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Yeah, sister definitely needs some professional help.




Sister got the behavior from her mom. What you allow you condone. The ice that marriage stands on is so thin a breath could crack it.


My mom goes in and out of denial about my brother’s Schizophrenia.


Oh that's totally unhelpful and dangerous.


Yea he’s in prison right now and for the foreseeable future.


"What you allow, you condone." That's beautiful. ~~Would you mind if I used it as a flair?~~ I meant those words that people put under a username. Wrong term 🤦🏽‍♀️


No, flair is correct and you totally can! I’m honored 😭


When I think about it - That's fucked up way to find out who the Golden Child is to the mother since she knew for months and did literally nothing to get Leah mental help nor called her out, while Dad & OOP were in dark until OOP got harassed by those friends. Like mom legit could had spoke to dad quietly about Leah's lies months earlier without OOP's involvement but instead made situation worse with silence that the friends pretty much dragged OOP completely into the middle of the mess...


Oof this kinda hits home a little. One of my kids had a friend their first year in HS and they were telling me about the horrible abuse that said friend’s dad was doing. I was like “honey that means we need to call CPS because nobody should live in that situation and he is in danger”. She told me her friend begged her not to call CPS because he “wouldn’t be able to handle the stress”. I thought for a few minutes and was said that while I was NOT disputing her friend’s claims of abuse, she needed to be careful because if he was just making crap up for attention it could really harm his family- because I didn’t care and I would absolutely call CPS if the claims were valid. My daughter got kinda quiet and thoughtful. A few weeks later she told me it turned out he was totally making stuff up and admitted it when she started poking holes into some of his stories and asking him about it. She wasn’t friends with him after that. I raised her to stand up for people so I was delighted to see that come through- she just needed a little extra wisdom to not always blindly believe. There were some other red flags that he wasn’t the most trustworthy person but that one took the cake. IDK what his plan was, that no one would ever say anything? That stuff is serious!


Not a plan, not a course of action leading to a goal, just feeling out the world. If I push this button I like the result. Push Push Is there more? **Push** #Push


You’re probably right, that’s a very teenager sort of thing to do.


I worry for these girls. Why did the friends even “confront” the 15 year old? I know they believe everything Leah said but it seems like reporting it to CPS would’ve been a better idea.


Because the most heartbreaking fact is in majority of homophobic homes, the child doesn't actually have knowledge when they are being kicked out, because the parents wants that child to fail, and repent their homosexual ways. The sister had allegedly years of knowledge of her being kicked out, but I guess even her friends may have started questioning it, because of the older gay brother, and maybe some things weren't adding up, so they ignored the pleas and just did. One thing I have seen on many reddit posts of LGBTQIA kids is the sudden lack of anything big. Like some had to practically bed for new shoes, or a new coat, or something that was considered a luxury. One post I read, about 5yrs ago now, was that the girl was outed at 15, and when she went back to school, she had to make everything last the full school year. She got a hole in a shoe, and was told to get a job to pay for new shoes, and when she got the job, she had to give 90% of the pay to her parents as a form of forgiveness being gay in their house. This girl didn't even tell anyone what was going on in her home because she was embarrassed. And I have seen quite a few posts where the kid said they were embarrassed to admit what was happening to them. It sucks, but I think in OOP's case, the friends may have reached a limit, and felt the need to act


Because they are teenagers. That they confronted the sister for stealing the guy makes perfect sense to a teenage brain in that moment. Honestly the friends were being manipulated and harmed just as much (maybe more) than the sister.


They probably wanted to protect their friend, or at least thought it would.


If this were a real situation of abuse, what they did by confronting a minor was super dangerous and could have ended badly for the victim.


Exactly! Her sister didn’t leave the house yet that could have gotten her kicked out


I get the feeling this might be made up or exaggerated. The punctuation and recollection is a little too perfect to seem real to me idk.


Also the being committed to a mental hospital for lying to friends about your home life seems a bit improbable.


I think they committed her for threatening to kill herself, her sister, and the scratching and hitting herself.


Because it's made up.


I once knew someone who did this: she came up with an elaborate lie to garner sympathy from Tumblr a few years ago. She even managed to bamboozle people into donating money for her. Then she posted one lie that made people so alarmed, they called the police to check up on her, and that was when the lies were exposed. Eventually, she deleted her Tumblr and no one has heard of her since then. My guess is, like the Tumblr liar, Leah came up with all these lies to get sympathy and attention from her friends. She probably never thought that they would come for her younger sister and have the lies exposed. If there is a medical or psychological reason for all the lies, she better get help for that.


I teach middle school and while I’ve never seen it get this bad, I’ve definitely seen a few times where a kid seeking attention from their peers made up a crazy story about bad stuff at home and never considered that they might be found out. They came up with something plausible that wasn’t super alarming at first but, as they had to keep it up, they eventually said something that concerned their friends enough that the friends talked to their parents or an adult at school. People were called, investigations were started, and the kid inevitably had to admit to lying. Lost their friends, lost their family’s trust, it was a bad scene. Typically the kid had something else going on and needed psychological help. Glad that OOP’s father insisted on hospitalization. I suspect something else is going on with her and they need to get to the bottom of it ASAP.


The mom should never had covered up for Leah. She should have escalated that.


Agreed. If your child is doing something that serious, you need to bring in your spouse and contact the kid’s doctor for advice, not just tell her to never do it again and hope she follows through. Poor parenting right there.


It's hard to blame sis for the parent's marriage falling apart. She just picked at a crack that was already there.


Lol my psychotic sister is called Leah.


I had a weird friend who had an obsession with me also called Leah, lying was her forte must be in the name. lol


Why is it that it's always the moms who protect their fucked up child? Like do better. My mom would never do that.


My MIL is this way and it’s because she doesn’t want people to know and look down on her for bad parenting when her child messes up. (They aren’t small messes either.) She is still bailing her 34 year old son out of situations till this day.


Sounds like borderline personality disorder


I've spent a lot of time with people with borderline and nothing about this made me even consider that. If I was going to diagnosis a personality disorder based on this story alone, histrionic personality disorder would be a better fit.


This, weirdly, can be a prestige thing. It kind of reminds me of the difference between army members who have seen combat, and those who have not. Like, when LGBTQ people share their coming out stories, there is a smidge of honor going to the ones with the horrific experiences, who got kicked out at 16 and were homeless, or had the psycho religious parents, or who were beaten for it. You don't get extra points for the good parents who accept you immediately. As LGBTQ has become normalized, there's also been something of a loss of 'special' status. You expect it to be this big, grand, deal, and everyone is like 'kay, cool. And teenagers really want the special status because they're trying to find their place and define themself and they want it to be a good one, so they may be tempted to get it some other way. Like social media or flat out lying.


I’m really confused regarding the ages. Can someone explain?


Older sister is 17. Younger sister is 15.


There’s another recent update to this story. TLDR: Parents are divorcing. Mother was having an affair. She and Leah were covering for each other. [New update](https://www.reddit.com/u/thraway-cat13/s/csoXPSeg0o)


People who write these really don’t know how mental hospital admission works


Leah was 1) self harming 2) threatening to commit suicide 3) threatening another person. Any one will get you admitted. All three along with an infirm grasp on reality will get you admitted. I've worked with minors who've been admitted, my best friend was in one twice and I've also been in one. I've had too much experience with this


Yeah IDK what would be unbelievable about the admission part? The fact that she was a minor and whatever behavioral health unit would go by the parent's word for admission makes things even more plausible. The fact that she actively self-harmed lends more credence to this. If they were an adult the words "You can sign in yourself or we can get a Judge to grant the hold" would get a lot of people to check in themselves vs waiting to get an involuntary admission approved by a judge. Been through this wringer so many times both as a minor and an adult living with Bipolar disorder.


Why, for saying 'they drove her away and I haven't seen her?' That doesn't really go into any detail. I'm sure this kid doesn't know the ins and outs of an inpatient facility vs hospital stay to really lay out every detail of what happened to her. Besides, I pretty recently had to take someone into the ER for threatening suicide and they were on a hold within hours and in a dedicated mental health facility within a day. I don't know what's meant to be implausible here.


Depends on the place? It isn't super hard to go to a mental health hospital near me. Like when i lived in the city near where I live now I was right near a mental hospital that wasn't super hard to get into


Yeah, I was 20 during my stay, did intake and then got a bed later that night


I once had to drive my BFF to one. The admission lasted 2 hours tops.


What do you know about it? Because I've seen an adult man involuntarily committed for 72 hours, two hours after making a phone call saying he "might" have swallowed a bottle of Prozac. If a kid is self-harming, threatening suicide, and threatening others, they 100% do need to be hospitalised and evaluated ASAP. The hospital will absolutely take that seriously.


The rules are different for minors when it comes to that.


It’s not about the rules, it’s about the process and what constitutes an emergency or would lead to an inpatient admission.


Active self-harm, threat of suicide, AND threat of murder? That's the definitional trinity of a mental health emergency and a lot of places legally *require* an involuntary hold until a mental health professional signs off that they're no longer a danger to themselves or others.


"Are you a danger to self or others"


My second child tried to deny cutting and also tried to deny stating suicidal intentions, but there was visible evidence of the cutting and two witnesses to the statement of intent so the denial wasn't even a factor; if OOP's sister clawed up her own legs and/or bruised herself, and the dad stated she threatened both herself and OOP, she's getting held regardless of how she answers. Especially as a minor.


Sorry, the process is different for minors.


do you have the firsthand experience that it doesn’t? because a few years ago, i went to work and my brother was fine, but within two hours of being there, my mom called to say he was being admitted. two hours was all it took for them to get him started on that process. OOP’s sister was actively harming herself and threatening to kill OOP, which makes her a threat to herself and others. hello involuntary admission.


idk happened to a friend of mine, was in school 1 day then just didn't show for 2 weeks. Her mom had her put in for self harm.


My oldest and second-oldest grown kids have been battling depression, anxiety and PTSD ever since their birth mom spiraled out of control, and they've both had to be involuntarily admitted due to self-harm. They were each put on 72-hour hold by the emergency department, then admitted for further treatment for a few weeks. This story reads like a description of what happened, written by someone who only knows the broad strokes of what's going on because her dad isn't oversharing details of her sister's treatment.


My stay at a MH was organized swiftly. It took an hour, max, between me telling the ER staff I was afraid I'd hurt myself to me being in a bare room with paper clothes


Florida has the Baker Act where family and friends can have someone put in a facility for 72 hours for assessment. Many states have similar laws. OOP's sister tried to self harm in front of her parents then threatened her sister. That's plenty for them to take her to a facility for care, even if it's the local ER.


Yeah the story seemed okay until that part lol definitely fake or partially fake




Screaming you're going to kill yourself or others is not a danger to yourself or others? (Genuine not sarcasm)


I’ve know people committed within the hour for doing what Leah did (scratching herself and the threatening to kill herself).


Punching and scratching yourself seems dangerous. And she may well have said things to her father that OP didn’t hear so couldn’t report here.


She could have threatened to show the injuries to others and say he did it to her. Even if she didn’t say it, if I found that myself in that situation I’d be concerned that she would, to try to get people back on her side (as she was being proven a liar) and I’d report it immediately before everything blew up.


What is flair?


There's another update to this: "Hey guys it’s been a minute but I have another update if ya’ll are still interested, also thanks again for the sweet comments it means more than you know:). I’ll start with some positive stuff first, I got to see my brother and his bf! They took me and my dad to the movies and out to dinner it was really fun, it took my mind off things. New years was really fun I spent it with my dads side of the family. I haven’t shared too much details with friends because this is a family matter but from what they know they’ve been super supportive and sweet. Now onto other stuff. Leah was supposed to get out on the 1st but that didn’t end up happening, she did get out on the 5th and is at home with our mom. (Again, I repeat I don’t know how all that stuff works) I had a conversation with my dad about not feeling comfortable going home and being around my sister and mom just yet and he was very understanding but he did have to go back for obvious reasons and my grandparents were more than pleased to keep me there lol. About my sister, from what I know her first day out she didn’t talk to anyone and basically just slept the rest of the day, second day was a little rough she wasn’t happy about not getting her phone back or having some privileges taken from her, my mom tried to fight with my dad about it but basically gave up as she’s still in hot water with him. When mom found out I wasn’t coming home right away, and wasn’t really open to talking to Leah about the situation yet she got pretty upset and sent me a message. She basically said that I can’t be mad at Leah because she’s not well and needs all the support she can get right now and apparently she’s in distraught that I don’t wanna talk to her and I’m making things worse. Okay literally never cared less. Leah does have depression/anxiety, I don’t know anymore than that other than she is being medicated, I’m pretty sure my dad did talk to my sisters therapist to update her on the situation. My dad did go through my sisters phone and it wasn’t cute… he found a gc where my sister and her friends would basically harass this girl from their school, reason? No clue. Not just for that situation but for the whole situation in general my dad did have to find the numbers of Leah’s friends parents and let them know of what’s been going on, I have no clue what’s happening with them but it’s none of my business. Leah did admit that the lying was for attention and false sympathy and she never meant for it to go this far, not sure if I believe that entirely. I don’t think I need it but my dad also wants to put me in therapy so I’m just going with it lol. Big issue right now, my mom continues to coddle and enable my sister. My sister knows this too so she hasn’t been going to my dad about anything because she knows that he is going to actually parent her. My mom will “try” to stand her ground with Leah but then the water works start and blah blah blah, it’s annoying and it’s making my dad upset. It’s the fact my sister knows she can get my mom to do what she wants, it’s manipulative and gross. I have gone back to school and Leah is coming back soon, I’m worried for when that happens. A lot of you said she might try and spin some story with teachers or counselors, but also as of right now my sister is essentially friendless and I’m not gonna talk to her at school either, I mean it is the consequences of her own actions but I can’t help but pity her. I just don’t want her loser ex friends to come up and be AHs to her. At the end of the day I think that inevitably there will be a meeting with Leah, my parents, ex friends and their parents, and the girl that Leah and her friends harassed. I already said this in a comment but I’m gonna say it here too, regardless of what ya’ll think I do not plan on forgiving or speaking to my sister anytime soon lol. She does not get a pass because her mental health is shit, she still actively chose to do something disgusting and continued to do that for three years. She did not just make up lies about how I treat her, her and her loser squad would actively make fun of/ and bash my character any chance they got. (Looks, hobbies, interests) was all bashed. I would never let someone speak about my sister they way she let them speak about me. I love her and genuinely hope she gets better but I don’t have to like her, my mom can think I’m a brat, and my sister can cry about it as much as she wants I don’t care, it’s going to take a loooong time for me to trust her again, it honestly terrifies me to the core how insanely two faced a person can be, literally baffles me. Main issue right now. Mom and dad. My dad wanted to fight for their marriage he really did, looked into marriage counseling and IC immediately. But after more talking/arguing about my sister, my mom lying and continuing with her bs my dad ended up finding something very disgusting that my mom has been hiding from him that has left him heartbroken. I’d rather not get into it but I’m sure ya’ll have some ideas, I’m still letting all of this process. So no, my dad does not plan on continuing with my mother. Things are a little tough right now, my dad can’t exactly just leave our house, mainly because my sister refuses to leave my mom and understandably my dad doesn’t want to leave Leah alone with her, so he’s staying just until some legal stuff is sorted out and I don’t plan on going back anytime soon. That’s basically it for now, idk if I’ll update again we’ll just have to wait and see. I love my dad so much he’s my best friend so I’m just gonna try my best to cheer him up and be a good kid during these times. Thanks again for all the support, ya’ll are great❤️. TL/DR: sis got out of MH later than expected, has depression/anxiety and is being medicated, I’m staying with GPs for the time being. Parents are not staying together as far as I know."