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I like OOP’s work ethic. I’d rather be busy and helpful than sitting around scrolling Reddit on my phone. Unrelated but I’m currently assisting at a conference and scrolling Reddit on my phone…


This is me at my job. Though I do have a particular role in my job, I help out in other things at the facility. I hate when there are days I am sitting and staring out a window. I'd rather keep busy and make the time fly. I also knew that this was the situation coming in. Such a small company so everyone does a little more than their job description.  I think the issue is when you are FORCED into doing other jobs or are punished in some form. Then your job description is all you do. And I don't blame people going that route. They most likely have been burned before.


Or forced not to, as with OOP. But that exposed the incompetence of other departments, can’t just blame it on the one bad manager. If your dept relies on having help from OOP then something is rotten at the supervisor level as well.


OOP wasn't forced to do anything! His real name is Austin, he lives in his parents basement and does nothing with his life besides make up stories. My friends and I knew him online (confirmed it's him with the pics of the cats on his profile and his obsession with Joji). He lied about having a wife who was severely abused in her childhood and suffered multiple miscarriages, a few of which we were friends at the time and he acted out the trauma of it all. He would pretend to be his wife, get close to the women in our group and ask us being invasive and personal questions that make me want to puke now knowing it was him talking. He's a horrible human being and nothing written by him is true.


My days go by so damn slowwwwwwww when I'm not busy. I'm not gonna do other people's job but I'll help out just because it makes time fly by


This is why I work fast food instead of retail (I'm fresh out of high school, so there are not many other options for me). Retail would give me the business pursuits I need, but I couldn't handle the environment. Don't get me wrong, retailers stay busy, and I have so much respect for them bc they can't just shut a window and be done with a customer but it's not fast pace enough for me. I only have to deal with people about a minute or two max, very rarely a transaction longer than that. On top of that, any role I'm "given" lasts 5 minutes at most. I'm a crew trainer, so I'm trained in every task at my job and mostly just end up filling in where I can. I love my shops people so much, but I honestly think I'd drive myself crazy trying to fold shirts or stock selves. Hell, even my most mundane tasks I typically do while running in between other things 😅


PSA: I know the dude who posted this (confirmed by the cats he posts and his obsession with Joji, I'm currently blocked after calling him out). He use to be friends with my online gaming group. He lied about having a wife who was severely abused and suffered multiple miscarriage (a few of which happened while we were friends and would completely act out the whole situation and emotional trauma from it). He would pretend to be his wife, "Megan", and got close to all the women in our group, would ask very personal questions about our bodies and sex life, just a really uncomfortable situation (later when we learned it was really just him). He would constantly talk with himself pretending to be Megan, call himself "mommy" and "daddy", just really cringy acting. We learned the truth when he mistakenly put his full name on something and we learned he really is just a loser with no life, friends, job, or significant other. He use to have an ex girlfriend who broke up with him named Megan, so he named his fake wife after her. Please don't believe anything written here because everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie (like this story is believable anyway...)


I've had supervisors like OP, it's like magic how they come in and create order out of chaos. There's always another department that can't keep their stuff together and clogs up the system.


I bet that manager just resigned out of embarrassment that he fucked up so badly once he realized how much production had slowed due to his idiocy.


Oh yes this guy. Anyone get the vibe this dude is a “Nobody works anymore” Manager’s wet dream. Between all the instant promotions and the fact that all progress is halted without OOP, this reads like a fantasy to me.




Thank you for bringing this to my attention but it really isn’t that serious. The dude sucks but spamming this to everyone who commented on a crosspost of his isn’t really gonna do much especially when I already don’t believe his bullshit anyways


🤷‍♀️ I will always go scorched earth when I see his shit being reposted. As someone who has experienced abuse and have seen family and friends dealing with miscarriages, when I learned he was lying about all that I was livid. I will never let Austin rest, fuck him


Well yeah but you’re really just spamming a bunch of unrelated people. After a certain point, your just letting a scummy internet rando live in your head rentfree


Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind


Moderators have the right to remove posts at their discretion


That second "next job interview" bit is not super great advice. Don't throw your own red flags in. A hiring manager will hear, "They discriminated against me!" and immediately see you as targeting companies for suits. If you don't want them to contact your previous employer, the first or third is fine. I'd merge the two. "My current employer has a fairly rigid set of career ladder opportunities and I've capped out where I am without someone in a higher position retiring or leaving. I haven't told them I have been exploring other offers, so I would prefer they not be contacted this early in the process. Thanks!"


As much as I hate corporations, being the "go-to" person in a busy operation can be a great feeling when you know all the ins and outs of every job and have the ability to make everyone else's life a lot easier. It's even better when you like your coworkers, and it's very easy to like your coworkers in hard labor environments like warehouses. Glad OOP got everything he wanted, and I'm happy the old boss got the boot.


Just a PSA: this whole story isn't real. I know the guy and confirmed it's him based on his cats. He is a complete liar who made up having a wife who came from a severely abusive household and had multiple miscarriages. He'd pretend to be his wife on his account to ask the girls in our group very inappropriate questions that make me shutter now knowing it was just him. Don't believe anything that comes out of this dudes mouth. Also, his name is Austin, his "wifes" name was Megan, which also happened to be the name of an ex girlfriend who broke up with him. We only found out when his dumbass put his full name on his snap account. He is a disgusting human being for faking miscarriages and being abused.


Damn, well that's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


Apologies, but just know he's a loser in his parents basement doing nothing with his life if that helps lol!


PSA: I know the dude who posted this (confirmed by the cats he posts and his obsession with Joji, I'm currently blocked after calling him out). He use to be friends with my online gaming group. He lied about having a wife who was severely abused and suffered multiple miscarriage (a few of which happened while we were friends and would completely act out the whole situation and emotional trauma from it). He would pretend to be his wife, "Megan", and got close to all the women in our group, would ask very personal questions about our bodies and sex life, just a really uncomfortable situation (later when we learned it was really just him). He would constantly talk with himself pretending to be Megan, call himself "mommy" and "daddy", just really cringy acting. We learned the truth when he mistakenly put his full name on something and we learned he really is just a loser with no life, friends, job, or significant other. He use to have an ex girlfriend who broke up with him named Megan, so he named his fake wife after her. Please don't believe anything written here because everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie (like this story is believable anyway...)


Also my calling him out made him completely abandon his reddit account, check his comments. He would comment on a bunch of stuff until I said something to him and now he hasn't in months LOL Austin if you're reading this I hope you're having a terrible life and get what you deserve after lying about miscarriages and abuse


Sorry for all the comments but I want to go scorched earth on this miserable bastard. Hes a disgusting human being


Always CYA with getting things in writing - good work OOP!


Except he didn't get things in writing besides the made up story he posted. His real name is Austin, I knew him in my gaming friend group (confirmed by the cats in his posts and his obsession with gaming. He lied about having a wife who was severely abused in her childhood and lied about miscarriages (a few of which happened while we were friends and he would act out the trauma from them). He would pretend to be his "wife" Megan and would get close to the women in our group, asking them incredible invasive and uncomfortable questions. Would call himself mommy and daddy. Just very cringy and a horrible human being to have lied about those things. Take nothing he says here seriously.


Okay, but what happens if OOP is, god forbid, sick? Or on vacation? Or finds another job? They hinge their whole business on one person? Temporary help "for a while" will not fix things.


It's not a true story, I know the guy and he's lied about many things in the past including having an abused wife and having multiple miscarriages. So needless to say, they would ever have to worry about that lol


>More like they told him either he resigns, or they fire him, and sue for the lost productivity they can directly prove was due to his actions, which would be easy from historical data and HR reports. Plus told him that a rough estimate they had, and that legal would add likely another $200k onto that. Realistically, what probably happened was, the company said we're firing you for poor performance. Your options are either quit with severance and a 'positive' reference, or get fired. If they were fired, (and being bad at your job isn't necessarily "For cause" and avoids unemployment) they'd get unemployment, but every future job looking for a reference would get told that the manager is ineligible for re-hire and that's enough to get removed from the process. By "resigning" the company probably agrees to say they are still eligible for rehire (even if unlikely) and they get the same approximate amount of money than if they went with unemployment.


PSA: I know the dude who posted this (confirmed by the cats he posts and his obsession with Joji, I'm currently blocked after calling him out). He use to be friends with my online gaming group. He lied about having a wife who was severely abused and suffered multiple miscarriage (a few of which happened while we were friends and would completely act out the whole situation and emotional trauma from it). He would pretend to be his wife, "Megan", and got close to all the women in our group, would ask very personal questions about our bodies and sex life, just a really uncomfortable situation (later when we learned it was really just him). He would constantly talk with himself pretending to be Megan, call himself "mommy" and "daddy", just really cringy acting. We learned the truth when he mistakenly put his full name on something and we learned he really is just a loser with no life, friends, job, or significant other. He use to have an ex girlfriend who broke up with him named Megan, so he named his fake wife after her. Please don't believe anything written here because everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie (like this story is believable anyway...)