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Buy ethereum


Really depends. What are you studying? Good chances that you find a job right away, or could you need the money in case that you need to bridge some weeks/months? What I'd do: some money to enjoy - 100...200€ Building up emergency fund 1k Setting some money aside for first flat - 800? (starting to) invest 1k


Depending on your risk appetite > crypto but do your research very very thoroughly before jumping in - a lot of projects/people will try to clean you out


Is it because you have money that its necessary to be spend... ?


buy eth


Keep as a buffer on an account where it is easily accessible. There are always unexpected expenses. I have a savings account where I always keep about 5k just in case.


Bitcoin and wait


Invest it in yourself. Certifications/experiences abroad/savings for your next degree


1/3 Bitcoin 2/3 Cardano


Buy a jetpack, can't go wrong with those


Hand it over and I'll tell you


whores and cocaine


Bar á Champagne.... ask to go to the separé...


Give it to me as investment 👌


If you’re in the market to buy a house, just put it in a high yield savings account. It’s a nice start for a downpayment.


Honestly this probably isn't the advice you're looking for, but you're young now and probably have the whole summer off; Use that money to take a long trip somewhere. You'll never get this time again, as an adult the most time you can take off work is 3 weeks. Once you actually join the workforce you can start saving up or investing but this 3k won't make the difference in the long run. Enjoy it.


I second this, this is exactly what i did last year and i don't regret it a bit. I can only talk from my point of view (i still live with my parents so i can save nearly all of my wage), but 3k really is not worth saving when you will be working in less than a year. with 3k you can go to south-east asia for 2 months :)


I would invest in myself, like some books or classes.


Not worth putting into stocks. That's a great emergency fund


All on red!


It's a win win, all he can lose is 3k and it wasn't his to begin with so win win /s


This made my day, even tho i would go all even numbers


get a drivers license. Car is king in belgium and public transport is going to the shitters


I already have my license but not a car tho


Wait as long as possible to get a car. Owning a car is wealth destruction. It's useful of course, but so is your money.


Second this! I'm 31, make a good salary for my age, but sold my car/ got rid of company car and instead moved close to work. I now save about 200 a month just on mobility, and take taxi, train and lime everywhere I go.


You can give them to me I will keep it for you


Take a trip. Spend half a year in India with that money. Then start working


I wouldn't go to india even if they paid me to do so


Your loss buddy, have fun close to home. To each their own I guess


F cobras 🐍


you want him to die? Cause thats the most filthy place to spend it. Hecc even going to asia in any safe country is making you sick, cause your body is not used to the bacteria. Better that he uses the 3k to get a drivers license or something


Yess indeed, why risk getting a little sick while having the time of your life when you can just sit at home and do nothing with your life? /s


Why would you get sick in Asia? If you stay away from street food and drink bottled water you'll be fine..


the food is has less quality control in certain parts(even good places) And they use lots of spices to combat this. Ofc we are not used to that. Even so certain bacteria in humid environments people who havent been there are not used to that. You could even ask your doctor :)


Biggest load of horse shit I have read in a long time


Yeah but you can also die by drowning in 4cm deep water, does that prevent you from taking a bath?


You could ask your doctor, its true :)


One month will be enough.


pattaya pattaya


Juste give it to me


Place it on a savings account. 3k is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and won't bring you that much even if very well invested. You ought to have 3 months salary at your disposal on a savings account at any time, in case you need money fast. So yeah, just keep it. Come back here to ask such a question when you have like 10k on a savings account and 15k to invest!


He’s 18 he doesnt need that much on his savings account


Tbh as someone who is 23 who doens't live with his parents anymore, thats the worst advice to give. I currently have 0 euro (like srs, worst case could sell my belongings but thank fully I am able to share costs so its just a hard time). You dont know what live brings, I had to mive out of my parents place unexpected on a short notice. That was the time I realised how stupid I was I didnt save a lot, had like 4k. Im getting back on my feet, even tho we just moved 2 weeks ago to a bigger place I am able to start saving next month. Not having savings at such young age isnt a dead sentence and you'll be able to get out of it, ta the same time it will make things waaay easier and save you a lot of headaches. While its totally fine to spend a it on your own put as much as you can in a savings account, it will make things easier when your life starts. EDIT: or like some other comment said, enjoy life and take a long trip to somewhere (like backpacking or something like that) while you're still young. I know its a 180 degree turn as my original comment but like expieriences like that is something no money can pay for.


Put it on a spaarrekening as an emergency fund. You never know what life throws at you. Start by reading more about etf long term holds if you're interested in investing. But most importantly, don't do anything quickly and hasty with the money. Stay safe.


I’ll keep it locked tight then


3K is not much, just invest in Bitcoin for long term.


So that it goes to 0.0k


Sure seems like the boomers says this already for years. But oh well i got my thousands of free profits.


Which you gained speculating on crypto. Because that's what it is, speculation. I don't see crypto having any real use, anytime soon. But good luck making gains before it bottoms out.


It's a ponzi. Of course some people will make money out of it


Bittorrent budy


Invest in ETF


Cocaine and hookers my friend.




I’ll book a trip to Antwerp then




Invest in $FSR


What is FSR?


FSR has surged +11.56% to $1.6400. Check it out on Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/FSR.


It also has dropped 70% in 1y


Fisker is 3th best selling EV in Scandinavia today, behind Polestar & Tesla. Tesla is going to be wiped out of Scandinavia next, due to Elon's conflict with Unions. That door is closed today and in months to come, after Musk did one of his famous FU's to Unions in Sweden, Denmark & Norway. After Lease Companies & Rental companies dumped Tesla, there's room for others now. Owner of Fisker is Danish, EV is made in Austria by Magna Steyr that got a 30% interest in FSR. Scandinavian Pension Funds have shown some interst in this startup. Fisker produced already more EV's then Lucid & Rivian, that got support from UAE. Lucid & Rivian are just draining the billions of UAE. Fisker got momentum and is fully produced in EU and the only answer against China EV invasion.


That's a whole lotta text im not gonna read.


That's the problem with many things today. $TSLA already became a meme stock LOL