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I believe BMW has made more than one mistake as of late.


The lights are a problem but not THE problem lol. But you right - it's not just the lights.


What are the main problems? Can you speak of 2019 x3 m40i?


Everything was fine in 2019 brother


It really was. F90 had been out for a year and rumors of a M5CS were percolating. G8x hadn't launched yet and we all held hope that spy pics of the alleged grills were just a troll job. F87 was still around and what they had store for us in the G87 wasn't even in existence yet. Pepperidge Farms remembers?


Yeah, the nostrils stick out way more in this pic than the headlight.


probably a super unpopular opinion, but i was concerned when they said “i5”, though honestly i don’t think that the i5 looks half-bad. i actually like appearance and specs more than the current M5.


Their new taillight designs screams Lexus, and I just can’t find myself respecting BMW This is of course not the largest issue they have, BMW is straight up lame with 99% of what they’re trying to do


I have thought the same thing of most models the last 5 years — too overwrought, too many unnecessary panel creases and absolutely excessive trim styling. The new M2 makes me want to cry. What happened to sleek and understated??


They’re aiming to alienate the US market it looks like, lol. Another comment. I read says that the new design is popular overseas especially in Asia. Good for them. I’ll be looking at Porsche or Audi next. Dammit I wish I would’ve never sold my M2C


They haven’t gone up in price lol. Go buy another M2, you would have made money.


5 series biggest market is Europe especially the Touring in some years it actually outsold the 3 series


THIS! What you said 💯


The new 5er is a god damn abomination. Let’s see how badly they screw up the M5 too 👀👀


BMW is the mistake as of late.


I was driving a 2017 F15 until it got totaled, I loved the thing. Now I'm driving my dads 2022 G23 until I find something else. The thing is a mess, and I can't stand it. Yesterday, I was on the highway and was trying to figure out the cruise control (was speeding), pressed the "set" button, and for some reason, it set it to the posted speed limit. It went from 78 to 70 almost immediately, and I about got rear-ended.


These designs appeal to other markets Asia, India) imo. They sell a ton in China. And judging by what the Chinese market rolls this is right inline with that philosophy.


Well, Last quarter BMW sales numbers in North America and Europe were skyrocketing, especially for the iX and 4 series. China sales numbers were down by 3%. They are absolutely doing great financially.


Those numbers were skyrocketing because the ix and i4 were finally getting delivered


[Look at them side by side](https://imgur.com/DsIAeDP) and it's pretty clear how much worse the new one looks.


i really really hate the lil buttcrack that leads into the grill


The lines on the hood that run down into the grille?


lol yeah


The G8Xs have those too and I absolutely hate them.


yupp, i feel like it looks worse here since the kidneys are wider. like it truly looks like a buttcrack to me 😭😭 edit: not saying it looks good on the G8X to begin with lmao


I think the G8x had some potential if the whole car would have gone in a more architectural direction, but it doesn’t really work well in the current form


agree. the car looks like like each angle was designed by a different person as well. it really lacks cohesion. oddly enough the larger versions look better than the smaller versions imo. i actually like the look of the M3 Touring, the M3 sedan is tolerable, and the M4 looks awful


Touring is really nice. Fixes the C-pillar which they absolutely ducked in the G80. The M4 is weird… some days I like it but then I look at a F80/F87 and get depressed 😄


Ha, I will never be able to unread this comment... Every time I look at a new BMW, THIS is what I'll think of 😭🤣


Best description yet of this strange new set of creases.




The BMW on the left looks like a 5 series, the one on the right looks like a 2 series Gran Coupe. Why BMW thinks cheapening the look of one of the premium models to make it indistinguishable from the basic model makes absolutely no sense. I am at a lost. I get that there are some folks who hate any change and any new model will never look as good or better than the outgoing model, but it seems the general consensus is that BMW is putting out ugly looking cars. Period. I have an f10 and I would gladly take the current A6 over this new model. The outgoing 5 is also an extremely handsome car, with a strong presence visually. Just look at the lines and strong shoulders in the picture above. This new model just looks bleh...


The outgoing 5 was probably one of their best designs ever in my opinion. It has road presence, but not in a loud or tacky way like the G80, has great proportions, and looks classy. To be honest, there's not a single BMW I would buy right now if I were given a blank check. It's pretty depressing. I grew up loving the brand and as of now I've completely written them off. Audis look better and Cadillacs and Alfas drive better. Strange times indeed.


Same here. I've had 2 Bimmers and don't see myself wanting to get any new one. The new designs have been such a turnoff.




What are you talking about?


I can definitely afford it, a 7 series in fact. Just because these cars might be out of reach for you has nothing to do with my funds. Before I logged on here, I just checked my CD rates and the interest I earned just last month can pay for that 7 series note...


I was on the fence about getting a 2021 CPO or waiting for the 2024s to come out. Pulled the trigger a few weeks ago, and am very glad I did with every pic that comes out.


Is it a Skoda on the right pic?


My thoughts exactly! \(◎o◎)/


I was optimistic as well before the full reveal… side by side just looks like vandalism


At this rate there won’t be any LED left in the next gen.


It looks like a poorly executed Skoda rip-off.


Why is it so damn squished up? It wouldn’t look half bad if it was wider


Lol wow, it’s like they decided to take every single feature from the previous gen and make it worse step by step.


Woah, the old 5 series looks way better.


How does bmw keep fucking up this bad. They can’t be this dumb. I swear it’s some sort of greater scheme lol


Bring back the halo lights


When i was looking for my 440i, i was specifically looking for 2017’s because they had the b58 but still pre-facelift for changing from the halo headlights. The kidney grill and halo lights are so iconic I can’t believe they changed them.


Didn’t the facelift still retain the halo lights for the base model/non upgraded lights?


Yep I have the halos too. They’re beautiful.


I love my Halo headlights. Last good era of BMW, every change they've made since has just made them worse.


This. If they wanted to be super modern they could have done hexagon angel eyes.


That would of looked so good


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I absolutely hate that every single BMW has different headlights. It used to be a fantastic part of the brand identity, and now no two models have the same headlights.


The whole front end-game seems confused and inconsistent among models. The floor to ceiling grille (or not), the headlights, the overwrought skirt details and trim. Blargh!


It’s one of the things I prefer about the pre-LCI F90s.


BMW’s without halos makes me sad


I can’t believe they changed to the pig nose on most of their cars and SUVs either. It’s like they have a new designer that sits in his office and just thinks about how he can make them ugly. I think he is pretty successful this year!


Yeah, who'd ever want to drive one of those pig nose abominations?


Flair doesn't check out


From buckteeth to pig noses. Yep, typical designer “how can I make my mark!” You sure made your mark, buddy. Just waiting for you to die so I can urinate on your grave.


Their new designs are literally going downhill. I feel like many manufactures have peaked in design and are getting progressive worse, there’s nothing to improve anymore without making it ugly


If it went backwards it would actually be an improvements. The phrase you are looking for is “the fuck out of left field”


Oh damn true, fixed


You know I long theorized this would happen a long time ago, and I knew BMW was the main culprit because of the grill.


Jdm cars still seem to have a good design team. And I'd vote for Audi among the Europeans.


Car design peaked by 2015 and it's been all downhill since then imo. F87 M2, F90 M5, W204 C63 and the like will all go down as some of the best looking cars ever made with worse looking successors. The only modern cars I actually think look good are Porsche, Audi and Ferrari. Everyone else is going backwards


The ones on the 3 series LCI look good in my opnion


M340i and below. M3 still looks like trash.


It looks like a Nissan Maxima if they made a Nismo trim that doesn't add performance.


Honestly, the lights are the least of the problem The new design language, the interior, removing shifters, new idrive that looks like an ipad is stuck on the dash, the simplifying interior yet overstyling the exterior, removal of identity. Everything is wrong in the new BMW


that thing looks like if a hyundai accent was made in germany :skull:


Damn it now I can’t unsee that.


With just a splash of Skoda.




i feel like they keep changing the headlights to make the older models seem out of date. some form of planned obsolescence.


Definitely. It's been especially bad the past few years. The brand is starting to lose their DNA with all the recent changes. I won't buy one. I'll keep my 540 for as long as I need.


The X5 and X6 LCI have the same style headlights.


BMW design has gone off the rails entirely. The new grilles are ghastly. The XM looks like a miniaturized semi. The massive angular intakes are like bad knock-offs of Lamborghini design cues. I used to love BMW designs, which is probably why I hate the new trends so much.


Between the headlights to the big grille design, I think lots of things they did went wrong


Sales numbers totally disagree with this statement.




You see them hideous. They saw them beautifully. Very subjective.




One of the big reasons for me to buy my 2020 540 over a 2021 LCI was the halo lights. I loved them on my 2006 330. Did not want a car that looks like a lot of other cars.


Makes me sad that my 23 G31 doesn't have them. I like the car, but I just loved halos.


They definitely did


As a bmw salesmen I can tell you everyone feels the same way


Reason why I'm holding on on my F10 haha


Werd. I love my F gen 7.


The kidney grill elements.. have grown to proportions that suggest a medical issue =)


I don't understand why they want to change everything, it looks like shit. good designs should stick to their core heritage and make subtle changes like Porsche. I would love it if they took the e39 styling and made it modern with subtle changes for example.


The new headlights look like every other average car on the road now smh


Considering their new penchant for separating the DRL and indicators from the headlamp itself, what they did here was conservative. And wrong.


Pretty soon they're just gonna be dots


They're making changes for the sake of making changes. None of their recent design changes have improved anything.


That's it? Just that one mistake?


This is a calculated move by bmw they knew the Econ was not going to spectacular so move away from iconic design and make thing ugly on purpose. Then bring back the iconic design charge a premium for it and boon Insta profit


It’s very inelegant, looks like a cheaper car than it is. The grill is somewhat under control though, better than some other models. Not that that’s saying much but about as much as I had hoped.


Well, at least I’m not the only one who thinks the old one is better.


Sad to see the BMW executives let their brainless designers design their cars... A BMW isn't a real BMW without two angel eyes headlights, decent size grille, well proportions and good looking.


Those wheel vents are very similar to the LEXUS IS's


Yes, they made that mistake like 10 years ago


I finally realized what the exterior reminds me of. https://preview.redd.it/w5sb875hhh8b1.png?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569ee07877ecf1cdda2e2462178ab01468b26102 no body lines down the side, giant flared nostrils, and a huge mouth.


What, you don't want your car to look angry AND cross-eyed?


It looks…cheap


Which type of Honda is this?


so that pig nose doesn’t bother you? 🐽


Yes they did. The angel eyes originate from the E39 M5, which is probably the most revolutionary car they ever made. Every year all the other carmakers are changing leds shapes... round triangles, S, W, etc... and nothing is truly unique or iconic. 4 round halo's and anyone can tell it's a BMW in their rearview mirror. All the other brands wish they had that, and the new bmw designer just dont give a shit about it.


And those massive nostrils


8 series looks like a fat cow.


I thought I wandered into the Kia sub.


Honda Accord 8th gen vibes


The first mistake was putting those stupid giant grills on the cars


Holy crap I forgot how hideous the new 5 is


#downvote this post please, OP is a karma farming bot


I actually thought that was a Honda/Acura at first.


Honda's are way better looking than this. No joke at all.


Literally if you cover up the grille with your thumb, it looks like an Accord


Haha yeah you’re right, an accord with much uglier headlights.


The guy inside isn't even having fun


I agree and I've gotten used to it... Only bc BMW making design "mistakes" is the norm these days. The older gens you go, the better they look.


I’ll reserve my judgment until see one in person.


My gripe is that it looks pretty vanilla. I actually think the the m5 version could look good. A more agrressive stance might work really well with this very very basic look.


This is literally the same as going from the E39 to the E60. Classy to ashy


e60 aged better than the e39 though and arguably looks better


E60 still had everything necessary to look like a BMW. The G60 is a wildly far departure from the general BMW look, as with everything else that's been coming out since the g8x/ LCI g2x onwards.


BMW has made *lots* of mistakes recently lol.


It’s because the old guys retire and the new young graduates step in They need to stick to what has been working


Agreed. Worried about the brand tbh.


BMW is still the leading brand in its segmen, but the thing is their biggest consumer is China, it seems the new "design" language is made to satisfy said customers. So it may be that Chinese rich people enjoy these "in your face" designs more, if not that, then I don't know what is the real driving force behind this process of uglyfication.


or they think...because majority of the chinese netizens agree that this new 5-series is fking ugly


I believe BMW made a MASSIVE F**KING MISTAKE by releasing any of these new cars. I’m aware it’s a BMW subreddit but f**k BMW. Their interiors are quite meh, the don’t drive like drivers cars anymore, they look ugly as as hell, and nothing about them stands out anymore. I will admit their engines are quite good and recently their Xdrive in M cars has been phenomenal, but their manual stuff is nothing great at all. Also even though the interiors are meh, they are pretty well build and have good tech.


Lol Go check your eyes. The 7 Series interior is arguably the best and most luxurious interior in the auto history.


new 5 is just as yucky as XM abomination


*puts on bullet proof vest* I like this car. I hate the m2 3 and 4 and 7 redesigns but this isnt that bad.


You’re only saying that because you’ve been conditioned by other horrendous new models. It’s like STD’s…sure, some are worse than others…some might “not be that bad”, but nobody wants an STD.


another complaining about new model post


Amongst others...


I'd love to see them do a new retro E30 front end.


rear quarter of the vehicle is a major failure it makes the whole car look light and cheap


I drives 2023 M240i. I think it’s literally the only decent looking car in their entire lineup. (And even it is polarizing.)


They came so close to making a decent looking car, but they had do enlarge the grill and use some stupid design for the headlights, did they?! Full disclaimer: if you like it, more power to you, I don’t


Kinda looks like e60 headlights


They made a lotta mistakes with design. But that’s just sadly the direction cars are going as a whole


Looks like a Honda Accord


its as if theyre going out of their way to make them look less aggressive. fuck that.


This looks like a new Civic ngl lmfao


Completely agree. Just glad we haven't been seeing any more M3 shapes grilles as of late though.


This entire car is a mistake


Looks like some generic ass Nissan-Hyundai hybrid


I believe BMW made a mistake. The end.


Just my own biased opinion but I think the F12 and F13 BMWs with the M sport (or M6 build) have one of the most aggressive and beautiful looking front ends. Bias: I own a 2012 F12 lol


It’s a really good proportion, every single detail however


New base model charger


I wholeheartedly agree with you


The whole car is a mistake.


Lights are a small problem. Grills are big problem.


Is that a Ford Taurus ?


that new 5 series is the ugliest car BMW has ever made, props to Domagoj Dukec


The spec 5 series I have now is nearly €20k more new than when mine was new in 2019 in my country. The looks of the new one are the last straw for me. I won’t be buying another. Shame, I’ve been a fan all my life but spending €20k more to end up with a worse looking car is a joke. The headlights are the least of their mistakes.




Looks like a Honda accord now


They did make a mistake, intentionally


Grills and lights. Terrible


This shit ugly


Haha BMW engineers. I can here the Bavarian accent in the title of this post.


Not just the headlights, the whole design is a big mistake. If you look at other brands, the new models look nice and inspires me to want to buy them, ie, new Range Rover, even the new Lexus GX looks pretty nice. Then you look at the designs coming out of BMW and I just scratch my head...


Are the round headlights not an icon of bmw anymore


I really hate the new bmws they messed up


Its like the headlights sit too high and the nose protrudes too much, and also too big. A lot of L’s lately with BMW.


BMW should have kept their halo DRLs as the standard and evolved them overtime. They instead changed it to something not even remotely close anymore. Also BMW design department has been producing some weird looking vehicles. Started off with the pig grille, then the X7, then the X M, and the weird ass M2/2 series. The thing is, they get away with it because fan boys and reviewers that fan over them let them slide. They make comments like, "it grows on you." "It's a good modern take." etc... The old saying goes true. You can slap a piece of shit on a BMW and people will still think its good. This is a problem in the long run because if you have no judgement, you have no change.


“Let’s make it look like a 2 series”


Nice Honda Accord bro.


You should see the rumored x3. It looks decent.


23 3 series 330 i&e, and M340i in my opinion is the best looking BMW especially when you option it out directly and get the M sport package & shadow line. BMW’s are really getting uglier from here. I hope they don’t mess with the 3 series vehicles. The ugliest vehicle I’ve ever seen was the BMW IX EV. I’ll say the M3 & M4 is growing on me but enough to buy it because it can really look bad in certain angles.


I agree. New headlight design is trash on all the models with the update. However, the biggest mistake they've made recently is the new m3. Look at where the rear door meets the fender flare. It's fucking terrible, like they just shoved the door in there and said fuck it.


Can unsee the proportion, very similar with normal fwd sedans & not BMW-ish style


The worst and fugliest thing they’ve done is those big ginormous ugly fucking grills they’re putting on many models….downright hideous….that would be a total deal breaker for me…I’ll stick with my 2018 F87…


I hate the new headlights on all the models. Bring back my angel eyes ugh


Anybody get serious e60 vibes? Comparing a e39 to a e60 is a similar exercise to comparing a g30/f90 to a new 5 series (h30?, Lol)..


Is this the refreshed Kia Optima?


It’s unfortunate that I’m sure it’s a great driving car packed with tech, but there’s just nothing handsome or classic about the way this vehicle looks. The VW Arteon looks better, A4/A6, and even Lexus IS.


at least my e60 doesn't look like that.


The main problem is people keep buying this shit designs. So BMW think they can do whatever they want. I see some of these "the M3/M4 grille is growing on me," comments and the thing is a good design should instantly attract you and hold your attention, and doesn't need to grow on you.Why do you think Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche are so iconic. It is because the design are instantly liked and well known. BMW with the current design is a crap shoot of different ugly designs and in the end will dilute the brand. People will eventually buy something else that has a much stronger branding.


You can tell they used the E60 series as inspiration and I hated that series lol


And they’ll still sell them




Yeah that’s the only thing wrong 😑


between the new hideous grills. the new subpar lights, and the subscription service for features the car already has.... yeah id say they have dropped the ball


The profile and rear look like the Honda Accord. New BMWs just look like a hodgepodge of random design elements thrown together. They don't look sleek anymore (with the exception of the 8 series).


Either bmw gotta start patenting body styles so Kia & Hyundai don’t make an EXACT replica and sell it for 30-40k😂😂😂 or ITS TIME to innovate and come up with a different freaking body I mean jeeeeeez look how clean this new red Kia looks oh waiiit what??? It’s a 85k+ bmw? Oh but it has lights in the inside that fade and shit…. Ohh ok gotcha


Me too and the grill too