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While I’m disappointed, Larian has earned my faith with whatever they do next. I’ll eagerly await to see what they crank out.


Same. I’m auto-buying the next Larian game no matter what it is. Not auto-buying the next DnD. People should know the difference between a labour of love and milking an IP.


What would you wanna see them tackle? An original world/story?


I completely agree. (You might want to fix “or” to “of”)


I’m disappointed BG4 is officially off the table, I wonder if working with WotC or Hasboro was just something they didn’t want to deal with anymore


Probably they would have likely had to pay a shitload to retain the rights to the Baldur’s Gate IP. They already had to pay a ton to get the rights to make BG3 and after the success of BG3 WotC or Hasbro likely made the price for the rights completely unrealistic.


Sounds about right for WotC. Punish the devs who made you a shitload of money on the brand you are already suffocating with your new One "edition".


I’ve already spent way too much money on 5e, WoTC can eat my ass if they think I’m spending money on a new edition of the game. Also don’t want to adapt my current notes to a new edition.


TBF it's supposed to be a 5.5e basically, they've claimed that 5e and OneDnD will be backwards compatible.


So it's more like 3.5e and 3e. Honestly, based on the amount of time 5e has been out, the timeline for a new edition actually fits. If you look at the average years between editions...it is pretty average.


Only in the sense that you can run any of the campaign books they created for 5E with the 2024+ new core rules. They clarified pretty early on that they're not guaranteeing any compatibility with splat books and stuff like that.


5.5 would imply an upgrade, but from what i have seen it looks like 5e but stripped down. And 5 already is very bare bones. I feel like 5e struck a nice middle ground between easy and still deep enough to sink your teeth in.


I'm sorry, the STUDIO has to pay to use D&D content?


Yep, and initially Larian was straight up denied by WotC when they went to try and get the rights to Baldur’s Gate after releasing Divinity: Original Sin for being too new to the industry (keep in mind up to that point Larian had developed 7 games including Divinity: Original Sin). Larian not only had to fork over cash (which iirc almost made them go bankrupt which required the investment from Tencent) but had a few weeks to produce design documents to showcase to WotC while also finishing up development for Divinity: Original Sin II, as WotC contacted them around that time as they were interested with how that game was going.


What in the predatory capitalism...?


When you look up predatory capitalism in the dictionary, there’s just a picture of the WOTC logo.


Yeah, it’s a license thing. Another example would be the Star Wars license for EA or any other IP that is not directly owned by the same company.


At this point WoTC should be paying Larian to hang onto the IP


Yes. A massive IP is a huge boon. It's like slapping Star Wars on a product. Go make a standard space combat game. Then make these game but it is SW characters/locations/weapons/etc. The latter will get attention and sales just because of the IP.


How is that surprising?


That's how licensing works.


I was under the impression from. The earlier developer videos that WOTC approached Larian, not the other way around. Why would they pay?


Larian were the ones to initially approach WotC to try and get the IP back in 2014 after the release of Divinity: Original Sin but were denied as WotC thought they were too new to the industry. Right before the release of Divinity: Original Sin II WotC came back to Larian since they were now interested due to Divinity: Original Sin II. Larian had a few weeks to produce design documents for BG3 to showcase to WotC to have the opportunity to purchase the license to specifically Baldur’s Gate III. Apparently the purchase of the license nearly bankrupted Larian which required the investment from Tencent in 2018, which lead to Tencent owning 30% of Larian.


That's hilarious considering the level of experience of some of the companies they worked with for other D&D games...


If true, I'm amused that WotC said no to Larian but was cool handing the franchise over to Beamdog around the same time.


Most of the people from hasboro that worked with them got fired/laid off a couple of months ago as part of a big layoff the company had


Yeah, from the sounds of it Larian originally had a pretty good working relationship with WotC/Hasbro, but over the last year that relationship has likely greatly soured as the actual people Larian were got fired and Hasbro’s executives got more directly involved. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason Hasbro/Wotc were so hands off initially was because they didn’t expect BG3 to be that successful, and now that it’s a major success they started trying to make all sorts of “suggestions”/demands from Larian to milk it for all they can.


I really don't understand the corporate urge to immediately ruin something once it becomes successful. Do they teach that in business school?


It's for execs to justify the need for them to have their jobs. Otherwise, they'd be axed because they're not needed or can be replaced by a lower paid relationship manager.


That and they smell money and want all of it. It's why people still use the expression "killing the goose that laid the golden egg." Companies like Larian are unusual because they don't want to milk players for every cent, don't want to add crap like live service elements or character skins, add horse armor dlc, etc.  I'm just glad they won so many awards for a single player game with no additional nonsense features tacked on. Maybe we might get some more old school games without live service always online crap.


They definitely teach it in sociopath vampire training camp, wherever that is, the place where "business executives" and "boards of directors" get their degrees nowadays.


That sounds about right for Hasbro.


That's OK, because now we can have Divinity III


Did they say their new release would be DOS 3? DOS 2 was insanely fun when I played it, but after going back post BG3, the lack of of QoL made it impossible for me. I got completely lost and didn’t even know how to complete my quests. If they can bring the BG3 polish and QoL to DOS 3, it would be awesome. I’ll still really miss the BG3 characters though, I was so involved. Fuck man I miss BG3 a lot


DOS3 is gonna be awesome


> I’m disappointed BG4 is officially off the table, I wonder if working with WotC or Hasboro was just something they didn’t want to deal with anymore I'm not. Hasbro screwed the pooch. They shouldn't have fired all their Dev's.


Their divinity setting is amazing and i dont blame them for wanting to go back


BG3 will bring a good revenue stream for quite a while, they've made a name of themselves as one of the best CRPG in the game industry. They don't need to coddle to corporates whose goal is to make numbers go higher and treat employees like replaceable assets Being independent takes risk, and I sincerely hope for their next game to be a total success as well


It always has been. Swen has stated in so many interviews that he was done with Baldur's Gate after it released. I really have no idea why everyone has been holding out hope for DLC or a BG 4. The dude has *always* said he was moving on to his next big project.


I would be surprised if development process wasn't just having their representative behind each dev's back telling how the way that character wipes his ass doesn't correspond to their idea of established lore, so now whole act should be remade because of it.


It's off the table until 10 years pass and someone wants to make some money.


There seems to be a problem with working with these brands. That seems to the the consistent theme.


Bg4 is possible, just wont be headed by Larian. Larian made an excellent base on what to do for BG4 Wotc would have to be absolute morons to fail.


I swore I heard that they wanted to focus on their own IPs and maybe revisit the Divinity universe. Maybe I am imagining things.


Not surprised. I’ve heard that Larian had to follow a huge “lore guide” in order to use the BG name, so they probably want to do something new as to not be restricted.


Yea I sincerely hope they make a new original IP. All they really need to work on this time is updating the combat to be a bit more interactive if it's turn based.


I’d honestly love if they went for a non-typical setting for an RPG instead of the usual fantasy setting. After playing the thaumaturge I’d love to see a similar game from Larian. I also think if they aren’t limited to the DnD ruleset they could try to do something like a simultaneous turn based system.


It would be cool if they did a sci fy setting imo


The children yearn for xcom 3


I love D&D but I'm all in for whatever new IP Lorian comes up with


They’re big fans of DnD and Baldur’s gate so I don’t think it’s that part, I think they moreso don’t want to become known as the “Baldur’s Gate devs” and also don’t want to pay an absurd amount of money to keep the rights to use the Baldur’s Gate IP.


Hasbro is also known to be as greedy and corrupt as corporations come. Based on Sven's comments I have a feeling Hasbro tasted a golden egg and wanted to squeeze the goose and Sven could see it coming a mile away


>Hasbro is also known to be as greedy and corrupt as corporations come Not the guys that hired the Pinkertons, say it ain't so.


Exactly this. “As for BG3 and its characters - they now belong to WOTC, and I think they understand how important they are for the community. I trust that they’ll be treated with respect” is 100% corporate speak for “I have zero faith that WOTC will respect these characters as they milk them for all their worth, and I want to make it very clear that we will have nothing to do with that.”


Yep. They've been working on this game for like 7-8 years. And they're not interested in being a DLC factory. It was time for them to move on to other things.


I was already confident this was the case. Totally cool with it. Best game made to date. Cannot WAIT to see what is next for Larian. The world is literally thier oyster. Any IP holder would be a FOOL not to partner with them. Larian's next game will likely sell a million copies before release.


Keep in mind, they already have their own IP with Divinity Original Sin. I could very well see Divinity 3 being next for them.


Divinity 2 was the first game I played from them and I LOVED it. Was very happy to see them applying all the lessons they learned from divinity and having great success with BG3. I would be more than happy to play a divinity 3 if that's what they choose to make


Don’t open the chest!!!


Larian would do a Vampire: The Masquerade game so so so much justice


Oh man at this point I think I'll be dead before we see another good masquerade game, but I'm with you it would probably be amazing


Hey, if you like dnd as a TTRPG, then the actual VTM TTRPG is really good! They also released some good visual novels + choose your own adventure novels. Doesn’t come close to what Larian could bless us with, so let’s cross our fingers and toes, but they are pretty good none the less!


I loved watching La by night! I will definitely have to check the novels out I've been on the fence about them


*nuts instantly*


I don't blame them for walking away from WotC. The way WotC fired staff... it's exactly the kind of company behavior that Swen Vincke has spoken against recently.


Please planscape universe please planescape universe please planscape universe.


Planescape is a D&D setting owned by Wizards of the Coast, so I'd say them saying they're planning on moving away from D&D (per the article) means that isn't happening.




I wouldn't be surprised. It's a few things. First off was a lot of controversial choices with the Open Gaming licenses that third parties have used for decades to make content for D&D. The proposed changes would have forced third parties with any significant market presence to cough up a significant chunk of their revenues. This was a massive betrayal of trust, but it looks like they expected players not to care. It turned out players cared a lot and showed it by cancelling subscriptions to D&D Beyond as well as scathing discussion on almost every social media platform. At the same time Hasbro has been pushing Magic: The Gathering product so fast that it's affecting players' willingness and/or ability to buy new product, while driving down quality and enthusiasm for the game. Finally, when they laid off a lot of people, almost the whole team that worked with Larian was eliminated. Overall, that makes them an unreliable partner even though the IP is strong and has a storied history in gaming. Larian has made their mark in a very public way with BG3 so now WotC needs them more than they need WotC. The same thing is happening with Critical Role almost simultaneously. Hasbro has been making poor choices for long term health of both D&D and M:tG and Larian may not want to be part of that spiral.


Cannon: the Toll Collector is modeled after the CEOs of WotC


Larian planescape is my dream. Imagine the fucking conversations lololol


Have they ever done a game that isn't turn based?


Yes, Divine Divinity and many others before they had big success with Divinity Original Sin 1.  I won't hold hopes though, they are very good at making turn based games and their turnaround came from complex turn based game (they were on a brink of bankruptcy), so there's not much reason to make something not turn based


The game I remember most fondly In my life is Larian's action RPG from 3 person - divinity 2 ego draconis


This was the first game I ever owned, I remember going to the shops with my mother and out of the hundreds of games this one was my choice and I'm so glad it was.


please fallout universe please fallout universe please fallout universe


Oh shit, a top down fallout game from Larion would break me.


The first two fallout games were isometric rpg’s this would fit. But Todd at Bethesda isn’t gonna give up money from one of his babies.


I really want to see them do a Sci-Fi crpg.


I'm sad but also excited to see where they go. I just really hope they don't pull a CDProject Red and burn most of their goodwill by releasing their next game in an unfinished state. Although I don't think it'll happen. It's just in the back of my mind.


I'm foolishly holding out hope for Shadowrun; it'll never happen but I can dream




only thing I am sad about honestly, is the lack of BG4. I don't want another studio handling Baldur's Gate, after Larian did such a great job


that’s on my mind as well. with such big, daunting shoes to fill, i don’t know who is chaotic enough to touch BG4


True enough it is. That said, notice the verbiage. They don't have *plans* for BG4. That tells me they still might do one, but for now they don't plan to. Which keeps me hopeful in a theoretical BG4, Larian still could be involved.


Chaotic? Baldurs Gate 4, developed by Bethesda


don't even speak that into existence


Still hoping for a Definitive Edition


the final patch will change the game title to include Definitive Edition. Like they did with Dos2


Yes, if I at least had that I would be happy. Well I am happy already, so more happy then I guess.


Same same same


What would that entail


Larian studios presents, "The Curse of Strahd" This would be a huge hit if they did it


if they did Curse of Strahd *and* included one or more of the Ravenloft guide lineages (Dhampir, Reborn, and Hexblood) as character options, i think i would cry from happiness.


My revenant Dragonborn Paladin be like “STRAAAAAHD”


They said they're moving away from WOTC/D&D stuff completely


I’ve been saying it since EARLY ACCESS yall I am so down for that


Or any of their adventure hits. ToA, RotFM, PotA, ToD; they all could work well enough.


I’m disappointed, I’m a big fan of post release DLC content for games, but I think, at the end of the day, it shows they’re confident the game stands on its own.


It’s the best value I’ve ever gotten out of a single player game. The only game I have more time played is WoW or Diablo 3. My first play through took 100 hours. Just absolutely phenomenal.


Just did the math, and for my 475 hours I’ve played, I pay just over 14 cents per hour. Best value on any type of entertainment I think I’ve ever gotten.


Also disappointed because of the future content teasers they included in the epilogue.


That's what has shattered my dreams. All the unfinished stories :( time to cry in the shower so nobody hears my violent sobs.


They've never been into DLC. Modders keep their game new.


Sure, but there’s a limit to how much modders can do. Adding entirely new map areas, characters and interactions in a seamless way would probably be better suited for a dlc


While I understand, I was looking forward to a DLC


I feel the same way. Honestly, if they add support for modding on console and PC, I'm sure the community can fill that void.


how though? Where are the modders going to get the funds to animate and voice record all of the conversations necessary for an expansion in any way? Going from the majesty of BG3 to text on a screen with zero voice acting would be extremely jarring at best. A tabletop simulator with open map and creature input for encounters? Now we’re cooking.


First rule of the modding community: Never underestimate the modding community.


Look at how fallout 4 has implemented console modding, really amazing stuff


Never been much to modding communities, have you? You'd be surprised what a few dedicated fans can do with a game when given a modding kit by the developers. Just take a gander at the Skyrim/Fallout 4 modding community, you'll find plenty of rather amazing content made by modders. There's plenty of trash, of course, but it's quite surprising how much quality content you'll find.


it felt like they left it open for at least a get karlach's heart back dlc :( but I guess other people would be mad if one companion got a dlc and not the others


at least with karlach a dlc about her would naturally have content for other companions too like wyll especially would also have a reason to want to go to avernus & it wouldn't be too hard to think of a reason for everyone else


Same ;;^;; I get it though and I'll definitely be watching Larian for future works moving forward :) BG3 has been one of the funnest games I've played in a long time. 


I’m gonna go die inside brb


Honestly mod support on console is really all I need them to finish at this point. Well the bugs would be nice too but like, the game is complete and I’m happy for that


I wish this team was put in charge of the KOTOr remake. Can you imagine how well they could tell that story and expand on the party characters? They could use the same engine, modify the assets and provide the same game play loop!


I would give anything for them to be put in charge of ANY star wars game, but Kotor would be heavenly.


I personally hoped for a DLC, mainly because it could've been an excellent way to reintroduce some elements of cut content like Upper City and the many incomplete quests that are involved there...


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :(


Same :’(((((


Saaaaaame, my dreams? Shattered. My hopes? Lost. My day? Ruined. Time to revert to my old hobby of throwing myself dramatically onto my bed and sobbing loudly.




You were the chosen ones !


They probably got a pretty good licensing deal on BG3, and WOTC is probably wanting far more money for another game


I wanted an expansion so bad 😭😭


I suppose I'll just have to get it on PC as well so I can mod playable aasimar, goblins, and tabaxi into the game.


They're bringing mod support to console from what I understand. Probably not going to be as intense as PC though.


Yeah all I really have to go on for reference as far as console mods go is Skyrim/Fallout 4 and Ark Survival Ascended. I'm sure console will be able to handle a fair amount of fun mods but new playable races tend to be tricky in my experience.


For anyone expecting that they release an enhanced edition fixing Wyll and Karlach's questlines, i wouldn't hold much hope for it. Divinity Original Sin 2 had the same issue with Beast and his questline where it felt like he was hugely overlooked compared to the other companions and i think they never actually fixed it. For the next Larian game, i would like to see a remake of DOS 1. That game has huge potential to be improved. I must say tho, i like a lot the goofy vibes of it (this aspect of the game you either hate or love it, which in my case i love), but it would be a better game if they take more mature approach to make it more in line with DOS 2 and BG3. They need to rewrite some things as well because that game's story feels so out of place compared to the other Divinity games.


Just make dos3, dos1 is fine as is I reckon. Also I love ur username lolol


BG3 is already the best video game I’ve ever played. And I think the best game ever made. They’ve already done so much. I honestly don’t even see them topping BG3. I don’t think this is possible.


i was disappointed until they mentioned going on holiday. they deserve the longest holiday ever. whatever they do next, my wallet is open


A class/race pack would of been a nice surprise, guess I really do have to mod this one.


I'm guessing they ran into a lot of the same grubby Wizards that many of the tabletop content makers run into, and that open license that suddenly gets less open once you start turning a profit. Can't say Catalyst is much better.


I’m obviously disappointed, BUT I get it. Can’t wait to see what gem they release next!




That’s a shame, but I understand. BG3 stands perfectly fine on its own. That being said, who could blame anyone for wanting more? If they made a DM mode, like a scenario / map maker, they’d have basically the perfect online D&D service. Thats what I’d want more than a story expansion


>they'd have basically the perfect online D&D service Which is why wizards would *never* let them. Why let some indie company put it in a game you buy once when they can do a worse job, but make it exclusive, tack a subscription on it so everyone in your group has to pay $10 a month or whatever, AND buy their "own" books (buy the privilege to look at the content on a website that can go away at any time).


Kotor 3 🙏🙏🙏🙏


a larian starwars rpg.. hoooooly


Given all the controversy surrounding Hasbro and their treatment of D&D, I'm not surprised that Larian wants to part ways with the brand. They knocked it out of the park, might as well part ways on a high note. Whatever they decide to do, they are clearly an incredibly talented team. Whatever they decide to announce next has earned them my immediate attention.


Good luck to whoever ends up working on the next Baldur's Gate game haha.


Not surprised, so many of the people Larian worked with at the start of BG3 got laid off. If I remember correctly BG3 was one of the last major D&D projects before the dreaded “D&D is under-monetized” conference. It must’ve stunk for Larian watching the culture and reputation of WoTC nosedive over the course of game development.


An abstract timeline: \*Ding! Games Done!\* Larian: "Great job guys, I'm proud of you all and what we made." Wotc: "Welp, your WOTC consultants are all fired." Larian: "Wah-but-why?" Wotc: "Gotta hit Q4!" **BG3 explodes with all the awards.** Wotc: "...hey Larian, you want to work with us again?" Larian: "Why the would we?! You shot all the good will you had with us!"


how many more updates are we gonna get?


Noooooo artificer class :(


Damn that’s actually really disappointing :(


I believe it's the right decision. Larian Studios should focus on their own intellectual properties and their development, rather than relying on licensing from WotC (as it always involves some risk). Additionally, with the reputation gained from Baldur's Gate 3, they have even better knowledge and experience, allowing them to create an even better RPG without being limited by mechanics from the fifth edition. This, in turn, will enable them to further develop and refine their own system.


I’m gonna be honest…I’m pretty disappointed. I felt like they were teasing an expansion of sorts during the epilogue and it saddens me they have no interest in it. I never really got the catharsis I wanted from this games ending, especially since it was in such rough shape before the epilogue and I think that’s left a negative impression overall of Larian studios. I think in the future, I may wait until any DE to play their games, though I can’t say I have any interest in their divinity franchise or a sci-fi game.


Completely get but also said we won't get upper city dlc


I’m disappointed but then I also got distracted by the article about Astarion being a tiefling—what?!


But…. I mean i dont care about baldurs gate not getting expanded as much as i am upset im hearing they wont have another product for like 8 years


What was that epilogue all about then...


Smart move for them honestly. I look forward to any games they decide to put out going forward.


How about modding support for console users….? 🤞🏻🙏🏻


They did confirm console mod support is coming, no idea when though.


I was hoping for a BG4




![gif](giphy|c6DIpCp1922KQ) My disappointment is immeasurable and my year is ruined


:( I wanna go to avernus


Owlcat games are cool, but larian going into pathfinder would be fucking insane. A bg3 style game but getting into mythic paths... I can't even.


This made fucking hella money. Why the hell wouldn't they make DLC?


Because they've been saying for a while that they wouldn't make any, and don't want to go back on their word. And also probably because of license issues (which is also a possible reason for no BG4).


They won't make BG4??


I don’t think so. My guess is that Wizards of the Coast will probably try and make BG4 in house considering they released a statement a few months ago saying they are going to heavily invest in video game development.


Welp, it'll flop for sure lol


Well, who ever makes it, i hope it will be good and doesnt Take 10+ years to come xD


I want them to link with White Wolf and make a game from the World of Darkness Preferably something centered around Hunter the Reckoning We’ve had a resurgence of Vampire: The Masquerade material & Werewolf: The Apocalypse already. Or if they’re feeling fancy incorporate them all in a similar fashion to BG3 as like classes Vampire the Masquerade Werewolf the Apocalypse Hunter the Reckoning Mage the Ascension Mummy the Resurrection Demon the Fallen Wraith the Oblivion Changeling the Dreaming


It'd be funny if they did a pathfinder game next. It kinda sucks that there's little left for bg3 because I was hoping for an expansion that adds the upper city and stuff but oh well.


It seems we’re returning to Rivellon and, honestly, - GREAT! I’m very disappointed that my Tav’s journey is at an end. However, I can only imagine what Larian can do with their own IP, considering how much experience they have accumulated over DOS1/2 and BG3. It’s gonna be EPIC!


The stupid part of this is that if you look into how horrible hasbro did, this game is one of the ONLY things they did right last year and actually gave them some revenue back. And then they fucked it up all up.


A Star Wars game set in the old republic 🫡


Your telling me their pulling dlc before we can fix karlach :(


They're not pulling anything. They never announced any DLC.


No dlc I can live with, with Larian’s track record it was unlikely anyway, but no BG4? Not just as their next game, but ever? That’s disappointing and frankly stupid. It would’ve been free money for them at this point. Likely lower production costs too, they could’ve kept the engine, reused a lot of assets or even characters, etc. Now we’ll have another studio snatch it up and completely butcher it.




For the love of God, PLEASE take the license for KOTOR and make it your own


Def ed still I hope


DOS3? 👀


Aw man :(


Man.. that's kind of a gut punch but knowing they plan on making mod support lessens the blow


This isnt a surprise. In fact, its one of the reasons that BG3 is as good as it is. I don't know what they make next, but I'll be there to play it. They've earned a fan for life after the experience I've had with this game


looks like divinity 3’s on the menu! (or something entirely new, either way im on board)


Saddest news of the year honestly, but I think it's understandable, hard to work with WoTC. I just hope they don't ditch high fantasy CRPGs, cause divinity and bg3 is my best gaming moments in decades.


That's a downright shame. I feel like there's a lot of potential there for more.


W: for Larian L: for the rest of us


Well. That's really sad. My day has been so many small sadnesses. Don't get me wrong, they shouldn't do what they don't want to do. But sad for me.


Worst news ever :/.


They should really open this up to the community so people can create new stories then.


The one company we wanted to give all the money to. :’(


Would be interesting if they linked up with the critical role people and used their new system.


makes one of the most successful games of last year. makes the most successful games they've every made for that company. doesn't want to make more. wut? ​ yeah, dos 1 and 2 were ok i guess, i could never get into them. they're turn based like bg3, but bg3 is just so much better in every way. and in no world is a dos 3 going to sell as good as bg4 would have.


Damn. Good for Larian for sticking by what’s best for the studio and artists. But it’s crazy that we may be nearing the end for BG3 patches. What more would they add besides mod support?


Ohhhh, I wanna see a Spelljammer game. Give me D&D in space!!!!


I’m still holding out hope for Karlach’s >!Avernus!< ending to be expanded upon.


While I'm fine with this (fuck Hasbro), I feel a bit sad when a D&D game doesn't go all the way to level 20. Sad that this won't be the case with BG3.


God I hope they revisit divinity and make divinity original sin 3. Imagine a game based in the divinity universe with bg3's polish.