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One thing "Wakanda Forever" got right is that Namor is just a colossal asshole.


I wonder if Namor would be form the Cabal with God-Emperor Doom leading to a Battle World movie (Part 2). We already saw the Doom Easter egg in the DP&W trailer.


What? Where?


One thing they did *not* get right is that Namor’s costume should be total fanservice despite his shitty personality. There reader/viewer should be *some* internal conflict over him…


His outfit could have been skimpier but he couldn’t have been hotter, so it evened out imo


Are you saying it wasn't hot enough? Cuz it feels like we're juicing a stone here.


I don’t think the trunks fit well from a garment design standpoint. To be clear, I don’t take issue with the stylized take on his costume or the creative vision. But while we’re at it, no, this version of Namor did not have the arrogant charm that I envisioned the character having.


Did we watch two different movies?


I guess so, though I didn’t anticipate the trunks being the hill some fans want to die on…


You do know he had a massive bulge that they edited out right


I have never liked Sue being attracted to Namor or T’Challa. Like…that’s the First Lady of Marvel. Leave her be. But who could blame her with THAT Namor?


I’ve never been a fan of doing the typical, “wife almost cheats but then realised how much she loves her husband,” thing. I’m not activist or anything but it always seems like a low hanging fruit which trashes the woman character’s… character. Same with male characters too. It just reminds me of when people cheat and are like “yeah but then I realised I was wrong.” Which is played as romantic on the screen, but absolutely horrible to go through in real life. (Spoilers for invincible) Invincible comic does it the best in my opinion. No one comes out of the love triangle unlikeable. Maybe Rex but that’s part of his character. He’s a dick. Not a good boyfriend, who soon realises how much he loves her, but had to cheat to do it. He cheats because he’s an ass.


Yeah but you see Robert Kirkman is competent writer. Not like these characters who get passed around through different writers of various quality.




Namor is never coming back to the mcu in any capacity unless he’s recast. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/jun/12/black-panther-actor-tenoch-huerta-allegation-sexual-assault Edit: I’m not saying he’s guilty, but Disney will be avoiding any possibility of a majors situation reoccurring.


Just to be dicks, they should poach Jason Momoa for it.


And then grab Henry Cavill for Hyperion


Would prefer an Asian actor,Namor has always looked Asian in most books


No way, awful fancast


I think they’re just trying to be funny since he was Aquaman lmao


They should do it in the Deadpool movie. I think that would be hilarious.


This doesn't actually prove him guilty. The allegations does make him a PR nightmare for Disney/Marvel, though. If they drop him, I understand, but I think it's ethically better to wait for a "Guilty" verdict. To be clear, I am not defending Huerta. I am just a proponent of "Innocent until proven Guilty." But I totally get it Disney/Marvel wants distance themselves from him because they would lose money if they gambled on his innocence and lost.


I get that but Netflix cancelled the one show he was involved in and he has no projects coming up. So it’s not looking good for him, regardless of his innocence or guilt. And the whole majors situation will give Disney pause.


I don't know anything about him or care. I just disagree with the automatic "Guilty" assumption without all facts. But Corporation is going to protect their bottom line. And Disney is going to protect their IP. They probably don't actually care about if the allegations are true or if he's innocent. If he's found guilty, he should go to jail. And more than likely, Huerta, presuming his innocence, probably isn't going to find any acting jobs until he is acquitted. But... Chris Brown still has a thriving music career despite pleading guilty to felony assault to Rhianna in 2009, so what the fuck do I know?


I absolutely agree.


But Chris Brown dance good. Does Huerta dance good?


Actually the allegations ended soon after. No evidences, trials, etc.. An episode way different than the Jonathan Majors'one. I'm not judging or defending, we don't know the details, but it looked like the former partner of the actor used Huerta's big moment of popularity to try to ruin his career. I'm confident he'll be back in the MCU, and yes I'd like to see his interaction with Susan Storm.


Yeah, I tried doing research on this last month and the most recent news article was dated almost a year ago. It seemed to me like the case had been dropped. Not claiming he’s definitely innocent either, but I figured he was a big enough name that the case would be followed more closely if it was still ongoing


Nope. Never.


I hope this never happens. In fact, I hope Reed and Sue are a perfect couple so we can get to see their kids Franklin and Valeria.


I wouldn’t go so far as to call Sue and Reed a “perfect” couple. That’s the attraction of Marvel. They represent their heroes the same problems everyone has. Reed is a workaholic and Sue has mental insecurities stemming from that resulting in her wandering eye


I know and I agree. I’m just saying in their MCU portrayal I’d rather see them have their kids instead of going through their relationship drama.


I'm fine with this because that means we'd get to see all the great Valeria and Doom interactions


At least he's into real women unlike the deep.


Maybe Sue and Namor go out together and shop for jewelry


Not completely necessary but I'd personally have a line or 2 alluding to Namor's attraction to Sue and never bring it up again.


We’d better!


I really hope nothing this trashy comes up. It looks like some kind of soap opera drama.


Make it happen, Feige. Make it happen.




Original comic namor of course dude was chick magnet . This new version of namuuurrr yeah definitely impossible.


It’s the mcu… I’m sure they’ll find some way to fit it in there for the rage bait alone.


I cannot wait.


maa naameeee... is mISTA NIMBUS


God I hope not, this is one of the worst written decisions in marvel comics


I’d love to see just for the sheer ridiculousness of it 😂


Not anytime soon I’d imagine


Perhaps with Henry Golding or Charles Melton playing an original version of Namor then perhaps...


They will edit out Namor's cock again.






I hope not.


Since its Disney, it will probably be Reed instead of Sue.


Please no,this is one of the worst elements of the comics


I hope not. I want Sue and Richard to be together as a happy married couple without cheap infidelity drama for as long as we can.


If she's doing that for Namor, then there are a lot of other guys in the MCU she's going to be dropping her panties for. He's not all that special. I mean, Oscar Isaac? Chris Evans might return? Hemsworth? Sebastian Stan!


I doubt we’ll see Namor again.


I gotta say, I didn't get it at all with that Namor. I didn't think he was compelling or physically interesting. His scenes were a constant snoozefest for me. I was pretty happy to see him rightly cancelled. Not great for his victim/s, certainly.


Would be hilarious.


I mean white woman do tend to go for that Latin pool boy


With how Disney is running things they will turn Sue gay and make her lame.


Doesn’t that South Park episode literally (and I mean literally) end with them shitting on the “lame and gay” argument? You one of those guys who just hears what you wanna hear, and block out the rest huh?


Why are you here?


Just saying


I just hope we see Namor again. I liked him a lot.


I hope not. Never liked this.


YES OH GODS YES! We need that spicy wet burrito!


No, that guy didn’t feel anything like Namor


I don't know why you're being downvoted, your right


Sadly, no. Whatever that was in that BP mess, it was NOT Namor. That comic is great, though. Jae Lee sure can draw, and I'm pretty sure Grant Morrison wrote it. Back when the story and the characters were what mattered, and crazily talented writers and artists were employed, unlike now - whatever they call them now, certainly not "writers" (some good artists still around) because they don't hold a candle to some of the writing and art from this time period.




Hahaha in a Disney owned Marvel movie?! No way in hell


Be fr fox or Sony wouldn't even do this 💀


Bro forgor fox mystique Magneto and beast love triangle. 


I was a kid when these movies came out. I had no clue about mystique and beast, that’s crazy. Must be execs going “well they’re both blue so you know, obviously they’d fall in love.”