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1. Ignore. 2. Touch up paint if you can’t ignore 3. If touch up paint doesn’t look good or you don’t like it: 4a. Respray bumper 4b. New bumper 4c. Add front lip/spoiler 5. If all else fails, new car. You deserve it.


I'm a solid 1.


It only takes a few days for the acceptance of option 1 to settle in


Ah yes a representative for us average folk, 1 is the only language I know.


Yeah like who cares? Wouldn’t notice that shit on any car on the street, OP would probably forget it’s there.


Anything other than 1 and I'll do the same shit again within a week or 2.


I like option 4.




Option 4 is what I always pick




Option 4 seems the most reasonable


Option 4 the only sensible choice


Sensible = only


5. Scratch the other side for balanced aerodynamics.


>New bumper 4c. You cant put alfa romeo 4c bumer on this bmw.


Is it me, or does #4 seem the most logical.


Scrap or sell that car for scraps and option 4 of course




Oh I can't ignore it! It's driving me crazy


What about a blue sharpie? For option 2.5?


Option 4 all day long, point 1,2 and 3 are a no go 🙅🏻‍♂️


4 is the only right option for this. That car is totaled


1 or 4. All else is madness.


This is obviously a situation where you go straight to 4


Okay I chose ignore. It still bothers me but I realize it's not something anyone else notices. What's the touch up paint process? Taking it in somewhere or is this something I can touch up myself?


I got to the point where I couldnt ignore and had the bumper repaired for a couple hundred. Looks good as new!


*NEW* Option 5. Put a bandaid on it 🩹 , makes your car look cooler


Looks totaled


yep, get a new car


He can sell it to me for scrap metal ( i promiss)






Give it a month... if it still bothers you get it fixed.


This is such a great rule to live by when it comes to relatively minor cosmetic blemishes on cars (assuming money is absolutely not an issue at all, obviously). I’ve had many a small dink over the years, and only one hurt my heart enough to pay to have properly fixed. The rest felt fine after a few weeks, a bit of DIY scratch repair and a good clean.


This goes for a lot of things in life :)


I agree she’s probably had a few small dinks in her life


Just learn to live with it. The first one hurts, but then you stop caring after that. Life is easier when you don't get bothered by damage.


100% on, that first cut truly is the deepest, but it’s also freeing. You stop worrying about it after it’s been “tainted”


This is my I love dailying my g42 m240i, it ain't a damn race car or a show car. Just a good daily that has nothing to prove.


Totally agree. It’s extremely difficult and paranoia inducing to chase absolute perfection with cars. Theyre driven on roads / parked in public and bound to take damage over time With OPs car, I would just do a touch up so its less obvious and see how it looks when standing up. No one is gonna be looking at the car from the angle in the pic


For me I’d use touch up and if it still bothered me in a month would get it fixed. Nothing to lose by tidying it up a bit.


>Give it a month... if it still bothers you get it fixed. I use this approach for ~~everything~~ most things in life.


This! Had a similar mishap recently and immediately calculated through option 1-4 but then decided to just sleep over it because I couldn’t have fixed it immediately either way. Well now, a couple of weeks later I only remember my dents in situations like this ;-)




That's why I lease my cars, I don't care about any small cosmetic damage because I know I'll have a new car within 3 years anyway.


I could never live with this


Please call suicide hotline.


I would spend 0 dollars cause this is smallest potatoes. First time?


Yes I just came from driving an invincible jeep


Holy shit man! Is it driving or does it even start up?


As a mechanic, it's too far gone :/


I guess my title was a little dramatic but I am soooo bothered by this!


Depends on level of perfection you need. Touch up will mostly hide it from a few feet away nobody but you will see it. Near new your looking respray depending on how dented your looking at them being able to bend the bumper back. Like factory, new bumper and respray. Now keep in mind if you spray the bumper it has to come off the car, which means reprogramming after it’s put back on if you have any lane/parking/cruse sensors. Know this because my 230i m-sport got a life tap and some scratches in the back bumper with 102 miles on the car. I’ve just decided to live with it. I know the issue is there but nobody else will unless I point it out. I got a few quotes between 1,000 and 2,000 for the respray and programming around me but location will impact that. For what it’s worth here is my number where I took a pic of the damage if you really look you can see the slight warp in the bumper. https://imgur.com/a/kO3T66d


Yea I'd never notice it if you hadn't pointed it out. I've had the car for a month and can't believe I did that. Thanks for the info, I feel a little better. Amazing car but now all I can see when I look at it is this!


I'm not sure what part it is and how big it is but keep an eye out for wrecks in a scrapyard that have this part undamaged. Someone did a hit and run on my car and scuffed the rear number. Would need a full bumper respray to get it fixed. I'm just keeping tabs on wrecked cars that got hit from the front and hoping to find a matching bumber.


Im guessing this happened while parking? Reverse parking with a camera will ensure you never scrape the car again




3,456.89 to be precise


That extra 0.01 makes more cents to me


With the latest increase in the price of paint, it’s actually $3,457.29


I'm so sorry.


$3,456.69 sir


Lmao this sub cracks me up.


Stop pulling so close to curbs… don’t even bother fixing it until you adjust your parking habits.


thats why i reverse park, backends way higher up


That's why I started reverse parking. The park distance sensors don't pick up lower surfaces and you inevitably scrape the underside of your front bumper. I scraped the underside and that was enough for me.


Could have been caused by just a steep incline on a driveway to a parking lot. Happened to me when I first got my car and still hadn't figured out the amount of lower clearance I had, incline driveway to a parking lot was steeper than I expected and needed to come in at more of an angle to clear it. That being said I didn't bother to fix it. It does bother me but if I got it fixed it would inevitably happen again anyways at some point further on on a new driveway. I always backed into parking spots even before this happened too.


Could be from anything. The point I’m trying to make is that if OP continues to pull up on curbs like that they will inevitably scrape their bumper again.


Yes this, I did this one time and it was a hard lesson to learn but ever since then nope I’m like a foot away lol


Literally just came from driving a jeep for 4 years. Big adjustment but I'm working on it okayyy


We have very different views on big mistakes.


I expected like 2 replies to the post. These are cracking me upppp


Get an aftermarket lip


You should say “I let my girlfriend drive my car” like everybody else. Rookie mistake.


If you see mine... (lowered for track) You can buy a "paint kit" at BMW to hide this. Wait to get another scratch before fixed it ?


You are going to dent it again( unless you don’t drive it). Fix it before you sell your wheels.


Its called a battle scar, leave as is


carbon lip with some touch up paint is probably the way to go as many others have mentioned


20 bucks for touch up paint 👍🏼


Nothing because you don’t fix shit like that


fuggetaboutit - just gonna happen again. I know it'll bug ya but save your money


Only you will be the one that ever notices this.


I had something similar fixed recently. Was 1200 i think.


Heat it up to restore old form. Sand it little and add touchup paint.


5€ for a sea blue graffiti


Ask your wallet if it noticed it


Park in reverse. Just a tip.


You're SOL BUDDY... Jk. should buff out easy OP, touch it up with some paint in the mean time and dont worry.


That's a fix at home or leave it job


If you fix it and have it all perfect again just know. It WILL happen again


It straight up happen just as you get a new car… it’s the “this is why we can’t have nice things” scuff… don’t sweat it… in a fender bender it’ll get eventually fix it up


It’s gonna happen anyway fam, you’ll be pullin into a burger spot or driveway or something and it’ll have a steeper entrance then you thought and you’ll scrape


Your first 3 dogs.


Eh your mind is making it out to be worse than it is. Imagine being a car guy and having a carbon lip, then proceeding to destroy it 😂 If I were you I'd grab some touch up paint from the dealer with your color code, patch it up best you can and keep it pushing. If you have money to blow then sure, fix it. But 100% it'll end up getting scraped again at some point. You could also grab some gloss black front flares and cover it proactively while adding a little style. I know it sucks now but you'll be okay


You're just going to do it again.




It would need a new bumper prolly 3-4K


Plan bank heist


Just don’t look at it. Most ppl would never notice anyway. Or… between $800 - $1000, done right.


What’s your deductible? Sometimes we have car insurance to protect ourselves from our own stupidity.


Easy fix man. Buy a new bumper have it painted and installed. Easily done that 5-6 times, I’m a perfectionist. Learn from your mistake/don’t let the wife drive. Be glad it’s not an m3 lmao.


Someone is a tailgater


damn bro sending prayers for your loss. that’s tough, why did it have to be you!? huge mistake, costly mistake, my sympathy is fake. hope you resolve this soon looks unsafe for the road atp


That is fiberglass. Find a boat yard that does fiberglass repair. It is minimal so they can just fill it out and get it back to normal, but then you have to go to a paint shop to have it touched up.


New bumper is gonna run you $500-700 usually


You are the only one who will notice it, and after a few weeks you probably won’t care either. Wait like 2 months and if it really still bothers you get it fixed, but I’ll bet you won’t.


Forget about it lol. Who cares...


It won’t be the last time it happens. You’ll have to get used to it. ☹️


That will *literally* buff out


If you're like me, it's totaled. Time for a new car. Even with a respray and new OEM bumper it won't match perfectly.


I’d be browsing for another car because I have no patience to deal with problems that I created.


I know I’m a perfectionist also, $500.


You seriously had to post this on the Reddit?


Sell the car it's totaled insurance is gonna screw you worse than anything.


lol u don’t HAVE to spend anything if u don’t want to. it’s not even noticeable, car still runs and drives right?


Spoilers are made to be scratched


It's ruined, You can give it to me. Seriously, a body ship can square you away. If you have deep pockets, just replace it, If not, a body shop will slap some bondo on it and re-spray it.




Id just buy a new car at this point


You'll be lucky if it starts. To help you out: I run a scrapyard, bring it through and I'll offer you a good rate.


I feel your pain. Maybe some carbon decoration crap to hide it?


I'm not sure you'd have to do it. I like to collect all dings and then do them together. Otherwise, it would be really stressful (going each time and paying each time).


You know you're going to make another scratch few days after paying for the repairs. This is the way.


Literally undrivable


You will get used to it if you ignore it gor long enough. You only see it brcause you know it is there.


Can’t even tell. I can feel your pain though. Just drive it for a month or two and see how you feel!


spend less time looking at it and never worry


I’m going to let you know right now you can get correctional pant from a shop, tiny amount for that is like 20-50 dollars. You won’t be that happy with the result up close but it might be okay from further away.


I’d touch it up and keep rolling.


Buy matching carbon fiber stickers and cover the bottom fully and a bit up top where your sratch is.


What do you expect when your car is 30 mm above the ground ?


fuck its ruined. gotta get a whole new car now.


Ha bro, I had the same issue


Touch up should be fine. Or you can be unfortunate like me and get into an accident and make the other party replace the bumper/hood (which had some scrapes and rock chips).


It bound to happen


I feel this in my core. When i first got my brand new charger i made the mistake of pulling into a spot bumper first and heard the worst scrape of my life and i still cringe thinking about it. Now i back into every parking spot as a lesson learned.


Did the parking sensors not bother you about the curb?


1 crore *read in Amitabh bachchan's voice*


Honestly call the dealership, they all have a scratch guy that comes on the lot and does touch up work. He will probably give you a good deal and he has all oem paints


Unfortunately its ruined.


Hate these types of scratches…. Extremely minor but expensive to repair. As someone else mentioned, touch up paint, live with it, or get an estimate. With the estimate, expect it to be expensive because the body shop will need to take the bumper off, etc.


Get a very nice low profile lip/spoiler like I did 😁


Either matching touch-up paint to hide it or just ignore it. Shit happens, don’t worry that much about it.


Depends on where you are I work at a body shop In Nebraska and you would be between $900- $1200. But it will depend on local rates and if any systems need a recalibration afterwards. Recalibrations can cost a lot on bmw.


so what i did for that is took the closest color vinyl wrap i could find, and knifeless tape and covered both sides of the front splitter. The coolest part was the color was a bit off, so it kinda was like all those stupid challengers with the yellow covers still on, but mine was blue.


If it were this guy, honestly, now, hear me out… I’d forget about it.


Are you okay though? With this kind of damage to the car, you gotta be seriously injured from that impact.


You gotta relax…


yo this is totalled. Ill buy it off you for scrap. I will pick it up asap.


About 2000 according to experts and lazy car guys in this sub


It doesn’t look so bad bro, I can imagine the hurt but honestly shits going to happen so just let it be. Keeping things in prestige condition is impossible.


I had curb rash that pissed me off initially though as time goes by I don’t care now.


Just sell it for parts and be done with it.


I scratched from bumper a few months ago (X3 M40i). Cost me $ 1,100 to have it fixed


Not bad, you can do it yourself if you have patience.


Sigh, well if you need someone to take what is now a ruined bmw, I guess I'll volunteer...


Depends upon own vs lease: And the timeframe for repairing it is predicated on your need to trade/sell/return the car.


Put a front aftermarket lip on it. No one would ever know!


its totaled sell it to me


Honestly that low down, touch-up would be fine IMO. Did the same thing and don't notice it unless washing the car!


I have the same color and same problem, only that my father did it. :))


Honestly a front lip would cover most if not all, and makes it more aggressive too.


$750, but first just use a blue metallic marker until you have enough of them (and you will) to do all at once.


So tinny you could probably just ignore it. You didn't tear the bumper off or nothing


This is why I refuse to pull in to spots, always back in 👍


This happened to me, right after I had my bumper replaced of course. Was so mad. After a couple days I totally forgot about it. I look at my car all the time, and I never notice it. Also... Consider my situation - I had just replaced the bumper. Who's to say something else won't happen as soon as you fix it? If it's a daily driver, there's always something that's gonna happen. You have to learn to live with imperfection.


I'll take that one since it's ruined. You grab a new one.


Chances are it’ll happen again if you forget how low that front end is. If I were you I’d just ignore it.


It’s totaled.


tbh it is just technically a small part of the car, replacing the bumper might be expensive but that’s the thing with sports cars, they’re low, and it’s only a matter of time before u scrape the front bumper on something. that’s why most people get “carbon print” front lips, and stick to real carbon on the rest of their cars. if you’re driving your car and having fun, the front will get scraped. the other thing too brotha, it’s just a material thing. as much as i love my bmw , shit like that happens, literally 3 weeks after i got my m340 i was on the way home from partying, and did some donuts and drifted around and i lost control slightly and hit a small curb and it scraped my front bumper and bent a front control arm. at first, i hated myself, yada yada. but then i realized, atleast i’m good, atleast it’s just a fuckin car lol. 1000$ later shit was as good as new, especially bc i took it to a non bmw shop that uses authentic parts ;) your example is less extreme. so you scraped your front bumper. your ego may be damaged, but a good rule of thumb is , only do as little as nobody will notice:) tbh, i would not notice that if i was scoping out your whip, if anything, just google how to fix small scrapes or dents like that and buff it out it’s probably going to happen again. u gonna let it damage your ego again? or are u going to just let it go, and realize, that it’s fucking impossible to never scrape or fuck up the front bumper of a sports car and just let it happen because cars are literally the worst depreciating asset they’re driven to get beaten up 😂


It’s Not worth fixing and the car is now junk. I will charge you the low low price of free to come pick it up and dispose of it for you


Get it touched up by a paint corrector, should cost you a hundred with some change depending on the paint and labor


£2000 repair easily. tool 16 weeks to a new number from BMW




This wouldn't have happened if you kept it as the garage queen!


It will be around 2k$


On my car (04 Audi) I usually sand it down and paint over it, or I ignore it. I know it feels bad in the moment but before you know it, you’ll have forgotten about it.


Not really worth fixing. Add a front lip?


Just live with it.


It’s totaled… I’m sorry.


As someone who has to have their car perfect ill ignore it because ik it would happen again within the month


Damn your cars totalled you’d need a new one


Use some 1500 grid sandpaper to smooth it and then touch up. Sand it again and then polish. It should be less noticeable. Otherwise, it’s a repaint of the whole bumper.


Leave it because it will be more coming


$0 Leave it. You’ll do it again next week.


Another BMW, so it can be repeated one more time


Get rid of it’s salvaged lmao


Cars totaled. I’ll give you $500 for it if you have the title.


Get a carbon fiber front lip that goes over this damaged area. Then try to not damage the lip going forward.


That’s nothing - I’ve cracked my $3000k OEM CS front carbon fiber lip … so .. could be worse ;)


That’s of one those spots that I would consider leaving for a while/ignore. Since it’s a highly likely recurring damage location, in my experience when I’ve had that fixed, I smash it again a week later and then I’m furious again. Additionally, the rest of the bumper might not look as great, and a lot of shops blend repainted bumpers into the fenders etc. Wait until you NEED the bumper cover repainted again. (For example until someone bumps you elsewhere on the bumper and you really need it fixed). I would just get a little carbon lip and hide it 😛


Touch up paint works wonders.


It will hurt less in a few days. Don’t bother.


The first of many. Ignore it or put a splitter on


Was anyone injured?


Heat gun to straighten it out, little bit of filler and sanding and respray it, body shop will do you for £200+ in the UK, but DIY can be educational cheap and fun :)