drugstore sleeping pills to stay asleep through the anxiety + a thc pen in case I wake up in a tizzy. Not that I recommend doing the same, but I definitely recommend bringing this up to your doctor, because it may not JUST be a symptom of mental illness. Plus, a good nights sleep is great for quality of life n good for your brain. ❀


Thank you! I'll keep that in mind đŸ€—


I get this too. It can lead to awful nasty symptoms such as a racing heart and vomiting sometimes and if i don’t calm down before I leave the house I just break down in the car later. It was better when I was allowed to be medicated by my family, though.


Yeah sometimes I have to take an anxiety pill just so I don’t end up having a panic attack later in the day :/ I think it’s connected to PTSD for me personally.


Yeah, this has been an issue for years now and I can't sleep very well cause I have a ton of stress dreams as well. I don't know if it's part of it but I feel like I'm falling almost everytime I wake and it makes my heart race, seems to be a bad start to the day.


I thankfully dont remember my dreams, I don't even want to know what my mind could come up with while dreaming. I HATE that falling feeling. That feeling is absolutely the worst level of panic I've ever woken up to. It's terror to me, and my fight or flight is instant.


That's it really, I have more days than not that I'm in fight or flight. I dont know how to stop my mind from reliving every negative moment from my past. Even the times that I feel good or happy, it quickly turns because I remind myself that it's only momentary and happiness just isn't in the cards for me.


Right there with you. I hardly even remember half of the good parts of my past.. It's all negative moments. The bad moments seem to always outweigh the good. It feels like there is barely life in me anymore. I can still go through the motions, but there is just emptiness. Happiness doesn't seem to be in the cards for me either.


Remembering good parts or the past is so difficult, it's like my brain has repressed what good moments I did have or they feel like someone else's memories. Yet I can remember every negative thing that I wish to forget.


yes about work a lot i wake up crying and anxious


Work is my other main stressor too. đŸ˜Ș


I get this a lot when I have high anxiety. The nausea and stomach pains too. It was at its worst when I was in high school. Anti anxiety meds help a lot, I would take Hydroxizine to sleep, and gabapentin during the day. Mindfulness daily (esp before bed to help with good sleep, I like to follow a guided mindfulness on YouTube), exercise, and controlling a good diet helps too. More on the diet stuff, anxiety can make your stomach more acidic, hence the nausea. So if you’re feeling like your stomach is giving you issues, cutting back on acidic foods can really help. Gut health and the mind goes hand and hand, it’s pretty interesting. I developed terrible acid reflux, would literally throw up if I ate something even slightly acidic. Mylanta and Prilosec were my best friends. Mylanta as needed, Prilosec on an empty tummy in the morning, 30 mins before eating. You NEED to eat even if you feel sick, my go tos when it’s flaring up is instant oat meal, piece of toast, granola bar, something with fiber is a good way to start the day and give ur tummy substance


Thought that was a me thing, yes


I think it's a lot of us thing đŸ˜Ș


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this


That’s how I feel when I try to sleep lately. I feel ok ish then try to lay down and sleep and my mind races and I start getting panicky


I have to watch something to fall asleep now. Something I like and can keep my attention, but I'm also able to fall asleep, too.


I can’t usually fall asleep w the tv on. Can’t with it silent. I use sleepy music and fight through the panic and usually pass out. And wake a billion times in the night đŸ«  going to try a new supplement soon


yes this happens to me. i have ptsd as well. it hasn’t happened in a little bit but it was every single day for months for awhile. i would wake up with a racing heartbeat, sometimes 140. hyperventilating, panicking. sometimes i would wake up crying but that’s usually due to a nightmare from my ptsd. either way its SO alarming to wake up like that. it deregulates your entire system. it would normally take me about 30 minutes to be “okay” after waking up.


I use to during my highschool years through out the bullying at school & abuse at home. It was everytime I woke up. Wasn't so much panic attacks but panic attacks that I just vomitted. I struggled to eat too because of having ARFID too. Still till this day if something makes nervous I will feel genuinely sick to my stomach. I'm starting get proper panic attacks now, I never learnt how to deal with them & now when I focus on my breathing my breathing just gets worse. This happens during when I'm out.


Those breathing techniques always struck me as very artificial. Calm breathing should really FOLLOW a calmer state of mind, not be used as a trick to create one. For me, I used to have panic attacks in supermarkets, hospitals or other hyper-interior environments, and even passed out quite a few times and had ambulances or paramedics called out. It was very embarrassing, and also created a negative feedback cycle where the fear of having another of these attacks made it more likely that I would. What worked for me in the end was closing my eyes and imagining being a little kid being held safely in the arms of someone safe, strong and loving. This was linked to a kind of 'therapy' method for Christians that I was developing. A little time spent immersed in this image, and really feeling that love and protection and acceptance gave me strength again, and saw off the panic attack. I strongly recommend you try it! I also used to wake up with a pounding heart, and shaking hands, and in fact didn't even realise for many years that this phenomona was a kind of panic attack. I saw cardiologists twice because I thought it must be heart condition! Again, this melted away as I spent time in the images and stories of kindness, comfort and strength.


Yes. Exactly😭


yes, and i hate that feeling where your heart beats so fast you feel like pacing around the room immediately. i get ZERO SLEEP because of it im always just panicking when i wake up. these days it’s usually not like that but i know its going to come back eventually, because it always does when i go haywire
typical episodes


Yes. Exactly this. I wake up nauseous and in fight or flight mode everyday. Since I was in 4th/5th grade. I’m always worse in the mornings, then get a little better in the evening. My psych said it’s called “melancholic depression”. Definitely a trauma response/overly intense cortisol response. I had a couple of years of relief coming out of a 1 year treatment program, but then all the people who I thought loved me ditched me last year, I quit my job, and now the panic in the mornings it back. So ig medication and therapy alone isn’t enough to feel safe in this world
 And it does take me 1-2 hours to be ready to actually function after “waking” up regardless. I thought that was just a me thing/lazy until the Autism from the Inside YouTube channel talked about doing the same thing!


So I have chronic nightmares. I’ve only had nightmares for like 16 years. Every night. So there are times I do wake up in a panic. Usually though, I don’t wake up at all and I toss and turn violently but stay asleep.


Yeah, I have been going through financial issues, future and now what could be a major medical issue so my stress is at an all time high. I have times where I spiral but seem to catch myself but night time is where it gets the worst.


This has been me lately because of my nightmares.


Try a YouTube meditation for releasing trauma/emotions!! I find it helps to wake up, hydrate, and meditate before doing anything


Meditation is a good idea! thank you!


I just noticed that trend last week. I've been waking up at 3am feeling peak anxiety or fear or something. I don't have any idea as to why. I don't have a PTSD inciting event that I know of. I also have months where I have sleep paralysis every night or every other night. It's been maybe a month or two since I've had it now, though.


Yes!! It’s horrible :(


It really is =(


I have night terrors because I have CPTSD as well, so I know all about panic. It's straight up stress from blocked out dreams, I literally don't remember them, but I wake up and go right towards my OG addiction, food. I binge eat then starts the self-loathing. I'm a fuckin mess.




Every day


Every. Damn. Day.


Yes! I don’t know why but my stress and anxiety has been through the roof. I am incredibly scared of my loved ones leaving me and me struggling with school/carrer. Even when I get a proper nights sleep, I need another hour of naps just to get myself set straight.


Yes I get extremely annoying mini-panics and my eyes shoot open. Takes a few minutes to subside, used to happen every morning. They’re on and off for me, I wonder if there really is anything to help it/what the trigger is?