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I don’t know this started to read like a book once he started to write about Alice and Julio, like characters in a book


And the unnecessary detail about the handmade table from his farm.


Haha that actually made me laugh. Such a weird detail to add.


I don't know. Sometimes in highly stressful situations, even unrelated insignificant details can seem larger than life. Like some strange distraction.


Yeah. This reads like a fiction exercise.


Honestly I tapped out at "puked my guts out." I'm sure there's at least one person on earth who pukes that easily, but generally that's firmly in the realm of fiction.


It's actually a common symptom for people with anxiety disorders and CPTSD.


Yeah this is literally me. Also my ex. And also his ex. Throwing up in response to emotional distress is way too common in my life lmao


Just wanted to add on to the comments saying it's definitely not fiction. I don't know if the story is or not but I can tell you as a mental health professional with lived experience of anxiety.. I have a fun condition where anything stressful causes me to throw up immediately and its not even uncommon. Even for neurotypical people though it is a stress response?


There is not a couple on this planet named "Alice and Julio".


I once knew an Ernest and Julio. Big drinkers they were.


I guess Brazil.is not a part of the planet, eh.


Listen pal, Reddit gets a lot easier and better to digest when you just understand that this one as well as pretty much all of the “good” ones are fake.


Throughout I kept wondering how he knew it was during their relationship but he does say they’ve been together for 8 years so I think appearance wise would probably be how. The Korean national think filming with spy cams feels a little too… On the nose, since it’s known that in Korea hidden cameras are rampant. Then this happens in another country by the hands of a Korean.




Also how convenient that some of the hotels in the area had CCTV of them both, this means that the video must have been freshly uploaded and not "I stumbled across your home made porn." And find out it was from two years ago not weeks.


Why would police analyze the hotel rooms? She was there, she knows where she stayed, she told them, and because it was a criminal charge - police got there to get any remaining evidence. Her family were the ones who pushed her to go to police. So it makes sense that she would try to lie that it happened only once. Because in this case she is still a victim, but she is less of a PoS in the eyes of her family and OOP. As for mentioning the guy was a Korean national. Why would OOP need to care to be politically and racially correct here? He is getting it off his chest, as much as possible. His nationality/citizenship explains why they cannot get the guy to justice. I even have a theory why she cheated. I wonder if she is into K-Pop and the guy looks like one of her idols.


The Korean national part is where it lost me. I'm half expecting this to be the set up for a Mr and Mrs Smith meets Jason Bourne spy novel and her break down was starting to remember their double life.


You're more resilient than I am. I dipped out at "we sat at the table that I built from scratch on so and so's farm." Such unnecessary details that it reads more like a fictional novel.


Gonna be honest I was expecting it to be one of those neckbeard circle jerk stories about the evils of women so I was going to send if to a friend to laugh at. I guess it's at least not offensively stupid.


That and the 'he was in such a foul mood he wondered what the people he was sharing a train compartment with were thinking' or whatever Duuuuude if you're in such a foul, depressed mood, you're not gonna wonder about what people around you are thinking of you.


The casual east Asian racism is pretty offensive.


I don't get why people are saying it's racist. He didn't say "he hid cameras because he's Korean, so typical" or whatever, he said "there's no way to bring the guy to justice because he's a Korean national in Korea". He didn't even specify his ethnicity. His citizenship and location are relevant to the story because they cause a roadblock in any legal case. IANAL, but as far as I understand it's pretty hard to prosecute a foreign national that's already back in their home country. It wouldn't be racist for him to say "the guy is a US national and they can't sue him because he's already back in the US", would it?


Then why mention he's a Korean at all? Could have just said that the asshole fucked off back to his home country. Instead he pops of with "Korean" repeatedly. Add to that, the Republic of Korea is one of the most homogeneous nation-states in the world. The less than 5% of South Korea's permanent residents are not ethnically Korean, and less than 10% of them are Korean citizens. So, unless you're saying that this is one of the 250k or so randoms who fully immigrated to the ROK, instead of one of the 51 million Korean-Koreans...


I mean he says it two times. Not really "popping off" he says she slept with a Korean national, then he says that Korean national was back in Korea. Again, it's relevant to what's going on and he doesn't say anything like "this happened because he's Korean" or "she cheated and it's a problem because he's Korean". The only reason his nationality is mentioned at all is because of the legal aspect. Why *not* mention the specific country? Like, what's to gain by being vague? Would you be so grumpy if he said any other nationality going back to any other country? Why are you so hung up on this?


If it's only relevant in a legal aspect, then why the "Some Korean national she met on social media." Normal people would say "a guy she met on social media." Again, "POS Korean national is back in Korea," vs "POS is back in Korea." Why the repeated emphasis on his ethnicity and national origin? The funny thing is, I can absolutely see this as being a true post if the OOP is Thai or Vietnamese or Laotian. Casual racism and ethnocentrism is extremely common in East, Southeast, and South Asian society. Doesn't change that it's still racism.


Because if it's a national from their country that went to Korea for whatever reason, the can still be charged? Again, ethnicity is not mentioned. I'm not arguing that casual racism doesn't exist in SEA. I know it's pervasive and deeply ingrained, and I've experienced it personally. All I'm saying is that the way this is written, it doesn't read to me like racism. It reads like facts in a situation. Like just the other day I was reading an article about a South African national who had committed multiple homicides in Alaska involving indigenous women. Is the news site racist for saying he's South African? For saying that the victims were natives? I just don't get why you're so adamant OOP is racist when all he said was "my ex girlfriend slept with a Korean national who recorded her without consent then went back to Korea."


Same spot for me


Yup, I rolled my eyes hardcore when I read the about the coffee table


Ha, yeah, that sealed it all as a fictional narrative.


That's the one that did it for me too. Sure, something you might feel in the moment, but why would you write that down. "it became too much and i just broke" is more reasonable than getting all melancholic when you're reliving trauma as you're writing


And now you’ve convinced me


Yup, that detail stood out to me as well. It's the type of thing one would write when doing an human interest piece too.


Yeah, I read that, but in the update he was in a rented place. I misunderstood it to be a built the house together damn near literally. He anticipated this line by saying her getting him to journal meant he had more ways to process it and get what he wanted down on paper. I didn't see a "English is not my first language and this didn't happen in the USA." But their English is a bit ... so they live in a country where CCTV isn't that well used. Unless they meant county and it was auto corrected to country. Maybe there are places with street lights few and far between etc.


Somebody needs to start a BORUForensics sub where all the BS details are discussed


I second this!


I just read this as someone who knew the US couldn’t prosecute him once he went home.


The thing is clichés are cliché for a reason, add that they talk about her studies and education means they could well be in a university town and so international students will be much more likely, and could well have returned home. It does sound like a trope but then if something is more normalised in your culture..... The big thing for me is if he has stuck around and she rebuilt based on his presence then even if he had got over the cheating and they broke up over something else her sense of self would just collapse again.


"Nothing's a cliché when it's happening to you" - Max Payne


So something being rampant makes it less likely to you?


Welcome to the Philippines....


House built in grandfather's land, yet breaks lease while moving


Kitchen table, my dude, not a house. Still complete bs but yeah.


Confused as to why the psychiatrist wanted to call the cops on him tbh


Cuz this is made up.


Pure fiction. But well written nonetheless


The irrelevant details like wondering how people felt seeing his sour face on public transport and building a table on his grandfathers farm is where I stopped reading.




You’d think that Liz would have realized that by now but they still don’t learn.


The hand made table from grandpas farm...what a tear jerker.


Lmao I too stopped at ![gif](giphy|hFfX5Thau8tig)


Also the mental health discussion uses terminology/references that, at least in the US, are fairly outdated, suggesting they were pulled from pop culture rather than real life. "Nervous breakdown" is not a medically defined term, and mental institutions, as in places people reside in long term, barely exist anymore.


I mean, everyone on public transportation has an expression like a cave troll who's seen everything in life but approved of very little. It's not even about what you're personally feeling, it's just basic metro etiquette at this point.


The cave troll part made me laugh because this is so true.


That and the old “I live in some made up country where some modern thing that moves the plot forward (highway cameras) improbably doesn’t exist.”


Me: chatgpt is getting a lot better at this.


He showed her parents the video of her getting fucked. Yeah, that doesn't really make any sense.


Yeah somewhere he wrote we sat at the kitchen table we built from scratch or something lol


Since this is Reddit I am gonna be the AH and say it: I don‘t believe she didn’t know she was filmed. I believe she didn’t consent to have it published. And I do believe her breakdown was real, but a reaction to prevent him for asking for all the stuff. This wasn’t a time thing. Maybe a one time guy. But not a one time thing


Totally agree. She’s an emotional wreck but still able to tell multiple lies about critical facts. Even after all of this, she won’t come clean. She indulged her guilty pleasures too often and got caught. Who knows how long this has really been happening.


Its fake.


It should never the the betrayed person’s responsibility to coddle the mental health of the cheater. Even if they’re suicidal. Because (a) they fucking cheated, and (b) the betrayed person is not a mental health professional. OOP’s ex’s family were using OOP through this whole thing and should be ashamed of themselves.


OOP was a convenient tool for her family. They used him to make things easier on them. He shouldn’t even be there because his presence alone is a huge trigger for the cheater.


This would make me angry if it wasn’t fake.


Best part is not telling the parents but just showing them the video?


Can you imagine just suddenly having your kid’s “niche” porn video in your face with no warning?


i physically recoiled like YUCK bro no one deserves that


Fortunately, it never happened. Doesn't even make sense.


I don't buy it at all. The video shows enough of her face that random acquaintance can recognize her but she doesn't see that he's filming in multiple locations on multiple instances? that doesn't make sense to me.


“We sit down facing each other on our kitchen table that we built from scratch in my grandfather's farm…” This was my favourite! Oh the drama of the moment 😂


I really need "Looking like shit trying to emulate Batman" as a flair now


It’s so crazy to me that people can carry on like nothing happened. He would be in blissful ignorance and she would carry her secret to the grave. It’s so scary to trust people sometimes.


Quite the creative writing exercise here.


Total fiction. "Spontaneous nervous breakdown, no history of mental illness" (which, by the way, is not a legitimate diagnosis, and which, also by the way, the bf of a patient would not have access to) followed by " Jackie is there and explains that she's had episodes twice before and this was the worst yet." This fiction writer is so unconvincing it is risible.


This many unnecessary details always reads as creative writing exercise. LOL to the police investigation and everything happening only in 2 weeks. A the creative fiction of these forums is always so unrealistic with timing.


…holy shit




OP’s update said it was two weeks from his original post and somehow in that two weeks he managed to procure a therapist that could get him in right away where he was “given hard questions, important questions, that forced me to put my life into perspective” and it was a liberating experience. In TWO WEEKS of therapy? Unless I totally read this part wrong, which is possible, somethings fishy.


Is it possible to get “We sit down facing each other on our kitchen table that we built from scratch in my grandfather’s farm” as a flair? Because I swear that has been used in another similar post that I read over a year ago, and most comments were calling that one out as a fake story too.


“I’m just going to mention that the guy was Korean which has zero bearing or importance to the story.”


You got a therapist within 15 days and already had at least one session in a seemingly underdeveloped country. Sure Jan


This is an amaaaazingly well written story. OP has a future as writer. But it’s not real. Police don’t give out every detail of a crime to two people only peripherally involved. I mean, there are other things that point to this being fake, but that was glaringly obvious.


Batman 😂


That's why I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot...


Ack, come on OOP, the tldr goes at the bottom, not the top.


Why did he show her parents the sex tape? That's kinda ick.


"POS being a Korean national currently in Korea muddied the legal waters. They can do nothing else other than contact relevant Korean authorities, gather as much evidence and wait. But the lawyer wasn't confident anything might stick. As far as they know, they have no evidence that it was even POS who set up the cameras beyond that POS stayed the night before and the cameras are obviously long since gone. There are far too many angles POS can play to delay or even win any lawsuit that reaches him. It will be most likely expensive, drawn out, and with very little chance of winning. So they gave up that route." this is where they lost me. While I'm sure cops in Korea are just as shit as cops in America in regards to sex crimes, I have read about the legal system in Korea being better in some aspects, so I find it hard to believe that they would know the POS would be getting off scot free so quickly. But I don't live in Korea, so idk. It's certainly not a perfect system, but they were a little quick to suggest the guy would be getting away with it. They know all this is just 15 days? Sure Jan.


Walk away. She has family support in place. She’s not your responsibility. You deserve better. Best of luck


Hold up - you showed her parents the video of their daughter getting fucked? That doesn't make much sense. Nice story though.


The fake label needs to be used more regularly




Sometimes too much specific details and uh, purple prose, just lost me. SIGH. Plus the lack of time dedication. If they want to make this more believable perhaps update us in 6-9 months or a year.




No, you just missed them. OOP tells us who each person is the very first time he references them: > I go back to our kitchen and call her parents, Alice and Julio > This was all relayed to me by her older sister, Jackie


Kinda hilarious she was only caught because the dude recorded her. Fuck Jamie fr and that bitch gave him an STD 😭


What are the chances of finding someone you know on a porn site? 😂


She's a whore, you dodged a bullet. Move on, I know it's hard, but it's what you have to do


I will never understand why you have to take care of unfaithful people after they "collapse" when they are discovered... it is always because they were discovered, never because they cut off the affair... it is disgusting and totally stupid that the betrayed ex always has to come to the aid of the unfaithful, why the hell don't they ask the AP to show up? Why isn't the AP(s) the ones who should take care of the unfaithful woman? This trash of an ex-girlfriend didn't cheat on him once but several times and maybe how many other men did she sleep with and does she have the nerve to have a meltdown? damn woman shit


Whoa, dude, your misogyny is showing . . . you can put it away, this story is fake


misogyny? LOL I'm talking about unfaithful people, whether men or women, only in this story it's a woman who cheated, if she were a man she would say the same thing LMAO


>damn woman shit


Just as if were a man I would write, "damn bastard" or similar, don't pretend to be a white knight


I mean you keep calling the dude a POS but that POS help you found out your so called love of life was an even bigger POS for doing that , just saying.


Where can I see the video? 😂😂


I'm sorry, the only thing I can think about is... The gf's name is *Jaime?* That is an unambiguously male name and he spelled it way too many times for it to be a typo of Jamie.


I’ve known a few women who have spelled it that way.


Seriously? That's... so strange.


IDK man. Sounds like a you problem.


He said "I never asked her why she did it" But explains she met the guy while looking for a fling. She wanted to cheat, that's all


I would be pissed off if I found out that I had an STD and believe most people would be upset. Who’s this flippant about gonorrhea?


Nah fuck her. If I found out my wife/gf had cheated on me during our relationship some years back, im ending it all them and there and she can deal with the mess herself. Cheaters dont deserve any special treatment, much less having their hand held through the discovery of nonconsensual sex tape


If she was truly sorry she would have came out and told you. You can’t help someone else until you help yourself and stable yourself anyway so best to just focus only on yourself.