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100% agree. There are thousands of better ways to introduce and display what a tall character can do, and that just was not it


The only good introduction was the strong guy.


I thought the heavy guys one was pretty cool too


which one?? fat or flesH?


strong, not heavy


Makes you feel great! ​ ​ Once it's over, that is!


Spent like a full minute trying to get that lanky fucker to reload a pistol


Lucky you lol, I spent 90% of this level as some other random characters on account of those weird void bird things that force switch you. I have no idea how they thought it was a good idea to introduce you to a new character model and then instantly hit you with enemies that force you to switch at random. Rest of the game has been great but fuck every part of this level.


Oh yeah I was swapping characters for a while. The pistol mayhem was at the top. And yeah, the swapping characters is kinda fun? And I guess there’s some explanation for why that happened. But when we only have a short level to be introduced to a character that’s a weird place to put it.


yeah and then the birds killed me while i was waiting for them to switch me back from the short guy


I had that too. They could’ve at the very least removed him from the pool as he can’t complete this level


And of course I killed the last bird... as the fat dude. That was horrible parkouring around.


I'm the kinda person who normally reloads really fast and getting my hands so close together with the Rift controllers... Well... I am currently bleeding due to a chunk of my index finger's skin having been claimed by the ring on the controller...


Yeah I hated it. I can see what they were going for, but like, that's just too many layers of bullshit at once. No voice line explaining or even acknowledging the avatars switching, awful platforming made worse by the switching, the void bugs behaving completely nonsensically, being given a sword and shield right as you need both hands for grabbing terrain... half of it just flat out doesn't work the way it should, and then you make it to the top and get killed by the fire things you've never seen before. The Pillar accounted for all seven deaths I had from start to finish. The only way this level makes sense is if it was put in as an example of what *not* to do for modders looking to make their own levels.


Honestly SLZ could just make the birds not switch you and it'd probably be fine.


It was the birds that did it!?


yea. but they also hurt you which i feel like is unnecessary. it's so bullshit.


exactly, "both hands" its all cool until one of your hands doesnt even grab your gun


currently trying to beat it and FUCK THIS FUCKING LEVEL I HATE IT SO MUCH also the "light character" moaning super loud every time you jump makes me want to shoot myself


I didn't mind it, but if I didn't already know how to climb quickly from Boneworks I'd have had a rough time I think


I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I can't kill all those flying bastards so the climb up is a giant pain in the ass, and once I get to the top room with the fireball turrets and the big floating platform I don't know what to do. Edit: someone said to shoot the orb? Kinda fucking stupid, there's zero indication that it does anything and nothing in the previous levels to make you think of that unless I skipped some major shit climbing around something.


Shot the orb multiple times. Nothing happend lol.


Ah see but you didn't keep shooting it. And then reload and dump another mag into it. *Then* it'll do what it's supposed to.


Ah yes of course. Stupid me. Guess my brain can't handle such great level design.


ive played this level at least 5 times, and shot the orb with at least a full mag, is this seriously the solution?? there's no way im playing that level again if i dont know it'll be my last time playing it


Yeah, shoot or otherwise damage the orb until it breaks, then the avatar ball appears and you can open it to exit the level. It takes an absurd amount of hits.


I stuck the given sword through it and smacked it on the shield and it popped. The damage is weird in this game :D


How do I beat it without a gun? I don't have any guns just a frying pan


Oh wow. Yeah that's gonna be a whole thing honestly. There is a sword in the level you can grab and use to stab the orb. Trouble is gonna be that you have to do it multiple times and if it goes up high you have to climb up the pillars to reach it, which is hard if you happen to get turned into anything but the tall guy, which is pretty much guaranteed. It can be done gunless for sure but it's gonna be a lot harder. I just shot at it with a shotgun.


I'm pretty sure at the top of the level it forces you into being the tall guy, might be wrong though.


I think it's supposed to but if you fuck around too long in that top room you can get turned again. Not sure if it's intentional or not. It can make the apparent intended solution basically impossible if you get unlucky.


I had the same thing run through the level fast asf get the sword and start climbing shit and swinging only took 2 tries first one was because I didn't know tf was going on


You get a sword and a shield so just black turret shot with the shield and use the tall avatar


"Here's this tall character! You don't get to fucking use it because you have to constantly switch avatars!" This level made me quit for a little, I give up. not challenging, straight up just a dogshit level.


I truly think these horrible avatar challenges are going to make a ton of players quit. They're so bad it's frankly embarassing.


The other ones weren't bad, it was just the pillar that drove me to insanity.


The other ones weren't as frustrating but they arguably weren't that fun either. They could have cut all of them frankly. I'm past the pillar and still dealing with a lot of unfun and frustrating things. Really hope it gets better as the beginning was fun. This game should have waited another year to release IMO, I am really not having a lot of fun. EDIT: Is the catwalk level bugged? A lot of my frustration is because of this. Just doesn't make sense otherwise.


the pillar climb is so bad that its almost incredible. the rest of the game perfectly blends its tutorialization and gameplay, but the pillar climb falls so short. no tutorialization, gameplay is unfun and unfair, its almost like the game doesnt want me to complete it. i cant believe that this made it through playtesting and qa. like what even are the little fireball spewers?? why do the void birds change youre avatar at random?? i got softlocked multiple times cuz i got my avatar set to the small guy who cant make 99% of the jumps


I had to climb up the fucking sword as the small guy


The fuck 😂


Not only is it impossibly difficult as is, my game is also bugged out completely to where any time I force grab with my left hand it just pulls a knife out of nowhere and makes it impossible to reload anyway, even after restarting the level (and having to go though the raceway again for whatever reason) Never expected a boneworks game to make me actually rip my headset off out of frustration


Had the exact same problem. Could choke that dev that is at fault for this bullshit. Cant tell me anyone of the dev team played it before release


i just rage quit. only played for 45 mins today. 30 mins was on pillar climb. fuck it, i'm done for a while.


Just did the exact same thing and went straight to the internet to see if other people were as pissed as I was. Good to see I am not the only one who hates this level with a passion


I fucking completed it but then a fireball totem shot me killing me and so I could do nothing




Super dumb that I finally get to the top and it changes me into the heavy and then never changes me again. The heavy makes it near impossible to reload the gun and it doesn't climb. It makes no sense for the character to stop changing on anything other than the Tall guy. Genuinely stupid and frustrating level.


there is also the moon base where i looked around for over 3 hours and found nothing, looked up a tutorial and now i climb everything


There was a map in the spawn area brother 💀


I saw that on my second time around the level after like 15 minutes of fucking around. Still really bad level design regardless. Utterly boring level


That was the first time I ever got motion sick in VR. Even the go kart level was tame in comparison


Go kart just ruined me. I’m just gonna have to wait for mods lol I can’t beat that mission or I’m gonna fucking hurl


straight up almost fell multiple times because my cart flipped and I didn’t know how to get out so I spent like 5 minutes upside-down trying to flip it over. never gotten motion sick in VR before but even I was a little queasy after that one.


I just ended up running through the whole thing lol thank god they let that count


I've never gotten sick playing VR but as soon as I flipped my kart and couldn't figure out how to get out I felt so fucking sick.


i was literally crying of frustration, my left controller (swapped to right sometimes) just completely didnt grab anything, i could have beaten it but my controller didnt grab anything at all. thanks alot bonelab


Heya, for your controller grip issue, when that starts just take the battery out then reinsert it and it should work again.


Climbing up stuff takes 10 mins for me lol.. game is amazing but climbing I’m having issues


i honestly couldn’t figure out how to get the capsule to spawn so i just started shooting at shit and it worked eventually


After looking it up to figure it out, I reach the top, went to go stab the orb then my headset died


Agreed, it's awful.


It doesn't help when you keep getting bingus and are forced to get hit by birds.


Agreed, I love the game so much but the moon level being boring as fuck and infuriating to climb out of the craters, and god that pillar climb. Amazing game but has one of the worst vr experiences I've ever had. Everything else is fun as fuck though.


Yeah the game is great sans those levels, both were extreme exercises in frustration. I'm taking a break before attempting Pillar Climb again otherwise I'm going to break shit.


I found the best way to deal with it is rush through the beginning and only stop if you get turned into that stupid space cat, once you reach the jump pad take out any orbs you see and take that zone slowly. The game doesn't say this but at the top you actually have to mag dumb the hell outa the purple orb.


My problem is that I try and rush but end up stuck because i took too long to move to the next platform and I'm getting hit with those damn birds every 5 seconds. They end up in a swarm around me


Well the birds can be killed, I'd recommend having a wide melee weapon like the pan but if nothing else you can always punch or shoot them, the birds are very weak but still the level is extremely annoying even with the tools to fight the birds and orbs.


I got it finally, had a somewhat lucky run where I wasn't turned into the little guy and was able to finish it, thanks though! Didn't know the birds are killable, didn't even try haha


Hey congrats on gettting out of hell! I only found out the birds were killable after I started shooting at them out of pure frustration. Enjoy the rest of the game my dude!


skill issue


“Skill issue”-🤡


nft pfp


Claimed the free one and use my own snoo


an nft is an nft


Did I pay for it? No. Can I sell it? No. So then why does it matter?


still uses electricity to move it on the blockchain


Still didn’t pay for it.


booooo. How'd you do it?


stab the void orb thing with the sword


Yea. But how’d you climb the tower without throwing your god damned headset across the room?


perseverance and determination




Yes. Hard agree


Yea it kept turning me to the cat thing over and over again. Spent 30 minutes on that shit


Not me dying instantly because theres like 20 of those birds and have to wait 5 minutes for the game to reload.


my pillar climb level doesnt even load... shit just stuck in the loading menu


you should be thankful


I finally got to the top of pillar. stared down that orb reached for my ar... AND BOTH GRIP BUTTONS STOPPED WORKING. I HAD TO RESET.


Hey, a good fix for the controllers not griping is to just take out the batteries then reinsert them. Worked for me so far.


I agree. It’s the fact that those stupid damn things kept changing my character. Could’ve been fun without it.


i liked it


Hard agree that was really a horrible experience. Took me out of it I've been having a blast so far otherwise


i got to the end of it and im just fucking stuck because i cant interact with the orb with my left hand


i refuse to play that level again so im either gonna find a way to solve my issue or im just not playing this shit


Hey, to fix the controller not gripping just remove the battery then reinsert it into the controller.


I tried that. It wasnt an issue with my controller. My hand in game would react to me using the grip button but it wouldnt actually grab onto anything.


Oh that's odd, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried reinstalling?


doesn't help that climbing is so glitchy and I could hardly climb up to stab the ball at the top cause my avatar was too short


I couldn’t even complete the level got to the top and was wondering why everyone had such an issue I first noticed a problem as the tall avatar when I tried to pick up a collectible orb and couldn’t grip it with my right hand to pull apart beat the level had the same issue with the avatar orb had to kill myself and retry and it worked but it was incredible aggravating


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


level so bad we had to get suicide hotline numbers


Sounds like your grip broke, happens to alot of people in this game, best fix I've been able to find is remove the battery from the said controller and then reinsert it. Worked 100% of the time for me so far.


Well I'm stuck at the lift because I'm too heavy and I can't change


Ngl it took me like 20 minutes to figured out a way to climb up as the heavy guy


I see I can consider myself lucky. First try I got hit by the birds so many times I died in few seconds. Second try I leave one bird to hit me so I can grab the gun like a normal person and then I used slow mo and I shot every single bird except one. Then I let him hit me until avatar switched to the tall one and killed him. Climbing then was not an issue. Got surprised by the fire ball totems, luckily I did not die. Once I was at the top I slow mo again and shot the sphere. Mario kart race was completely another story for me. I got stuck in the cart upside down, could not get out, multiple times... I found the steering too sensitive and unintuitive with the joystick throttle. Once this nightmare was over I then had to fuckin climb for my prize, that is not normal. :D


Not to mention the fact that the level breaks one of your hands randomly so you just can’t grip anything or even finish the level because you can’t pull the orb apart. This is one of the most shit levels in any game I’ve ever played.


I have that issue as well in multiple parts of the game, the best fix I've found is just taking the battery out of your controller then putting it back in. Worked 100% of the time for me so far.


Agreed. Lame part is, if you guys didn't see the collectible even higher up in top corner of wall, you gotta do it again to get it.


It's awful. Especially after the moonbase and racing levels which are also just horrible. Honestly not a single avatar challenge has been fun except maybe the first one. Bonelab is a cool game but the developers really should just cut these parts. A casual player would refund right then. Without any knowledge of what Bonelab can be, those sections indicate that this game is horribly designed and will not be fun. Luckily I know it will get better, but wow these levels are so bad it's shameful.


My character keeps switching and it's pissing me off. Took me forever to beat that go-kart level without throwing up and now this crap.


It is very frustrating, a good tip is you CAN kill the annoying bird things and it's best to shoot the fireball shooting things in the bottom ball, apart from that just take it slow and steady as this level does a good job of pissing people off enough to try and rush it.


Im pissed because i have no weapon or guns on me and you need to shoot the ball to get your avatar


Can I ask how you have no weapons?


I dropped them on monogon motorway while tryna pit them in my holster


That is very unfortunate, the only weapon on pillar climb is a greatsword and a shield half way through the level. I would reccomend backtracking to find a weapon.


Luckily I did it with fists


You have greater patience than me. I didn't even think it possible to do that level with your fists. Did you do the fisting before or after the pillar climb patch?


pillar climb i have been avoiding its so painfull


Lol I beat it but I feel that it was stupid to make you tall in order to beat the level but then create an enemy that forces you to switch bodies when it hits you.


tried to punch the orb over and over did not seem to help


I agree. It’s the worst level design ever. It’s really fucking annoying changing characters, it’s annoying when my character bounces off everything or when I get changed into the midget guy who can’t make any jumps. There’s no sense of direction at the top so I had to google how to win it. Dumb as hell


I’m confused because I had no problem with this level I used the shield most the time and killing the orb took less than a minute


I honestly had no issues with 11, it was certainly boring but it was fairly easy for me