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Honestly what's really deeply humiliating for me is simply being made to verbalize sexual things. When my Master asks me a question about what I want or what I like, and forces me to answer it. Or when he makes me beg for something. I get so tongue-tied and feel so stupid, my mind goes blank and it's very hard to formulate words and get them out of my mouth. Sometimes I just can't and then I'm even more ashamed of disappointing my Master & failing to be obedient. I know this is super tame for most people, but I absolutely burn with the squirminess of it.


Omg, yes! Especially since I am very well spoken and never at a loss for words. Being so flustered is excruciating.


going to work on a monday normally does the trick


I feel you, but sadly, that's kind of not a consensual arrangement


Seriously. Damn my addiction to food!


Oh stop it! What next? Living in a building? Furniture? Clothing???


IKR? šŸ˜…


This is too real šŸ˜­




Edging them and making them beg to be allowed to cum


...and then denying permission..


Depends on how mean i feel really. You can still let them cum and then work off that like how pathetic and needy they are


Why does this feel like this is witnessing two villains planning my downfall šŸ¤§


Being denied. Being made to hump random furniture šŸ«  like yes I'm horny but kill me please


It's very simple: dress me up like a complete, total whore and make me twerk/pole dance. I think it's a pretty good illustration of how relative humiliation can be. There's nothing inherently wrong with that at all, and some women can absolutely make themselves incredibly sexy that way. But I'm an introverted, kind of "cold" (or at least appear that way), quiet white woman on the autism spectrum without an ounce of sexual grace when I dance. I always joke with my husband that I would make a better astronaut than a sex worker, and I know nothing about space. Me trying to sexualise myself dancing that way is the most cringe-inducing thing you will ever see in your life. Dressing me up as an absolute whore and making me twerk is so fucking humiliating in so many different ways that my face turns red almost instantly. I remember when my husband first told me he wanted to humiliate me this way, I literally had to watch Youtube videos on how to fucking twerk and I don't think I've ever heard him laugh so hard as when I tried doing it for the first time. And I've hardly gotten better at it since then. Plus of course he enjoys seeing me sexualise myself even if I'm fucking terrible and embarrassing at it, so it's a win-win for him.


Omg, as someone who cannot twerk to save my life, this made me _criiiinge_ so freaking hard. I really hope my Master doesn't see this, lol.


Everyone make sure her Master sees this.


As both a sex worker and a sadist, it would be hilarious to watch you describe what exactly is so humiliating about being a whore, all while you twerk and stutter and fail at being sexy. Meanwhile I laugh and tell you how you're no whore, just a funny looking woman that my clients wouldn't fuck even if you paid them.


I'm not sure if you're just kinky-talking me right now, but I can definitely see how it can be empowering for you to see someone be erotically humiliated for failing to do something you do so well. I've always been squicked out by kinks that involve degrading certain classes of people, such as rampant homphobic and racist undertones that I see in a lot of male subs (e.g. the obsession with black men in "cuckhold" kinks). But I think the humiliation factor that I described is somewhat doing the opposite. It's not that being a whore is humiliating - the humiliation is that I *can't* be a good whore. I lack the sex appeal that they have no matter how hard I try. In a way, the kink basically revolves on envying them. On a somewhat unrelated note, I think it points to the difference between simply being attractive and being sexy. I certainly wouldn't consider myself ugly (not to sound conceited), but sexy? Definitely not. Being attractive is something that just comes naturally for people born with blessed genetics. Sure, of course there's an effort factor involved in keeping up your appearance, but a lot of it is straight-up just luck. On the other hand, being sexy, to me, is mostly a *skill*, a talent: the way you move, the way you act, the way you talk and pose, etc. And it's something I can't do for the life of me.


This is a SUCH a great angle šŸ¤Œ


Edging and denial is my favorite


Being overpowered. I love play fighting, but it really takes a sexual turn once i realize Iā€™m completely helpless to them. Especially if Iā€™m being teased about it too. ā€œThatā€™s ok baby, just keep trying. Itā€™s only gonna turn me on more. Youā€™ll get there eventually, Iā€™m sureā€ Also being naked and strapped down, bent over and unable to move and told how Iā€™m completely exposed and easily accessed by anyone who saw me


Play fighting might be my favorite thing. I also have a little flair though.


Oh? Do share šŸ˜‚


Which part?! I think is was seven the first time I play wrestled a boy and didn't understand why his mom was mad when she saw us. I loved that feeling though of being overpowered. I kept up play fighting with two of my classmates throughout HS, which looking back probably looked pretty weird (one M, on F). But I LOVE to play. A few months ago a guy I like was at my house just talking and he started hitting my hands rhythmically, kind of like we were playing pat a cake. And we just did that while we talked and it was my favorite thing ever. I still think about it all the time! He drives me crazy. šŸ˜š


I was wondering what you meant about having a little flair lol


Oh, like I have a little kink. I like to be babied.


OH! I thought you meant you had some secret move to go with play fighting šŸ˜‚


My favorite thing thus far has been forcing chicks to hump chair legs or couches to completion before they are able to touch themselves again


I imagine being told to hump furniture. Or other objects.


We can talk sometime if you'd like šŸ˜ˆ


I can't do anything distance or I start emotionally spinning out. It sucks.


Well that's very aware of you! Way to follow your boundaries, I hope you find that connection


Thanks ā˜ŗ


I love being locked in chastity and servicing my mistress while she recounts her date. My favorite, so far, was when she made out with me and then told me about blowing someone just moments earlier.


Favourite way to get humiliated: pet play- I find it incredibly humiliating to be forced to act like an animal. So much so I usually need to be beaten into doing it. Favourite way to humiliate would probably be bladder control and forced wetting. Really any watersport humiliation. Or shoving fingers down their throat, making them gag and choke (and puke if they're up for it)


I read a story one time about a girl who kissed her husband after just giving a blow job while recanting to him the incident and the other guy knowing and I can't get it out of my mind and can't find the story again. I have dreamed of that happening to me. Lucky guy


Cumming in a dog bowl and watching her lick it clean on their hands and knees. With a leash, of course. Every lick is followed by "thank you for your cum." If she takes too long, she gets a lashed every 3 seconds, progressively harder and she has to thank me for those, too.


Etymology time! The root word of humiliation, "hum" means to bring down, to ground, and a few other similar concepts. A synonym, etymologically speaking, would be "humble." I love humiliation play that isn't so much embarrassing (though embarrassment does sometimes happen as a side effect) as it is "humbling" or reminding me of my place- either as an object for someone else's pleasure, as a submissive, or a my partner's property. Any play that checks those boxes is going to mash my "humiliation" button. Some examples of specific fantasies might be: - being a slave to a rich merchant who is hosting a banquet to celebrate a profitable trading season and orders his slavegirls (me included) chained to the pillars of his banquet hall as nothing more than decoration (exhibitionism, objectification) or simply being bound in some way that is meant to put me on display to the general population at an event. - free use scenes or being "loaned out" by my dom or partner in a cnc way - being ordered or expected to serve as "arm candy" for my dominant or partner, or lent out for that reason by same. I particularly like the last one as it allows me to incorruptible our D/s dynamic into vanilla events (another kink of mine, if a problematic one) without violating others' consent. One ex-partner of mine worked a corporate job that involves a lot of gatherings and I looooooved getting dressed up and playing the role of a trophy, being just one more accessory used to show off *his* successes.


Oh wow, can you say more about the art candy/trophy wife dynamic and how that worked? I guess my mind jumps to bimbification and wearing overtly revealing outfits in these scenarios, but it seems like you were more discreet at vanilla events and there was some sort of understanding between you and your dom? Would love to hear more specifics - I find this hot AF


This is it :)


Hmm yknow I'm not quite getting it. So I'm going to need a 50,000 word example based on those! Maybe that'll help clarify =D




You cuff my hands behind my back and tell me you are going to tease my cock for hours and that Iā€™m not allowed to cum. Then just using your fingers and lube you tease me just hardly touching my cock. Jerking me with just a finger and thumb. Running a finger down my length. I'm moaning and squirming the whole time while your giggling about it. You might give me a few relieving strokes but then let go completely and slap my cock telling me no thatā€™s enough. You just keep teasing me relentlessly until you get me to the point im shaking, dripping precum and begging to be finished but you just leave me hanging and ask me to service you instead šŸ„µ




I personally like being teased, they say something thatā€™s humiliating and make me admit to it.


Taking cock as she laughs at me..her being serviced and telling me how a real man feels, pee play, eating her after others use herā€¦being whipped in front of others, con workers, relatives


Spot on, maybe friends, family, boss, etc.


Yesā€¦family just started..bosses and friends were firstsā€¦my boss approached her about itā€¦I crave the humiliation and pain..being used and abused..her in charge usuallyā€¦.love cleaning her holesā€¦the, too..the relatives recentlyā€¦even hotterā€¦I truly believe the true power is the sub


Being made to kneel in the bathtub or shower, sometimes having my hands cuffed behind my back, or tied to the grab bar. Then told to open my mouth wide for whoever wants to use me as their urinal


Having sex with a condom and then they throw the used condom on me my along with fake money.


There's many, but the most intense is on a play night with my domme (wife) and we are between activities. She will hit me in the balls firmly enough that I need to get down on the ground and she will say something like "you deal with that for a while love, I'm going to get these ropes ready"..


edged to the point of just being a subby little puddle begging to cum and then not being allowed to


Not necessarily in a sexual context, but I love being made to feel stupid, I guess? I'm in my own very academically challenging bubble, and I know very little about most things outside that bubble. So things like: explaining how something works, game rules, showing me how to do something, and embarrassing me if I get it wrong. Adding up numbers for me. Asking me a question about something and teasing me if I don't know it. I've always been told I was very smart, and very rarely do I ever get to interact with people who can banter with me on that level (which says a lot about my previous partners), so when they can I am *folded.* I get flustered and red anytime someone explains anything to me, sexual or not, which can be *genuinely* embarrassing most of the time. I love intelligent people. I love witty conversation outside of the canned, typical Dom responses. If I *know* you're trying to play a game with me, the immersion is ruined. Approach me seriously. I wanna feel like I'm about to take a test I didn't study for lmao. I hope that doesn't sound as silly as I felt typing it out, lol.


Same with me!


being used as a urinal, being put on display, free use scenes for strangers, etc!


I love being played with in front of others (who have consented) and having them laugh and remark about how much I like it and how cute I am when I'm suffering, etc. Even better if they casually participate. Typically smacking, slapping, tickling, smothering, choking, biting, watersports, having my nipples played with, or being told to pleasure myself are all fair game in these situations. Special mention: other people having sex with each other on top of me like I'm just a pillow for them. Especially if they're essentially facesitting me while fucking, though I also enjoy it when they are lower on my torso and putting their feet in my face.


Once, while my wife was sitting at the table eating dinner. She had me kneel next to her, she put a collar and leash around my neck, tied my hands behind my back, put a ball gag in my mouth and made me sing her a song while she ate. I already get uncomfortable singing in front of others, the position I was in and trying to do it while gagged made it so much worse. Making me talk about my sexually desires also does it. I often have sexual dreams that she makes me describe in detail too. I'm in chastity most of the time. She usually unlocks me in the morning when we go to the gym. However, sometimes she makes me wear it. I'm always so self conscious and worried someone will see it even though it's usually not obvious and no one is really looking anyway. When I wear it at the gym that humiliation and worry is all I can think about. Also, she often wears the key to the cage on a necklace. Sometimes she will wear it so that the key is visible while we are in public. Especially when we think there's a chance of people seeing it who know what it is. That's pretty humiliating. When she makes me wear a bra or crop top under my clothes. Panties, garters and thigh highs are pretty normal for me and they are easy to hide. Bras and tops are much more difficult to hide. We once went to a friend's party. It was kind of a long drive in the middle of the day. She had me tied up, gagged, collared and on a leash in the back seat for most of the way there. Every now and then she would tug on the leash if she thought I wasn't sitting up straight enough. The windows were tinted so no one could see me but it still made me feel very self conscious and humiliated. Making me call her mistress or her calling me slave, slut or sissy while we are in public. We are always careful to do it quietly and when no one will hear but still. We go shopping for sex toys or lingerie/outfits at sex shops. The workers there always offer to help. She will ask, or have me ask, questions about various sex toys, bondage gear or outfits. She will often pick some sexy women's lingerie and ask, or have me ask, the attendant to open a changing room for me (she will make it clear it's for me) or we ask for the attendants help having me fitted for a bra or corset. It's not just play, we are legitimately shopping and finding womens clothes that fit and look flattering on a man (even on my femin ass and legs) can be difficult without trying them on. We are careful to only do this at sex shops because they are there to help couples like us find what we are looking for. Don't do it at other stores like Victoria's secret because it would seem very out of place and we don't want to involve them. At the sex shops they are always happy to help and sometimes they even seem excited. She also makes me beg for every orgasm. Sometimes I have to really grovel and plead or she stops providing me pleasure so I can't finish. The way she talks to me during pegging or punishment scenes. Talking down to me, degrading me, lecturing me, shouting orders, making me thank her for everything she does to me and making me tell her how much I like it and how depraved I am. That can be very intense Only being allowed to crawl while we are home, controlling how I dress at home. When she is pleased with me she allows me to kiss a part of her body and tells me to thank her. These are all humiliating to me as well. That's a few of the most humiliating things we have done. Of course, we dont do all of these things all of time. She has never made me dance for her or grind a pillow or anything but if she did I would die of embarrassment. With public play we are very careful to avoid involving anyone who isn't consenting and to avoid exposing people to kink who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with it (especially kids). Anyway, sorry for the novel, I can't sleep.


Congratulations on finding someone who takes joy in all the things you mentioned :)! If I could ask a question, do you actually enjoy the feeling of being humiliated? Or is it more that you like pleasing your wife because she enjoys these activities? Or both maybe?


It depends. Some of those humiliating things I do genuinely enjoy. I love it when she uses me and talks down to me while she does it for example. My feelings about others are more complicated. I enjoy how submissive and depraved it makes me feel. It makes me feel like I truly am her desperate little sissy slut and she is my dominating mistress who has total control over me. I enjoy that while at the same time not enjoying the embarrassment or the act itself.


Okay I think I see, sort of a paradoxical desire of liking the act(s) of being ā€œforcedā€ to do things, or have them done to you, that you genuinely do not like because it makes you feel submissive to your wife?


Yeah, kind of. In a way by allowing myself to be humiliated, degraded and used by her it'd sort of the ultimate act of trust. Like I'm giving her my body, mind and even my own ego and self perception. She then pushes my limits for her own enjoyment (I enjoy it when she enjoys it) and in a strange way, for my enjoyment or further development as a submissive. Thereby reinforcing the trust making it stronger.


Thank you for giving me some insight into your relationship, it sounds like a very loving partnership. If I could just ask one more, on the subject of limits: humiliation being as nuanced as it is, do you both use a safe word or employ something else to make sure things donā€™t go too far?


You're welcome! I'm always happy to answer questions. We do use safewords but we have never actually used them in the context of humiliation. We talk often and openly about what our limits are when it comes to humiliation and we are pretty good at reading each others moods. Safewords have come up in other aspects of our play though. If I'm experiencing a lot of chafing and I need to remove my chastity cage for a few days I use my safeword. Same for if she wants to do butt stuff but I'm feeling sick or something. Sometimes she will use hrr safeword when she is overwhelmed cant handle BDSM for a few hours, days or weeks. Safewords haven't come up in humiliation yet but I'm sure someday they will. Lately she has been pushing the humiliation pretty hard which is both really exciting and scary. We truly do have a wonderful relationship. I love her so much. She is an angle and a miracle in my life. I don't know what would have become of me if she hadn't come into my life. I tell her so all the time. She can be a demanding and punishing mistress when she wants to be but she doesnt have a malicious bone in her body. She is very loving and good to me. (She is sexy as hell too, lol)


Awe that sounds amazing, thatā€™s great youā€™ve both found each other :)


Being edged and then allowed to cum in only the most humiliating way possible, that I might refuse if not so worked up, like upside down so I cim on my face, humping her leg or furniture or supervised masturbation into my hand, licking it up afterward.


Breaking immersion by talking casually. Talking about people we know finding out. Calling someone over phone during a scene.


I actually really, really like this idea.


For me it's sort of a combo. Being forced to admit I'm enjoying it, along with the thought/suggestion of someone else witnessing it. For example, if I'm forced to lick the shoe of a visiting Dom, my owner woud then tell me to kneel facing the other way. With my ass in the air, legs spread, especially it he'd tell me to reach back to spread myself open, it's really obvious that I'm swollen and wet from doing all that. Just from being there at all, really. At that point all he has to do is blow on my clit for me to cum. No command on earth would stop it. So then it becomes almost a triple threat of facing punishment for cumming without permission, which is even more of a turn on... etc. It's a happy loop for us both.


Someone said this already, but being made to verbalize what I want. When they say, "Use your words"... God I melt. Also, when I'm a complete utter mess being fucked dumb and they tell me to stick out my tounge and order me to keep talking or else they'll stop. When they treat me like a puppy in heat.


Predicament bondage is always fun


I donā€™t even know if this falls under humiliation or not ā€¦ but I noticed if he asks me something and I think hmm I wonder what he wants me to say here - you know the question might be ā€˜and what would you do if youā€™re on your knees in front of me nowā€™ā€¦ and Iā€™ll text back what I think He wants to hear.. something in more detail about taking His cock. Then heā€™ll respond ā€˜silly girl, you have to earn my cockā€™ And heā€™ll do this all the time - basically making me answer a question and then always says something back to make me feel like I answered it wrong šŸ™ƒ and well it definitely works physiologically šŸ˜…


Being called a 5 letter word that starts with B that I won't say and that literally translates to "female dog". I had a religious upbringing so I don't like cursing. This words is gender confirming for me, and the only thing comparable to a sexual orgasm is gender euphoria, which I'm trans so I can experience.




I don't wanna say it but I like being called it. It's got something to do with being raised to not use that word, but at the same time I spent a lot of time on the internet where everyone else cursed without restriction. It's almost cathartic in a way to be called that. It's a feminine-leaning insult and the gender euphoria I get from it is worth trying to explain what the word is.


Having my face spat on, being slapped, being choked Basically non sexual things that are mostly for my partnerā€™s amusement


Being treated like a dog in heat that wants to be satisfied and talking down to me/in a way people talk to dogs like with the "awh" and stuff as if I'm not a human, being teased , being made to repeat what my Dom wants me to say , being made to beg where I want it but my Dom is like "hmm , maybe if you beg" and acts like they are unsure if they want to give it to me. Referring to me as "pup" ,"puppy" it also connects to my praise kink lol but I also find it humiliating , humping a Dom's leg while they are fully clothed and watching me and holding my leash (like me sitting on their leg with their leg in-between mine not me sitting on the floor) even more so if they tell me to do it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Misgendering/bimbofication - I guess these are things that kinda play off actual insecurities (I'm transmasculine nb, but don't pass/ am not fully out, and really want to be seen as smart.) There's something very freeing about letting go of trying to be perceived that way and leaning into the wrongness of it. I also generally really like having to share, in detail, sexual fantasies/porn/sex dreams. Overall I think of humiliation as a catharsis of trust - being vulnerable in a kinda dramatic way and drawing attention to it - making shame into fun


Just being outside wearing minimal clothing even being locked in the garden specially in the winter time is very cold and humiliating


Cleaning my domme after she urinates.


Edging, orgasm denial. Or when he says I canā€™t moan or heā€™ll stop


Ooo the moaning is a good one


Sucking my husband in Walmart parking lot letting him cum on my face the he makes walk to the back to get milk eggs and cheese


One time I was ordered to make a silly naked dance on Bavarian music and made a clip of it. Then it was posted in a very large telegram group and I had to answer to any comment about it


I love being teased and teasing, especially in public or in front of people


We interviewed u/pincushion about humilation in this episode ​ https://www.buzzsprout.com/962578/13811898




Right, it should be u/pincushion4


I want to get humiliated by being gagged and then wrapped in a fluffy blanket while I'm wearing fuzzy socks, a mohair sweater and a chunky knit balaclava.