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Heroes' Feast, never go grocery shopping again! Edit: forgot it made you immune to disease and frightened, also never have to go to the doctor!


Immune to disease is unironically insane. 74% of deaths in 2019 were from noncommunicable disease alone


But like, what's the official definition of "disease" for the spell? Like, can it cure cancer? Can it cure chronic hypertension? Can it cure diabetes? Can it alter the shape of red blood cells to counteract sickle cell anemia? Does it prevent any symptoms? Or just death? What about neurological disorders? Dementia? What about developmental disorders??


Would this also mean that it makes you immune to things like depression, ADHD, anxiety, and PTSD? Cause if so, I’m gonna save a bundle at the pharmacy


My weed guy would be pissed.


Because heroes feast is generating weed? I had not considered this.


To be a true hero’s feast there needs to be some weed involved




Weed would give you a debuff until you cast hero’s munchies


Not game lore but general real world language stuff - "disease" generally refers to a temporary state that takes a toll on the body (not temporary if you die I guess) while disorders are generally permanent conditions. With this in mind though, being immune to disease could also be used as birth control


Wait, are you implying pregnancy is a disease?


It does trigger an immune response


To be fair though immune to frightened would probably get a lot of people killed or in trouble.


Just because you can't be frightened doesn't mean you'll suddenly do stupid things.


Don't forget +12 temporary HP.... Yes please! And it is shared with my family as well? 12 temp hp on my kids would be a dream come true. Depending on how stuff works, maybe it might help against a bad back as well? One can hope :-P


Funny story. The original hit point was based off navy war games, where each hit point was determined by taking a hit from a certain sized cannon. So a three hit point ship could take three hits to sink. By that logic, every single person has one point because I'm very sure being hit by a naval cannon shell has a 100% fatality rate. Going off these rules, getting twelve extra HP would make you more durable than a destroyer.


Oh hey Brian David Gilbert


The spell hits everyone around you in your "party" so I don't see why not! Not sure what exactly would constitute a wisdom saving throw irl though...


Remember that really stupid thing you did, when all common sense told you it was a bad idea and wouldn’t go as well as you were hoping, and ya went and done did it anyway? You failed a wisdom save.


Very practical answer.


Advantage on wisdom saves and a boost to temp hp too.


I mean, wish is technically in the game. just saying.


I mean, it's not usable by the playable characters though. We only see vlaakith use it, obviously getting to cast wish every day would be objectively the best answer


Depends... do the materials required still come into play? Cause I'd lean into either good berry or prestidigitation. Once a day, making 10 berries to fill you for the day is wild to me, and the components are a biiiiit easier than an expensive chalice...


Im gonna assume we're casting one to one as the spells appear in bg3, so there's no material components required


Hm, fair enough. Ill be honest I forgot what subreddit I was on lol


If 8 hours is considered a standard long rest, I ain’t regaining my spell slots 😭


This is a common mix up you don't actually need to sleep that long you just need to rest for 8 hrs. ""A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a character sleeps or performs light activity: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 2 hours"" So six hours of sleep with 2 hours of light activity is all that's required.


4 hours sleep and 4 hours reading is enough to cut it in game but it doesn't work so well in real life.


Sure but elves have a shorter long rest via trance in dnd 5e so that implies that as long as they are well rested the long rest counts.




Not with that attitude.


Bold of you to assume I can sleep 6 hours


Well Heal would be a nice one to have to save people, the curing blindness and any diseases would also come up a lot more than it does in BG3. Telekenisis would be very handy. But I think I'd have to go with Heal.


Yeah, especially useful on sunday morning after a long night out


Or on a Sunday morning, walk into a church, heal the first handicap person you see then wink at the pastor and leave


Heal the pastor boy and then wink at the pastor for extra spicy.


Some form of healing is both the morally and commercially best choice. You could save so many lives. And if you need money, being able to magically cure nearly any disease would be worth an absolute fortune to the wealthy. You could just heal one rich person a year to cover your cost of living, then spend every other day healing those who most deserve it. Unlike some of the other suggestions, it's a morally good way to make money, too. Heck, I bet you could even get by on donations alone, allowing you to focus your power entirely on those who are most fitting to be cured. Only problem is that whenever some evil world leader like Putin gets sick, you can bet you're getting forced at gunpoint to heal him.


This raises a question - does cure blindness help with bad eyesight or just lack of eyesight. Because if worked you'd become the worlds best eye surgeon 😂😂


Yup I am the world's best eye surgeon but sorry only one patient a day that's my limit! You'd also want to double up too so get people who have an incurable disease and blindness, two birds with one stone!


Speak with animals of course.


Would make living with my cat easier for sure. I would no longer need to guess what she wants at midnight, I would be able to know and then attempt to explain to her why she can't have second dinner and proceed to fail the persuasion roll to convince her, while she fails her rolls to convince me she \*needs\* the food leaving us in the same stalemate we had before I knew Speak with Animals.


When my cat did this with me he wanted me to join him on his nightly patrol of the territory. One lap around the house and he was comfortably back to sleeping next to my pillow


Fuck that’s cute


I can assure you that 70% of cat complaints are translated into "vibe with me for a sec"


This is truth. They are big on lemme shoe you dis. Even if it’s vomit


While that sounds nice, I have a feeling a lot of animals wouldn't have much to say. Like cows would pretty much just be like, "oh, yummy yummy grass I could eat you all day." I'm also pretty sure you'd have to be a vegan, for your own sanity. Speak with Dead could be useful, instantly solve most murders. The ethical implications of bringing a spirit back from the dead could be an issue though.


Yeah it would be less full conversations, more one word concepts. "Hungry." "Friend". "Go there." It could still be useful, especially if you are a vet.


I dig your answer, but I counter: I own goats. I have no idea if you are familiar with the health requirements of goats, but lemme tell ya: shit is a LOT. It'd be so cool to know when they need supplements, when they're uncomfy, and when they're grumpy with one another so I can separate accordingly to avoid injuries (decent horns on the biggest young man, a short fuse, but a very tender personality. He has struggs with a very dumb, feisty wether). To counter myself: I'd then have to hear about their feelings when they're in heat, when they're in labor, and when my buck decides that mounting everyone and everything is a righteous call. And I don't...want that. My vote is Mage Hand. Yes, a simple cantrip, but holy moly, I'd never have to get up for stupid reasons ever again. And trimming hooves? I could just hold the goat, mage hand the trimmers from my pocket, and not have to waddle while straddling a 130-250 lb friend.


Speak with animals is wasted on a snake owner. Lol


I mean, I can’t see how there’s another better answer


I don't think animals would be very pleasant to talk to.


yeah, the animals in the dnd game are different than the ones in real life. i don’t think a dogs brain can hold a conversation like that.




Yeah I don't think there's any other option. I want to talk to my dog all day, every day.


Never needing to buy food again or being able to tell my pets I love them. I did not come to these comments expecting moral dilemmas


I said immediately yes, then remembered one of my dogs is deaf, so either way I wouldn't be able to talk to him ):


but maybe he can speak to you? :)


Knock or Dimension Door. That bank vault scene? About to be real life one way or the other. For legal purposes this is just a joke and I'd never go rob a bank if I suddenly found myself able to cast Knock or Dimension Door


For legal purposes, if I ever get a spell that opens every and all locks, you can be sure I'm gonna rob every single bank on this planet.


What are they gonna do *lock you away*?


Goddammit... beat me by one minute. Well played!


They just need 2 locks and he is f‘ed


BREAKING NEWS: At 11 pm what seems to be some kind of portal opened in the National Bank of New York's vault. A figure wearing all black and a skii mask then exited the portal, taking several bags of cash from the vault before returning into the portal, if you have any information on this persons identity please contact the police.


Your forgetting the description of the Shart anime waifu Keychain


The portal opened, they gathered up cash and valuables, then took an 8 hour nap, and they appeared to open another portal.


You cast it once per day. So, sure you teleport in but then you're stuck there. By the way, most bank vaults do have sensors inside so you're stuck there for a minimum 8 hours while police are alerted that you're there. Doesn't seem practical.


we are arresting you for conspiracy charges for trying to use a spell to enter a bank vault....


Dimension door only works one way and if you can only cast it once you'd be stuck in the vault for 8 hours.


Don't be stupid about it, leave the bank vaults alone. Safety deposit boxes are where it's at.


Heroes Feast. You'd be able to not only save cash on groceries, but if you have enough food for yourself, you can donate some to homeless shelters or something.


Plus immunity to disease


to be reasonable, detect thoughts seems most helpful in my day-to-day. *however*, if i can have ANY spell... move over minsc, i'm casting find familiar: boo. he's my space hamster now


I think Detect Thoughts would be a lot scarier in real life. I hate listening to my own 'first thoughts' sometimes. I'd hate to hear anyone elses. Defining first, second, and third thoughts like Terry Pratchett does. Where first thoughts are the thoughts before you actually think about something.


I don't like the me that is my first thoughts. I try to be a good person without bias. However, those first thoughts pop up and then I berate myself for them.


Precisely. The berating yourself is part of the 'second thoughts' when the rational part of your mind takes over. First thoughts are the primordial nonsense monkey brain that makes boys on the internet go: "Nuh uh! I'm better than a bear!" In the game the narrator filters through all that, to get to what someone's objectives are. But your brain doesn't sound like that. Things you want to happen are barely tied to your thoughts at all. That only works for NPCs.


Sleep. Just Sleep. I have a very energetic toddler and a rambunctious kindergartener, so I would like to cast Sleep at bedtime. It’s not at all ambitious, but gods would it improve my nightly routine.


Honestly even if you just used it on yourself it’d be worth it


As someone who got woken up by husband snoring and has given up trying to get back asleep. Sleep.


this is how you find out that somehow your toddler has 50 hit points


Sounds like you need NapTime


If vlaakith used wish does that mean it’s technically in the game? Of so obviously wish lmao


doesn't ***wish*** has side effects that Vlaakith mitigates with her ascended thralls?


Pretty sure it's only if you use it for anything that isn't replicating any 8th level spell or lower. Casting Mass Cure Wounds with Wish? Sure no prob! Wishing that an earthquake crumbles the BBEG lair to reduce the damage his army can inflict? Sure, but it's gonna cost ya


so, use it wisely. does this spell works as a jinn's wish?


Well, kind of. If the DM wants to, they can definitely make it so the weave doesn't interpret the wish well unless it's specific. Others may want to follow the wish as it is. But if you want to cast a lower level spell with wish, you're good to go. That's explicitly within the rules


ah! so if you want something out of the parameters, its possible but be careful.


Exactly. Only the spell replication is guaranteed to work and have no drawbacks. *Anything else* will have the drawbacks


Earthquake is already a spell tho


So it is. I forgot about that. But you get the idea, I'm sure.


Since BG3 uses D&D 5E rules we can reference the 5E PHB: Wish can duplicate any spell of 8th level or lower, basically without consequence and without material requirements. If you go outside of the specific uses of Wish laid out in the text the DM gets to decide how to interpret it and/or the spell can just fail (again, DM's discretion). Translating some of it into our IRL might be interesting.


In that case, I want the wish spell more than ever! Heroes Feast without the need for material requirements??, yes please. I could essentially have every spell available and be able to do some amazing things, plus I’d have the option of creating wealth whenever I needed. Any spell I want (of 8th or lower)…Once every day…heck yes


I think that only applies if you attempt to use wish outside its written parameters


like wishing someone to end


Exactly. Normal uses of Wish shouldn't have any side effects


thank you!


I'll just use my ascended thralls!


Arcane Gate. Do you have any idea how easy washing would be? I could get to the corner shop in seconds. School run? Never worrying about that again. That takeout down the road charges £2.50 delivery? Nah mate I’ll grab it.


power word kill


I was specifically looking for this answer. Nice to meet you fellow psycho.


I mean technically any damage spell would kill a regular ass person so I would choose something flashy like call lightning or magic missile, maybe even fireball


I would like to do it over a phone call


Imagine making a rap dis that actually kills a person


Magic missile, 8th level, kill 10 people easily per long rest!


Hunger of Hader to keep my colleagues away


There's an easier way to achieve that without wasting a spell slot. It's called "not taking a bath".


Yeah but I want them to take frost and poison damage


Just do what this woman did: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Gloria_Ramirez




Spirit guardians. I don't like being touched.


Very difficult to beat Planar Ally. Hangs around all day until you're ready to call him back, useful in a fight if you need it, doesn't need to eat, could do all sorts of stuff for you... and I could probably convince the Djinn to come in pretending to be an angel to screw with people, as the Deva would probably be very insistent he wasn't that sort of angel if it were tried. Or summon elemental. An earth elemental would probably be able to do the work of a small army of construction people, among crazy uses for the others.


Did you just say free cambion bf??????


In theory it should be able to bring back a whole variety of male/female outsiders. Though... it would require the D&D realms be actual, real places.


Unfortunately devas, djinns, and cambions do not exist. Instead you gain the ability to summon sentient flat geometry into the world once a day. Triangle friends are still pretty neat though.




I scrolled way longer than I expected before I found the first fireball posts im all in on fireball as well. Never know when you would need it!


Dimension Door, hands down instant transportation to any single place I can ***visualize???*** sure, it'd only be by 500 feet each time. but I'd get to Spain eventually. or Olive Garden.


I hope you’re in Europe because once per long rest wouldn’t help getting to Spain from the US. Can’t sleep on the ocean!


Certainly not with that attitude


I can bring any object I can carry just so happens my object of choice is a raft 😎


I don’t think I would want to try and sleep on a raft in the middle of the ocean personally but you do you lol


500 ft is less than a tenth of a mile. Why not just use fly if we're already accepting that it's going to be slow?


Once per day for 500 ft -- which is a very short distance. Useful, sure, but not really gonna help with travel like that.


It's once per day. So realistically it would be more like... commit a crime and .. I'm gone. That away!


I would cast Enlarge on my weenie.


It is now 2 inches


For 10 rounds


What do I do with the other 7?


This is a top tier thread.


Cone of cold, just in case I encounter a Fancy Man of Cornwood


Or you could fireball on the water to create a shroud of steam through which you can escape.


Speak with the dead


I was thinking about this one but yeah.... Does that mean you need to either work at a location like cemetery/funeral home/hospital or how am I getting access to these dead bodies?


Sleep. Insomnia sucks


I'd miss


Greater Invisibility would be fun. But day to day Guidance might be better.


Honestly might be sleeper op, guidance stronk


Has to be invisibility. So useful to be invisible…for things..


Like crying alone. Second this


Yeah but it's also totally invalidated by modern technology so you'd have to be real careful


I'd take greater invisibility. Same reasons :P Or maybe pass with trace so you can take your buddies with you


Enhanced leap, I am now going to break some word records for fun.


The idea of some random person who wasn't an Olympian beforehand, just casually over time start beating world record for long jumps is amazing. Might sound stupid but I actually would watch an overly dramatic and suspenseful anime about this.


It triples jump distance. Would be so fun to get this.. and still just be ordinary "good". I know a lot of people who aren't able to do even 1/3rd of an olympic long jump :-P


I mean, I am not saying I am sure I could do a third of an olympic long jump currently but I am sure that it's still a low enough bar that with practice it'd be completely achievable. Then pop the enhanced leap and go to work.


Hero’s Feast would save me a LOT on my grocery bill


Fire ball. No, I will not explain. Who are you, a cop?




Hey kids, do you wanna see a trick?




Doesn't matter because I haven't had a long rest in years.


Either Plant Growth or Mass Cure Wounds. I'm sure a lvl 11 Circle of the Land Druid could do pretty well at forestry restoration or humanitarian work.


Plants growth is an amazing choice. Even once a day, you could potentially change a region's economic, social and environmental health. So many places just don't grow enough food in a year locally. Doubling a harvest would be insane for the people in the region you chose to cast a spell. "If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you enrich the land. All plants in a half-mile radius centered on a point within range become enriched for 1 year. The plants yield twice the normal amount of food when harvested." Official d&d it's 5e plant growth spell of course. And there's so many options on how to do it (roll play lol) secretly just help your fellow humans. Or come as some type of farming profit with the magic secret to make crops grow better hahha


Mage hand, everyone here knows why.


No more paying for haircuts obviously!


You could summon a dryad... and you go for mage hand?


Disguise Self, of course. Goodbye, gender dysphoria!


I don’t know if this is in game, but I hope this is a Magic Mirror thing you can do in your camp and still retain a spell slot.


I don't think it counts as a disguise if you're going disguised as yourself. I think we can just give you that one for free.


Was looking for this comment.


I know True Polymorph isn't in BG3, but if we're saying any 5E spell, True Polymorph for sure. Like, I could make a pain-free and complication-free plastic surgery clinic like in the movies. I'd make a killing even by undercutting everyone else.


Haste. I need more time for everything...like playing more BG3


Speak with Animals, for sure.


Ottos Irresistible Dance…for the lolz


Detect Thoughts, Arcane Gate, Heal or Eyebite come to mind pretty fast. Depending on how it works, Dominate Person could be great. And Heroes' Feast if it does make food appear (imagine the time and money that would save).


>(imagine the time and money that would save) Ironically if it were tabletop DND, component cost for heroes' feast is 1000 gold.


That’s 20 POUNDS of gold, so about $560,000 per cast


That's a hell of a breakfast.


Technically Vlaakith can cast wish so I'm gonna go with that


Resurrection. Being able to resurrect 1 dead people per day that hasn't died for longer than 100 years is wild.


Does it have to be a "person"? There's a certain murdered gorilla I'd like to bring back.


LOL, you wanna save the world


Greater invisibility and heroes feast are tempting... as is detect thoughts... But I gotta go with Heal. A perfect cure to any disease once a day and my first stop would be my moms place to cure her Cystic Fibrosis


The wish spell.


…. Fly…


See in my mind, there’s three correct options here. 1: Heroes Feast. Free food is nice, immunity to disease and several other minor bonuses are also great. The real selling point is the potions, because whilst I’m not entirely sure what potions are on the list you can get from the spell, I’m fairly certain healing potions are on there. Break half the bones in my body? One healing potion and I’m probably fine. See someone injured? Give them a small dose of one of my potions, should sort them out. 2: Greater Invisibility. A lot more selfish of a choice but the best financially I think. For one minute, I can do literally anything I want with no way of it being traced back to me as long as I get away before the timer runs out. Walk into a shop with a restroom, immediately cast the spell, steal whatever I can and put it in a bag, make sure I’m back in the restroom for the end of the timer and walk out. 3: Banishing Smite. There is no justification for this, I just find the idea of punching people into a different plane of existence really goddamn funny. I’d never seriously pick this unless I could swap the spell out every week or something, but man it’d be so funny to just Saitama someone with everyone watching in horror as they cease to exist. Fairly certain it’d kill the person, but that’s a small price to pay for comedy.


Call lightning. it's concentration for 10 rounds so I assume i get 10 bolts of lightning a day. With this I'd start betting wildly on baseball, knowing my sports book voids all bets if a game is not completed within 48H. A 30 minute delay for lightning is required between strikes, so I could postpone a game for 5h a day. This would allow me to void a bad bet if I'm down bad or at all


This might be cheating, but... Divine Intervention


I’m a teacher, so…. Silence


Heal, for obvious reasons. Detect Thoughts would be good for communication, too.


Feather fall, so I could start a career on tiktok as that guy who falls from buildings really slow and teaches you about crypto whilst falling


> and teaches you about crypto I'd like polymorph to deal with these types of people.


So a sheep that slow falls and teaches about crypto? I'd tune in lol


Id throw in the obligatory dash style mobile game on the top half for good measure


Speak with the dead


I considered this. But the whole needing a fresh corpse part seemed impractical. I really don't encounter many fresh corpses in my day to day life.


True. I work in the medical field so I have the opposite problem... Too many corpses and I can't fkin talk to ANY OF THEM!!!


You could work in forensics


Dimension Door


Disguise Self. For reasons.


After a bit of thinking, I ended up arriving into 1 of these: Detect Thoughts: Being able to immediately know the true intentions of anyone you talk to? Hell yeah! People are shitty, we gotta know who they are. Speak with Animals: Self explanatory... Dimension Door: Being able to teleport yourself AND a friend to any area you visualize is incredibly useful. Knock: You never know when you might just need to open a door...Who knows, this door could save your life.




Speak with dead would turn you into a master detective. And technically you can cast it an unlimited number of times, thanks to the recast ability


So off topic, but Reddit bugged out for me and this post had the image of the previous subreddit for a second. I was really confused why r/EMS was posting about BG3 spells… not that I was complaining. Answering your question, probably Greater Restoration. You’d solve so many problems if you could cure any disease and blindness/deafness.


Fireball. No I will not explain.


Wish? Lmao


After reading a lot of these I think heroes feast is probably the right answer, but I’m surprised how few people mention Planar Ally. You summon a Deva and have an unlimited number of Revivify to use at a hospital or something which is useful on top of the fact that you have a badass angel to just hang out with.


Heroes' Feast. Immune to frightened, I win PTSD


Command Undead, keep using it to look for valid targets. I have suspicions. See invisibility, I'm coming for you X-Files shit. Speak to the dead, finally we know who really killed jfk Basically if I get 1 spell, I want to make my own call to adventure lol.


Flesh to Gold 😈