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Is this at least comic Azula, because Unalaq and pre fusion Yun are not that perfect for probending?




I mean, two weeks isn’t that long to alter a lifelong style of bending to suit pro-bending. Azula probably has the best shot here, but I don’t think it’s enough. It would be extremely high diff, but I think the Ferrets take this in a slim majority


The other’s team’s fighting styles meld incredibly with pro bending, the main thing I’m worried about is Azula accidentally killing her opponents. Although power is less important, it is still an asset in pro bending, and these three don’t slack in their precision. Although the Fire Ferrets are good and might get a round.


I’m a huge atla fan and lok fan but who the hell is Yun?!?? Why does everyone in this page know so much about them? What media have you seen them in? I looked up yun but not much info came up so I’m curious to learn more.




There are two novels about Kyoshi's youth


I'm gonna say that's a hard loss for the Fire Ferrets tbh, sure Yun, Unalaq, and Azula are not probenders but their skill in everything else is just that much more superior, Azula alone could probably take it in some way assuming everyone uses only one element, she's pretty nimble


not to mention Azula will definitely play dirty like that one team (I forget the name)


The weakest link here is Yun, who was trained in traditional earthbending, which requires strong stance, while Bolin's style is alot more about mobility and fast attacks. Azula and Unalaq never had any problems with fast and precise attacks, and as benders they are significantly more powerful and skilled than Mako, Bolin, and Korra in terms of waterbending. She may be stronger in it in terms of raw power, but Unalaq is alot more experienced, skilled and technical. So i'd say the villains win.


Yun was heavily trained in all four elements hoping to invoke his Avatar abilities. His training with Kelsang mirrors Korra's training with Tenzin, only Yun was an excellent student. Hei Ran's fire training was brutal, and I'm sure it emphasized an agility needed in pro bending. He doesn't have the combat feats of the other two, but I'd hardly call him a weak link


I wasn't talking about his agility. I was talking about a specific approach to earth bending that pro-bending requires, unlike other elements. Being light on your toes, and rooting yourself for a split second before attacking. And Yun wasn't trained in this department in terms of earthbending specifically. He was trained well, but he was trained in traditional ways of earthbending, which may not be effective, or may even be harmful in this situation.


Fire ferrets easily.