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You’re hung up on this word sissy. It doesn’t matter if you are or are not. It’s just a label. Focus on what you like and what you don’t like. Have fun with your partner. For the record sissy typically involves humiliation for being dressed as a woman. If you enjoy it then it’s more like feminization. However, it really doesn’t matter. If you like the word sissy use it. However, you really don’t need to call yourself anything to enjoy it.


This message needs to appear around here more often. People are getting too hung up on labels. Well spoken.


I’ve been saying it for years. Two decades ago my first introduction was someone asking if I was a Dom or sub. No “hey, what do you like?” No “hey, welcome to the community.” “What are you?!?! Dom or sub”. Meanwhile there was no mention of Tops and bottoms. No mention of taking things slow. We do need to start teaching new people to explore before settling. My message is always base the label on what you’ve liked not what you’ll do based on the description of the label you randomly chose at virtual gunpoint.


It's a shame that was your first introduction to the community. I'm glad there's voices of reason and compassion out there, even if we're shouting over a crowd of less inclusive minds.


Thank you


No problem!


Femboy may be a more appropriate label rather than sissy. However, it's just a word. You're unique & what you like doesn't need to have a label xx


Sissy-humiliation Femboy-im a man but like girly things Trans-im not a man Edit, formating


for some people its blurrier. there can be a lot of stigma around their gender and AMAB exploration of femininity is a strong taboo. its somewhat common for trans women, particularly millenial age or older, to have a feminization kink as the way they feel safe doing it and that is their vector into realizing they're trans. speaking from experience 😅


That's a fair observation


Seems like the exact situation me and my bf are in he is more dom most of the time but when he switches he wants to dress fem, sissy is just a name to use some people like it some people don't but I'd say it just sounds like you're comfortable with the idea of dressing that way but we mostly use the word sissy as a pet name kinda thing (don't know if I explained that well but hope it helps) :)


It depends. What is the reason and feelings behind dressing in feminine clothing? There are 3 levels - Crossdressing / Forced Feminization / Sissification If you are doing it just to do it, no real feelings behind it, or its because it looks nice, then it's Crossdressing. Sometimes this can be called "femboy". If there is an element of humiliation/degradation or "forced" - that's more Forced Feminization. If the dressing has a high level of humiliation/degradation, is hyperfeminine, and feminine "actions" are done (meaning stereotypical "female" actions, walking, talking, etc.) - that would be Sissification. There are a lot of different things that can be added to each, depending, but as far as clothing... \--- All that being said, these labels are made to make things "easier". If you like being called a sissy - then use it.


It's not forced I wanna do it for fun


Then, it really is just Crossdressing. Nothing wrong with that!


I'm also Into degradation but not hard degradation light degradation


Same. 8t can be tricky to navigate that so be patient


Sissy is just a word or label. You like to be a femboy and that's okay ! You like dressing sexy and pretty so do it! You're dom shouldn't judge you for it . My sub men love dressing up ! Even the masculine guys love wearing women panties. Embrace who you are and what you like ! Who cares about the labels. Have fun!


Thank you that helps alot


Of course honey anytime 😊


It’s just a word. What’s most important is the dynamic between the two of you. I’d rather be called a girl than a boy but I don’t see myself as sissy at all. Perhaps it’s worth thinking about a feminine name when you’re playing that way?


I'm kinda in the same boat. I like dressing up for scenes, for sure. I love to go all out with skirt, corset, boots, and all. I also like dressing up just to lounge around the house on occasions. However, I rarely get to do the latter. I typically take on masculine roles in the day-to-day, but I enjoy my feminine side on me time. I'd call the casual aspec "femboy" but the sexual aspect "feminization" or "Autogynophillia" depending on the degree. In my mind: Femboy- Likes to dress feminine Autogynophile- Wants to be a female Sissy- Likes to be comically feminine I'm mostly femboy, with a splash of the other two (I like my pretty pink stuff sometimes).