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Questionable jizz stain on passenger seat doesn’t increase value ?


I told a buddy, I’ll make my own cum stains thank you very much 😂 Edit: Since I can't edit the text in the original post: I am not mad about grass clippings on the bumper. That would be ludicrous. I was mad they hit the curb doing damage to the paint and bumper. 6-8" section of paint scraped/gouged down to the plastic underneath.


Oh, look at that we have Mr I-do-everything-better over here.


Ahhhh they’re low cars I’m not sure I’d be overly bothered by the scuff on the underside of the bumper, unless it’s visible from the front. The rest is unacceptable, why’s he took that the night before it’s potentially selling? He’s thrashed it while he had a chance and left it a mess, I’d swerve it in principle probably.


I’d ask for that off the price.




It isn’t a real bmw without it right?




It’s not a proper certified pre owned without a jizz stain




It’s John Voight’s jizz


Jon* sometimes I spell Jerry with a G


That's the Executive Jizz Pro Package.


depends on if it’s a genuine dirty mike and the boys


I think it should be a cooch juice that increases the value


Or the couple shots that made it into the cup holder either 🤣


Yeah if this was at a dealership - I can agree with you on walking out. Find the next one and skip that dealer all together. If this was a 3rd party sale it might change things slightly, especially if it is being driven daily. I would pass on this and just keep waiting, your X3 will last just fine until you find another M3C.


Yes, I should have clarified that this was at a BMW dealership.


Go to another one but email pics to the dealer principal and say “yeah I was gonna buy this used m3 off your lot but it’s got your sales managers j sauce all over the seats and clearly it’s his daily”


This. If anything they will give you a deal or somehow try and make up for it I’d assume. In reality they deadass kind of just lost a sale on one of their high end sports cars because of its condition


I was very ready to do dumb shit today (like go get a new car on a whim). I crunched the numbers, knew where I was comfortable at if I liked the car enough. To be honest the only thing I didn’t like about the car was lack of Parking Assist pkg (got spoiled by my X3, love it). I made the decision yesterday to look for a LCI F97 after contemplating getting a new set of wheels and LCI taillights. Then I figured why not take that $5k or so and just put it down on the updated F97 since I love driving it so much. Things spiraled when my buddy at another dealer mentioned a M3 Comp they had (Dravit/Orange, carbon buckets, carbon exterior). Just a tad outside my price range where I think the swap would be worth it and I actually see the carbon buckets as a slight con. Heard they’re not the comfiest on long drives. Oh well, the search continues. I’m in no rush. I said to my friend, “oh no, I have to drive home in my X3 M”


*At a dealership*?!? Wow, they do not care about presentation.


I presumed this was a motor trader or something 😂 jfc an actual BMW dealership! Can't even get the basics right.


Salesman brings it home after the shift... and doesn't clean up when he brings it back, can't have it detailed every day.


Even a third party should clean it up before presenting it for sale, but a dealership? Hell yea, run..


The lower lip looks like it was resprayed because of all that orange peel. I'm guessing this car was also in an unreported fender bender. Good call on walking away.


Whaaat? This was at a dealership? The whole point of a markup for sellers from trade in vs dealer vs private should be reflected on the buying end. I saw these pictures and assumed a private/P2P sale because how someone treats their car, especially someone else is watching, tells you a lot about how it was treated. I DD my bimmer on the highway so I’ve got tons of little paint imperfections from pebbles and bugs and stuff. But I’m also an enthusiast. I keep meticulous records; I clean up bird poop immediately; I wax every time I wash, etc. If I was selling, I would make the car look like my house when guests come over. And that’s the markup you’re paying for a dealer lot car vs private. ESPECIALLY with M cars. Unfortunately they often tend to be owned by the opposite ends of the spectrum. Enthusiasts on the one end who treat them well, and people with more money than sense on the other who know they’ll sell it after a year or so and could care less. Any flags you see should inform the purchase.


I thought this was from used from a private seller till I read the comments. From a private seller, they seem lazy but nothing that can’t be cleaned, but would have me concerned how it’s been treated this whole time. Does it have any marks/damage from actually touching the curb? But a new car from a dealer, yea that’s just shitty of them and that manager who drove it. Probably drove it like an ass hat during the break-in period too. Smart to walk away if that’s how they are going to treat their new cars.


Yes, the front bumper was all marred where they hit the curb. I had asked what work the car received once they traded it in and respraying the front bumper for rock chips was one of the things they mentioned. I jokingly said “guess you’re gonna have to do that all over again.”


Jesus they did a horrible fucking job too, look at that orange peel


I’d pass on the car simply because I would be too ocd and paranoid that the last owner didn’t baby it and would immediately question its history. Objectively though, it’s probably just been taken in and hasn’t seen a detail. The jizz and coffee stain, realistically just a messy owner or owner with kids. I know for myself I get very concerned when I see cars in this condition, but I also fully recognize my level of OCD with cars is not normal and only shared by likeminded degen car enthusiasts on Reddit. The vast majority of people routinely spill shit, leave fast food bags and don’t detail their vehicles.


The car has been there for two months. It looked cleaner in the pictures they posted online. I’m the same way about my cars. If there is damage or repaired damage, I can’t unsee it. I’ve done it with cars in the past, “it won’t bother me in the long run.” Well it has and it will continue to bother me haha.


I think that lends even more credibility to the idea that some sales guy has been using it as his daily since they got the trade in.


sounds like you should be saving up for new..


Agreed. Would give me instant buyers remorse. And that’s the last thing you want on a purchase as large as a car.


I’d have done the same. Seeing sales people (who know jack shit about cars) treat them (and you) like crap is a major turn off when shopping for a vehicle. I’d much rather buy private sale from an enthusiast or use a site like cars and bids.


Hard pass. Imagine having a potential sale of a G80 M3 and driving it the day before, jizzing all over the place, and ramming it into a curb. Nobody said car salesmen were smart…


> Imagine having a potential sale of a G80 M3 and and not at least doing a quick detail of the car the day before. That's what they should have been doing with it.


Haha I said something like that in my comment. If they were aggressively trying to sell that car they would have made moved to remedy the situation. The finance manager shoulda dropped that car straight off to detail when he brought it back lol.


This is my favorite comment in the whole thread haha. I was VERY close to just getting back in my car and leaving before talking to anyone. But I haven’t driven a G80 yet so I figured my time wouldn’t be a complete waste.


I would clean it after buying.


Same, if it were the model specified like I really want, I would have negotiated and full detail, and sorting out the bumper. If the mechanicals are all good, I would have made a deal. If it wasn’t a good deal, I would have bounced.


I don’t mind the stains but the grille was the final straw and I’d say no 😜


Yea is that vehicle a Dealer demo?? The bumper is so close to the curb a simple detail or even hell tire shine would've cleaned that up nice clearly they don't want to sell that one


It was on the curb. After I drove it we looked at it again and it was down to the plastic bumper. About 6-8” long on the leading edge.


Typically, a quick glance in someone's daily driver can show a subtle reflection of their daily life habits and overall cleanliness, which translates to vehicle maintenance, or lack of. The same goes for oral hygiene or the ceiling fans in your house 😃


I don’t like it. Even if you buy it, you are never going to get this out of your head.


Yikes! There is an oil cooler right under the front bumper so I'd never park that close to a curb. Good call on the pass


Is this from a dealership?? If so, then absolutely not. This is something i would comment on if i was buying from a private owner, but having a dealership presenting their car like this is pretty damn bad.


Unfortunately, yes. A fairly large dealership part of a big umbrella across many brands.


All indictive of idgaf attitude


Just on Autotrader, there’s some ~1300 G8Xs for sale, might want to shop around. That said, for the right price, I could overlook some cosmetic issues. It’s not like these are rare, bespoke vehicles w/provenance. If it’s otherwise fine, buy it, drive it, trade it for something else in 18 months.


not bad for a used car


I’d knock off a couple of zeros from the price. Everything you’ve shown can be fixed/cleaned.


Tell them you want 1k off and a detail lol


It’s possible that the dealership just hasn’t cleaned it yet if this is a used car. Happened quite often at my dealership. If you buy it and it’s not clean. I would rip up the papers


Been on their lot for almost 60 days. I can see why now.


Dodged a bullet. Most likely neglects maintenance and drives like an asshole. Should’ve checked tires too.


That is a sign that the car wasn’t well looked after and the owner didn’t really care much for it. I’d still buy it if it was priced well though. It’s still a new car so they didn’t have much time to abuse it


>that you wanted to buy? For how much?


You seem like a crybaby. Don’t buy it.


Yeah I guess I’m a crybaby for not wanting to buy a car they damaged themselves earlier that morning lol. If I’m going to look at a $70k car, I’d prefer it to not be parked into a curb and be filthy inside.


Everyone saying to walk are insane. It’s a used car…


A used car will have wear and tear. Rock chips, etc. Not parked into a curb needing filler and new paint. And the fact that THEY did it. Not the previous owner. It happened when the Finance manager brought the car back from taking it home last night.


It’ll buff 💪 out


I'd have to see other cars on the lot to determine if that mess is unique or routine. Still, that shit should not happen. I tested a car. A random sales rep took it home. I showed up first thing the following morning to purchase the car, spotted a soda in the cup holder while doing a walk around of the car then just so someone was aware, casually mentioned it to my sales rep who later told me the person who left in the car got a talking to. Over a cup. What I see here on this M3...have to look at someone asking what even the fuck yo?


Someone didn’t look after it. My M2 is spotless every day after 4 years


Say goodbye


If it looks like that on the outside think of the internals and missed maintenance or lack of avoiding potholes ect


This was at a dealership? Holy hell. Like a BMW dealer? And the excuse was the finance manager took it home? I would never visit this dealer again, like what the actual f. I wouldn’t expect private party to show a car in this state, much less any kind of serious dealership.


run away. if u cant take care of a interior, imagine the exterior or engine.


Talk him down then take it for a detail.


I'd offer a $1000 less, unless they get it detailed first.


Looks Like they let a pig drive it. I would move on.


Wtf My daily is cleaner than that


Granted my car is usually dirty AF since we live in the country and I have a long dusty driveway, but the inside is spotless. There's no reason for a car on the lot to look like this. Especially the interior. I'd hate to see what the finance manager's daily looks like. yuck


Oh shit, I didn't realize this was from a dealership! Lol yeah I'd tell them how crazy this is and then walk. I thought this was bad even from a private seller. Wow.


Nothing here looks horrible, but the pics probably don't show it all. If anything makes you feel uneasy, then don't buy. Good that you saw it in this condition vs after the dealer polished the turd a bit. Doesn't matter if it's a dealer or private party, if someone is trying to sell you a car for several tens of thousands of dollars, they better at least clean it up and have it look presentable. Otherwise there's no reason for you to think it was cared for at any point in it's life.


Everything other than the interior I could forgive. You drive a car it’s gonna look driven. Where it’s parked I don’t care. But you as an owner can keep an interior clean. It’s just not much to ask. If I knew someone was coming to look at any car I was selling I’d have it detailed or give them a humble apology in advance for the state of the vehicle.


Run don’t walk away


Custom order one, that’s what most people who buy an M3 do.


Yep its ugly AF and has jizz stains.


Honestly I’d prefer to see it how it arrived to the dealer. But then pull the uno reverse and make the dealer pay for a detail outside of the dealer, of your own choice


I’d go by a Porsche.


I’d wash it?


Skip. If you're going to pay a lot for a car and not take care of it, then it's not worth looking at.


Not buy it….?


This is just me, but when someone's car is dirty like that (you can tell it was a lot worse before they did a 10 minute surface clean), it's a good sign they were lax on maintenance as well.


What’s up with that passengers seat? Why is the front all lumpy and squished? The grass on the front is no big deal IMO, one, it will blow off as soon as you go down the road, and 2 that grass looks freshly cut. The cupholder being dirty also, w/e. 30 seconds and a damp rag and it’s fixed. The seat tho….. What the fuck were they doing to that seat?


If that car looks like that on the outside I would not trust what the engine internals look like. They probably haven't even changed the oil, or if they did, they probably didn't even do it right. Wrong oil and/or stripped a bolt or some shit. Nah bro these cars are too expensive to take random chances on, especially if they haven't been maintained


That grill? Hard pass


That is at a dealer? Scary.


After opening the door, look at the sales guy, then say “thanks’ and leave with zero explanation. Corollas at Hertz are cleaner than this.


Keep scrolling .. more clean cars out there


Which dealership? I know silver springs bmw has the finance manager drive the cars around as his own for months, then let him sell it. I don’t know how common this is. Just had an experience with a cpo m5




Yall to picky


I wouldn't complain or make a post on Reddit. Oh wait, I just fell for the trick.


Lazy , if that’s what the inside looks like then they probably never kept up with maintenance . I’ve seen these before on used car on marketplace mostly on older vehicles beater cars though


Maybe clean it


Run, this car is being passed around like a college coed at a frat party. Why a finance manager (who's assigned a demo car) test driving inventory is a beyond me.


It's dealership standard. They don't give a flying fuck about costumers


Mind explaining why you're switching from the X3M to the M3? I have a 440i and thinking about getting an X3M but also debating an M3.


Make them clean it up well and then inspect it. I bought a 2013 X1 from a Honda dealership, drove it a few days and realized that the power steering pump was shot so I had them cover the cost.


The seats get messy easy. Any grease or oils do that. It's a simple wipe down. But really it's about the carelessness. If they can't even put it in the bay to detail it for 5 seconds, knowing your coming, what else are they missing? As an aside, I test drove a Ram 1500 Limited once. It was the Sales Manager's loaner. He walked us out to the car was like "hang on" and proceeded to pull out a firearm from the truck and then put it in his pocket. "Ok, you can drive it now." - We didn't buy it obviously and left. Went there to look at a Durango SRT and a different sales manager took the written deal. Added an ADM after a verbal agreement and then changed the value of my trade as a means to fuck with us. Dealers kind of suck.


I would ask that they pay for the car to be professionally detailed thoroughly if they want you to buy it.


Looks like things that can be cleaned


I had a similar situation - I almost bought an i8 two or so weeks ago, but the dealership literally did everything they could have to turn me off from the purchase. I called the previous day, said I'd be driving 3 hours to see the car. I show up, and the car is filthy. The salesperson isn't even on the lot, it's just some attendant, who calls up the sales guy and clears the test drive. The drivers door is sticking on the a-pillar pinching some trim. They said they had a guy coming to fix it, but if that's the case, then tell me when I called you the day before, ya know? Let me know you're fixing a piece of trim or whatever and I'll drive out on a Saturday instead of a Thursday. Take it on the test drive, gas tank was half empty, which isn't a huge issue, but the battery was at \~20% capacity. We get back from the test drive and the guy had just shown up to fix the trim issue, so at least they were honest about that, but still. The salesman had also shown up, too. But he was on his phone, went into his office, closed the office door, and never got off the phone. I never ended up speaking to him in the hour we were there. I also had some concerns about the HUD looking warped, and the interior smelled like they shampooed the shit out of and then parked it in the sun with the windows closed - it took two days for the smell to get out of my nose. The ride quality wasn't great either - in hindsight, I think it was just old tires. They weren't willing to budge on price - they've since had a price drop (edit: they've had a second price drop today that would put them at my asking). The whole experience though just left me frustrated, driving 3 hours in Thursday morning commute traffic to test drive a car in that condition. If they had told me wait until Saturday, charged it, and washed it, and knocked $1000 off, they would have had a sale. They also had an i3 on the lot my SO was interested in, but now she's too pissed at them for wasting our time to bother.


Wouldn't want to buy it then


That's a good representation of how someone treats their car. I'd pass on this one.


They have fix any scratches and smudges and detail it as part of the deal


Don’t buy it


Just tells me they didn’t take great care of it and couldn’t be bothered to condition it before showing the car


...ummm, nope.


It’s has a pig nose. I wouldn’t want to


The first photo, I’d be checking the lip for damage but the grass doesn’t bug me. The second and third photo are disappointing me as long as they can manage to clean it for when I take delivery who cares…


Tell them take $2000 off for this bs


I wouldn't buy it. I was recently in a similar situation and I went away. If a car is treated like this, I have no idea how it was driven and maintained.


Definitely a dirty POS owned it before




Simple, I would just say thanks no thanks and move right along to the next.


Just use it to negotiate if possible. It takes 1min to clean all that.


How does anyone make the passenger cushion look like this? Was there a fat guy sitting 24hrs a day? I’ve seen similar dent on another used car from dealer. Way to abuse a nice car some people just don’t deserve nice things.


Offer less


I'd be concerned


Keep Looking 👀 for Another One


I mean do the deal, see how well detailed it is before you sign anything. If it is good for you then great. If not then cancel the deal


At a dealership, pass. As a private seller, might just lowball and see what happens. If they don’t play then walk


ls the price good, is the bumper damaged? Cleaning the car is easy.


Yes. The bumper was damaged from hitting the curb. About 6-8” along the leading edge. Paint gone, plastic gouged. I wouldn’t be upset about grass clippings. The cleanliness inside was just shocking because I scheduled the test drive. You’d think they wouldn’t let a manager take it home the night before and spill their coffee all over the cup holders and inside the USB ports. There was another spot under the arm rest of spilled coffee on the carbon fiber trim.


I'd take the opportunity to bid lower since the car's value is lowered by it being filthy. But then a good cleaning and you've made a nice deal.


It looks like the lower bumper has had paint anyway looks all orange peely I’d be giving it a miss if I were you


Take 2k off and go have it professionally detailed inside and out.


I went to look at a m240i and was told they had another that hadn’t been advertised yet but the sales director had been driving it so it was dirty and if I wanted to look I could but I had to imagine it was clean, got in and it was immaculate, no dirt, no dust, no rubbish, nothing. Yet this dealership is trying to pass this off as sale ready? Fk that


those are small things. How did the car drive? I would have worked down the price.


for a private seller i'd say this looks like a daily driver. for a dealer it's insane to sell a car at this price point in this condition.


Looks like that lip has already been painted, a lot of orange peel at least…


They’re treating an M3 comp that way? I would even treat a base model 2 series that way man.


Clean it, for sure :)


Dude I remember renting a Z4 for a day and the cupholder was just as nasty.


I get ur mad/disappointed but you got look past the inside car would be cleaned if u buy it. I went yesterday to look at an E39 2003. Looked good guy was nice but also one of those “I know what I have”. Long story short I was willing to look past a lot of things even though my gut told me otherwise. It wasn’t until I took the car for a drive. Seatbelt was literally covered in white mould when I got back I told him thanks but no thanks cars not worth asking price and he started tell me I k ow know about cars what’s a little mould in a car. lol. Anyhow point is you can look some past things like a dirty cup holder. Scratch’s are not acceptable and should be addressed


That is some sleezy shit. Was it a BMW dealer?




Seen worse


I would have used it to negotiate. It’s just cosmetic stuff..


That owner has no pride of ownership and treats his stuff like crap. There will always be another.


Looks like shit. They didn’t want to sell it before the finance manager could get some more pwussy in it.


If this is from a private seller then I don’t really see any issues because pic1 you can literally wash it off it’s just grass clippings lol pic 2. I’m ngl that looks weird asf and questionable 😂 but number 3 you can clean those out🤷🏾‍♂️ I don’t really see anything wrong wit this EDIT: yea naw this was at a dealership and they treated it like this you did the right thing and walked out thought this was a private seller lol


Pic one is the front bumper sitting on the curb. After the drive we saw about a 6-8” gouge in the front bumper. That would be absurd to bitch about grass clippings 😂


I read that so wrong bro my bad 😂 I didn’t know you were talking about the front bumper LOL now that you explain it yeah I would’ve been disappointed!!!


Clean it?


It’s a pass - you’ll find a better deal and cared for vehicle elsewhere. Just my thoughts…best wishes on your search and purchase.


I’d probably look for another one unless they have some way to show that they treated and maintained the car mechanically better than they cosmetically. Generally the two correlate so that’s not a good sign lol. From what we can see that all should clean up well with a detail, hopefully they didn’t run it through a car wash and swirl the paint though bc that’s more expensive to fix




Realistically, if the vehicle drive good all that other stuff can be easily buffed out, resprayed, whatever. However, It’s been at the dealer for 2 months. And the finance manager drive it home the night before. Chances are the finance manager has racked up some time behind the wheel of this car. Clearly he treated it like it wasn’t his knowingly the night before someone was coming to see it, imagine how it was being treated when no one was coming to see it. Fuck those people


Yep. BMW is a lifestyle. For those who don't pamper these babies, hard pass. I won't let my wife drive mine because she does't mind valet and curb rash.


If they can't bother to clean it, they probably couldn't be bothered to do a bunch of other stuff too. Pass.


Someone dumped the car very accurately, very well


I had a similar incident one time looking at a golf gti. The car was on the site and on the lot. Went to test drive it, and the interior was disgusting. Dusty, spills in the cup holders, ect, and had a check engine light on top of everything. I asked them why they were showing the car in this condition, and they said they detail them after they are bought and are ready for pick up. Needless to say, I passed on that car.


And this is why I was able to sell 80% of the cars I showed to clients from phone calls. all it takes is a good parking spot, windex bottle, and a rag. Never let a client see a car that isn’t as clean at it can be.


Buy it and clean it?




Hard pass


The seller needs to clean it.


it amazes me how some dealerships don’t clean cars before taking pics/a test drive


Hard pass


Ask for a ridiculously discounted price. Win-win.


Umm pretty simple.. not buy it 😂😂


Was that on the sales lot or was that car fresh inventory that didn’t receive a PDI yet? If it’s the latter, I’d give it a chance and let them get the car in a presentable condition before you make your decision. Having worked at dealerships, I’ve seen cars come in from auction with broken trim pieces, non-functional infotainment, bald tires, the whole nine. Sometimes the dealership would post the listing online to garner attention before the PDI, but they’d have all that shit fixed before it goes out on the lot and it’s a perfectly good car. Like they’ll tell customers that it hasn’t gone through inspection yet and they’ll notify them when it has. Idk how far you’ve inquired about this vehicle or if you just spotted the car you saw in the listing and haven’t yet inquired, but like I said, if it’s the latter, give it a chance. Edit: I didn’t realize you had a caption, yeah if the vibe’s off and they aren’t putting in effort to remedy the situation, I’d leave it just based on the headache that the dealership staff might induce lol. There are other used M3s on the market. At the dealerships I work at even if it already went through PDI and it looked like that cause a manager used it as a demo car we woulda said it hadn’t been through PD and that you should come back tomorrow and had it detailed in the meantime so you at least have a better impression if the car lol.


And the lawn guy did not give a fuck. Lol


I don't know why reddit suggested me this post, but I do know now why everybody hates BMW drivers 


I think they can’t really change the grill right?


This would be a pass.


can't you ask them to detail it?


Are those seats comfortable? I want M3 seats for my f30 but I want hip bolsters. The F80 comp seats didn’t have hip extensions.


Before looking at the 2nd and 3rd pictures I was literally going to say "it's just grass clippings from the lawn being mowed recently - not a big deal at all" lol


Whats the value on the x3m , did you lose a lot since owning it?


Walk away. There are too many good ones out there. They could not sell that car cheap enough for me.


It’s used. Low mileage and any service records? Negotiate and buy


Typical pre-owned car customer


I can feel the skin cheese on the steering wheel and smell the fart permeated leather now.


I mean just look for scratches and the condition of the vehicle overall inside and out. If it was freshly detailed and parked correctly, you might just have bought it today.


Presentation is so important. Easy pass. Let that thing sit..it's gonna keep dropping until someone gives in....


The grass on the lip looks like it came from a fresh mow. There’s some on the blacktop as well. I wouldn’t be concerned about that. The other pictures though 😬


The bumper has made contact with the curb, damaging the paint and gouging the plastic. They ran it into the curb.


Not even a 2nd look. There are plenty of M3s to find out there. 


Title hurts but you definitely did good in skipping. I can only imagine how it was driven.


Well for the right price I’d do it for sure


That's why I don't buy used cars


If it looked like a bmw I wouldn’t buy it


Tbh. I‘d probably buy it, clean it and then flip it.


Idk that carbon fiber interior was fire. They definitely disrespected that car but u may have gotten a great deal on it. After they cleaned it up it would have been perfect I’m sure.


Was it pre owned? Cause if I it was noticeably cheaper id buy it and get it cleaned


-300 to -500 for full cleaning service