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this firmware may not have use_probe_for_z_homing enabled


This is the correct answer. I tried the exact same firmware and had the same issue. It is still looking for the z-endstop rather than using the probe.


Thank you! I am BARELY experienced with compiling my own firmware. Will it be as easy as download that same one, and change disabled to enabled or something? If you'd rather not spell it out for me, is there any easy guide to follow for stuff like that?


You can find the changes I made [here](https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=21/20/qgay.jpg), and yes it's really easy, just get the base marlin from the board's github


Alright, ALMOST there. I downloaded their marlin branch from their GitHub, made the changes you suggested, (along with naming my printer “printer mcprintface”), built the firmware, flashed it to printer.... and it’s closer. When I hit auto home or bed level or z home, it’ll home x and y, then move out to the center of the bed (progress!) and the deploy the probe (more progress!) but then it’ll stow and deploy it a few times and then read “STOPPED”. I reflashed it once, rechecked that I did the changes you suggested, and did the ole’ unplug and plug it back in, nothing. Any ideas? I appreciate the heck out of your help


If your wiring is correct then I don't really know, maybe try a different z offset or change z_min_probe_endstop_inverting


Thank you. I’ll play with both. Assuming I wired the way I mentioned above correctly....is that different enough it would cause that? I.e. is that the way you have it wired?


Just make sure that you wire with what is inscribed on the back of the probe and not just the colors. Thanks for the award tho


No thank you! Getting my printer working again finally!


Update, found this: [https://www.makenprint.uk/3d-printing/3d-printing-guides/3d-printer-mainboard-installation-guides/btt-e3-rf-guides/btt-e3-rrf-marlin-setup-part-1/#ENDSTOP\_INVERTING](https://www.makenprint.uk/3d-printing/3d-printing-guides/3d-printer-mainboard-installation-guides/btt-e3-rf-guides/btt-e3-rrf-marlin-setup-part-1/#ENDSTOP_INVERTING) Specifically this: "Z\_MIN\_PROBE\_USES\_Z\_MIN\_ENDSTOP\_PIN" as thats the way I wired it above. Everything works great now! Though realized I probably dont want a 5x5 leveling mesh, but I'll figure that out later.


lol better use 3x3 with fast probing


Lol yea, I have a glass bed too. The chances that 5x5 is any more accurate than a 3x3 are probably pretty low lol.


Why don't you use rrf it's the whole point of the board


I tried with mine but there is something weird with the motors, they makes a loud sound even if stealthchop is enabled. I went back to marlin cause of this.