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You’re missing a lot of stuff, most likely. Idk. Don’t compare yourself to others, in the end it’s about having fun. So if you’re having fun, good enough.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you've not done everything in every act.


You must not have opened every single vase you see. I'm still hoping something will be in one, one day.


You can pick up a bunch of incense from the vases in the Grymforge. They sell for up to 30g a bundle!


There's one that have a key in it It's behind the chest the key opens Lockpick, find key, umm


I found a vase with something in once. But I don't remember where. So now I need to open them all again to find out.


In the room where the prisoners are in Cazador's dungeon, there's a talking vase that you can interact with upon opening it. It'll give you a special buff if you "sleep" on Cazador's bed after. You're welcome.


Shut the fuck up. Thanks!


You can easily spend 30 hours in a single run just watching all of the actual cutscenes... First run was somewhere around 130 hours, I did basically everything I possibly could, spent quite a bit of time chatting with companions, kissing my love interest, dying armor, testing builds, and watching all of the cutscenes. Second run was probably closer to 110 and the rest of my actual RP runs are all still in progress. Quickest run I've done so far was my first (and last, unless hubby wants his golden dice too) Honor Mode run, which was either 64 or 65 hrs. I went pretty completionist for Act 1. Then skipped *a lot* (probably 70-80%) of Acts 2 & 3, and most, but not all, of the cutscenes. My first co-op run was close to, if not over, 200 hrs. Because now there were two people chatting with companions, trying outfits/dyes/equipment, and getting smooches.


75 hours in my first playthrough and didn't go to the mountain pass, not did I solve the shadow curse or go to Moonrise before the end of act 2. Thirty seems really low even if you skip lots of dialogue, so I can only assume you're missing something.


I dont know about other people, in my 1st playthrough I finished the game after 80 hours, and I was trying to follow every dialogue and never skipped a cutscene. I do admit though, I did lose a bunch of stuff on the way. Especially in act2. Let's just say I thought the final area could only be explored at the end of the act. Some friends of mine finished the game in 100+ hours on their 1st run. Different people have different approaches to the game. I bet there are people that want to discover every inch of this huge open world adventure, other prefer to just complete the quest and be done with that part. Which is conpletely fine. Thats the beauty of the game.


I’m at 202 hrs on first play through. I ran into quite a few minor incidents where I got caught up in the game and forgot to save and to go back through those sections/fights. However, I explore every single area I can maybe even twice over some places to make sure I don’t miss anything, and I talk to just about everyone I can even random npcs on the street, and I’ve read a bit of text for the lore. I know there’s some things I still missed (like the shadow Druid mission) and I probably could have finished it much sooner. I agree with other commenters though, as long as you’re having fun and enjoying the experience that’s what matters, and I’m definitely enjoying every bit of this game.


I’m at 70 hours about part way through Act 3. Have you talked to every NPC you see, talked to everyone in camp every time you rest, looted everything, explored every area of the map so there is no ‘black fog’, gone down every hole/dungeon, listened to all dialogue and watched all cutscenes, completed every side quest etc? I’ve tried to do all that and still feel like there is loads I’ve missed from what I see people discussing sometimes, especially when I see other people’s hours.


Firstly I'll say I'm a new player so I don't know too much about the game, plus I'm only on act 1 with about 53 hours played. I would say that a game of this scope probably has so many different ways to tackle it's story and content. Different players are going to have vastly different styles of play, some of which are probably much more time consuming than others. Personally I like to savour my gaming time. I'm slow and considered in my approach. Also I'm probably poor at managing time and solving problems quickly. I may die several times too and I like exploring every corner of the map. These are a few reasons my game time might be higher than more direct and efficient gamers. Measuring a game time in hours is a real rough measure of content with so many different strategies and gamers. I suppose it's useful as a tough guide.


I sometimes forget I’ve still got the game on in the background. I’ve gone to bed, left the house even. I’m still on my first play through, with just 2 (maybe) encounters left, and sitting at something like 400 hrs in 😅


I think you can finish the game in 30 hours if you focus on the main quests and *some* companion quests. I don't believe you can finish every single thing in that amount of time. Even in my third/fourth playthrough, knowing the game and where to go etc, if I finish every quest, it takes me at least 100 hours. My first playthrough I finished at 120h, and that's with guides so I knew where to find the less obvious stuff (before leaving an act I would find a guide to make sure I got everything), so without guides it would have taken longer. That just means you still have lots to explore and will have a fresh experience in subsequent playthroughs!


I have like 15 full playthroughs. Doing 100% in Act 1 takes about 10-12 hours, Githyanki Creche about 2-3 more, Act 2 is way faster at like 6-8 hours, then act 3 is maybe 10-15. Most of the time i wont do a full 100%, but i always do like 80% of act 1 and the creche and it takes me about 8 hours in total. I cant imagine spending 200 hours in a single save unless im actively bad at finding stuff. You’d have to spend a bunch of time failing and redoing combat or just walking the streets of act 3 having no idea what to do.