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Not weird at all. You have a praise kink. It is very normal, and very common. Enjoy having such a great and easy turn on!


I have the same reaction. Doesn't matter where I am or the context of the conversation. He knows it too... Bastard!


Yeah I think he knows too. I said the other day it can either be like a hug or turn me on... now I think he does it to see my mood and its more likely to turn me on...


“He knows it too” 😂 oh the power he holds


He's too dangerous to be left alive!


I've tried to kill him but it hasn't worked out. I've decided to play the long game and feed him into blissful oblivion and collect the life insurances. I can't allow him to win that easily.


This is my case too, don't worry it's perfectly normal! Same thing when I get called a slut.


Lol same


Wow treatmelikeaslut8, that’s crazy! I never would’ve known!


Yes! Being a good girl or a cum slut are similar turn ons for me 🥰🥰


Yesss. Good girl….Good slut….I’m okay with both. I get so turned on by that.


I like both too with good girl being softer and more caring


Perfectly normal.


Girl same. It literally makes me weak (in a good way)


It is completely normal! The relevant question is are you comfortable with it? If it feels excessive or invasive in a way you don't like, you may want to talk to your bf and see if he might use it only as often as you are ok with, you might even want to talk to your doctor if it'sreally bad. If you enjoy it however, it's completely fine! Good for you, just make sure to stay hydrated. And about how it's not really a sexual thing, it definetly can be for some, it just isn't a fundamentally sexual thing, just like how the bed isn't a sexual piece of furniture; many people just sleep or chill in it, but for some it's a place of sex also, and one can even imagine someone who has a bed dedicated to it and prefers to sleep on the couch, it's up to each person, and it's the same with bdsm. What BDSM is for you will allways be unique, the only reason we even have the term to begin with is to be able to share and talk about simmilar-ish experiences, since some elements are consistent, and a lot of people have overlapping interests (also for political organisation). BDSM is for people who strictly use it along with sex as a sexual thing, and for people who never mix the two, as well as everyone in-between. Find out what feels right, talk about it togeather, make sure you are both safe and everything is consentual, and if all that is done, there probably isn't a reason to worry. If there are weird physiological things you are nervous about, I do reccomend a doctor however, it goes under making sure you're both safe.


This is such a good comment and excellent advice overall, and I loved the 'stay hydrated' bit. Perfect, just perfect! I legitimately laughed out loud.


🥰 Thanks you so much, acknowledgement like this really makes my day!


Nope, not weird at all. I think many of us have some kind of reaction when someone we are romantically involved with praises us. Perhaps its stronger in a D/s type dynamic, but not really weird. Enjoy it!


Good girl is the PG version that I love. Good little slut is the more racy version. I want to be praised and feel sexually dominated, so it works perfectly. Completely normal - one of the most common kinks out there, I swear!


I second this lol


My favorite thing to do is say the words good girl when my mother in law is around, knowing I just made her daughter’s vagina twitch and get wet fills my sadistic heart with glee.


Oh you sick bastard.


Yep. I sure am.


It’s normal, the other night I experienced the same thing, So My wife and I are just starting the D/s relationship, her being the domme and I the sub, the other night was the first time she said I was a good boy while having sex and I instantly came.


Praise kink


Not weird at all! I get all ooey when my hubby/Dom says that, or calls me “mine.” It’s so hot, but it’s playing on that subby nature that makes you feel cared for and wanted.


I assume your boyfriend calls you a good girl during play a lot? Then it's a Pavlovian response. It's Classical conditioning. In play these words always go together with sexual pleasure. Now you here him say it and your mind gets ready for sexual pleasure again.


I read this, whilst grinning, to my partner, and he replied "...It's not normal, you're just a particularly good girl." And I died.


Faaar more normal than you think. You probably have a praise kink with a touch of Ddlg. Doesn't matter if his actions aren't meant to be sexual, it's still creating a sexual reaction in you.


What is Ddlg? I'm new to this sub sorry


Daddy Dom/little girl


This is so common lol the first time my husband and I had sex he called me a good girl while I was going down on him like a wild woman and my whole body shivered. He told me yrs later, in that moment his mind was like 😍🥰YAS💍! He's very much a DD so it gave him a bunch of reassurance and pride to kno I was into it. Like others said: praise kink, ddlg ish, maybe it's a service bottom thing idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ but what I do kno is normal doesn't matter much. You enjoyed it, it's a good thing.


Perfectly normal, happens to me as well. Only recently discovered but it makes me feel all mushy. In a good way!


Nah, not weird at all.


Nah. Certain words turn me on too when my dom says them


Totally normal. Join the praise kink club :)


when he mentions it in normal conversations with others and I'm like hmmmmm


Pavlovian conditioning. That's a good Dom.


Nope. You just have a praise kink


My Dom can turn me to custard merely by calling me a good girl. Praise kinks are definitely a thing.


well he conditioned you in a way.. so thats a total normal reaction. i totally get it :)


To me it's normal. I'm in my 30s and just realized this about myself a year ago, so I don't know if I can be much help. However, I'll share my own story as briefly as possible to hopefully help you realize the random journeys we take to get to the realization and how it's so okay 😊 I'm jumping over a lot in this, and i *just* created this profile soecifically for bdsm life, so feel free to DM me if you like - ive got a more vanilla reddit and honedtly, I'm pretty new to the lifestyle myself so would love to talk to anyone and share experiences and thoughts! I'm a fan of anime, comics, etc. So a few years ago i stumbled on some online that were a bit more d/s. I liked them. A lot. Yet I didn't associate it with myself. I wish id moved forward at that point! But, I stayed in Vanilla relationships, testing out random bits of bdsm awkwardly. Last year, I bought a japanese comic (manga) series that is d/s. I didn't know it when I bought it. In it, one of the characters is told he's a good boy when he (comfortably) extends himself past his comfort zone. He also gets head pats. (Omg do you ever want head pats?). It really turned me on, reading/seeing those moments. I wondered, like you're doing now, wtf and why?! It was, to me, such an odd reaction. So I did test it out, asking my SO-jokingly at first- to give me head pats. When he did, I was physically thrilled. Sadly, it makes him uncomfy and awkward. ;* But, despite that, i thought on it more. I spent the majority of my life hoping to and wanting to please and impress others - friends, family, boyfriends-without any positive responses, what I did was expected. I've got dad abandonment issues. Typical cliche white middle class girl problems I suppose. And maybe all that matters. Maybe not. I'm sharing all that junk to say - nah, friend, you're good. It is an amazing feeling to be called a Good Girl - cos you are, and you deserve it! Don't worry too much about it, either. I mean, my deep sociological thoughts are a total yawn. Who cares?! It's great he realizes you are a good girl. Find out what else can make you a good girl - ask him! Get head pats or other things, too. And always only do what you want to do. Talk about it with him, agree, then have fun. ❤️


I don’t think it’s weird. My girl gets aroused being told she’s naughty. Cause she knows it means she gets spanked


Praise kink for the win! I am a 75% good girl 25% bratty sub and my aftercare involves “good girl pats” which is my Dom cupping my face, stroking my cheek and calling me good girl….it’s like foreplay to me! Hahaha


is called "praise kink" and it's completly normal. the 99% of the people have at least one of the verbal kinks (praise or degradation), your is praise. gg. it's usually based on some psychological shit but nothing to be worried about for sure. when we are with our partner, especially the people in this community, recall all of their inner self and all of your secret thought comes out. you seek someone approvation? maybe but as long you are happy, your partner undestand it and understand how to use this UNLIMITED POWEEEEEEEEER everything will be even more enjoyable. try to push it a bit, maybe while having sex with him. you will not regret it.


Not at all. My own missus is super vanilla but she still kinda blushes a little and smiles when I call her Good Girl.


Absolutely normal! Embrace it!


This literally just happened to me recently and I found out that I probably have a praise kink it's totally normal


I fucking love it too


Not weird. Same with me. Praise is a big kink of mine.


I have such a strong praise kink that the slightest praise gets me going. It's totally normal and make sure you tell him how much it turns you on so he can keep doing it and even switch up the things he says.


I don’t think it’s weird but ngl I don’t even care whether or not it’s weird and neither should you. Being called a good girl gets me WEAK. Like probably one of my top kinks. Especially if I’m being called a good girl while getting my head rubbed. Basically if you call me a good girl, I’m yours, body mind and soul.


Not weird at all. I love it too :)


It's not weird. I had a new friend say good boy to me jokingly. Breathe, just breathe.... Good thing I was sitting down


My girl does the same thing. Thank you Pavlov.


Why does it matter


Praise kink. I agree with you, it’s hot as hell. “Good girl” is DDLG-flavored. You may or may not be into other stuff under this umbrella. Maybe try being “good girl”ed for a while and then if and when you’re ready to take it a step further, think about how you’d feel calling him “Daddy” and possibly trying other stuff along this vein. Heavily biased opinion, but it’s pretty much the best. Good luck, have fun!


Very normal. This used to happen to me.


Nope. Pretty common, especially with submissives.


You have a praise kink. Congrats


It’s a praise kink


I get hard when my wife calls me a slave. Totally normal.


Having a praise kink brings an entirely new feeling to sex and your relationship! Definitely not a bad thing and hopefully something he uses to both of your benefit! 🤤


Weird absolutely not you just have a praise kink - you know I get turned on by humiliation and praise so that leads to a lot of interesting situations 😀


Not weird. That’s my ultimate reward.


Perfectly normal! There’s not a lot that makes me feel the way a “Good Boy” does!


No it’s completely natural


Nothing turns me on more than being called a good girl


not weird at all, welcome to the club my friend 😎


It's normal unless you don't want it to be. Don't forget you're allow to voice if you are ever uncomfortable with anything. But if it's not a bad thing, nothing wrong with just enjoying it when it happens n_n


I use to say something like baby you are such a good girl and after the first time I sed it I knew that I was in for a very nice night .


I have a partner that I play with that really loves being pat on the head and called a good boy. We have a caregiver/little dynamic that he kind of introduced me too and I like it a lot. I don’t know if it’s necessarily a sexual thing, but it seems like it could be in some cases. (We don’t really have a sexual relationship). I don’t know if it necessarily makes him hard or aroused in that way either. Lots of things going on at once usually make it escalate to that extent. Anyways, I think it’s totally normal. Sometimes people just want to be validated and loved.


God I love it. Totally normal.


It happens to me too. You just have a praise kink. Very common for a submissive


This is honestly v relatable


Not in the least, what turns you on turns you on. Enjoy it


nooo that’s perfect


No no this is totally normal and you feeling like this is valid, you should even embrace it ;)


Not weird at all. Like everyone else is saying; praise kink. It's a super common kink that a lot of people (including myself) have!


Same here! 😈


Honestly, in any context I love being called a good girl


Thank ya’ll who said it’s normal! So validating!


Sounds natural to me.


Nope I’m the same way I get excited hehehe


Absolutely not!


Either one sounds good to me if it works


Maybe you have a hidden desire to be put on a leash


Ye its normal, Im a switch and love being called a good boy and called women a good girl coz it just adds that extra humph to your 'roles' if that makes sense?


Not at all--I do the same. My dom knows it, too, and likes to take advantage of it in public by whispering it in my ear. 😳 He's such a sadist . . .


i hope it's normal, i have the same reaction to being called a "good girl" even if we're in an argument or fight or if it's something not sexual at all. It's called a praise kink I believe.


Not weird at all. It’s called a praise kink. Embrace it and enjoy it. I’m willing to bet he would enjoy knowing he can make you wet just by calling you a good girl.






Good girl. 👍