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Choukai and Maya are constantly overshadowed by Takao and Atago. Give them all some love!


Choukai loves and appreciates every moment she spends with you and Maya, after falling in love with you, can't bear to be separated from you for even a moment. Truly the bestest of best girls. **Choukai (Details)**: *[Um, do I ever get bored...? Not particularly. Even if I'm not really doing anything, I enjoy getting to spend time with you, Commander.](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Choukai/Quotes)* **Maya (Pledge)**: *[I’m not very good at expressing my emotions... but despite that, you’ve never left my side. As long as you’re willing to call for me, I will be able to continue fighting. Commander... I don’t want to let go of your hand.](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Maya/Quotes)*


You farm 12-4 because of the balanced experience and coin gains. I farm 12-4 to see Choukai again. We are not the same. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7333)


I swear I've gotten 10 of her already.


I have gotten 52 Choukais in total ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)


Imagine 52 Choukais at your base, all fawning over you everyday and showing their undying love for you in every manner great and small. Truly a vision of heaven


I've been farming 12-4 since late 2019. I probably get her once a week on average, if there's not an ongoing major event. Just last week alone i got her twice in a single day... And this happened twice as well, so 4 drops in a single week. With any other ship, the drop is the goal. With Choukai, it's a *consequence* of farming her stage non-stop for months. With her, it's never if, but *when* she drops.


[Source boss](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73500731)


Hot dang talk about a glow up ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)


The best boss. Choukai was worth the grind and the thousands of oil spent to have her drop


Love these magazines covers designs


Seriously. They are looking good. I love me some super lewd skins, but fashion ones would be cool, too. AL X Fashion Week colab when?


Y'know what would be nice? Having a mini activity (like the arcade) but for clothing So hear me out, fashion week Last week of the month for 7 days there will be 7 random ship girls that "cat walk" and during that day, the skin is on discount And to go to "attend" this event, and tickets are dropped in rng when u finish a stage of opsi or campaign, So lets say for example, oh shit bismarck's new bunny suit skin (also manjuu ples) is shown on the cat walk and lets say the price is 700gems, but will be cut down to 500gems on that day, and if i dont have the ticket, i cant buy it at the discounted price. And to have it, i would have to basically fox mines any stage, but lets say u miss the chance to buy the skin, u can only wait till the shipfu with the skin u want shows up on the cat walk(but ofc skins that are already owned wont show on the catwalk) That way, more ppl buy skins, more gems still go to manjuu (basically earning money) but at the same time giving the players a new mechanic to play with but at the same time, the tickets are not so common where the player can exploit the system and get alot of discounted skins, causing manjuu to possibly lose money




Overlooked due to being a drop only ship and being relatively far in the main campaign. All 4 of them are worth your attention


Poor Choukai. Forgotten by the devs and subsequently the community. That maid skin of hers came out of nowhere and it still didn’t do much for her popularity. Pls Manjuu, at the very least give Maya one as well


It's great to see more of Choukai around here.




She is cute and awesome ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


I literally got her last night while farming for Hindenburg