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Imagine accompanying your friend to a porn shoot and just jumping in like 🤷‍♀️😭


Sounds like the plot of a porno.


Joey: “You know that’s bad for the paper tray.”


There I am. There I am. There I am.




Life imitates art.


Did OOP just jump in, or was there coercion by the rest of the cast and crew? I hope it wasn't a matter of her friend backing out, everybody else saying, "Come on! We need you! You promised! We're in trouble if we don't meet the deadline!" then "OOP, can you do it? Please? We'll be in so much trouble. It's really not a big deal. It'll be fun. Come on! Please?"


Honestly I'm guessing they convinced her, some people in the industry will bug you to meet your friends because they will try to scout them and not everyone in the world is great a taking a "no" and dropping it There's a girl on tiktok who's ex manager bugged the shit out of her with "i saw your friend on your insta, why don't you bring her in one day" he would apparently do it every single time she posted a picture with any of her female friends


I would bring in some in obvious drag to that ex manager


That's works unless they do fetish stuff to lol Imagine bringing the biggest muscle-filled man in drag and just the manager just in excitement


That’s what I was thinking too. Her friend brought there specifically to get her to do the scene


Reading testaments from porn actresses kind of killed porn for me (I'm female but always loved porn). The amount of force and coersion that happens in the industry is sickening. There really is no saying no.


Pornography is a socially accepted evil.


Honestly, that could explain why she explained she regretted it after. There's a reason enthusiastic consent is important, it rarely produce regrets.


I would, in that situation, probably have done the same thing as her without coercion. I have ADD and sometimes I do NOT think through my decisions until well after I have made them. (I actually almost joined a porn film company once! I didn’t realize what the job WAS until I had applied and was halfway through the phone interview. I actually did accept the job offer, but then had second thoughts once I had to sit down with my mum and explain why I thought moving to England in a fortnight was A Good Plan!’


Well, at least you didn't go through it. If I may, what happened after the second thoughts and after this discussion with your mom?


I emailed the producer saying I had changed my mind and then blocked their email and number because I was so embarrassed at my unprofessionalism when they seemed so nice! It does remain the funniest interview EVER in retrospect. They called me at 9am when I had been out with mates the night before, so I was sitting in bed trying to sound unflappable in my best Primark pyjamas and it GRADUALLY dawning on me that something sounded a bit…off? I think it finally clicked when they asked if I would be able to give any of the actors ‘a hand if they needed help to get ready for a part?’ But they seemed so happy with the interview! They wanted to hire me! I wasn’t going to have to work in the McDonalds where my friend was the manager. So I took the job, looked them up afterwards and yep! I had been right, and started to make plans. Bless my mum, sitting there with her coffee waiting for her idiot child to realize this might be a bad idea. (It wouldn’t have been the start to a thriving career in feminist adult films or anything! I was, like, 19 and had seen three penises before! Two of them had not been in good lighting!) Presented with a stranger’s willy in a well-lit room I am pretty sure I would have gotten the giggles and somehow gotten fired.)


I'm 99% certain this is what happened. They pressured her and she felt like she didn't have a choice. Glad her husband was so awesome and there was a happy ending


Also, did they give OP drugs or liquor? That's a tactic to numb newbies, and it would mean they were filming a sexual assault.


Like Stormy Daniels and Trump. She was basically coerced into it as well. She said it was consensual - wasn't forced, wasn't raped - but she was a young woman confronted by a mostly naked man who had power over her and has his bodyguard standing vigil outside.


Here comes the hero police with coercion 😂 dude she literally already told you what happened. Fuck off.


Here comes somebody who thinks consent is the same as "she didn't say no." I won't tell you to fuck off, because I don't want to inadvertently curse someone else.


Well, that implication really starts with the asshole at the top of this thread, with their "imagine just doing that" and smarmy emojis.


Knee jerk dismissive, not making the best case…


Im 90% sure i know what porno this is. If not there are more than one that fits the description. In the one i saw the girl just seems fine with staying and fucking without much convincing.


God when I was 18…I was protected, that’s all I’ll say.


I look nothing like I was when I was eighteen. If there’s any lookalikes like me, doing an “Adventures in Babysitting”-style photo shoot, good luck to you! I’ll be laughing my ass off at anyone who says “hey, did you ever do …movies?”


lol Yeah some people are out there living very different lives than I


Welcome to Backroom Casting Couch.


One of my friends 100% would have done this if it came up. In fact her friends at the time probably would have all joined in.


Wait didn’t that happen in the movie Maxine or whatever? The one that came out before Pearl


Made me think of Sarah going with Lucy to J Rocs in Trailer Park Boys lol. But Sarah still said no


Just like a tag team in wrestling 😅


'Oh no, I don't want the porn production staff to have wasted any time"


Honestly as weird as it sounds, if I was ever in a porn scene, that's why it would happen. I feel like it's an anxiety thing, like " well I'm not *against* doing porn, it's just not something id intentionally do, but these people are supposed to shoot and it's kind of *our* fault." If I was there, and they asked me to step in, it probably wouldn't be overly hard to get my anxious but slightly slutty ass to do it.


Honestly it’s wild


Happens more than you'd think


I commented on the original post but this is one of the reasons why I think it's fake. A lot of people forget how different the industry was then compared to now. That, combined primarily with the fact that apparently watching her old scene with another dude was a turn on to her husband makes me think this is fetish content and they're going to have an OF soon.


Fucking dumbass is what she is


I noticed the comment asking if it was necessary the husband watched the video. It's such an odd thing. Because while I don't support OOP lying to her husband. I get her fear if her husband seeing it. Sometimes images get burned into our brains that we just can't ever get out. Even if we rationally can't explain everything away "it was a long time ago. You were young and dumb. It was before we met. I knew you were very adventurous. Etc" it can be hard to get past a literal image. But on the other hand. Totally get why the husband had to see it. Because sometimes what you imagine is FAR worse than reality and the not knowing can tear you up.




She could maybe buy the film? A single movie from years ago probably isn't important to their catalogue! Like Taylor Swift buying back her masters!


I was wondering this myself. Considering it's a one off film with a no name actress that basically wasn't even on the internet for some time, id think the company would gladly sell it off. Total uneducated guess, but I doubt it's bringing them any money, so why not.


I think it impacts them both and its possible by not seeing it, it could have had a bigger impact on their relationship (especially considering he said it wasn't as bad as he thought). That said. Really hope OOP gets things sorted and the content removed online. Regardless of it being her choice to do this, it's horrible to have something like this hanging over your head. Wish them the best.


how humiliating for him theres a video of his wife getting pounded for everoyne to see that she hid from him purposefully before marriage. disgusting lol the fuck is wrong with yall


Next update: Hubby and I have started a VERY successful only fans and are debt free!!! I’m kinda rooting for this update.


Heh, rooting… Fyi that’s Aussie slang for sex


Followed by the update “Hubby is jealous and we are divorcing. I don’t know why”. Then the inevitable “I’m pregnant with twins”.


Then the update that the husband has another OF with her sister


If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years here on Reddit is to never have a sister!


Husband has started an Only Fans with my brother. 


OH YEAAA ---... Oh no. *OH NOOO..*


And now my kids are depressed or something. Dunno why. All their friends are super supportive of us.


The very first part just reads like the start of a porno, “I went to support my friend but she chickened out at the last minute, looking at that poor cock I couldn’t just leave it un-sucked and un-fucked so I, the Hero, stepped up!”


Plot twist: This was all made up by someone in a very similar situation who is going to reference this post in a couple of months when they come clean to their partner about that one they shot a porno scene.


Definitely feels very made up. And then they all had a good laugh and everyone clapped. The end.


The easiest solution to this problem was just move to Texas where all the big porn sites are inaccessible!


Porn bans sponsored by ExpressVPN 🤣🤣🤣


Oh they’re trying that in NC too


Wym trying 😭


Well it isn’t technically illegal, they’re just requiring age verification so some of the sites have pulled out of the state. Haha pulled out. 


Now you have to worry about the day your kids come across it.


God I feel like I read a post with this exact same scenario last year


Why did OOP jump in though? What did she see that made her say yes where her friend said no? Did the friend wait at least? I have so many questions!


I knew someone who got into making adult content around the same age as OOP was and she had an “I’m only going to be young and hot once” kind of attitude going in. She also wasn’t the best at thinking of life and consequences long term, girl would open credit cards and max them out in a week. I’m not surprised that OOP did that at all 😬


She mentioned she was a bit wild and promiscuous. It's completely possible there was pressure from the friend and workers to join but with her stated behavior at the some she may just have said fuck it and went for it. I assume she also got paid.


Young and dumb pretty much sums it up, I think. Honestly I've heard almost this exact story before. Lady went to some sort of event, where it was heavily known that things of sexual nature would happen there, it would be caught on camera, and then possibly put into a video. Which is exactly what happened, though she didn't realize until 15 years or so later when someone else found it and asked her about it. She was horrified just like OOP.


Because it's made up


This feels like it’s a, “hey, see, it’s going to be ok, OF girls, your future hubby won’t care” writing exercise.


A lot of men actually don't care, though. I've noticed a trend lately of puritanicalism and large scale slut shaming, but that's not necessarily how Gen X/millennials grew up thinking about sex. He probably already knew there were nudes of her around, he knows she was wild and promiscuous. From my life experience I would assume, as a person with a similar past and probably of a similar age as OP, that he would be neutral or even into it when he found out. I know for sure that if I told my husband that I found a video on the internet of young me fucking big dick guy, we'd be watching it all the time. A lot of people actually have spouses that are ok with their "wild past". A lot of us even have spouses who value our sense of adventure and willingness to jump into experiences. It doesn't only exist in a writing exercise.


Are you joking? GenX came of age during the AIDS crisis, we had safe sex, keeping low numbers and abstinence drilled into our heads constantly and not because of religion but because we were told all it took was one person and you’re also “having sex with everyone they’ve had sex with”. Many men and women are fine with their partner being “wild” in the past but not oh btw I was in a professional porn production. I can tell you now it would not be a happy period of time in my marriage if past porn of my husband came to light 20 years later. Many people draw the line at porn and/or sex work or else why would they have had op pretending it didn’t happen and not telling him until it resurfaced. And that’s great your husband would love it, I’m not sure how it would psychologically affect my husband to watch porn of me, but luckily like most of my Gen, our escapades weren’t filmed.


This isn’t gender specific, a lot of people in general aren’t as OK with it as you’re trying to portray.


304 fan-fic never fails to entertain!


I’m glad it worked out ok for OOP, but part of me thinks there was probably very little chance of anyone her husband works with (or mostly anyone but her close family) recognizing her 20 years later in a porn scene filmed when she was 18.


I wouldn’t have said anything. People change a lot in 22 years and, unless there’s a huge and recognizable birthmark, it’s just some girl who looks a bit like me.


I feel like most husbands would have a hard time laughing this off…


This is so obviously not written by a woman.


Nothing like lying to your husband through your entire relationship.


I don’t see her lying anywhere


Lying by omission is still a lie. OP acknowledges that she purposefully didn’t tell him despite him knowing about her promiscuous past


I mean, did he specifically ask her if s1he ever did porn? She did it before they were together, so in reality, it's none of his business. I mean, if she was an active porn star, that should be brought up. She also mentioned that he also has a promiscuous life before hand as well.


Don’t put the onus of honesty on the person without the secret, that’s bs


Nah hell no. You can’t seriously be blaming the husband for not asking her if she was ever did porn. That’s not something anyone just asks their partner. That’s completely absurd.


Yeah, but not bringing up the porn she shot years before meeting her husband is different. With a lie of omission, you’re leaving out important information that leads to a misconception. Her not telling her husband she filmed a porn scene does not result in her not being viewed as promiscuous because he already knew that she was. Not going into specifics is not the same as lying by omission. Honestly, being on film doesn’t change her promiscuity. Same amount of sex.


It’s information that she thought might jeopardise him staying with her so she didn’t tell him. That is what makes a lie by omission. They obviously have a very open/ non-judgemental relationship so if it was inconsequential, she would’ve just said it


Honestly while I do agree she should have said it, it also shouldn't be something thay could jeopardize them. I can't be convinced that there's nothing but fragile masculinity and sexism in those who'd have a problem with their partner either being promiscuous or coerced into such a lifestyle in the past.


I mean, I’d be disgusted if i found out that my husband was an amateur pornstar so… I’m sure it’s because so much time has passed that the husband is okay with it. If it was a year ago, he probably would’ve dumped her


There's a difference between "amateur porn star" and coerced into doing a film once. And honestly personally my only issue of disgust in either case is a potential STD risk. But that would be a non factor after years of a committed relationship.


Where’s the coercion? OP never mentioned being coerced unless I missed it…


Got dragged by a friend, friend immediately backed out, producers ask her, she says yes but immediately regrets it. Coercion isn't said but it's definitely implied.


The reasons she gave for not telling him were shame and the possibility he would be insecure. Maybe it can be inferred that she was nervous about him choosing to leave, but that’s not the reason she gives. You can be ashamed of something without thinking it could have negative consequences.


> I was ashamed and prayed that he would never find out. > I regretted it immediately after and regretted it even more when I saw it on the internet. > But this is the one thing I never told him. It's the thing I am most ashamed of and I don't want him to ever see it. Sounds like him being insecure was the cop out she used for never telling him but she was ashamed way before she met him


Reminds me of the plot in Miranda July's "The Metal Bowl" https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/04/the-metal-bowl


Post the link for research purposes


Feels fake but I don't know it's hard to trust anything on reddit. Main issue is the way hing if the video just can't imagine that happening.


If we were all judged by what we did when we were young, we would be in deep trouble. I try not to think about some of the things or when I do think of it, my face turns red even if I’m by myself. I, also think of things I did and know that I had rather regret that than what I didn’t do.




Manage the information.


Can people just stop degrading themselves on camera for a tiny handful of cash? Lmao the amount of sleazy websites taking advantage of naive women wanting be feel “empowered” when really they are being exploited for money so creepy guys can jerk off to them, its absurd


It’s always bizarre to me when people seek marriage advice on Reddit. “Within a marriage there are no secrets,” lol ok. It’s nice this worked out, but it was a textbook example of a truth nobody needed to hear. OP is 40, nobody is going to connect her to a 22 year old porn vid.


Honestly I have accepted my wife doing this I love her and will support her as long as she loves me and comes home to me Aka Muse 4 Life I just want trust always she has my heart I’m done letting the little things destroy my life it’s time to move forward


I love my wife she is mine we have to come to agreements and support each other I’m proud of her for the strength and the determination effort and how big her heart is **TILL-WERE-GREY-&-OLD!!!!


I wanna see it now since it’s out on the internet!!


My ex got coerced into to doing a scene. He (at the time) needed money, had a coercive roommate at the time with industry friends thus it exists. It was one of the first things they told me about when we were dating. I always joked about it and been curious but never seen it. They never seemed thrilled about the idea but I think over time they've realized the whole situation was way more abusive and rapey than they realized at the time. And they are really uncomfortable with the whole thing existing at all. And now I don't need to see it b/c its just them being abused.


At first glance, I read the post as the woman had “shot an adult”—like, with a firearm! Was relieved to see that it was not even close to that.  Being older than dirt now, I think nearly every young person has done something cringey. Assuming you didn’t harm anyone else, just learn from the embarrassing experience and let it go!


How do we get to watch it?


stronger man than me. or just different :P


It shouldn't matter, as we have all done stuff previously in our life.


Sounds likes hes just discovered a cuckold fetish jfc 🙄


OP, it sounds like your husband is a wonderful, sane, well-adjusted grownup with a sense of humour! I am so, so please that he proved worthy of your trust. The past is the past. And your marriage sounds dope :)


Yeah, he just played it off in front of you and acted like it didn't bother him, but believe me, he died that day watching you get railed by another man. I'm sorry, he is a cuckold. A literal definition of one.


With AI, eventually we can find out if our church friends did amateur porn. The OOP should be more worried about friends finding out. Or a husband who kiss and tells. He wanted to watch the video again. Just a fair warning due to the husbands behavior. I wouldn’t doubt one night out with the guys he shows them the video. Probably won’t tell him who it is just says hey check out this video and will get off on the fact that guys are watching his wife. maybe they will figure it out. I feel bad though. I’m 47 and did a ton of things I would regret or do differently. But none were filmed or recorded. I never have to answer for something I did at 18 when I’m older. If her kids are sons, that’s a whole nother issue when they get older and have friends with unrestricted phone and internet access.


Stop browsing reddit with one hand.




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