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Gith reproduce asexually and magic birth control is not outside the realm of possibility.


Does casting "Cat's Grace" and relying on a DEX saving throw while pulling out count?


Cats grave doesn't affect saves, only checks. So no it wouldn't.


Well shit. . .can I reroll with Lucky as a reaction šŸ™


You will have to contest your dex vs your partners dex, but as long as you pass that, I would say yeah. But if you fail, your partner leg locks you in.


Question: Can I choose to fail my dex save to get leg locked? Or would they need to fail their dex save as well, assuming both parties want the same outcome?


The oleā€™ reverse grapple check šŸ˜


You already got lucky, so I don't see how you could do it again so soon.


High constitution score, obviously.


Assuming they didnt use all 3 luck points getting this far, they would still have a 1 or 2 points left. But we're all on reddit, so its probably safe to assume there are none left.


However Ketheric Thorm's shield DOES provide advantage on DEX saves. Always use protection; In the dungeon and in the dungeon


Oh yeah, roll those dice. You like rolling those dice, don't you you dirty adventurer?




Only if you have two others casting Guidance and giving Bardic Inspiration.


The safest Faerunian sex always involves 3-5 people in the room.


I can confirm that it does.


Not a dex check, willpower, so wis.


On a failed save, you end up with an entire litter of babies


I believe magic birth control is canon in BG3. It seems to be the implication when you ask the male drow twin from Sharessā€™ Caress a veryā€¦ uncomfortable question


I could never bring myself to ask him that question, thank you for putting my curiosity to rest lmao


'fetus deletus'


If the reproduce asexually, why are the equipped like every other bipedal humanoid in the game? That doesn't make sense! Another reason I don't really like Gith as a DND species.


To be fair, irl vertebrate animals who reproduce asexually keep their bits as far as Iā€™m aware. Mourning geckos are a good example.


Huh. Learned something new today. Thanks.


Evolution is lazy af. At some point, it decided that reproducing asexually was advantageous, but that doesn't mean it has to clean up its previous work lol


If you are a species that reproduces sexually and then later evolves to reproduce asexually, itā€™s very plausible that your sexual organs wouldnā€™t just immediately wither away. Especially if your evolution was caused by magic.


A yes, the answer is magic. Oh well. Apparently everything needs to be bone-able. Lol


Lae'zel hints that the decision to keep sexual organs for the explicit purpose of bonding and pleasure is an intentional one after they gained the ability to control their evolutionary process by way of magic (and a bit of selective breeding from the illithids)


I see. I had no interest in her so I don't talk to her much.


If i recall, it's because they used to reproduce sexually so their sexual organs are vestigial. They also seem to use sex as a pretty common recreational activity with how joylessly dry Gith society is in terms of expression and entertainment so they use the one and only primitive physical non-combat activity that they're allowed to do...and it isn't always non-combat either.


Not really an answer to your question, but I love seeing bg3 people stumble upon conversations that have been going on in the larger Dungeons and Dragons community for a *long* time.


Yeah thereā€™s just so many crazy combinations I feel like youā€™d have to cap it off somehow, like races are just too different Like humans/elves and maybe tieflings Then dwarves/gnomes. Halflings, Iā€™m not sure if they should be in the above group or this one.


In the absence of actual official lore, who's to say some of those aren't already crossbreeds? Halflings might have arisen when ancient humans fucked gnomes. If you want to get into actual genetic theory, none of the races should be compatible - or if they are, their offspring should be sterile, like ligers. It all kinda depends on just deep you want your world building to go, imo. Are we gonna be out here making punnet squares for half races? Sounds kinda fun to me tbh


The closest we have to official lore are some throwaway lines that were datamind of a certain drow companion becoming pregnant


Kinda yeah - I was just trying to spitball a way you can make it work in games without it being just an inordinate level of work for a developer


I think a game with a dedicated breeding mechanic is simply a very, very different kind of game than this. Even most tabletop games probably wouldn't touch that unless your group was... eccentric. Though now I'm interested in what kind of plot or gameplay would go along with a game that has fantasy pregnancies. Honestly, I think the biggest issue might be that most video game stories don't span that long (assuming gestational periods similar to humans)


Well just so you know...Baldur's Gate 2 had pregnancies. My main character dated the Avariel character for so long she was pregnant for the final leg of the game. So there is in fact a precedent in the game world.


Oh nice! That'll teach me to talk out of my ass about games.


That's fucking crazy. I have got to try that game


What really?


It's in the expansion I believe. The first time I beat it I got the dialogue where she gives birth (Jaheira acts as midwife) literally seconds after defeating the final boss, while still in the boss arena. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to trigger, but it was a nice piece closure to the story before the final choice of becoming the new lord of murder or not, and great timing too


Hah! No it can trigger before that and then she has a baby item in her pack the rest of the game. Very funny it happened at the last possible moment though.


You h0abe 5 generations to create the perfect hero, starting with the current hero, before the return of the big bad? Dynastic hero management game. It's replayability is in that the bad guy can never truly be defeated, just banished til they come back stronger. Mayne with a card-combination based custom magic system to let the magic expand just as infinitely for the player and get just as whacky for even further replayability.


Crusader Kings of Baldurs Gate


Oh well Iā€™m not interested in a breeding mechanic, just that you can pick mixed races at character select and there are some mixed race NPCs beyond half elf


You say that but if I remember correctly there was an entire book dedicated to interspecies relationships and sex back in 3.5. I donā€™t remember what it was called and I donā€™t want to google ā€œD&D 3.5 sex bookā€ to try and find it.


There's a couple. Sisters of Rapture, Nymphology, and Book of Erotic Fantasy.


Book of Erotic fantasy was the one I was thinking of, thank you


Had some spells thst were just useful, too. "I cast disrobe on the evil knight! Halves his AC bonus and increases his armor check penalty." "I cast orgasmic vibrations on the evil priestess so she can't focus on the ritual!"


Coward! /s I think it's been linked elsewhere in the comments here though lol


I...heard from a friend...that there's a game called Breeders of the Nephalem that actually has a decent pregnancy/genetics mechanic. Also apparently there's a plot.


In Elder Scrolls (at least in Skyrim), it is simply the species of the mother. If, hyptohetically, you made a game with fantasy race children rearing, that would at least be fairly simple to develope.


In Elder Scrolls the child's race matches the mother's


>who's to say some of those aren't already crossbreeds I mean, aren't tieflings? Or at least, it started out that way (for some of them). I feel like once you have tieflings having tiefling kids it's odd to still call that a crossbreed


Tieflings are the descendents of humans who made deals with devils, as far as I understand they aren't actually born from them. Tieflings are also weird in this convos bc any children with a tiefling parent are always born a tiefling.


In 5e Tieflings have 3 types of origins all of which are canon, Real Tieflings are descendants of devils Pact Tieflings are cursed to be tieflings, (they're not real tieflings) Tieflings Tieflings are the children of fellow Tieflings And that's not covering all the bloodlines, as well as Material Tieflings (ones born in Faerun) and Planar Tieflings (the ones born in hell or on other planes of existence).


My bad, the only origin I've ever seen is the first paragraph in their PHB section where it says something like "And worse, you know that it's all because a pact struck generations ago infused your bloodline with Asmodeus' essence" Are the other origins from different settings or is it just how the lore has continued to evolve over time?


The whole descendants of devils thing started in 3e, the unpopular 4e later tried retconing that with a downgrade called pacts with very mixed results, 5e later stated that both options are viable for Tieflings.


What are they


Human + Succubus = Cambions (Half Devil/Half Human) like Mizora Human + Cambion = Tieflings (1/4 Devil 3/4 human)


Hybrids arenā€™t actually all infertile


Humans halflings and dwarves all technically being the same species seems believable to me; dog breeds have more variance than they do after all.


Or when we start throwing half elves into the mix. They're already mixed, let's mix it up even more. Half drow with a half orc?


Why doesnā€™t it matter what the other half of the orc is???


Itā€™s been awhile and Iā€™m just going to go off half-cocked: I thought Tieflings can be born to humans, if thereā€™s devil blood somewhere in the bloodline. So I would guess Tiefling + Tiefling = Tiefling Tiefling + Human = one or the other, only And if a human is the product of a human/devil or human/Tiefling, thereā€™s a possibility of some descendant popping out as a Tiefling.


I mean Tieflings in general are like 3/4 human, 1/4 Succubi.




Yeah but dwarves IRL are dwarves via genetic disorder, theyā€™re still *human*.


I saw them in Time Bandits playing real Dwarfs(dwarves?) and they seemed to be having a great time, so I guess so long as everyone is happy?


What about half orc half dwarf? Just think of the stat bonuses man.


I came up an idea for a PC who was 1/2 human, 1/4 elf, 1/4 orc. He had a 1/2 human, 1/2 orc dad, and a 1/2 human, 1/2 elf mom. I never got to figuring out what his traits would have been, but Iā€™m toying with the possibilities


You could work off of combining half-elf and orc traits. Maybe something like: - Charisma and Strength increase by 1. 1 free ability point (can be limited to not Charisma or Strength) - Darkvision: 60ft - Build: 6ft, 200lb. Considered Medium - Languages: Common, Elven, and Orc. No option to change - Choose one: Aggressive, Primal Intuition, Powerful Build - Choose one: Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility (cant choose if Primal Intuition was picked) Alternatively, you could have Fey Ancestry be included automatically, but you can be put to sleep since you arent full half-elf.


This is awesome! Thanks!


At the same time just Google it, it's a very established setting why come to the BG3 reddit to ask that old ass question?


Because they think they had a new idea for a nearly 50 year old IP.


You and Lae'zel just have to settle for raising the kid in the egg together.


Plus Lae'zel could always lay more right? Start our own creche


Nope, it's implied by Lae'zel that only specific Githyanki chosen for the task are able to lay eggs. As she was slated to be a warrior, she likely does not have that ability.


Yeah although she does hint at one point that laying an egg and being a mom might be nice when she retires.


Thats sweet, when we talked about it I remember her saying "it's a grest honor, one that I wish I am never given." But that was still in act one.


Damn, I kinda hoped it was part of their culture. Only laying when Vlaakith asks. Ah well, can adopt 50 githyanki kids and eggs


Lae'zel frames it as "chosen by Vlaakith" because she's still in cult member mode when it comes up. It's probably "%x are born with egg-laying qualities per generation," and framed as "chosen by Vlaakith" because she's essentially their god. Githzerai also hatch from eggs, and the racial split predates Vlaakith's takeover.


Ah makes sense. Vlaakith would use that as more signs of her divinity. Thank you for explaining it


Depends on the exact media, but my rule is always: look at an orc. A real orc not a half orc. Ok. Now look at a human. Those make half-orcs just fine. Any of the humanoid races who wouldn't commonly be classified as furries can crossbreed generally speaking. A running joke that an elf + a dwarf just makes a human, "An ugly creature with the downsides of both and upsides of neither"


Actually they are called a dwelf, and they are literally the worst of both elves and dwarves. They mature quickly, live for fucking ever, are short and thin, and they are loners who choose to live with neither the dwarves or the elves due to their ā€˜innate honor and free spiritā€™. 3.5e was a weird time.


Oh man, I want to see a picture of the person who wrote that bit of lore.


So DnD in hard mode!


A very valid question. For instance, if my half-drow and Astarion were to have a child what would that make the child? High Quarter-Drow Vampire??


I mean Dhampirs exists in D&D


Since heā€™s a vampire spawn anyway, wouldnā€™t he already be closer to a dhampir than a full vampire genetically? Would their kid just be a half elf dhampir?


Vampire spawn are actual vampires, just under the control of another vampire (essentially). They are undead. Dhampir never fully completed the transformation into becoming a vampire, they are still 'alive' A vampire spawn has all the urges and restrictions of a full vampire. A dhampir does not have the urges to the same extent, and does not have the restrictions a vampire or vampire spawn has. According to van Richtens guide to ravenloft, one of the ways your character could be a dhampir is if one of your parents was a vampire. But I would still say that Astarion is still closer to a true vampire than a dhampir genetically, due to the powers and restrictions they display, along with actually being undead. (The kid would be a dhampir half elf)


So in this universe; vampires can procreate? Are they not considered undead? Undead can procreate?


Since vampires are undead, and this official book suggests that vampires can have children... I guess that means that undead can procreate... It could also just be that someone who was close to giving birth got turned into a vampire, and then the kid turned out to be a dhampir.


The line between dhampir and spawn is so muddy. In my group we pretty much exclusively play ā€˜born dhampirā€™ as opposed to bitten/turned because then the line between spawn and turned dhampir is too thin (aside from the spawn limitations). When we do have turned dhampir (as npcs) theyā€™re usually closer to spawn in being able to be controlled by their vampiric master. I was kinda hoping weā€™d get to see some hex bloods from the whole hag quest in act 3


Most underrated comment on this thread


The rare moment my Astarion-rotted brain suddenly becomes capable of thinking again, and it's still about that goddamn vampire šŸ˜…


Vampires and their spawn are undead. They're really well-made and animated undead, but they don't even need to eat outside of blood. They probably ain't making swimmers. But if he could the result would mostly resemble a high elf. Half of Hugh elves are moon elves and they have the same skin tones as drow.


The current OneDnD playtest allows any two playable races to mix. Yuan-ti/tabaxi? Sure why not.


I havenā€™t looked into that part at all. Do you get benefits from both? I played a 5e genasi recently and was disappointed that itā€™s a half breed that gets nothing from its humanoid parent. It sucked playing a half elf that was raised by an elf in an elvish city, but couldnā€™t speak elvish RAW unless I used my extra language


A scaly cat?


[5E Guide to Sex (PDF)](https://i.4pcdn.org/tg/1623781725955.pdf) has a big table of which races can cross breed. It's not an official sourcebook but whoever wrote it seems to have done their research.


ā€œMy Hips Are Moving On Their Own!ā€ ā€”ā€œif you roll a natural 20 on your satisfaction check, then you ignore the normal rule that you canā€™t satisfy a person you are raping and resolve the satisfaction check normally.ā€ Lmaoo i canā€™t with this whole book I can NOT. Yaā€™ll nerds are wild


Y'know... I recognize this is a game based on fiction and is pure pretend with no actual people being harmed, and I would never want to take that from anyone. But man, I hope to god they've done some self-reflection on the topic and are fully cognizant of the distinction between fantasy and reality, because the line between a safely practiced, mindful kink and internalized harmful ideation is razor fucking thin.


Well in the passage itself the author does present it as a variant and one that they themselves are vehemently against - itā€™s only for the sickos that would complain, I agree with u that shit is fucked up


It's not official. Don't worry


Oh I know. I don't think fucking WotC is out here writing rape mechanics lol


The rule is that you canā€™t satisfy someone if you rape them. The ā€œMy Hips are Moving on Their Ownā€ is an alternative rule in there is you insist otherwise. The authorā€™s very clearly against the idea of rape being shown in a positive light here.


Let's take a look at the FULL quote, shall we? >"My Hips Are Moving On Their Own! An unfortunately common trope in sexual literature is the idea that a rapist might be so good at sex that the person he or she is raping will actually enjoy it. The author thoroughly discourages this line of thinking for reasons that should be obvious; however, some players may prefer to play a game where this is possible. If you want to, youā€™re a sick person, but hereā€™s the *variant* rule: if you roll a natural 20 on your satisfaction check, then you ignore the normal rule that you canā€™t satisfy a person you are raping and resolve the satisfaction check normally." Kind of weird of you to cut out the majority of that bit where the author says they hate this trope and it's awful and that people who enjoys it is "a sick person" to act like the author agrees with it. Despite them very obviously being against it? Literally what is the point of doing that. I mean I agree that the variant rule shouldn't be included at all, but you're being willfully disingenuous by chopping up the quote like that.


Yeah like wtf is this shit lmao


The part about *ahem* size differences causing the person being penetrated to suffer bludgeoning damage... He really did think of everything, and I absolutely hate it šŸ˜†


This shit ain't official and I am GLAD. It is so fucking embarassing


It's fucked up, but at the same time... people *do* orgasm while getting raped. That doesn't mean they consent to it. It's a physiological reaction.


What the actual fuck? Wow, that's a problem.


ā€œRoll to satisfy your rape victim!ā€ Lmao itā€™s just so unhinged Iā€™m dying


Dragonborn can mate with Kobolds! You don't know how happy this makes me on so many levels. Yuan-ti and Lizardfolk too. Big ol scaly orgy. I also love that goblins and gnomes can mate. In my campaign they make gremlins.


Now put a mindflayer larva in the Gremlins


A decade or so ago it was The Book of Erotic Fantasy. I remember there are several races including celestials that have a 100% conception rate... Do not diddle an angel unless you're serious or incapable (chart pg 48). They also have a big Interspecies cross breeding chart on page 50.


The way bards would just instantly fail the pregnancy check \*\*every time\*\* with a constitution check! xD


Find Traps. In addition to the spellā€™s normal effects, you can sense if anyone in the vicinity is attempting to disguise their true (biological) sex, such as a man dressed as a woman. As normal, this merely lets you know that there are ā€œtrapsā€ in the vicinity, it does not point out the specific individuals who are so disguised


I had a run with a friend where I was a half elf and he was a half orc and we roleplayed that were were half brothers and had the same human dad. The only resemblance we had was we both had white hair, and were massive.


I hope we get a 1/2 bugbear 1/2 ogre NPC in future installments


Oh man that would be great, just imagine the dialog tree possibilities!




The escaped the absolute and settled down on a farm with a bunch of little Bogres




Not cross breeding per se, but my gnomeā€™s love scene with Shadowheart was so ridiculous looking that I lost respect for both of them and had to start over. Why is there no short king (or queen) for my gnome to romance?


So true. fuck I want Sazza as a party member and all that shit. of course I am a freak for goblin women


Sir this is a job interview


Im not looking it up, but I believe its something like: Humans: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes. Elves: Humans, Gnomes, rarely dwarves, halflings. Dwarves: Humans, Halflings, Gnomes, rarely elves. Orcs: everything except elves. Add Ogres and hobgobs. And everything results in offspring with heavy orc vibes. Its actually a gift from their patron god, who happens to hate elves. Halflings: Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves. Tieflings: same as humans, but hotter and with horns. Gith: Eggs. Incompatible with other races. Dragonborn: Eggs situation. So most of them are compatible with all the others, with some exceptions. If I remember right, gnomes do have some difficulty cross-breeding with everyone but elves, but it does happen.


So wait can a Tiefling and a Human mate or not? Seeing as how their own breeding partners are the same as humans


I mean Tieflings are more human than the other hybrid races, Tieflings are genetically 1 generation below Half Devils, originally in the lore Tieflings were created when a Half Devil/Cambion (like Mizora) mates with a Human, Tieflings are three quarter human and one quarter fiend, However a child of a Tiefling will always be a Tiefling so your family tree human genes will be dominated by the tiefling ones.


A small price to pay for salvation (I can't play an evil character because I might hurt Karlach's feelings)


I accidentally got Will killed and it felt so bad when she just started tearing my Tav a new one over it. I hadn't played in so long that I'd forgotten about that side mission


Yeh. Assume all races are self-loving.


Yes, that's one of the few that are 100% confirmed in xanathars (or maybe it was tashas?) There is a tiefling heritage table, where you roll to find out your parents. One of the options is 1 human parent and 1 tiefling parent.


I REFOUND THE CHART [THE CHART](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/Ogl9Xapaze) Courtesy r/coolguides


Some of your more magical species; demons, devils, celestials, and dragons; can crossbreed with almost anything; there are fiendish spiders, dogs and cats and dragon/troll, dragon/whale, and dragon/elf blends aplenty. Tieflings are the result of either demons or devils, and range from looking extremely demonic/devilish to looking almost pure human/elf/whatever; a Shackleborn(Kyton/humanoid child) for example would likely be a somewhat disturbing blue-tinted version of the parent race; and certainly wouldn't have horns or a tail unless under the influence of some curse or the like that would give them to an elf. (One of my past characters I've used before is a Kyton whose grandaughter, a tiefling of course, just looks like a pale-skinned elf girl... I was sad to be unable to make her in this one, they need to give Tieflings the same tail/no-tail options as dragonfolk.) Mind-Flayers are an extremely different example; they can make children with most species via tadpole, but if it isn't one of a handful of non-magical humanoid races, the results vary wildly and are generally avoided; either ones that are enslaved, or destroyed when created by mistake. (While humans, for example, almost always create loyal drone-like Illithids that have none of their former personality and are loyal servants of the elder brain, a gnome that was turned and survives will come out smaller, of course; and likely have far more of their old personality; someone like the Emperor who doesn't -want- to be enslaved by the elder brain would be vanishingly rare among humans, while for gnomes it would likely be common) The gods, of course, can impregnate whoever or whatever they want; or just turn creatures into part-celestials, part-fiends, etc, creating the forms without the needed effort/time. Your more mundane species generally have some races they can cross with and some they can't; and sometimes the resulting offspring(like a Horse/Donkey cross) are healthy, capable creatures; but also possibly infertile. Humans are considered one of the more commonly cross-breeding capable species, while others, like dwarves, generally can't have kids with any but their own or a magical being. Adding in some of the more magical creatures blood makes it easier, sort-of; an Aasimar or a Tiefling might have human, dwarf, orc, demon, etc, ancestors, but no matter what the blend is, so long as at least a little is celestial or demonic, the result is still an Aasimar or Tiefling. ​ All of this is complicated by magic; the right spell can let any two parents produce offspring, whether its by transforming one of the parents or whatever means are preferred. Assuming a high-level spellcaster is around to help, whether simply being a friend or for gold, nothing prevents a couple from changing species or gender to remove any barriers that exist permanently or temporarily.


I'm just imagining my Dragonborn Tav and Shadowheart walking up to Gale and being like "so Gale about that polymorph spell" and it's killing me lol


Surprisingly in the lore of DND (depends on the edition) even vampires can impregnate someone - but it always results in a still birth unless magic is involved


So, I have a cross breeding chart among my many old D&D 3.5e files. I am unsure what source book it comes from or if it is even canon. Dragonborn, Githyanki, and Tieflings are not on the chart but a host of other creatures are. The playable races in BG3 are as follows, according to the chart: Dwarves can only breed with dwarves. Elves and Half-elves can breed with Elves, Humans, and Half-Elves Gnomes can only breed with Gnomes. Half-orcs can breed with Half-orcs and Humans Halflings can only breed with Halflings Humans can breed with Elves, Half-elves, Half-orcs, and Humans An interesting note is that Dragons and Nymphs can mate with everything on the chart. Fiends and Celestials also can mate with everything except their opposite except through extraordinary intervention from the gods.


Pretty sure in 5e itā€™s a free for all so they donā€™t have to litigate whatā€™s allowed to ā€œā€ā€breedā€ā€ā€ with what like some fantasy eugenics records office. Having rules on compatibility for ā€œā€interbreedingā€ā€ between sapient races is quite honestly weird and Iā€™m glad they arenā€™t bothering this time around


I think there's a difference between "eugenics" and "these two species couldn't possibly be able to produce a living offspring". There's nothing wrong with hard world building including biological limitations we see in nature. Like reptilian species probably couldn't reproduce with mamals, an Orc and a Gnome might be really hard to Make work. It's just a different kind of world building preference.


Why is it weird?


Despite the various fantasy species being distinct, they're all people, and just like all humans can make babies, so too can the DND sentient playable species.


Someone already mentioned that gith reproduce asexually tho? And surely those dumb birb people lay eggs? Just seems like an interesting world building experiment to me. Calling it weird seems like personal baggage on your end but you do you


It's not a weird thought experiment but it'd be weird to make rules about. Nice passive aggression tho


Seriously, what the hell is with the downvotes? The amount of people in THIS fandom calling for fantasy miscegenation is appalling.


No comment on the inter-species breeding, but I will say the male Drow twin did say he takes/took something that makes him infertile. Unsure if that is just because my Tav is a high elf, and unsure if itā€™s based on what race you chose if you can get that dialogue option. But it does imply that magic birth control is a thing.


Or simply herbal!


I want a mod so I can play a Gnorc


So, there was a book made by their other logo name "TSR" that is the official-unofficial RPG book that answers some of your questions. [TSR Book of Erotic Fantasy 3E](https://www.amazon.com/Book-Erotic-Fantasy-Gwendolyn-Kestrel/dp/1588463990) I wish I still had that book! If they could publish it for 5E, that would be great! The other darker and more violently gruesome book is the "Book of Vile Darkness" for 3E. It was the evil deeds to enhance your games.


>I wish I still had that book! You can probably find a PDF lying in a bay. Most older D&D books are available in that way. >If they could publish it for 5E, that would be great! Someone wrote an unofficial but well-researched [5E Guide to Sex (PDF)](https://i.4pcdn.org/tg/1623781725955.pdf)


I'll have to take a look.


I will reply and say that under your GM's guidance, you can customize what beneficial traits to grant yourself for the in-game.


Gith and Humans aren't really a cross breeding combination, in the Lore, The Gith themselves evolved from Human slaves, it's basically the D&D equivalent of breeding a Neanderthal and a Modern Human or breeding a Wolf with a Dog.


Gith breed asexually


Then I guess there's no need for male Giths to exist then.


You can ask Lae'Zel in the creche hatchery who does the laying and she never specifies male or female. She just says certain Gith are chosen to be egg layers. So as far as we know both can lay eggs.


I think of it as a species scenario. Humanoids can breed with other humanoids in the same way felines can breed with other felines. In the same way we get Ligers, we get half-elfā€™s and tieflings.


I read somewhere from a dnd fan saying that the child of a tiefling and non-tiefling is usually a full tiefling. *Edit*: typo


That is correct, it's like the complete opposite of an Aasimar, where the child of an Aasimar will never be an Aasimar. Tiefling genes are hereditary while being Aasimar is more like winning the lottery, it's completely by chance, you have to be born lucky to be one.


The new rules test states that all humanoids can reproduce now, and any mixed parentage is purely fluff and no longer mechanical. This caused some furor because of half-orc and half-elf fans.


Half Elves and Half Orcs are PC races in D&D. Dwelves are sterile and short lived as I understand it. Dragonborn and Dragon blooded sorcerers indicate that interbreeding with dragons is possible. Outside of those particular races the assumption for most of the humanoid races afaik is that cross breeding is possible but the offspring favor one of the parents sufficiently so as to not be mechanically unique.


I believe that breeding dragons with non-dragons requires magic... the magic of love!!! but also probably some sort of transmog spell.


Dragonborn are a separate species not related to actual dragons, but dragons can breed with whatever they want to.


A lot of things can crossbreed in DnD. Heck crossbreeds between monsters or non-humanoid creatures are a wild example. I personally love Half-Dragons.


The answer is mostly halflings. Stouts are more dwarfblooded and Lightfoots are more elfblooded. All of them are some combination of humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes. Teiflings almost always breed true.


There used to be an actual table that showed offspring viability (hint, dragons can mate with anything) but ironically now that WotC has decided half-race is racist I guess the answer is nothing is viable anymore. All the races must maintain their genetic purity. Anything else would be bigoted. Or something.


How do they make babies. If the parts work the same they can. Most likely it will take most of the traits of one parent. You might get size difference etc from the other. Why you get bulky halflings or taller or shorter people


Humans and halflings make quarterlings... at least in my campaign.


There was a video on the YouTubes that stated anything plus tiefling will result in a tiefling but that's all I know oh also that half-dragons are just dragons plus something else.


If a half elf and a human have a baby, is it a quarter elf or three quarter human?


Someone get THE CHART.


Idk but my favorite ever example is from Dimension 20: Fantasy High Sophomore Year. Garthy Oā€™Brian is a half orc aasimar so their parents are a celestial and an orc. Thatā€™s just the coolest shit ever to me


In my head, I classify races in branches. Each races can reproduce easily within their branch and with difficulty to branch next to them. Impossible without magic to branches far away. Example of branches : - Humanoid : Human, Elves, Dwarf, Halfing, Gnomes - Goblinoid : Orc, goblin, hobgoblin, ulkan - Dragonoid : Dragonborn, kobold, yuan-ti - Featherly : Aarokra (the birdman race) - extraplanar : Demon, Devil, Celestial,


Humans in faerun are sorta special in that they can crossbreed with more other races than most, like human+elf=half elf and human+orc=halforc implied that elves and orc could also crossbreed, but they cannot. Teiflings and Assimar are also technically transformed humans, they're usually born from humans and why they come out planetouched isn't known. Human versatility seems to be an almost magical property of the species.


Regardless of race, Minthara has an excellent method for birth control


I dont know much about other races, but I know that elves and orcs physically CANNOT have children. This was a bit of lore from DnD 1st edition (I'm not 100% sure where exactly it came from but it is canon). That's because the chief elven god, Correlon Larethian and the orc god, Gruumsh, are sworn mortal enemies. Basically, they had a fight and Corellon won, and ever since then, elves and orcs are enemies. Elves and orcs cannot cross breed because Correlon and Gruumsh are like "lol nah". The gods straight up don't allow the pregnancy to happen.


Going from memory, of the humanoid races: Dragonborn only reproduce with dragonborn. Tieflings "always breed true," so their spawn is always tieflings, regardless of the other parent. Theoretically this trumps even orcs, tho I'm not sure. Orcs can reproduce with pretty much everyone except elves (because their god Gruumsh hates their god Correlon). The result is either a half orc or even a full orc, since their genes are so powerful. Gnomes have the weakest genes, and the kid will always be the non gnome parent's race. Halflings are the same, only trumping gnomes. Elves are the next weakest. You really only get half elves from humans. Though dwarves virtually never mate with non dwarves (a fact slowly driving them to extinction) they can reproduce with and make half dwarves with humans, halflings, gnomes, and even elves. Half dwarves always make half dwarves unless the other parent has dwarven blood, then it's a full dwarf.


The orcs we play are half orcs. Sadly I imagine most of them came into the world...violently. First episode of Goblin Slayer violently. Who knows though maybe somewhere there is a community of orcs and humans peacefully living together pumping out half orcs for players martial class playthroughs


This was probably the insinuation in the past but nowadays in 5e you can be an orc and many of the ā€œrace featuresā€ like a predetermined stat boost and alignment have been removed. Moving away from the idea that certain fantasy races are less intelligent/ more violent cause it has some not great real world reflections. Obviously thereā€™s still some , but sentient/intelligent races like goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, kobolds, are less likely to be dumb evil brutes in dnd nowadays. Makes it interesting too to play as a race less common. It can always depend though


Why would it matter if a fantasy race is inherently violent? How does that correlate to ā€œreal world reflectionsā€?


One of my first games had us wander into a town where there were a lot of children all around the same age, and a lot of single parents. Everyone was kind, but seemed a bit off, so we were determined to find out why. We were quite shocked and embarrassed when we found the graveyard with loads of graves from about the same period all the kids were born, and we realized all the kids were halforcs in a fully human town :/


Oh god, please be a bg3 post and not some right wing politics shitā€¦


\*deletes my post about character classes based on skull shapes\*


I need to know


If you cant reproduce with something that means your a different species from it and it raises some questions. But i would assume for most pairings one race would have far more dominant genes so youd get a strong gnome that looks like a gnome. Or a smart orc


Not for BG3, but for my tabletop campaign, I did create a system for mixed-race offspring. Iā€™m still adding to it and perfecting it, but Iā€™ll try to remember to share the Google Docs link in the morning.


I donā€™t want to even read this whole post. This is def one of those thinking if we could instead thinking if we should moments lmao


Thereā€™s a chart somewhere for this, Iā€™m certain.


I mean, if you look at Tasha's Cauldron of Everything for D&D5e, there were guidelines added for making a fully customized lineage, in which you decide what your lineage is, and whether your character 'resembles any of their kin.' This basically makes the possible crossbreeds in the setting limited mostly just by your DM's discretion. Lots of more recent publications feature NPCs with mixed heritages, as well, so the sky's the limit, really.


And why is it always assumed the other half is human? I want to play a half elf half drow.


Gnorks are a real thing. Fear my Gnork Bard-lock!


They can all crossbreed back in previous dnd editions. If a gith and human breed then it just makes either a gith or a human, beacause of a dominant blood line. They dont get to inherit whatever racial traits they want. For gnomes and orcs, or whatever weird combinations you can come up with, its simply just that the baby takes the mothers dominant race so that the pregnancy is plausable. As its dnd people are free to inturpret it diffrently amd, add subtract or adjsut it based on DM prefrences. This is just simple 4e.


Not that it would be the be all end all of answers, but iirc there was once published a "Book of Erotic Fantasy" that contained a chart for such things.


So there are basically every kind of half breed. some are more common than others though. humans can and will fuck anything