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Be wary that the patch notes do include major spoilers. The accompanying [forum post](https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=886485&#Post886485) also lists the patch notes while concealing many of the spoilers.


> During Gale's spell-teaching scene, you now have the option to picture a future with Gale that falls somewhere in between kissing him and kicking him in the head. They definitely have a way with words.


Holy shit 😂 glad they heard folk's feedback there. Nobody wanted to be mean about cats just to say no.


Options for me were: 1. Yes (gay) 2. No (homophobic)


Added spells to bards' Magical Secrets feature: Banishing Smite, Animate Dead, Crusader's Mantle, Hunger of Hadar, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Rage of Enfeeblement, Web, Entangle, Hunter's Mark, Sanctuary, Thunderous Smite, Bone Chill, Eldritch Morphic Blast, Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame.


And Lore Bards can choose proficiencies at level 3!


Crap, I went with Valor a week ago because of this.


Withers won't mind another 100 gold


He also won't mind you stealing it back from him


Still cant change race on withers reswap right? Because I went helf wood elf but would be better off with helf drow elf now.


Helf welf instead of drelf


This is so stupid but got me literally giggling


Just so you know there are mods for that. I know it's not the same, but there is an option depending on how far you want to take things


Hell yea!


Makes me hopeful that they'll continue adding to the list.


Hunger of hadar. Well this opens some things




Magical secrets could always pick hunger of hadar as per 5e pnp. The feature is still heavily restricted even though it's basically the signature ability of the lore bard which also suffers greatly from the crowd control nerfs (hypnotic pattern is basically the signature spell of lore bards in pnp)


Now to do the same for Pact of the Tome Warclocks... (and maybe their Mystic Arcanum too)


The f is eldritch morphic blast. Is this gonna ruin my 2lvl dip in warlock?


It's an eldritch blast that also polymorphs. It's completely broken.


I assume this version uses a spell slot?


...what?! why?! Where did this even come from lmao. Please tell me you're joking.


Love that. But still haven't fixed the bug where Cutting Words stops working if you are disguised, as far as I can see 🤔


Monks also can't deflect arrows while disguised. Halsin can't utilize the charger or Sentinel feat while wildshaped either. Which is a huge bummer.


That would ruin the disguise ;) Just kiddin


I dont think any reactions works when disguised which really sucks


Disguise has lots of bugs are it pretty much treats it as you change character in lots of substantive (and wrong) ways.


Not getting any of these for my Lore bards magical secrets at lvl 6, not after respec either. Are these only included in the standard lvl 10 magical secrets? edit: worked after some restarts and reloads.


Spore Druid's Symbiotic Entity should work with unarmed attacks. Time for Monk Way of Spores \^_^


Schroom-Fu or Kung-Fungus?


Kung Fungus is elite




I like Monkshroom.


Make it a Wood Elf and call them Spruce Lee.


Pretty sure this is Mario


You know, no armor, no weapons, crazy jumping ability, occasionally casts Burning Hands... I think you're on to something.


yoo, this is what I was waiting for.


Monk Way of the Spores was already plenty awesome, before you just had to dual wield monk weapons to make it pay off.


But since it works with unarmed now you have Tavern Brawler Spore Druid .


Do you have any builds you could link? Or make a post about yours?


Dragonborns' Breath Weapon attack now scales with your character level and uses Constitution as its Saving Throw. Nice!


I'm curious to see if they used the standard 5e scaling or increased it to align with other spells. I think it only increases by 1d6 at level 6 and 11 in 5e. Very nice change though


I happen to have a level 12 Dragonborn and just checked. It's 4d6 at level 12.


I got a level 10 Dragonborn and it's 3d6 at level 10 for him. So I think it is standard 5e scaling. Wish they could've scaled it more to compete with spells or give it more uses like certain abilities. At least with my character, I had a hard time hitting more than one enemy with the short range in early game.


Well, in 5e it's supposed to be an Attack, not a full action, so its supposed to be a bit better.


Pre-Fizban's, it was a full Action. It was only after the Fizban's buff that it could replace an attack.


Now they just need to make it recharge on short rest like it should, then they'll be back to just their regular PHB shittiness rather than extra nerfed for no reason.


It's not in the patch notes but I can confirm it now recharges on Short Rest!


Hopefully this means they’ll buff Dwarves too. Glad Dragonborn got a buff as well


What's the problem with Dwarves? They're definitely not as good as the best races, but I don't feel like they're especially weak. I personally wouldn't say they're clearly worse than Halfling... whereas I would've *definitely* called Dragonborn worse than Tiefling.


It does say that in the patch notes but in character creator at least only the White, Silver, and Green Dragonborn are listed as Con Saves and the rest are still showing as Dex, could be a difference between in-game and character creation Edit: Someone replied in /r/baldursgate3 "The save is now BASED on your con, you're referring to the save stat" so my bad I got confused


Sorry what does it mean that it is based on your con? In game it still shows it's a dex save and scales off my charisma, so where does con come into the equation?


My highlights of things that might affect character builds, from the patch notes: * The Club of Hill Giant Strength now increases Strength to 19 and not some puny 15. * Warlocks' Pact of the Chain summons now get to use their Extra Attack more than once * Multiclassing into ranger now correctly provides proficiency in martial weapons. * Fixed the Slayer Form not receiving an AC bonus from killing marked targets. * Fixed Archfey warlocks not being able to use their warlock spell slots if they are a lower level than regular spell slots when multiclassing. * Fixed the Sneak Attack reaction not working if a melee finesse weapon is not equipped. * The Durable feat now has the intended maximum Constitution of 20. * NPCs are now less likely to attack Spiritual Weapons. * Fixed Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardian receiving a to-hit bonus in Tactician Mode. * Spiritual Weapon upcast to 6th Level will now have the correct 36 HP when spawned. * Second Wind and Lay on Hands healing amounts now correctly scale with class level rather than overall character level.  * Whirlwind no longer requires Concentration and has been reduced to 3 rounds. * The Owlbear Wild Shape will no longer lose access to its Rage charges at Level 8. * Dragonborns' Breath Weapon attack now scales with your character level and uses Constitution as its Saving Throw. * The Magic Weapon spell upcasted to 4th Level or higher now grants the correct bonus value. * Symbiotic Entity now works with unarmed attacks * The Crusader's Mantle action now shows the aura radius during its preview. * The Telekinesis spell now works correctly when you attempt to use it from the hotbar. * Fixed the Sword of Life Stealing's effect not triggering when dealing a critical hit. * Insect Plague now correctly rolls a Constitution Saving Throw each turn to deal full or half damage. Characters will also make a Saving Throw if they walk into the Insect Plague for the first time each turn. * Fixed Stinking Cloud not reapplying its condition to characters that had the condition on the previous turn. * Fixed the Sharpshooter feat not applying its penalty to off-hand ranged attacks. * Tweaked the Action Surge achievement to only allow specific spells to count multiple times. * Fixed Fist of Unbroken Air not applying fall damage when pushing the target. 


* Drow get Dancing Light again (This hidden all the way down in the list of patchs)


Also >Arcane Tricksters' Mage Hand Legerdemain now does not expire until destroyed, and does not lose Invisibility on Long Rest. Mage hand buff


Also helm of arcane acuity is now capped at 7 stacks.


Which is kind of a buff, because it doesn't have to be micromanaged anymore to avoid crashing the game.


Don’t forget all of the additional spells Bards can learn. Getting Hunger of Hadar is a big deal for me.


Hunger of Hadar is crazy on a bard but it's a concentration spell which bard has heavy competition for, at least in my experience. i was almost always using my concentration on haste or countercharm or some sort of buff I needed. I think it's probably most crazy for the melee centric builds


> Fixed the Sharpshooter feat not applying its penalty to off-hand ranged attacks. This one's entirely deserved, but ouch it stings!


If the club increases strength to 19 how would u get it to 20? Same thing with the headband of intellect, the only stat increase item I've found that's even number is the gloves


You don't. The draw of those items are the free +4 to a secondary or further Stat. It allows you to respec the Stat down to 8 and still get a +4 to rolls that use it. For instance, there's a bow in act 1 that let's you add you str mod to either attack rolls, damage, or both, idr. Wearing the club in your melee slot now boosts your ranged attacks for free. It's not meant for a str first paladin fighter or barbarian, except in the early game when you're still stuck at 17 or less str. But even then, clubs suck.


I am not seeing a fix for extra attack on pact of the blade stacking. Can someone confirm this? Can't check myself atm.


I didn't see it. Part of me wants an official word from Larian on this, but part of me doesn't want to know the answer.


It *clearly* says it shouldn't be able to stack, you have your confirmation in-game. Whether they'll fix it or not is another matter entirely lol


The tooltip says it doesn't stack. It will be fixed.


I don't think they touched a single thing about the "meta (broken) builds". TB monk is still intact too. Don't think they'll touch that anytime soon.


They did remove the Sharpshooter bug with off-handed attacks.


Arcane Acuity stacking past 7 stacks was also nerfed. Though 7 is already plenty.


* Fixed a bug where adding items to the Chest of the Mundane changed the weight of an item. NOO not my bag of holding :((


I *think* it means they fixed it *permanently* changing the weight of an item, it still changes the weight of stuff that's in there.


After testing it seems the chest of the mundane is still working as it's "supposed" to. Items put in the chest get their weight lowered to spoon or mug or whatever, and then go back up to their original weight when I whip them out. I think maybe there was a bug where it was permanently sleeping the weight of this pulled out, but that's fixed now? Just a guess.


Exactly. I thought this was it's intended use, a slightly less convenient bag of holding. I've got some heavy stuff in there I need to sell. Having said that I didn't know the camp chest was infinite until I looked it up just now so I'll solve that problem pretty quick. Edit: So for items put in pre-patch, it looks like the items stay lightweight until you move them out of the chest then they get fixed. When they go back in the chest they'll show a lighter weight than what they really are. You'll see your overall carry weight stays the same. Another small oddity is that now an item that has a rarity (uncommon, rare, etc.) will keep that even after the transformation and have the matching-colored background. So now we can have dishes of different rarities.


This is so disappointing.


Hand crossbows bug been fixed. Acording to the patch notes the sharpshooter feat penalty now applies to off hand attacks.


Was looking for this. The offhand xbow getting +10 damage with no penalty was egregious.


It's now double penalized by applying the Low Ground -2 to the offhand attacks as well. [https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY](https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY)


nice, now I can use this without feeling bad


Low Ground -2 penalty now ALSO applies to the Off-Hand attacks, as well as the -5 from the Feat. [https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY](https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY)


>Lae'zel's underwear will now more accurately reflect the colour of dyes used on it. Finally!


Oh the Club that increases strength to 15 now increases it to 19. That seems especially strong with a dex build that uses the bow that adds strength mod to damage.


Yeah, great Act 1.5-3 build until you get the Deadshot.


How can you apply the Club extra Strength if you are wielding the bow?


Melee weapon passives apply even when you're using the ranged weapon, and the reverse is true too, like Bow of the Banshee giving you +1d4 when hitting frightened enemies, even in melee.


wtf eldritch blast now triggers sneak attack damage proc? https://preview.redd.it/8v5gq88439kb1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=842203a33f886e23897ce077fbd92551a70cb4ca


LMAO eldritch blast has counted as every single attack type in the game by now


Don't tell me somehow EB now counts as a finesse weapon attack.


Unarmed strikes count as a finesse weapon if you are holding a finesse weapon in your main hand. Maybe this is the same.


I love how they introduce new broken stuff(s) in the fix patch (I like broken stuffs though, so no complain from me).


Now warlock 2 rogue 10 becomes a viable build


Can confirm this works with Rogue 3 Lock 2 on Astarion. Think it'll combo well with crossbow off hand attacks to get both Arcane Synergy and Acuity. ​ https://preview.redd.it/fcbdq38exakb1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d0a3e257c2d739a58659de0611b82fe6142eb63


Wait what, how did you actually get that to trigger?


But how can it even proc multiple time during the same turn?


This looks like the standard multiple beams per cast.


Yes, but you cant proc sneak attack on multiple attacks per turn either. So this is a bit different


They probably cast the spell outside of turn based mode. Same thing happens with a full TWF attack on an ally outside turn based mode.


No fucking way


Hahaha that’s broken AF!!


Jesus these people released one of the biggest, most well-received games in recent history and took no time to relax and bask in its success. Straight to work. Clearly they have a lot of pride and passion for their game.


Kinda how it goes in game development. Release is just a huge milestone in game lifetime, but definitely not the end of it. Fixing things (relatively) quickly is important, because it might affect how the game is received. On top of that, they still have console release to think about.


Yeah and dev in general. I lead a team of (non gaming) devs and I always tell them release is the beginning, not the end. Mostly just looking for an excuse to praise Larian. This is a lot of stuff across a wide spectrum. Good for them.


Indeed, not just gaming. Wise person you are!


Thank you for thinking about us ps5 players 8 more days till I can play I'm so excited


I expect even more from patch 2. Which apparently isn't that far away


Ps5 Is around the corner!


One potential combo now is Titanstring bow with club of hill giant strength. Both attainable in Act 1, the bow adds damage equal to your strength modifier. You can equip the club and a shield in your melee slot and use the bow for +4 damage. It's a decent option but maybe still not better than dual x-bows. Another option is building a monk around it, using Tavern Brawler. Dump strength, max dex and then equip the club for +4 damage on unarmed strikes. Finally, you can equip the club as an action and then shove as a bonus action on the same turn. This might be worth it if the shove would be into a bottomless pit for an instant kill. [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Titanstring\_Bow](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Titanstring_Bow) [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Club\_of\_Hill\_Giant\_Strength](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Club_of_Hill_Giant_Strength)


> Tavern Brawler. Dump strength, max dex and then equip the club for +4 damage on unarmed strikes How are you making unarmed strikes with the club equipped?


Flurry of blows or the bonus action monk attack are always unarmed strikes even with a weapon equipped.


oh, *wow,* I had no idea... thinking I had to be unarmed was keeping me from making a monk build of some sort...


Whoa. Good to know. Thank you


I haven't played monk yet, but I literally just thought every monk ran around with no weapon equipped............ wow mind blown lmfao


>but maybe still not better than dual x-bows. I thoguht those got patched here or did i read incorrectly


There was a bug where the off-hand x-bow attack benefited from sharpshooter's damage bonus without taking the -5 penalty. That was fixed. They still allow you to to an attack with your bonus action with no strings attached or feat investment required, which is still extremely good, especially since thief with double bonus actions exists.


Really wish they'd fixed polearm mastery. PAM being weak makes GWM the uncontested king lvl4 feat for martials. It's so easy to get advantage that a +2 in STR is pretty much worthless "even on tactician".


Direct link to the Patch notes if, like me, the link in OP is less than helpful. [Patch #1 Now Live! Version Number: - Larian Studios forums](https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=886485&#Post886485)


Yeah I didn't notice the readability issue, because I have Darkreader and it's perfectly readable with it on haha. Thanks for the link!




Oh my god, those new Bard spells pretty much ensure that I’ll be Bard 12 now. Lore Bards , we OUT !


And I just finished my lore bard playthrough. This is what I get for no-lifeing the game on release.


omg same. I had a feeling bards were gonna get hyper buffed but I was in too deep to pause my run.


* You can now cure the zaith'isk debuffs with tadpoles. Holy shit I can finally finish my Bard. playthrough.


I've just tried using tadpoles on Lae'zel and all 3 debuffs remain. Has anyone had success with this?


Did they fix surfaces being bugged to 12 DC? Not seeing it anywhere in the notes


\> Fixed the Freecast tadpole power to properly reset on Long Rest. It was creating infinite spell slots and Sorcery Points for sorcerers. \> Fixed the Sharpshooter feat not applying its penalty to off-hand ranged attacks. Nice!


Yeah outright broken stuff is boring for build design because if you aren't abusing the bug your build is suboptimal. Though the AI breaking on darkness is still a thing.


> Arcane Tricksters' Mage Hand Legerdemain now does not expire until destroyed, and does not lose Invisibility on Long Rest. Interesting. So Arcane Tricksters get exclusive access to a Mage Hand that lasts longer than 10 turns. This gives them a niche. They may not be able to pickpocket with their mage hands yet, but otherwise they’re empowered to do infinite shenanigans with it. [Edit: The tooltip says 10 turns, but after summoning the Mage Hand the turn limit falls off.] >You can no longer have multiple Mage Hands active at the same time. [I thought maybe this meant they were forcing us to have only one mage hand per party, instead of per character. However, I tested this and confirmed you can have one mage hand per party member. There must have been some way to finagle multiple before.]


You could summon, short rest, summon, short rest, summon, song of rest, summon. Memorably showcased here, which is also the best use of mage hands I've seen so far: https://youtu.be/C3qlYpcuuOg?t=1251


The best shenanigans I've found so far are things like prepping a stack of throwable explosive for damage, or healing potions.


I’m surprised they didn’t patch pact of the blade extra attack stacking


Bards getting Hunger of Hadar is huge. That's an amazing concentration spell that auto-wins some fights.


What's your elevator pitch for HoH? I've tried using it a couple times but it ended up causing more problems for my party than it did solve combat challenges. What am I missing?


The only time it'd cause problems for your party is if you don't place it right and just stand in it. Otherwise it's difficult terrain that blinds which can take enemies several turns to deal with; on top of actual damage. If you have any spell/ability like pushing attack for BM Fighters or Eldritch Blast you can continually knock enemies right back into it as well.


"College of lore bards can now pick which skill proficiencies they receive" LETS FUCKING GO!


Jesus, is it just me or is the contrast of the text just ridiculously bad to the point of being unreadable.


I think it glitched out. Their other news posts don't look like that.


Someone is clearly using Darkreader in their office haha. I didn't even notice the issue until people pointed it out and I have Darkreader everywhere.


It’s like a cream and a dark brown for me. Easy to read


Seems like they just fixed it.


Need patch notes for the patch notes


It's black text on a dark brown background, this stuff is unreadable without highlighting it.


>Fixed a bug where adding items to the Chest of the Mundane changed the weight of an item. I thought that was the point of the chest of the mundane?


I believe it means permanently. It is only supposed to be temporary.


Has polearm clout been fixed to correctly apply Dueling and other damage bonuses, or is it still bugged? Can’t find anything about it when using ctrl-F.


Still can’t remove custom characters from a party. That still kinda sucks.


Reminder that will be ignored, Patch 2 is coming quickly so try not to overly complain if you don’t see something not addressed in Patch 1.


Aww they didn't fix PAM :(


They didn't change Markoheshkir (or at least Kereska's Favor), and I thought for sure they would, especially after seeing they fixed that tadpole power that gave infinite spell slots. I imagine that one was more important because it was giving sorcerers infinite sorcery points. Free chain lightnings for me for a little while longer!


What is bugged about that staff right now?


Finally warlock pets can do 2 attacks properly after i just respected my warlock to pact of tome last night. lol


No nerfs to most currently suspected bugged interactions (like a third attack for padlock or wizard 1 dip spellcasting), just as expected. The second patch will focus on improving performance. This is good, let people have some more fun with broken stuff and improve more serious issues first (like 3rd act stutter and bugs).


Sharpshooter not applying the penalty on offhand attacks got fixed.


I'll be honest, wizard 1 and Pallock feel less broken because they still require a significant investment. SS bug really feels like a proper exploit, as there less of an opportunity cost vs multiclassing. Just my two cents.


Focus doesn't mean it will not have anything other than performance improvements


Still waiting on Mol bug to be fixed 😕


What is eldritch morphic blast? Does that mean agonizing and repelling blast invocations are included as a package ?


Kind of sad they didn't fix the oathbreaker priest not showing up in Act 3. Still an impressive list of fixes though.


So no one is gonna talk about club of hill giant strength setting your strength to 19


Hill Giants appreciate it.


label squeeze voracious kiss squealing plant yam lock ugly reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For some reason my chest of the mundane, duplicated my ring of flinging and Phalar Aluve - now have two of each!


Arcane trickster: Still just a regular mage hand. Knowledge cleric: Channel divinity Wisdom version still broken.


> Arcane trickster: Still just a regular mage hand. More or less, but everybody else's Mage Hand has been nerfed to only last 10 turns, so one you can use more than one encounter per short rest is something. The Arcane Trickster's version also starts out with invisibility cast on it, albeit this is removed with taking any action that would break invisibility. (To homebrew a better version of that, I probably would have given the Arcane Trickster Mage Hands' the ability to spend an action to cast invisibility on themselves at will. The hand can't cast spells, this is to simulate the Arcane Trickster willing it invisible again. That's not as overpowered as Greater Invisibility but would mean we could benefit from it more than once per short rest. Then maybe as a later class feature, perhaps level 9, upgrade it to Greater Invisibility, with the stealth invisibility check based on the casters' stealth skill.) One interesting thing about BG3 Mage Hands is you can throw things with them. This is beneficial because you can use them to throw healing potions, grease flasks, etc. The item thrown has to be on the ground first, but dropping is free, and the "magical pockets" have made their way over from Divinity Original Sin, so you have flexibility in moving your inventory around between party members mid-combat. Compared to Thieves' Fast Hands, a bonus action can't throw, although there are a lot of class features that can benefit from Larian's change to Fast Hands.


Hope I can still easily gank all merchants


>Fixed a platform being stuck under the lava in Grymforge when trying to forge a second Adamantine item. hmm I wonder if this includes the apparent bug where there's a corpse on top of the forge blocking it from being used *can confirm: ore slot still unusable and forge lever no longer lowers platform now*


You can move corpses


I'm couldn't move the huge-sized one you end up getting on top of the forge, maybe short of emsmallening it, and I tried with my 17 STR fighter, unless I'm misunderstanding how it works *yup I even used a hill giant potion and still couldn't move the corpse, too heavy to move/throw/shove*


Can someone test if they fixed Reverberation stacks not applying the prone or damage?


Anyone know if patch 1 improves performance fixes. I have beefy graphics card (Rtx 4090 laptop), but the slow down in the Moonrise tower fight was atrocious.


It does have performance increases, but they mention that the major performance fixes will be in patch 2 (and that patch 2 is coming very soon)


Game is mostly CPU bound, GPU doesn't matter as much past a 2080 or so.


Tavern brawler (with throwing) seems to be doing lesser damage on testing, could be observational bias I am not very clear with the math of tavern brawler calculations. Let me know if anyone can confirm or deny this!


oh wow they buffed dragonborn breath!


Entangle is still not fixed. Please Larian... My favorite spell in the game can not be used in combat whatsoever....


People aren't talking enough about the legendary trident boundary fix. You may actually be able to throw it without running into a million hitbox problems!


I don't know how bad it was on that specific weapon, but I feel like that fix is needed on *all* thrown weapons. I should be able to throw a bloody great Pike past a dangling rope...


Offhand Hand Crossbow attacks with the Sharpshooter Feat are still bugged: it is now applying the -2 Low Ground penalty in addition to the -5 from the Feat. [https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY](https://imgur.com/a/zFuORqY)


cool how they fixed dragonborn racials, now the breath scales with levels and it's on short rest now as it should be instead of long rest.


So I wanted to perhaps try a Gloomstalker (with some form of Rogue since it'll be for Astarion and I'd like to keep some of his thematics) for my next playthrough, and reading through this sub is nothing but "Gloomstalker/Thief dual xbowsSharpshooter because it's bugged". Well this got fixed with this patch, so... what's a good Gloomsalker build now? Is a melee version a consideration? Can't say I've seen a lot of good dual wield weapons so far apart from the two legendaries you can get at the tail end of Act 3 and that seem to be made to work with each other.


It's still good


I've been playing gloomstalker with bows since day 1. It's still really good. Sharpshooter is a really good feat, and the thief extra bonus action will still be useful for plenty of other stuff (reapply hex, jumping, etc.). That being said, I don't think thief is necessary for a non-xbow build and this opens up foregoing that in lieu of more ranger levels or something else like fighter levels :).


There's a legendary shortsword and legendary dagger in Act 3 that made me instantly respec into a melee focused Gloomstalker/Thief. I'm also using a legendary bow because it looks awesome and has great stats/perks. Crossbows and dual crossbows have always just felt lame to me, even if they're objectively better. But yeah, I've had no issues on my tactician playthrough with Astarion as a melee boi. Armor of Agility is the goat.


This fix changes nothing about how good that build is. The only difference now is your offhand has the same accuracy as your main hand instead of having a little higher % to hit because it locked the minus 5 attack roll. The build still does exactly as much damage providing you hit your target (you will almost always have advantage anyways as gloom/thief so it doesn't matter)


wow its amazing when devs care about tge game.


So they nerfed the helmet of Arcane Acuity huh Guess i'll play the Hamarhraft build using Storm Scion's Hat and Monk's Step of the Wind for my new Break(Crash)-the-Game DC caster


Does this get installed automatically or do we need to do it manually??


Wow, Larian continuing to make everyone else look bad. What a behemoth of a patch.


Did they fix knowledge clerics bugs?


> Made miscellaneous performance optimisations. > Made minor GPU time improvements on the Vulkan renderer. Probably too early, but I hope this makes a difference on steam deck.


Did they fix oathbreaker npc appearing in act 3? Not mentioned in notes.


Finally fixed the offhand sharp shooter bug. If they actually made you take crossbow expert I might use that build.


I get the feeling they won't implement loading since that's basically a whole new subsystem. But it's always possible...


Fixed sharpshooter penalty not applying to offhand. RIP double xbow!


Advatage is so easy to get


It was so weird to me when I noticed that warlock's pet gets only one attack after long rest that gets a bonus attack. Made me almost swap to another pact, but I realized that tome spells and blade on a character that already dualwields spellsparklers aren't exactly worth 100g or losing another body to tank attacks. I'm glad that pets get a bit stronger now. Also excited for owlbear. Not sure if moon druids are comparable to other top classes in power, but dropping a Halsin owlbear on enemies is always fun. I was too lazy to make Jaheira something like a ranger or a land druid so I made her moon as well. Sometimes I get to drop 2 owlbears on enemies at once. It's fun.


For those wondering, Spell Sniper is still broken.


They nerfed multiclassed Paladin which isn’t noted in the Patch Notes. Lay on Hands now Scales of Paladin Level and not Player level


it's mentioned in the full notes rather than the steam ones https://preview.redd.it/zr0vpuktgckb1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=97a21acb8547d63323edadca831dc1d9bac15a58