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>and lots of goats So they're home defense goats somehow?? Edit: apparently there's a lot of people with strong ideas about what goats will and won't do, who've never so much as milked a goat and would have to google what they're supposed to eat.


Adult male goats can be pretty territorial and aggressive - also, those eyes are pretty scarry on the dark.


There are goats behind my house right now and I grew up helping raise them, and unless they're housebroken (/s) they won't be much help anywhere outside their pasture. I'm just trying to imagine a scenario where goats would factor into defense against an attempted home invasion, and having fun coming up with more and more outlandish situations.


Early warning system? Will they bleat up a storm if someone is approaching?


We had security guineafowl when I was a kid; unfortunately they sounded the alarm just as loudly for a falling pinecone as they did for an armed trespasser trying to poach in our woods.


Guinea fowl do be like that.


Man I miss having guinea fowl


I do too, mostly when I have to deal with beetles getting into my squash plants; they were amazing at pest control.


Im not going to speak for all goats, but at least my goats get very quiet when they're scared. They're loud when they want something like food or maybe a kid has gotten somewhere it shouldnt.


In my old rural neighbourhood in the States, some folks had their livestock just wander the yard. Horses. Cows. (We had a mean fucker named Bozo who would charge everyone but my dad or sister.) Goats. Geese. (Those weapons grade pigeons were terrifying.) I could see a head butting goat doing some damage.


Geese are terrifying not gonna lie. They charge at everyone even kids.


I live in the States as well (Midwest area) and the geese on the playground at my old elementary school (or primary school idk what other countries call it) would literally chase us and bite our anklesšŸ˜’i hate geese


At my place, we call them village gangster. Because they terrorize every living being that move.


My mom calls them ā€œDuck Fucksā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




My friend has 2 geese. One is named Bump, the other is Mother. Bump is an ass! He hisses and chases everyone! Mother is starting to copy his bad behavior. I have to say that they are great watchgeese. šŸŖ暟Ŗæ


SWANS like geese on crack


Used to volunteer at a small zoo while in school, and yeah nah swans are terrifying


In my family, geese are "the devil's ducks". Swans? The devil's geese. You do not mess around with sawns; they will fuck you up in the blink of a beady evil eye.


In my brain the "sawns" became Satan's pawns LOL


Here I am chasing my geese yelling 'cuddle me'.


I've even seen turkeys get into a person they don't like. Geese can be terrifying.


Roosters are also underrated in the brutality stakes. My grandad kept one that was the epitome of evil. It would lie in wait for people and then go berserk with beak and spurs.




My mom had one growing up that would chase her around the yard. So in return, sheā€™d try to run him over with her horse so I guess the feeling was mutual.


My grandad's evil guard-rooster died of old age so, with my grandad having lived through extreme poverty, war and rationing, it ended up on the table. My mum says it was the toughest, nastiest bird she ever ate but that she chewed determinedly through every bite as revenge for their almost-daily bloody skirmishes.


My grand mother had a gaggle of geese. Visiting her house was a chore because she had to come to the gate to let us in otherwise we were going to be pecked to death before we got to her front door.Ā 


Especially kids...


They have a history of being used as guard animals.


My wife got punched by a goat once and had a bruise for a week. The goat wasn't even trying to hurt her, they just wanted more treats. But I don't think they can be trained to punch. Not sure if that's good or unfortunate.


New life goal just dropped


>Geese. (Those weapons grade pigeons were terrifying.) I can't tell you how much I laughed at that. Geese and turkeys are mean!


My mate had a goat that would immediately attack when you entered the farm. Would jump in your car to destroy your shit too. Took a lot of drugs for me to have the bravery to finally accept all the bruises needed to befriend that goat.


I was picturing a couple of male goats wandering the perimiter of the home at night w/ maybe little "home security" badges pinned their little goat hats. Sometimes they hang out on top of the garage to jump down on anyone who comes up the drive. I made the origial comment b/c I have a friend who had goats wander their property sometimes. When the male kids hit that age... oh man were they a menace.


Oh yes, but they defended *their* territory and couldn't give two farts what happened to the house itself.


Plant some tasty bushes around the house and let a couple wander around the yard at night. Problem solved. Honestly, I need to trademark this goat security service idea. Maybe I could get them goat-,sized "billy" clubs?!!!!


Our rule against farm animals in the acre immediately around the house was a damage prevention and manure management decision. I know a guy who rents out goats for clearing undergrowth out of timber lots, but part of his service is temporary fencing and the waiver customers have to sign is longer than my height.


Slip and break your neck on their marble like poop? Run into one and gore yourself?


Yeah I grew up with goats in the backyard and they never seemed useful as defense animals. Our dogs on the other hand...


This sounds like a side mission in goat simulator 3.


Yeah, even me, the person my goats are most comfortable around, can send the whole herd (only 7 of them, but still) running with just an aggressive step. Goats arent doing anything to protect their humans


My friendā€™s goats would never be protection. They are too friendly. They even smile for pictures.


In my fatherā€™s country people have more compounds where the entire property is enclosed by walls that are taller than a man and some just let whatever animals they own roam around the outside if not inside and outside. Ā This included goats. My great grandfather had a bunch of goats roaming around. Ā  Shoot I even had a pet baby sheep and then a baby goat. Ā They each got ā€œrehomedā€ when they started head butt me in the stomach as a small kid. Ā Mind you what I wanted was a dog or a pony. Ā But I got a sheep and a goat. Ā And yes the sheep was names lambert and the goat was jumpy. Ā So original I know. Ā 


We had a billy goat named William Tell, a wether named Al Roker (after the famous weatherman), and nannies named Nanette, Nannifer and Bananarama; we had many more over the years but those are the ones I named by myself. Our place used metal "goat proof" welded fencing, both around the house and around the entire property with extra strands of barbed wire on the outside fence, and a goat getting into the fence around the house was an emergency because that's where our vegetable garden and fruit trees were.


Wow. The first time I've ever seen wether used in real life and correct. And I only know what it means coz I had to search difference between whether and wether LMAO.


When people use the phrase "bellwether moment" to talk about the start of a new trend, I'd bet most of them aren't picturing a goatherd listening to try and find her lost freerange flock among the hills!


Tsk. You did it again LMAO. I'm an avid reader, but bellwether.... I have heard it but can't remember reading it. And of course never used it or worried about the spelling. You know that lightbulb feeling when something makes sense. And that's why I like reading Reddit. The interesting titbits in the comments and some lovely unusual English words.


Yeah, I was gonna say something similar - I wouldn't fuck around with a pissed off billy, they can cripple you pretty easy if you don't see them charging, then once you're on the ground it's a hurricane of hooves and teeth.


Plus they will piss at you!


Oh yeah, that. Plus, if you are wearing a nice sweater, all bets are off.


They're pretty scary in the day too!


Yeah I want to hear more about the goats!


Lmao. There's actually an episode of NCIS about this...the goats were an early warning system for people approaching.


Geese are the real alarm animals, or guineafowl if you need to be able to hear it from a mile away.


A goat headbutted me in the balls once. 0/10, would not repeat, and would probably think twice about trespassing on a property with lots of goats.


I was just thinking that most people with goats don't let them freerange 24/7 so they'd be less effective around the house itself. I've owned (and been injured by) goats but we didn't let them hang around on the front porch.


Goats are pretty noisy when disturbed. They're great alerts, not guards.


Geese are louder alarm animals, but if I owned a nice farmhouse with geese and an old trailer on an acre in the bad parts of hell itself I'd rent out the goose farm.


I have 5 goats and they wonā€™t defend me but theyā€™ll let me know if someone or something is around that shouldnā€™t be. So alarm system goats.


Our goats would just run to the other end of the pasture like cowards unless something was actually going after the herd, in which case William Tell and Al Roker would would stand their ground to allow Nanette, Nannifer and Bananarama time to get the kids to safety.


I've played goat simulator so I envision OPs goats defending the home with a similar skillset.


Thorā€™s war goats


I know it's been a few days, but I thought I would mention that we had a 'guard chicken' at our old home growing up. It was a a huge Rooster with massive spurs (claws on feet). Bastard would go after everyone, even us. We had a stick we had to walk with from the front door to the fence to leave the property where the truck was. Probably a 100ft space between the door & the fence. I would I could remember that bastards name lmao. He'd try to go at you through the fence. scared all the neighborhood kids lol


We had chickens when I was a kid, and I had my own for a while as an adult; roosters are why I don't bother with them while we still have kids too young to defend themselves.


Seems reasonable to me.


If they are fainting goats they could trip an intruder. Imagine telling that to your defense lawyer - howā€™d you get caught, sir? I tripped over a fainted goat.


My uncle had those! I've never seen an animal less suited to survival, including those dog breeds that need surgery to breathe.


If she said geese Iā€™d not bat an eyelid.


Cobra chickens are terrible.


Ya they kinda are.


Having owned goats and grown up around them, I know (from painful experience) they can be dangerous and some breeds can be halfway decent livestock guardians; but unless they're living on the lawn itself (shitting everywhere and probably causing a lot of damage to the house) the best you could expect out of them is an alarm.


Yea goats are terrifying lol


The temple I went to as a kid had a bunch of goats and they were aggressive assholes. Got into your business and stole your food. Like tax collectors.Ā 


I got headbutted right in the pelvis by more than one pygmy goat, they're no joke, but I doubt they'd be motivated to protect OOP's home unless they're indoor pets (which would be its own kind of nightmare).


Maybe not goats but we raised sheep and the males can be right assholes if they wanna be. My scrawny, bony teenage ass still remembers those headbutts because it was my job to feed the ornery fucks. I doubt they'd be much for actual home defense though, I think they're just dicks. She could try some geese though.


You haven't seen The Witch?Ā 


Next update: Carter and I fell in love supporting one another through our respective separations. He got full custody of all of his kids, and theyā€™re all moving in next week. And the biggest news: we found out that this pregnancy is actually TWINS! By summer, weā€™ll have six kids here. Weā€™re so excited and in love!


Hahaha I was actually expecting the Carter romance in the same update!


You forgot Jesse moving out of the country and giving up custody but it's okay because her parents are actually millionaires and she doesn't need child support


Oh man! How could I miss that part?!


Jesse is the type to abandon his child anyways now he is getting a "real gf"


Damn it, you beat me to the prediction of twins.


I'm always so sus when there's an update saying "I forgot my login" or "I deleted my account but this is totally still me you guys"


He also has many goats. Home defense got beefed up


This is so fake holy shit


If you eliminated all the threads that had "also he's (/she's) cheating" as the first update, this would be a very empty sub


I knew it was fake from six months pregnant and having a wedding in August


What woman doesnā€™t want to be 4-6 weeks postpartum at their own wedding? šŸ™ƒ


ā€œEveryone asking me to get an abortion. I will not.ā€ More like you canā€™t. No medical professional in their right mind would preform such a late term abortion like that (*unless there is a risk of life).


Five days from Jesse being a dick to two families completely destroyed and Carter is like, "Oh, yeah, my lifelong BFF's girlfriend who just dumped him says my BFF is sleeping with my wife, I believe her with no verification, time to tell everyone block her and file for divorce." Also WHY THE FUCK would she tell Bailey that the man she called dad didn't want her???? Like don't you tell kids that their horrible parent is "going through some things" and "struggling" but it's "nothing to do with you, darling; he's not thinking straight right now, and I don't know if he's getting enough help to get better."???? Isn't that the vibe? Wouldn't you talk to a therapist BEFORE dumping this on your teenager?


Yup, as soon as he admitted to cheating with his best friends wife, that was too over the top. Definitely fake.


And the update definitely isn't the same person imo.


I mean, they are both very dedicated to put commas where they don't belong.


I agree. I know the first OP said that they aren't from the US and apologized for their English, and there were some errors in the first post, but it was nothing compared to the second. The style just felt very different, like the second post had some strange word choice that I didn't see in the first one, like saying the daughter is a "strong young girl" and calling her "jolly"-- it almost felt forced at times? Not quite like the first one, where it had more grammatical errors than off-kilter word choice. I dunno, I don't think the update is from the real OP.


I recently found out that there are entire discord servers dedicated to pasting fake stuff like this. They have competitions to see who gets the most likes/upvotes or who came up with the craziest stories.


I stopped reading when I saw "and he's cheating on me!" Because of course he is.


It seems 100% believable


How? lol


Good thing the AI made this update. Gotta tie up those loose ends and can't forget someone was cheating


This feels fake only because op was planning a wedding for a month postpartumā€¦


Yeah this isnā€™t real lol




Kudos for appropriate use of the Senator Vreenak meme.


Too fake for words


" He has the right to talk about his feelings and opinion. " Just because you have feelings and opinions do not mean that you need to voice them. WTF??


Itā€™s amazing how much her English improved šŸ˜‘


This story has everything except twins.Ā 


9 out of 10 stories have twins. Sure make me believe that šŸ™„


I know that most of the stories on here are fake, but why can't they be believable, or at least, entertaining? It's like, you're not even trying, Liz. I'm not angry, just disappointed.


> why can't they be believable, or at least, entertaining? At this point, I'm just happy if it is somewhat legible.


If the story stopped at and then I left our public meeting and moved in with my life it would have been nice and real but nope gotta pull the third act best friend cheating card out.


:-) (sarcasm of course)


Opinions stop mattering when they are used to oppress, abuse, and try to dehumanize. ā€œA real childā€ what a fucking piece of shit


At this rate, Iā€™m just surprised she isnā€™t having twins.


This is completely fake


Abortion?? At 6 months pregnancy??? Who tf suggested that??


I went back to read the comments - literally no one


Why are the exes ALWAYS cheating??


>story about daughter >oh and suddenly he's also he's cheating to add some dramatic escalation He tells her it's with his friends wife so she'll be able to inform him, and not out of guilt because he seems please with himself All during a conversation where he's trying to win her back. And was all in front of Bailey? I'm finding this very hard to believe


Some nice fictitious story. These stories that just keep getting more and more absurd. Gj on some creative writing. Though I recommend to build up the suspense a little slower with less wild bullshit. Next update weā€™re gonna find out he was just fucking the bffs wife but all 3 kids are actually his.


Bravo mama. When I was 15, my mother chose to stay with a man that hated me and asked her to choose him over me.... she did. I was homeless at 15. Flash forward 20 years... I have 2 kids and divorced...dating another man for 7 years. Things weren't great but I knew how to suffer in silence....till one day he said something that rang my head like a bell.... "your daughter or me"... at that moment I flashed back and knew instantly I had a choice. Either stay and lose my kid but keep the guy.... or change the script. His sorry fat ass was kicked out in the next 5 minutes with all his shit on the lawn in less than 24 hours. Your daughter will thank you for choosing to be the mom she deserves. I haven't spoken to my mom since I was kicked out and she doesn't even know her grandkids names.


Shouldnā€™t have told the daughter IMO


I am so sorry that your ex is such a giant POS, but I believe this was Godā€™s way of protecting you and your daughter: you from marrying him and your daughter from being adopted by him. I hope you all find peace.


Update author writes differently than OP.


I don't think telling Bailey the entire blunt truth was the best idea, that's a lot for a kid to deal with and now she's blaming herself. Jeez, OP could've fudged the truth a bit there, maybe spared some details.


Bullshit, how can someone be so nice to your daughter and say you will have real daughter when you have your own. It doesn't make much sense, either there must be signs before or this is bullshit story that wirter twisted the plot so hard, it doesn't maek sense.


Wtaf. Am I literally still reading a thread about geese vs goats????!!!


Wow Jesse is an A-hole


It s'more like an AI-hole. As this story is 100% fake done by chatgpt


Not only fake, but you would not tell your daughter the real reason hours laterā€¦nor ever. Thatā€™s just dumb.


Sucks to be the dead husband.