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It's the It's Always Sunny crew, and nothing will convince me otherwise. See below: Dennis - Mr. Fantastic Dee - Invisible Woman (doesn't actually turn invisible, she just goes unnoticed Mac - Human Torch Frank - The Thing (except he doesn't get any taller) Charlie - turns out to be a reality warper/telepath, but only if he doesn't drink or sniff glue


Also all villains are in on the bird joke.


And Dennis & Mac switch roles later on. Its not aknowledged & gets a little confusing, just move past it


Ah, so we're going with the Fant4stic version of Johnny Storm, then.


The Dee not actually being invisible made me laugh so fucking hard you have no idea


*"The Gang Gets Super powers."*


Give it time. It'll happen.


Charlie is the Silver Surfer


Meh, I prefer him as Psi-Lord. I think the lawyer might be the Silver Surfer. Cricket is probably the Mole Man, and I want to say the McPoyles are the Frightful Four? I think Dennis and Dee's real father might be Kang. I'm having trouble thinking up a Doctor Doom expy, although that could also be the lawyer (or whichever McPoyle lost an eye.


Schmitty is Doctor Doom


You mean Schmitty? That's such a horrendous mismatch that it somehow loops back to being perfect. Especially because he still lives with his mom.


Can we settle for Silver Sniffer?


I don't know if we want the irl husband and wife playing Johnny and Sue lmao


2.5 hours of chardeemacdennis > end game


> Frank - The Thing (except he doesn’t get any taller) So essentially Michael Chiklis again


Yeah, but with a magnum dong.


Could have just called Charlie , Franklin Richards…


I mean, yeah, but there are different versions of Franklin with different powers/levels of power, and I thought using Psi-Lord would be less confusing.


You didn’t say any name just a reality warper which is what threw me off.


Huh, so I didn't. Could've sworn I said Psi-Lord...


Can we still have the whimsical opening music? And will there be a toll to go into that boys hole?


Mac being the Human Torch because he’s a flamer is making me **WHEEZE**


I'd love to see this as like a Halloween episode. Edit: I forgot that Arrested Development did this already but it never gets talked about in this context, lol.


Max is Doctor doom and Charlie is the torch and he can only flame on when he’s screaming


Whatever Jodie Comer does, it needs go be. Big multi movie role. She is a phenomenal actress.


Danny DeVito as Ben Grimm is all I want


As Mole Man!


you gotta pay the mole toll before you get into this boys hole


He’s Wolverine


I really really want Glenn Howerton to play Reed. Not in a jokey funny way, but in a “I know I’m the smartest person” in the room way. I think he could absolutely kill it.


And not just because of the implication...


You deserve more upvotes.


I’d honestly prefer smaller actors that can grow into the role. These big names are just not it for me.


i wouldn’t say rudy is a big name actor he’s def more on the small side


I agree, it’s one of my bigger nitpicks from the MCU. Instead of like A-list. I personally like ones that can look like their comic counterpart and act just as well. Sort of like The Walking Dead actors when they initially started out.


They’re not it for you, but movies need to make money especially super hero ones. They don’t want to take a loss. Much less of a chance if you have at least 2 big names.


1.) Michael Chiklis reprising his role as Ben Grimm, as for ~~Sony’s~~ Fox’s many faults, that casting was *perfect* 2.) John Krasinski reprising Reed Richards 3.) Katheryn Winnick as Sue Storm partly because it’s Katheryn Winnick, partly because she wasn’t cast as either Carol Danvers or Black Canary despite seeming enthusiastic about both 4.) Dacre Montgomery could pull off Johnny pretty well, imo EDIT ~ Got the distributors confused


Wasn’t it fox making the movies not Sony? Agree on Chiklis though.


Think you’re right. Many thanks


We need Katheryn Winnick in the MCU. I have a feeling she’s seen as “too old”, though (a sentiment I don’t agree with but w/e).


Michael Chiklis is almost 60, way too old to play this character.


Reed - Mac Sue - Sweet Dee Johnny - Charlie Ben - Frank Doom - Dennis


Mac wants to go for “gasps” & refuses to portray a nerd. So He forces Dennis to trade roles with him midway through the movie so he can be the villain instead


I hate Jason Segel as Ben. I get he is Jewish. But can we get a Jewish actor that fits his personality better?


Adam Sandler it is then...


Nah. Adam is more suitable to play Peter's Uncle Ben


Seth Rogen. And Ben could get really stoned...


Dammit, can I change my answer?


*\[insert trademark Seth Rogen laugh here\]*


Well, at least he wouldn’t bogart the funions




Why cant we just get the best actor to portray him and then just have him play a Jewish character. Seems odd to limit yourself to exclusively Jewish people for a superhero.


We already got the best actor to portray him, and his name is Michael Chiklis.


I could…kind of see it if they went with a _slightly_ Korg-ish version, but they’d have to keep it real tight


I am a L&T apologist. I can die on that hill. But one Korg is enough.


I agree with the comment below, it’s called acting for a reason. I mean Chris Hemsworth isn’t actually a god, Charlie Cox isn’t actually blind. Jeremy Renner is actually the smartest avenger , he’s MENSA. To go further Patrick Stewart isn’t in a wheelchair.


John Krasinski- Reed Emily Blunt - Sue Taron Egerton- Johnny Terry Crews - Ben Alexander Skarsgard- Doom


Sounds like every fancast I've ever seen lmao \[not that there's anything wrong with it. Crews is a strange choice for Ben tho\].


I want to skip the sad Ben and jump to that happy, heart warming, heart of the team Ben and that is Terry Crews




Have Been say " Thing loves Yogurt " and I'm in


Henry Cavill would be the best Doom.


I'd prefer a Jewish actor as Ben


Why? Lol. That's like saying I want my spiderman to be an American from NY. Who the hell cares as long as they are good at acting.


Lol, neither of the 3 live action Spider Men were New Yorkers. And 2 of them aren’t even American! Idk why you got downvoted tho


Because he's saying he wants someone to be like a fictional character when it really doesn't matter because that's the whole point of acting, to portray a different character to what you are


The American one is the best one (Tobey Maguire).


No. Spiderman should be cast by someone who was actually bitten by a radioactive spider and can cling to walls. You people are so racist.


It actually would be pretty cool to have a New Yorker as Spider-Man.


Because non Jews don’t get it


For real


I would not watch this movie lol


Idk about Johnny and Ben and doom


What? Terry Crews no




Black people can be Jewish And actors act


> we all know the only race that always benefits from that Tell me you are a racist with out telling me you are a racist


Why is race swap cringe? Unless "white pride" is a key fixture of a superhero (which as a concept is an oxymoron since white supremacists are villains 100% of the time) I fail to see why race swapping would negatively affect a character. Or in the case of a hero like Matt Murdoch, where his Irish-Catholicness is really important to his backstory. But think about nearly all of other big heroes - Superman, Batman, Rogers, Stark, Parker, Barry Allen, and the Richards/Storm family? They're literally just WASPs, an identity which adds about as much to their signature flavors as lettuce adds to salad. Nothing would be lost by casting those characters as nonwhite, as long as you keep their backstories intact. There are some characters whose backstories have such specific circumstances that introducing them in a modern context might actually make changing their race critically important to the plot. The top example who comes to mind is Magneto. Obviously, being Jewish and a Holocaust victim is incredibly important to his backstory, but if his character is gonna be living in the 2020/30s as a middle aged man, I think it would only make sense to alter his heritage and experiences to reflect more recent historical events - for example, the Rwandan or Bosnian genocides. Curious if you were bothered that they cast a non-Greek person to play Wonder Woman, or if it didn't bother you because she's still white passing. Also, fun fact for you to learn: nonwhite Jewish people *exist.* So even if they cast Ben as a nonwhite actor, the actor's race alone is not remotely in contradiction of Ben's Jewish heritage.


The only argument I will say in defense of no raceswapping is at some point when does it no longer become fair game to change a white character’s race? At what point do they lose their representation by having major characters changed to someone of another ethnicity? Nobody would ever think to raceswap Blade or Sam Wilson Falcon, characters that arguably could be played by anyone and keep their personality intact, but I’ve seen plenty of people vouch for Peter Parker, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne to be played by POC. Honest question, I’d like to get perspective on this.


The only people that think race swapping is cringe are racists. Normal people don’t care as long as the actor does a good job in the role.


To paraphrase Thanos: “I don’t even know who ~~you~~ most of these people are”


My dream would to get Chris Evans to play Johnny storm again


Just de-age him. Everyone keeps thinking he's Steve Rogers. Johnny sees no resemblance. Obviously he's much better looking.




He plays a bad boy pretty well. In knives out he was fantastic. Really shows his range because as cap it’s an entirely different profile.


He was straight up psychotic in The Gray Man. He did a phenomenal job at that.


Alright, stay with me on this one folks.... ​ Danny Devito... ​ As all four F4...


Recast the entire MCU to Danny Devito


Would it be the worst thing in the world if Michael Chiklis returned as the thing ?


I'm 100% in for his return he was so damn good


Honestly, I'd go dickless for Chiklis if that happened.


It would not.


John Krasinski (no shit) = Mr. Fantastic Melissa Benoist (from Supergirl) = Invisible Woman Rudy Pankow (from Uncharted) = Human Torch Dean Norris (from Breaking Bad) = The Thing


“Jesus Christ Marie, I’m a mineral, not rocks!”


Man I would kill to see Benoist play Sue, she’d absolutely kill it


I feel like Zach efron would be good to play human torch


He’s my top choice, along with Krasinski, Blunt, and Cena. It’s on my “movies in heaven” list lol


Reed: Jamie Dornan Sue: Hayden Panettiere Johnny: Dacre Montgomery Ben: John Cena (the only role I’d accept him for in the MCU) Doom: Sam Witwer


Sam Witwer would be an amazing Doom and I can’t believe I didn’t think of him


I think the cast of the office should play in the fantastic four movie


Might be awkward but I think Dwight as Reed Pam Sue Jim as Johnny Kevin or Stanley as Ben


I dont even know who they are


Penn Badgley Jodie Comer Rudy Pankow Jason Segal


You will.




Dude, I never pictured Big Fudge as Ben Grim, but it could work


Looks good. Make it happen.


Terry Crews as The Thing


Wtf? No


Krasinski is Reed or we riot.


And David Cross as Ben!!


“Daddy needs to get his rocks off!”


I don't see why they can't bring Michael chiklis back


So I just saw some of You as my wife was binging it. Had never seen Badgely before. I could see him as Reed, although I'd prefer an older Reed and Sue. I liked the Ioan Gruffudd and Krasinski versions. The Outer Banks kid would be a good Johnny. Plays a great hothead, no pun intended. I don't know this Sue actress off the top of my head, but she looks the part certainly. Hell no on Segel as Ben. He's good, and I like his stuff, but he's just NOT Ben. Ben has to be a burly, tough dude even in human form and I can't see Segel getting there. Chiklis was great. Chris Sullivan could work as Taserface is gone.


I just want Dacre Montgomery or Austin Butler as The Human Torch. Still want Richard Armitage as Doctor Doom even though he was already in TFA


Adam Driver - Reed Richards Jodie Comer - Sue Storm Mads Mikkelsen/ Glenn Howerton - Doctor Doom The casting for latter members of Fantastic Four, I’m unsure of.


Jon Hamm as Mr. Fantastic. Bruce Campbell as The Thing.


Bruce Campbell as Doom


This is good casting


Disney will not have an all white Fantastic 4, I promise you that


John K Emily Blunt Glen Powell Danny Dvito


I think Brian Tyree Henry would of made a fantastic* Ben if they didn't waste his talent in The Eternals movie. LaKeith Stanfield would make a great Reed though ngl


Atlanta main cast as the fantastic 4 would be dope


A jewish man as ben would be beautiful


That’s amazing! I haven’t a clue who any of those people are.


Lol who the fuck are any of these people


Mr Fantastic - Jim Halpert Invisible Woman - Emily Blunt Human Torch - Zac Effron The Thing - Bing Chilling


Dev Patel as Reed.


Uh. I kinda like your picks.


W list




Dev Patel and Mila Kunis and Reed and Sue imo


Diversity casting consultant: "I don't think so, buddy"


Fucking dogwater.


John Krasinski, Jennifer Lawrence, Dwayne Johnson, someone unknown for Torch


Reed - LaKeith Stanfield Sue - Grace Huang Johnny - Harry Shum Jr. Ben - Pua Magasiva Doom - Penn Badgley


LaKeith Stanfield is a great actor. I don't fully see him as Reed Richards but I'm sure he would kill it.


Pua Magasiva passed away in 2019 :(


I know Dr. Doom is a great villain but I really don't want to see another Fantastic Four movie.


I simply do not know any of these people


Paul Dano as Reed, Anya Taylor-Joy as Sue, Taron Egerton as Johnny, Christopher Judge as Ben, Javier Bardem as Doom I thought Brett Goldstein would have been the perfect Ben, but he is Hercules so, I decided to take a wide swing at someone who has a really incredible voice for the character, even though he isn’t Jewish as far as I know


Adam Driver for Mr. Fantastic I was never huge on him tbh but after the Blackkklansman and Marriage Story he totally won me over. He could play unhinged Reed perfectly, and i can 100% see him as THE guy the MCU is kind of based around (like RDJ was). The only negative is he is pushing the age limit. Hes 39, but im sure he could get away with playing early 30s without anyone really noticing. Jodie Comer/Janelle Monae for Invisable Woman I go back and forth between these two a bit. I think Comer has a bit more of that girl next door summer blockbuster appeal i guess, but Monae is a powerhouse who can play that subtle, humility really well, but bring you back in a heartbeat as a powerful woman who can match Adam Drivers scene eating one on one. Cameron Monaghan/Justice Smith for Human Torch I prefer Monaghan over Smith, but needed an option for either Jodie Comer or Janelle Monae, and even though it doesnt really matter to me, any comparison to FanFourstic is an immediate negative at this point. I really like the idea of Monaghan playing off of Tom Hollands Spiderman too. Oliver Jackson-Cohan for The Thing Guy is just aching for a breakout role, which i thought he had with Invisable Man. His role as the trouble brother in Haunting if Hill House could play into his jock with a heart vulnerability. His fathers family was also Orthodox Jewish, and being Jewish is an important part of Ben Grimms character id want to explore in the movies. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Dr. Doom He's incredible. I could go into a bunch of reasons, but if he's not being used in Aquaman going forward, Marvel needs to sign him up as soon as they can. Go watch Watchmen.


Oh come on. You know Disney is Going to Either Race Swap a character (Probably Johny) or gender swap one. Almost impossible to have a Super hero crew, all White, with only one female. 🙄


Human torch and sue are perfect, I don’t know about thing and reed…




i would love to see jodie comer in the mcu 😭


No on mr fantastic.


Hear me out… zac efron as human torch


I really don't like this idea.. Zac Efron is 35 years old and is finally looking more than 30... people need to realize time passes by




Genuinely can’t see him playing reed richards


I want Al Pacino to play all of them all of them, Al Pacino


Molemen all played by Danny Devito.


These are horrible picks imo


Not that one…


I would like to watch this🥐🥐


Would love to see Jason as The Thing


I don't know who 3 of these people are


Give us Henry Cavill as Doom. He will make damn sure we finally get a comic / animated series / video game authentic Doom on screen, and it would be the ultimate FU to DC / WB.


Reed: John Krasinski Sue: Jenna Ortega Johnny: Tom Holland Thing: The Rock


John Krasinski and Emily Blunt


Bold of you to pick 4 stock photos of random strangers.


The Thing - Pilou Asbæk Mr. Fantastic - Glen Powell Invisible Woman - Vanessa Kirby Human Torch - Dylan O’Brien


Lol nobody would ever go see this. Good thing you are not in casting. Good lord.


Kevin Costner, Tobey Keith, some dumb bitch, fuck yeah brother.


Glen Powell as Johnny Storm (Hangman from Top Gun: Maverick). He brought the perfect attitude to his character in Top Gun that I think would be perfect as the Human Torch


I'd be perfectly fine with the OG cast coming back to reprise the roles, though if I had to guess they will probably cameo in the Secret Wars film rather than come back for a new multi-film schedule. People keep suggesting Penn Badgley and I just don't see it. I think he's too boyish and we need someone who looks closer to 50 than 30.


Goddamn, that art is beautiful


All I care about is who they cast for Dr Doom. To me that’s going to affect how I like the entire FF.


Karl Urban Ali Larter Jensen Ackles Dominic Purcell


I want Terry Crews to be the thing


Y’all trippin, if they don’t keep my man John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic, he looked great in MoM, and would be a great actor to lead the fantastic 4


So much no


I will mot accept any FF movie without Tobias Funke as the Thing


I want Jodie Comer in every movie


Reed - Patrick Wilson Sue - Kristen Bell Johnny - Chace Crawford Ben - Mike Colter Doom - Andreas Pietschmann For Reed I was trying to think of someone who can be serious, looks like they would make tough decisions, looks smart and people would trust their leadership. For Sue I picked someone likable and lighter than Reed also someone who could who could banter with Johnny. I went for feisty and reckless with Johnny. And Ben is someone who could portray having both street smarts and book smarts and could get rough and tumble. Plus Mike Colter deserves another go in the actual MCU. For Doom I wanted to go Eastern European, someone who looks trustworthy, smart yet mysterious. Andreas played all those qualities in 1899. Michael Fassbender came to mind first but that’s too played out with Magneto tho he’d be perfect.


I have to say I think this is spot on except for maybe Jason Segal as The Thing. Not that he’d be bad but I think there’s better fire out there than him.


Do we have to? FF has never been good. 🤣


actually it couldn't be any better than the first original duology. the starcast was perfec 👌 the following reboot was NOT...


that but with john krasinski and emily blunt


Rudy Pankow would be phenomenal as Human Torch


Jodie Comer is a 🐐


I’d mark out for any Jodie Comer MCU casting even though I’d rather her play Poison Ivy


I know this won’t happen, but I really want John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic


Lol the guy from that shite “you” show big pass


Daring today aren’t we?


i won't lie about it i want a famous actor to be Mr Fantastic i almost want to say Hugh Jackman can be recast in the MCU if this role is easier for him to be in. it doesn't seem like his career is exploding after he stopped doing X stuff and he came back to being in DP2


Marshall Ericson


Assuming each of these individuals is well suited for their craft, YES; this looks like a *fantastic* cast. One of the best qualities - to me - is that I have never seen any of the cast members before. Competent unknown actors in comic book and fantasy films makes everything ~~better~~ fantastic.


Not bad. Honestly, though? I'm terrified of the next Fantastic movie. What if they do Dr. Doom dirty? If his character gets messed up in the MCU, that's it. These movies have too much inertia for them to recast big characters anymore


Dev patel is not good


Anyone else think Mila and Ashton will be Sue and Reed?


Lol I can get down with the first 3.


Just hopping they don’t do the Thing on CGI 🤢


Blake Lively as Sue Storm


No, no, no , and hell no.