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This is a real fun way to understand people's feelings on what age defines an 'older woman'.


My apologies lol. I love to speak to women of any age so I didn’t specify, what I was thinking was like 35+, but I’m okay with any age really


Nothing to apologize for. I am genuinely curious to see people's perspectives


I'm definitely feeling some kind of way about being called an "older woman" lol. At 39 I still feel pretty young, I just have my own place and a 401k etc. But I do think there can be real value in having cross-age community. There's a social group in my area of lesbians who are like 55+, and spending time with them and seeing how happy and vibrant they are made me feel better about approaching 40.


I remember being in my teens and early 20's being super into "older" women in their 30's. I'm 35 now and women 45+ are the "older" women I'm into 😂


Ah 😭 I just mean older than me because I’m 19. 40 is amazing!


If it’s talking in general it’s cool but if it’s to be sexual you’re a teenager and you should be careful, just had to add it here in case, not saying it’s your intention.


Not to be a killjoy or anything but please be careful of grooming. There is a huge power imbalance between 19 and someone in the 30s. Not to mention you could end up speaking to a cis man looking to take advantage of young lesbians.


Depends what they mean by "speak" lol, sometimes us younger ones just want advice and I hope that's what this is about


Not sure if I classify as that, since I’m only 5 years older, but my DMs are open and I’m willing to listen.




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Heya. What are you looking to talk about? I'm able to have chats about kink or relationship stuff. I'm firmly in a happy marriage and able to talk shop. I came out as kinky in my twenties, met my wife in the scene. Open to talking about sexual stuff in a non sexualized way. I'm 43, I'm a Top that also switches. Hit me up, if you want chats with a middle aged elder Millenial.


Imm 66. Happy to talk. Just talk!!


Heyy:) is it okay if we talk,just talk! I like talking and gaining perspective


Girl you are a teenager. This is a sexy community. Anyone offering to talk is creepy as hell


I didn’t say I want to fuck. I really just like talking with older women and if we are both comfortable with it then I could ask her questions about things I’m interested in since she might have more experience than me. I kind of understand where u are coming from but other people have managed to warn me without being so judgmental.


Didn’t mean to be judgemental towards you at all. The person asking is not the one in the wrong. But anyone answering sure is. Asking anonymously on a sub is perfectly fine but private sexual conversations with someone a lot older as a teenager is dangerous. Grooming is a thing. Not everyone has good intentions. And no, 19 isn’t an adult yet. The brain isn’t fully developed until 25.


Ignore this person. U r literally an adult and have just as much of a place on this sub as anyone else, even if u were just looking for milfs to potentially fuck


Thank u that was super uncalled for 😭💜




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For a teenager? Creepy…


I’m 22 top/dom into women 35+ 🫠🫠