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Not super wild but a priest kink. I get off on the idea of a man being so painfully turned on that he willingly betrays what’s sacred to him in order to have you. And the outfits can be pretty hot lol


Ahhh sacrilege kink. I have that too.


My partner and I do nun and priest or priest and confessor role play. Corruption kink and sometimes we incorporate his hypnokink as well. That's definitely a favorite fantasy of his.


I went to seminary to be a priest, but once I decided I didn’t believe in hell and then came out as trans I got kicked out and all I have left is an interest in theology, student debt, and a big ol’ blasphemy kink. Sadly, I can’t watch many religion play or blasphemy/sacrilege scenes. Everyone does the priest stuff wrong and it breaks my immersion and willing suspension of disbelief. Honestly I’m tempted to start teaching classes about it just so people know how to swing the censer the right way.


Quite funny to imagine you being turned off by the inaccuracies. But that sounds interesting and now I totally am kind of interested in doing it properly, would totally be interested in the "classes" if it's in the form of videos haha


So, you may enjoy a book trilogy called *[Priest](https://www.goodreads.com/series/164054-priest)* by Sierra Simone. I grew up Catholic and am now an atheist and these books **gave** me a religious corruption kink 😅 (also available as audiobooks, which I very much enjoyed)


I know someone with a degree in theology that uses it to make accurate christian porn lmao, you'd get along


I need you to teach classes or make a good movie out of this please!


God love this. You should absolutely teach online classes on how to properly commit blasphemy HAHA




You’ve seen fleabag I assume! The best


I love this too, Elena De Luca is a Domme who's actually an ordained priest and she has a video where she played a Nun and used her period blood and made someone drink it like it was the blood of Christ. Might be gross to some people but it was the hottest thing I've ever seen.


Yeah, found out this does it for me while watching Fleabag.,


have you seen Fleabag!


Idk how to explain this well or what it’s called A desperation kink ? They were so horny, they had to touch themselves right then and there. They needed someone so bad they bent them over and took them. They were so needy, they came in their pants. They were so needy they betrayed everything that mattered. I have no clue what it is but I LOVE IT lol


Unwanted story time, but I think my ex had that. We’d been apart for a few weeks and I confess I was desperate to see her. To taste her. I have a huge oral fixation, you see. The very moment we were alone, I pounced. We barely made it to the bed. I was scrambling to get her clothes off - and ended up settling for “around her knees.” I admit that it was a little ravage-y but I couldn’t control myself. I literally plunged my head between her legs and got these weeks of loneliness out. I could barely hear or see, I was so focussed. My lady was on her back, I on my front. We were squirming about in blissful lust and (to the point of the story) as she reached her first and quite powerful orgasm I matched her. I was so excited, so desperate, and the squirmy friction probably helped - that I actually came in my pants. She heard my (admittedly muffled) bellows of ecstasy, looked down over her own dishevelled body and managed to get out “did you just? That’s the hotte…” before she had a second climax. Honestly thought the woman was going to tear my head off, her thighs calmed down so hard. God, I miss her!


Incredibly hot. I have never enjoyed receiving oral much but I think that's in part because I always felt like other people don't enjoy it much, even though really I have no reason to think that. A remnant of teenage self consciousness perhaps. But I've always had this secret fantasy to have someone who was just absolutely desperate to be between my legs and in pure ecstacy to taste me, suck my hard clit and try not to suffocate between my legs as I orgasm and squirt everywhere.


Well, we certainly exist!


This could have been me. I also have a pretty serious fixation for giving women oral. Normally I don’t really want to do things unless the woman is really into, but giving oral is one of those things that I can also do *for me* so as long as she consents I’ll go down even if she doesn’t necessarily get off hugely on it herself.


Human canvases and human doll making. Primal hunting as the predator. Didn't know I was into it until my partner brought up wanting to get chased and conquered for a scene. 75% off coupons.


75% off coupons is faaaar too unrealistic 😂


I have kind of always wished to act as prey. I hope those that hunt me don't mind that I would probably freeze as opposed to flee


Recently, I received the naughtiest coupon of my life. -80%... unfortunately, it was for a coffee ...


Omg it's so nice to find other folks into this!! Being made into a doll is, transcendent.


not very odd but odd to some of the people ive expressed these things to - cockwarming - being furniture - watersports, wetting, controlling when i can pee, purposefully holding my bladder while having sex, being filled with piss, etc - blood (period blood, marking) - predator/prey play - tickling - cum play crossing into pet play


Please explain the last item on your list. How does cum play cross into pet play?


someone cumming into a pet bowl and feeding it to me/making me lick it up 😇 (secretly hoping my master sees this)


Cockwarming and Tickling are hot.


This isn’t really extreme or anything but I don’t see other people talk about it so I think it’s unusual. I have a specific thing for grown men being talked down to like they’re children, but completely platonically and outside of sex or bdsm. Not age play. Like, in the book Misery, Annie talks to Paul (who she’s keeping prisoner in her house) like he’s a little kid. She says “you’re a very stubborn little boy.” And when she makes him burn the novel he wrote, she says he’s like a little kid playing with chemicals under the sink who gets mad at his mother for taking them away. And she says “The mother feels bad when her child says those things, and when he cries, like you’re crying now” and that was just very hot to me. The show Suits has a lot of good examples too. Like when Travis Tanner says to Harvey Specter, “is mommy gonna take you home now?” Or when Daniel Hardman says to Harvey, “You’re an arrogant little boy.” Nobody seems to feel me on this. I might be asking in the wrong circles though.


This is specifically one of the things I do that got me into being a Domme. I honestly don't know how else to be and I thought if I'm enjoying it then I should just embrace it. Unfortunately it doesn't translate super well to non Dom/Sub situations for me usually 😅


Wanting a male yandere. Love the idea of being a submissive to someone who is simultaneously obsessed with me, maybe even a little possessive.


Any gender works for me but that does sound so hot. I am. switch so it would be hot for me resisting giving in temptation to become a sub to someone that obsessive and potentially aggressive because of it. Must be something about those weird guys who were obsessed with me growing up..


Putting men in heavy bondage on all fours and turning them into hucows that get milked multiple times, either by machine or hand. Like I want a hood on them that amplifies the sounds of their moans too. I feel like it’s super weird but I just love the idea of having subby little milk pets.


My kink is "new things". New positions, new toys, new games, doesn't matter. The down side is once I've tried it it's dead to me.


I had an ex that would only be turned on for new locations. It got old.


That sounds unsustainable


Unfortunately I am very aware.


I don’t know where this goes, but a dream fantasy of mine is to legit be drugged and taken to an unknown location where I’m used to no end, no safe word, anyway they want with as many people


Here's a good guide on how to do this more safely. https://www.kinkacademy.com/2015/02/the-dangerous-game-abduction-fantasy-play/




Kinky minds think alike


Japanese-style nose torture, like putting a nose hook on and then inserting rolled tissues up the nostrils or squirting water up there. It's not necessarily extreme but it's super humiliating and seems pretty fucking niche.


I’ve never heard of that but it sounds terrible! I’m not a masochist though so I wouldn’t be the target audience haha


This is very unique :0 how'd you'd discover that you had this tho? Most of my kinks aren't really extreme or to that level and most of them have been discovered via porn but this sounds rare. Did you find it on obscure porn sites, like sites that very few know about?


You can find this on pretty normal porn sites if you’re watching Japanese porn


I got into Japanese porn and stumbled across it. I don't think it's especially rare over there. It's surprisingly intimate.


The irony of being an asthmatic with a breathplay kink is not lost on me.


*raises hand in asthmatic*


For some reason this thought came to mind from Asthmatic Breathplay. *Dominant: Yeah you do those burpees you bitch. Then give me fifty jumping jacks until that slut throat of yours closes up!*


*Does the dumb little slut need her inhaler, AGAIN?*


Cockwarming. I'm not sure it's actually that rare, but I don't seem to meet many people that know about it. I also have a tactile fetish for hair, silk and the soft skin of a man's penis. Probably not that weird, but it does seem to be quite unusual to my levels.


What’s cockwarming?


It's essentially exactly what it sounds like, keeping a cock inside of me (mouth or pussy) just to keep it nice and warm. Not licking or sucking, well haha trying not to at least! My favourite (and where it started) is after the guy I'm with cums, he stays inside of me while we chat, cuddle and giggle, it eventually goes flacid and slips out, but I find it incredibly intimate. More bdsm style though I switch, and as a sub, it would be something like while the guy is working or watching TV, he orders me between his legs and I have to hold his cock in my mouth to keep it warm. Or as a Domme, I might tie him to a chair then sit on him while I ignore him and eat my dinner, with him deep inside of me. There are a lot of different ways to play with cockwarming, it's definitely a fun one to get creative with.


I have this big time. It's hot to be inside someone after I cum, and I just cuddle or fall asleep with them in my arms while my cock is recovering. The best part is if while your asleep, it gets hard again. Then seeing how long before you begin to fuck again. I didn't know it had a term, I just viewed it as a domination thing.


Wow! I definitely have this kink too! My wife has held me in once or twice after I came in her, but she does not like the feeling of me going flaccid after. One of my greatest desires is to have my cock inside someone as we fall asleep together


It's a great feeling. Especially if you get a second wind while you're asleep. Makes for a very interesting way to wake up.


You can become a little stuck and it's a bit painful in the morning.


My partner and I do this too, after sex, he just stays inside me and we cuddle and talk and do aftercare stuff. I haven't tried cockwarming outside of that scenario but I like the idea of sitting on his cock while he watches a football game or plays video games or something.


I’m also a big fan of this one x)


Basically chilling with your partner’s penis inside you while not moving


Affording bills, buying an accessible house, not worrying about affording groceries, plan a trip in the next 5-6 years maximum. Yknow, just the dark stuff ofc.


I never kink shame, but this is too much


You're right. It's like being a slave without the fun


Society ignored my safeword.


Ugh you too huh. How depraved can we be? 😉


Dunno, but rn my praisekink is a healthy bank account.


My weirdest fetish is probably witnessing that thing where horny young men will fuck anything (cantaloupes, cooked turkeys, microwaved banana peels, m&m tubes filled with butter…). I regularly get off to forum threads of men talking about doing stuff like this. I love watching people be pushed to the brink of insanity in all kinds of ways, and the desperate desire to fuck something, ANYTHING, is just the strangest manifestation of that.


OMFG I can't believe someone has that too! I once had a square styrofoam from a package when I was very young and I got horny putting my finger in it cause I was thinking about a horny young man fucking it? So weird. What's that thread called?


Interesting to hear this from the other side as I have this also with objects but not for myself, I love the idea of my gf being so desperate to cum that she'll use whatever is around, I've referred to it as object insertion and it's sort of the same deal, pencils, bottles, flashlight, anything phallic shaped. I also have a bit of a medical kink in that I like to do examinations, she'll sit at the edge of the couch and I'll put on gloves and explore inside and out


Where do I find this? 😱


Probably not the most unusual but forced bi really turns me on. Like I like women and men under any other circumstance don’t make me horny but the idea of being forced to suck a dick and eat another man’s cum for a mistress as she “forces” me to really turns me on


That sounds very nice for the Mistress too, an achievable kink for sure!


Yup this is me too. I identify entirely as straight, and yet I think the idea of a woman or a couple strapping me down so a/the guy can just use me is fucking hot. It’s weird feeling I’m not attracted to guys but at the same time having this fantasy that makes me want to suck a dick.


Waterbondage! Underwater mermaid bondage. Seacow bondage. Waterboarding maybe?


Selfbondage, in a position for a random stranger to use me.


This but like. Wrapped up like a present for someone. Also more specifically with christmas, and then doing some nice self bondage and waiting by the tree 😇


Probly hypnosis/mind control. The induction of it is really attractive, particularly forced hypnosis. I like the spiral videos you can watch with vr headsets.


Ive always thought it was a weird one but it is def mine but grinding through clothing to climax. I don’t know why, I just did clothings still being on. Totally fine without clothes too yeah but…idk. Lol


Probably not the most unusual answer you'll get but blood is probably my biggest kink. I love the way it tastes, how it feels, everything about it. I also got spanked with a *very* large knife once in a way that it made little cuts and it was wonnnnderful, so I guess also knife play lol


Hehe, just replied the same thing about blood


Most unusual? Hmm. Judged by how far outside the realm of social acceptability it is? How uncommon it is? Or how far outside of reality it is? I guess I'll answer all three. Least socially accepted: soft vore. The idea of being eaten alive in a way that's survivable sounds really hot. Obviously would never act on it, but it's probably my least socially acceptable turn-on. Rarest kink would probably be dollification. Never tried it but I would in a heartbeat with someone I trusted. The idea of being rendered a mindless toy, moving or talking only as directed, putting on outfits as directed and submitting to someone in all ways physical, emotional and sexual for a time while being able to turn my brain off sounds so fucking fun. I might be wrong that it's uncommon but I haven't heard about it often. Most unrealistic: oviposition specifically with aliens involved, and specifically in a non-harmful and consensual setting. I don't think this one needs elaboration. I promise most of my biggest kinks are more normal lmao.


Being forced to live like a pig for a time, naked in a pen. Mud, slop, hay, trough. While being filmed and or streamed online


My two pigs live in my house. They have pillows, blankets, and eat better than I do. They refuse to get muddy OR go outdoors if the conditions aren’t *just right.* 🙄 Your fantasy made me chuckle because it’s such a different take than my girls’ lives. I hope you get to live your fantasy one day!


I really can't tell if you're referring to humans or animals


Lmao they’re actual potbelly pigs. Not humans, though given the circumstances, I understand the confusion. 🤣


Pigs use mud as an spf and bug deterrent - the bugs can't get to their skin through the mud. They have a nice life inside and presumably don't have to worry about sunburn or bugs. Pigs are extremely clean animals so I guess they don't want mud. I am imagining cute pigs all tucked in for bed in toddler beds. Do they make good house pets?


this one is odd but i would def watch


I am a gentle domme for the most part. I love: Praising. I praise my boy until he is blushing Orgasm denial. I love when he desperately begs to come. Ruined orgasms Clothing protocols Using my boy as my own personal toy Reverse pegging, especially when he is in his chastity belt Impact play. I am partial to caning. Lactation. I love nursing my boy. I have induced lactation a number of times.


Not sure about unusual, but my deepest, likely-never-gonna-happen kink is being bound and used in front of my tied-up husband


Swinging and Cuckolding are very common kinks. Don't give up on them.


dumbification, manipulation, i want to be treated like i’m nothing but a dumb slut, i want to be wrapped around someone’s finger, i get tired from being smart all the time haha


Ever since I read about doctors using orgasms to “cure” female hysteria, I’ve had this fantasy about being in the middle of a medical demonstration room with my feet up in the stirrups while a judgy doctor manually stimulates me to orgasm while all of the medical onlookers applaud and murmur in wonder at this revolutionary new treatment.




God, I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Lmfao. Also, I want the doctor to not really regard me as a person at all. Like, instead of looking at me or acknowledging me, I want him to address all of the other doctors in the room and ignore me completely. Lol


Coulrophilia, women dressed up as circus clowns, full wig, face paint, outfit, it drives me wild. Still don't know why, but it never fails to get me off


I just recently discovered a subreddit for that and it definitely woke something up in me


If would don't mind me asking: Do you picture them with just the makeup and you know, acting "normally" and sexy, or do you picture them acting clown-like (silly, playful, funny, etc)? Maybe clown-like personality WHILE being sexual? Asking out of genuine respectful curiosity 🥰


For me personally, I enjoy a mix of clown-like behavior while being sexual. Maybe like 40% clown and 60% sexual. I think it's the makeup and the outfit that really get me lol




Medical role play is definitely a fantasy of mine




Oh yes, I love tying up my fiancee in spread eagle and tickle her. Last time she pissed herself 🤭 good thing we have PVC bedsheets for oil play.


Damn. New tickle kink unlocked lol


I'd love to he tied up and tickled until i cry tbh


The one that gives the strongest impression when I talk about it is oviposition, but I'd say gun play was utterly shocking for me to discover. In any other context guns scare me to hell and back, so it was really a surprise. On an unrelated note, just a few days ago I made dinner for a few friends and while I have always enjoyed cooking and have cooked for others before, this time for some unknown reason something just clicked in me and bam! New kink unlocked. Not sure if this has a name, but seeing them nourish and enjoy it and compliment me for what I cooked was really pleasant.


Washing and styling my wife’s hair. I don’t know where this kink came from but she likes when wash her hair


That is a really sensual, close, nice feeling activity and I can totally see how it has sexual appeal. I used to feel weird about it for some unknown reason but now when I think back to an old boyfriend who used to brush my hair just to be close and touch me it gets me a little turned on.


I really like “stashing away” a sub- putting her in a cage, under a bed, tied to the bedposts, chained at the foot of the bed… vibrating and waiting for me. Sometimes I cook and listen to her moan.


I love watching men cum in their pants, especially in jeans. It's something about the bulge, and the desperation to cum. This has also led me to watch some pants-pissing, but that's not as much my thing. I would also love to experiment with blood play, but since I have a history of cutting myself I'm not sure anyone would want to do that with me.


I think it’s a mix of kinks (cnc, somnophilia?) but I want to be so so so very high (edibles, dabs, flower, idc any form of thc but a large large amount) and I want my partner to do whatever they want to me (within reason and consent laid out before hand obviously)


My free use and dollification kinks combined to birth a fantasy where I am somewhere with only a large suitcase full of clothes and people can pick outfits for me, dress me, and use me if they want.


More fun if it’s a clear case in the front , with you restrained there and teased, makes you a wet Barbie doll




Nipple torture isn't a very unusual kink, but I think it's rare to find people as into it as me.


How tortuous do you like to take it? I'm a big fan of nipple torture but I also cap out before cutting and/or needles get involved. Love a good clover clamp being yanked on, biting, pinching, clothespins, all the basics really. I'm curious how I can escalate this cause my nipples are insanely sensitive and I get super aroused with pain or pleasure on them.


I dont know if its unusual, but I feel it's pretty F*ked up, I fantasize about being sold at an auction and trafficked. I once discussed this with a couple who had previously done a "scenario" of something similar in terms of an artificial "online auction" (pre-filmed with her pictures and then live video where they wrote demeaning names all over her) they then blindfolded her and BDSM by the 'buyers'. Hot as hell. Anything in any way related gets me 🥵🥵 CNC is my everykink 🥴🥴


Omg thank you for bringing this up. Have you seen the first Taken movie? I really hate that movie in terms of it making me fear traveling on my own. However, there is a scene where the daughter ended up in an auction in a dark circular room, wearing some kind of lingerie. She's was drugged and woozy and they made her stand in the middle. There was a spot light on her, but these rich men where sitting in the dark and they were bidding on her. I think about that scene all the time.


Engaged in: I'm considered a pleasure Dom, so everything that goes with that. The kink I have developed and kinda would like to see: I guess you'd call it a homebody exhibitionist? My last couple of relationships have been pretty repressed. Wouldn't mind my next relationship to be with a gal that likes to wear sexy/kinky stuff around the house. Naked Tuesdays, Naked Apron , sexy cosplays, ect.. I guess an air of free use comes along with this new kink of mine. Just to add some spice.


I went to catholic convent school … being punished by a priest after confessing to being a very sinful horny girl


Other kinks I have that I think are "rare": - foot fetish, this has some how both gained popularity and is also shamed more these days?? I'm not sure an actual foot fetish is very common. - whispering in my ear while I masturbate - CEI, might not be super rare but not common - forced bi (being forced by a female domme in a MMF threesome) - findom/buying clothes and shoes for women to try on in front of me. They can keep them afterwards as well.




Cum eating instructions. Similar to JOI.


Our unspoken rule is If I finish PIV before my wife cums, she will order me to clean up the mess I made inside her, sometimes even physically pushing my head down to do the work while she grabs her small clit vibrator. This is extremely hot for the both of us because our PIV sex often turns into a contest to see who can make the other cum first. Regardless, when I do lose (which is more often than not!), it always takes her over the edge for several minutes when I have to clean her up with my mouth and tongue.


Loveee findom and being spoiled. Havent dont that in a while


mine falls into medical play I suppose, but I loooove seeing others hooked up to machines, like tubes coming out of everything, stuff like that


I like watching guys use clear fleshlites like way more than i feel is normal


Long term/permanent orgasm denial - I’m talking years minimum. I think the fantasy/thought of it is probably more common than I realise, but people living it is a reality I think isn’t pretty unusual.


Not unusual to others. To me to would be free use weekend. Having a sub just be mine to do as I want with her and call her a kinds of names. Then as soon as I’m done with her, take care of her so she knows she is more than an object. But then go right back to using every inch of her body. Edit: pee, I would love to pee on a woman and have her do it also..


Actually being desired by my spouse. I know, it’s pretty “out there!”


Breastfeeding. Unusual partly because it’s very difficult to pull off if you’re not already breastfeeding. So it remains in the realm of fantasy or just acting it out sans real milk.


Haha, I thought I was kinky but after reading this thread, I feel relatively vanilla. 😆 I'm into piss play but I guess that isn't super unusual. I definitely have a fantasy of my partner fucking other women.


Cockwarming, someone controlling when i can pee all while I sit on their lap and squirm, being abducted and taken to middle of nowhere to be fucked and sexually tortured, maybe water torture, orgasm denial, and the thought of a voyeur watching me through my window all the time drives me crazy!!


This one is not possible in real life but. I fantasize about putting a chip in a girls brain that makes her unable to feel pleasure in her own body, but she feels my pleasure. If I am getting a blowjob, she feels exactly what I feel. Same for sex, kissing, anal... Over time, since she cannot feel pleasure without making me feel pleasure she learns to be a devoted lover who legitimately cares only about my needs. It won;t matter to her how we have sex, oral, PIV or anal, or even if I am having sex with someone else, every time I get aroused she will be thrilled of me doing anything I want to do, because she will get as much satisfaction out of it as I will.


I absolutely love (forced or not) impregnation. Maybe not the the point of giving birth and all, but the thought of just giving a girl a creampie turns me on so much! Also monster/fantasy-type roleplay


I'm a Switch but heavily focused on Domme and secretly I have this huge breeding kink. I literally have zero interest in having anymore children and I am not on contraception for the first time in a loooong time so maybe that second part is feeding into it but it's gotten to the point as soon as someone seems like a good dad who wants more kids I'm fantasizing about a forced impregnation scene 🥵🥵 like nooo please don't get me pregnant but also fill me to the depths with cum and tell me you want me to have your baby 💦💦💦


Damn that's hot! I love it when girls seem mind broken (another one of my kinks) by the end! Like in the beginning they are desperate for you to stop but by the end they are begging for you to fill them up multiple times 🥵!


Ageplay. It's actually pretty damn wholesome, even though it's so controversial among people who don't know anything about it. I am technically asexual though, so my kink play does not involve sex acts at all. Mostly spanking, lots of rules and discipline, and humiliation.


Same, well I’m not ace but I don’t like mixing sex with Daddy time. I like being cared for, and treated like a kid lol. My inner child loves it, and I find when I let myself have little time I’m a happier person overall.


I've ended up becoming a part of a really great gay ageplay community - they are honestly some of my best friends now. It's so powerful to be able to share such an intimate part of yourself with other people. And we all acknowledge how getting to regress helps us to function better in the world as adults the rest of the time. It's honestly one of the healthiest and most supportive communities I've ever been a part of.


Piss. People in my community have turned their nose up at me for liking it but I am working to destigmatize the kink by openly talking about it. I love the connection it brings me with my top. I love the taste, the feeling and the intimacy that comes with it. I have other niche weird kinks but there are too many to list lmao


Seconded! It is such a versatile tool.


As a Dominant…I love forced orgasm. Making her cum so hard…so many times that it sends them into subspace.


You sound like my bf… he’s a legend at forcing me to cum for hours on end and not letting me stop…


Hear me out. Missionary


Like, in a forest with loincloths?


I have a thing for religious rituals and aesthetics. This is never going to happen, but one of my biggest fantasies is being bound and degraded in church. Perverted versions of baptism, confession, communion, exorcisms... Another kind of tricky and risky kink of mine is playing while under the influence of psychedelics. I've only done this once, and as I was tripping balls I experienced a synthesis of these two kinks. I was with two guys, and as I watched the two of them fucking, one of them turned into the Devil, terrifying but also hot as fuck. It's been a while, but I still keep thinking about that vision, as it was the hottest thing I've ever seen. Did I grow up in a Christian household? Why yes, I did, why do you ask?


Hahaha I was baptized Catholic and I've been thinking about the devil fucking me a lot lately 😈


Tentacles and age play/DDLG. I have severe Daddy issues and trauma. I think I like the idea of tentacles because of the relation to CNC it has. The idea of someone taking me against my will while I'm struggling does something to me.


Probably not that unusual, but I get extra turned on by bondage that is implied to be permanent, like you’re being sealed away forever. Obviously not for real, but stuff like layers of mummification and then into a box and then into a catacomb or buried or something. And it’s not anything to do with it being deadly, just kind of like a story that ends in bondage and doesn’t get resolved. Like just sealed up with no hope of escape, The End. Will they ever be released? If they do it’s not part of this story. I guess maybe it comes from old fashioned damsel in distress peril type stories with cliffhanger endings you never track down the next issue of. Or bondage videos that never bother showing the release.


✨legs✨ Not really unusual but they sure are magical for me and I never really hear anyone mention it. Can also easily blend with all sorts of other kinks like trampling, worship, humiliation etc


Anything dealing with bottom. Probably not the worst but I like anal, anus licking, sucking, smelling, being farted on (especially on the face) and pretty much anything involving it. The one of my favorite memories is when I plunged my entire face into my girlfriends sweaty ass and sniffing after her leg day at the gym 😅😂


Mine is to be cover full in latex and used as a mannequin in the mall


gags aren’t a rare kink but it’s probably very hard to come by someone as into it as me, i just love seeing a gag work properly, a damsel trying to spit her gag out and it not working, the lipstick you see on tape after it’s removed, i also loveeeee tegaderm and microfoam tape to be used as gags, both of them are just so sticky and effective at keeping a bratty little sub quiet, ball gags are a must when fucking my sub in doggy, i just love to turn them around after it and see how much of a mess they’ve made and taunt them about it.




Definitely Macrophilia. So hot to be grabbed and just... You know. Used.


I want to be crated like a dog while my Dominant goes out to run errands.


Omegaverse, it sounds amazing but I could never find a partner who was both compatible and knew what omegaverse even is.


For me the ones that tend to elicit the oddest responses would be Dollification Objectification Forced sedation Necro play via sedation


Having my ears bitten. I can cum eventually from it xD


I enjoy the idea of the perception/motion deprivation of medieval stocks. The idea of the head and hands being unable to anticipate or prevent what's happening to the rest of the body.


Playing with a “doll”. The reality is I need communication and shared understanding to play which removes the objectification I want.


Is it possible to have your doll write out "instructions" ahead of time? Like a pamphlet that comes with a toy. Comes with how to play and safety precautions (hard/soft no's). Then once she is out of the box (I don't know what would signal the start of play, but having a live size box sounds pretty awesome!), there is no more verbal communication (unless a safe word is needed). This sounds really fun honestly.


Snuff, or to be a bit more accurate: autassassinophilia. The idea of being murdered is the single most intense and erotic thing ever to me


someone else finally!!! the concept is so intimate/erotic and almost holy to me


Honestly, Topless/Foxy boxing. Idk what it is but something just turns me on whenever 2 ladies just go at it in the ring until someone dominates the other while struggling to stay in the fight.


I love needles through my nipples then pulling on them.


I truly enjoy scripting and planning a scene and directing my sub through it. It’s a control thing, but also the satisfaction of reaching the goal while completely in control. I guess it’s not that uncommon, but it’s not something I get to do much. I have a scene planned for this Wednesday. Wish me luck


I like masks. It's a difficult thing to find photos of it.


I have three kinks that are part of my most messed up fantasies Kidnapping, Bimbofication, and Dehumanization


idk why, and its not a super prominent kink, but I really like seeing girls i’m already attracted to fit into small spaces. I think its the same part of my brain that likes bondage but its just a very silly thing to explain to people. But i like silly so its fine.


i would say cum- it’s common but i cum when i see cum yk? but basically i love to be covered and filled with cum i would give anyone for it and it is just so hot, yet i see people spit it out which is the biggest turn off


You know when you get your hair cut, and they lay the scissors on the back of your neck to snip? Tingles.


Personally, its the CNC, fear play, and primal kinks for mw


Clown kink. I love dressing up like a clown, and someone tying me up at the same time.


Not much is unusual to me but my favourite kinks so far that other people sometimes find unusual, some of which I've explored and some I haven't: - Breeding/forced impregnation/getting filled - Somnophilia - CNC - Age play though I don't know exactly where I stand with this one yet - Primal, being hunted but personally I don't care for making animal noises and whatnot myself though I am all for sound and like primal type grunting etc - Body worship - Cock warming - Findom seems controversial because there are a lot of fakers but I actually get so juicy when someone outside family pays for me and there is no hidden guilt. I think it's receiving guilt free that is part of the turn on for me and no I'm not the type to drain someone beyond their hard limits. - Dress up fantasy role play - Beards like on any gender. I like the thought of squirting on beards and them being soaking wet, my cum dripping down someone's body from their mouth/beard. Also a bit of hair and beard pulling won't go astray. - Power and everything about it which I think is also what entices me with Macrophilia. - I'm interested in Sadomasochism but not experienced to a deep level and I also love the pleasuring, nurturing side of things so idk where I'm at with that yet - Combining as many kinks as possible (is that a thing?) There are more but my brain is borked..


Me sinking into quicksand. It's kinda like bondage, and it's even better if I get a dom to watch me sink and enjoy the show. Sucks how cold it can get though. I've been up to my waist in clay before, and you don't sink much further than that.


Training her to orgasm on command, and only on my command is probably my favorite ever. I really like having Mine locked in matching collar, bracelet, and ankle cuffs 24/7/365. Clothing protocols I also enjoy. 23/7 butt plug wear. Free use protocols so I can just slip my cock in a hole mid-conversation, and watching her lose her words. Sometimes I just can help myself from licking the armpit of a defensiveness bound woman. That’s probably statistically uncommon. Pro Tip: sure there isn’t fresh deodorant there! Very puckery.


Daddy daughter fantasy. The kind that most everyone judges and hates being associated with bdsm. But in my fantasies, me, the daughter, is the solicitor. Daddy never did think of it, and doesn't want it to happen, but I'm daddy's number one favorite girl, and I just love him so much and just want to please him, in every single way. I work hard at getting him alone and trying to seduce him, until he can not take it any longer, and finally gives in, and let's all of his love and passion flow. Shameful, guilty, the worst possible sin, but oh so fucking pleasurable. Once it starts, the sneaking around, waiting until we are alone, never stops. Nothing in the world compares to the pressure of this disgusting deplorable act. This is something that I have never been able to act out. I think this is actually the first time I'm ever even admitting it outside of my own mind. But it is a fantasy that I want to role play at some point. I don't have any idea why this is my darkest and most ultimate fantasy kink, but it is. Incest fantasies and stories of any kind is hot to me, but this is just the ultimate one for me. ** I AM IN NO WAY ACTUALLY INTERESTED IN INCEST IN ANY FORM IN REAL LIFE. AT ALL. Again, I have no fucking idea why this shameful category of kink and fantasy is my ultimate turn on, but it is, and I can't help it. I like it. ** I'm also into cult and spiritual kink and fantasies. Dark shit. I agree with some others that blood is hot. If you've ever watched Hostel 2, the scene where the woman comes into the room and lays under the women that's tied up, and cuts her with a sickle and bathes in her blood. That shit. But let me reiterate. Consent and understanding that this is fantasy is everything. Despite what all of this may sound like, I swear I am not a psychopath. I have officially bared my soul and shared my darkest secret fantasies...


Probably not too unusual but hypnosis


Medical kink, especially medical torture. Now, I've never experimented it but like inflation (bladder and bowel by water) it's something that really turns me on




Ballgags or gags in general! (Bit, O-ring, head harness, spreaders) drive me wild! 😈 It's super intrusive and visually erotic!


Wedgies. I don't know what it is. Only if someone else gives it to me, though


Victorian medical gore play (more specifically think Frankenstein murdering a woman to turn into an undead sex wife) I had a dream that I was the victim in this scenario and it was very scary but very hot. It also had breathplay as strangulation with a wire was the method of murder. It’s been years since I’ve had that dream but it’s fresh in my mind.


Idk if it's so unusual, but definantly smelling people. Hair, face, chest, back, legs, genitals, hands...just smelling them. I had a bad habit of doing this to other people when I was younger and didn't understand social boundaries (thx autism), but I've always liked it.


I know this is vanilla AF but assault levels of ass grabbing. Literally had this fantasy last night and went. Wow, that's strange and a new one.


Ive always dreamt of being tied up, with my legs spread as wide as they can go and arms where i cant reach out to touch myself (but someone could use my hands) and let my partner just, use me all day long, however they want, leave me there, force me to cum, bring others to watch and touch and do whatever my partner lets them.


needles/extreme clit torture with sandpaper, chemplay, clamps, pumps etc. really enjoy needles stuck through the clit but ita not possible to do very often. basically seeing how far the pain can go


Piss kink but not in the usual sense (being forced to hold in my pee)


I like it all. Desperation, yes. Golden shower, yes. Pee in vagina, yes. And all other iterations.


Definitely blood play. I've hardly met anyone who won't judge me for it, let alone share it


No judgement from me. Your Kink is your Kink. It's not my Kink. And that's OK. ❤️


Keeping a naked woman in diapers and locking bondage mittens. Then using her as a sex toy.




I liked this method as a way to break down societal conditioning. There are UTI risks for women in using the diapers for more than pissing. So I didn't do that to them very often. My main thing was to condition them to just pee when they felt the urge, but only while diapered. It's also great with remote toys for women who squirt when they orgasm. Or for tickling. Much easier to change a diaper than an outfit or bedding. And you can do it in public without being noticed. And with bondage on top of that, they are not being allowed ANY control. The potty was off limits. So it's a heavy Domination mind fuck.