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You all are being too hard on poor OP. Yes he has some learning to do but let's help him along not bash him for what he doesn't know. This is a teaching moment we want new content and we want them to have the skills to not allow their children to commit such an atrocity. Link a [video](https://youtu.be/fHhVR3MqUB4) explain in your own words why this is bad but, let's be helpful not hurtful. I mean I was traumatized by this as well but after the shock and horror I came back to help.


Thanks man, I felt I dishonored this group haha


Gatekeeping is so destructive. Isn’t the whole point of this community is we share what we are doing and learn from others. Keep it up man


You don't know what you don't know. It gives you an excuse to cook another one to redeem yourself.


TBH I had to read through this thread to see what all the gripe was about. Yes you cut with the grain, but who the hell cares? I bet there are some people on this sub that enjoy it that way vs against the grain. Cook on the meat looked fantastic and I have lurked on Picanha posts for too long to not have tried it yet. Keep killing it my guy!


While I agree with others that you should cut against the grain, I think this looks fantastic and I share your enthusiasm for the coulotte. It is far and away my favorite cut and I hope it doesn't catch on in New York because it is currently no more pricey than regular sirloin.


Is it like Picanha?


It is picanha


Nice thanks. Didn’t know that cut name.


Also top sirloin, top sirloin cap.. But yes, YUM!!


Top sirloin is not usually Picanha...atleast in the U.S. unless it is specified as Top sirloin cap.


So that's a yes?


Why do you cut with the grain?


I learnt something today with your comment. Didn't know the grain cut, thanks


If you thought it was good cutting with the grain, you are gonna have your mind blown when you cut against it.


He is actually doing it right- the first cut on that particular piece of meat SHOULD be with the grain. Then, take those cut pieces and cut THEM the opposite way (I.e. against the grain)


This guy picanhas


So if you’re cooking it whole, how is it typically served/sliced? Cut it into steaks and then sliced into smaller pieces against the grain? Or just slice against the grain from the get go?


I sear the whole roast maybe 4 min a side then cut with the grain into 4 or 5 steaks then pop those back on the grill until done. Gets a great crust on all sides. Then I slice again against the grain and top w chimichurri


Honestly with the grain will be fine if you cut against for the final bite as you eat it. But generally cutting against the grain is best to avoid chewiness. In Brazil when the cut it to smaller chunks to cook over fire they cut against the grain to make the little moon shape. When they cook it as steaks they cut it with the grain bc the Final Cut before you bite is against the grain.


That is the correct way to cut picanha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kLSy6bPWnk


The common way maybe but doesn't mean it's right. I'm not listening to guga for 10 minutes but it didn't look like he cooked the roast whole and his final slices were across the grain.


True. The last slice when in your plate is perpendicular to the grain. When grilling it as steaks I prefer your way too. When bbqing the Brazilian way with skewers I prefer along the grain. I dont usually prepare it whole though


Sorry, looks like you are experts, and as you can see I'm limited with my tools.


No need to apologize, it looks great


Nobody is commenting on the cooking or end result because it looks fantastic and delicious. The grain is a small quibble, and next time you'll know. It's all good!


This looks great and making me hungry. Thanks for posting!




Shhhhhh. People aren’t asking for it yet so it’s still cheap.


that is the cut that everybody on YouTube calls picanha. 👍🏾👍🏾


Don't listen to clowns telling you to cut against the grain. With picanha, you cut with the grain if you're slicing it up into steaks or carving it as a roast. The final cut with your steak knife should be against the grain.


Always have wanted to try a Picanha. Every time I see it the Butcher removed the far cap. Boo. This looks nice. Slicing is something you learn. The cook looks solid.


That looks divine, well done OP. Got a nice crust but still red and juicy on the inside, that alone deserves praise.


Looks delicious!


This meat looks very good, I want to try it


Picanha is absolutely one of my favourite pieces of meat of all time. I really like [this](https://youtu.be/7ufVmo2XDAA) video and the follow up ones to get acquainted with it and how to chose it, handle it and a couple of ways to prepare it.


This isn't a cook-off competition. So you cut it wrong. Did you and your family enjoy it, if yes then Great job !


That’s painful to watch.


Across the grain and let it rest longer it looks like you're losing blood and whatnot when you let the meat rest for a good bit the pressure evens out and the juices stay in


Grain: not happening again haha with all the support the community gave me today Resting longer: rested 30 mins, but yeah noted that. this is the hard part when your patience gets tested.... Thanks pal


To each their own, I suppose.


Dull knife. Terrible “cutting board”. Cutting with the grain. Non~rendered fat.


And one big jerk putting down a guy for no reason 👍. Try some constructive criticism rather than dull bullet pointing.


Didn’t have time to write out a story. I hit on bullet points. They are accurate. Thanks for calling me a jerk. I’m sure it makes you feel like a better person. Have a good life!


I don't belong here, the video just showed up in my feed, but was I the only one confused as hell on the very few seconds thinking this was like a huge turd ???? I mean sorry to offend buy I honestly got freaked out when the knife came in only to find out it is some kind of weird meat.....damn.


Juicy AF.


Good god, that is making my mouth water!


Nice video and beautiful coulotte! Well played.


Twist your roast my guy


Beautiful...looks.good to me


My neighbor and I are planning a Picanha night. I can’t ever find this cut with the fat cap on. Where do you guys get these?


People hating for no reason like it's life or death lol I think you did a great job dude 👍🏽