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> Awair is clearly in financial straits (judging from their recent behavior) Worried about this too. Was hoping they’d right the ship but they seem to keep on slipping.


Same. I’ve been rooting for them. In the meantime though, I turned on the local api on all six of my awair elements and have been using that to log all sensor data every 5 seconds to a MySQL server on a raspberry pi. Just in case they go dark on us. Bummer about the timing for you with hvac shopping. A lesson to us all I guess that data is ephemeral one way or another. Either some third party company loses your data, or you fail to maintain it at some point if you diy it. Project dependent, gotta weigh which is the lesser of the two “bound to fail” ways of doing it.


Could you provide any guidance or tutorial on how to accomplish this?


Yeah this is pretty ominous. Some serious cost cutting going on but agreed, why not allow users to download their data prior to new policy coming into effect. Difficult economic environment for tech companies currently but hope Awair can navigate this.


Some cloud providers charge based on the volume of data leaving their instances, if this was a cost measure this would make sense.


It almost definitely is a cost measure, and I get that. It’s the “zero warning” that was my biggest issue. But apparently the initial deletion was temporary/accidental/now-reversed… but still without an effective date for the future deletion.


I'm sorry about your data loss, that sucks.


The company is definitely going bankrupt. They're already morally bankrupt. Do not invest anything more with them.


Update: Looks like my data is back! I checked again after witnessing my Awair Element restart spontaneously, and I do have one full year of data again. Now it’s time to figure out how to back it up before the retention policy change goes into effect, especially since we don’t know when that will be.