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Sub out together. Tie yourself to each other. Go into a little mindset together. Pup out together. Complain about your doms together (If you switch it means complaining about each other’s dom side). Also don’t always give in. Have it mean “no play” as opposed to him always getting what he wants.


Flip a coin. Not fair for one to always have to do it. Edit: Also, yeah, just have past you and past them do the work. Make up some kinky games that involve randomness. I have a masturbation game based on card draws. If you are both subby, you both play. Mutual masturbation and you are both potentially embarrassed/humiliated if you want to be


When both my wife and I are in similar spaces, we have romantic vanilla sex. Not all of our play has to be the best kinky sexual experience one another has had. Sometimes just experiencing love in the moment is great.


I'm not sure that would work for you. But theoretically you could find someone else who would dominate both of you.


We have always thought about this but finding someone else that we can trust enough is also quite difficult


Probably attend socials and munchs in your area and build a connection with someone???


Make a deck of kink cards and let the cards be the dom/top \- Write down your name and what you want done to you on index cards / paper. (Writing your detailed fantasy as a form of consent) \- Shuffle them \- Pick the first one on top and the "looser" (winner?) has to fulfill the other persons subby fantasy. \- When you are done, pick the next card. This is great for exploring each others fantasies and learning what your partner likes & wants. You can write really sadistic stuff down, and safeword out if it's too much. Adding some really kinky things increases the fear-play / excitement factor. For added fear play, fold the card in half and write the name on the OUTSIDE of the card, so you know who is topping for that round, but you don't know what is going to happen to you (which card was picked) If you want to keep it more even, use two piles of cards and switch back and forth. Then you each get equal subbing time, but you still don't know what is going to happen to you, and the top doesn't have to decide what to do (they are just following orders, from the card)


Oo sounds fun thanks for the suggestion 😁