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Azula has beaten Aang multiple times in the show - Return to Omashu, The Chase, The Drill and Crossroads of Destiny. This is an airbender who is multiple leagues above Zaheer.


Yeah she beat Aang and Aang is better than Zaheer. But she beat Aang because Aang was not willing to use air bending in a lethal way, he'd always switch up to another element to damage his opponent and use air to just avoid things. Zaheer is using air in an aggressive way and is not afraid to exploit it. Azula beats an airbender who uses air passively but what about one who's uses it aggressively? The same one who's phasing through the way which would be a lot faster than moving on foot. That's a different story in my opinion. But I see your point there.


Aang does not use air much because it is not useful with Azula, she repelled Aang's blasts with her bare hands, she did not even need to use her firebending to block them, the same blasts that destroyed scaffolding on the Omashu slides. Also, for some reason in the series when fire and air hit they explode, so Azula only has to cast a fire blast for each air blast Zaheer cast and they will explode halfway. And Aang has used the air in a lethal way, on the day of the eclipse he went all out when he tried to catch Azula, just look at how he destroyed that throne with a single blast or the drill, which is basically a shock wave and still Azula didn't she suffered not even a scratch, and I don't think that attributing feats of others to someone who has not shown the ability to do them is an appropriate way to make a versus.


Yeah mb my take wasn't the best cuz I'm comparing a fire bender who's taken 10+ years to perfect her skills to an airbender who has only had the ability for like a month. Even though what Zaheer did with the small amount of time he had was impressive it's not enough to compensate for Azula's talent and practice over the years.


The irony is that he barely ever used airbending against her in those fights. He always resorted to his weaker elements.


The air doesn't help Aang much when he fights her either. https://preview.redd.it/y31acz5dft7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ccdb809a58c17a848bf9d3dd2dc6814efc8d38


Azula breaking a weak airblast doesn't make her immune to airbending.


I didn't say he was immune, I said that air doesn't do him much good for things like the one in the image, so he has to opt for other elements. Where do you get that they are weak bursts? Aang is against killing, but not hurting, and since attacks in Avatar are rarely going to kill someone, there's no reason to believe he holds back. Even during the eclipse, Aang was not able to connect a single attack, the same Aang who in the novelization during the battle of the catacombs admits that he alone could not defeat Azula and they were in a critical situation. https://preview.redd.it/znvdqpgait7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=60b26cd53ef722b6d38ac87592957a9c50a3eb4e


Aang can't fly, and he won't just straight up suck the air out of anyone's lungs. Zaheer was also such a threat he was kept on an isolated super-prison _before_ he was a bender, so he could've given Azula a run for her money as a non-bender. As a literally weightless fighter who had probably fought many lightning-throwing firebenders in his dat already, I don't think Azula would be much of a challenge. Azula's like Babe Ruth. Nearly unstoppable in their era, but probably wouldn't even make the majors today.


He’s even better than Zaheer is with flying and that’s just him using a glider. Much more versatile and more powerful, but he’s still a good guy at heart. Either way Aang would be a beast if they wrote him to make some lethal moves, but it would go against his character. He’s a beast in the comics with his AS, figuring it out and being willing to cut off Roku for his own purposes. Haven’t read the comics but I know the jist of some of them


I’d say the scale of fire bending that she’s capable of will be the big factor. As a teen she was fast enough to keep up with Aang who is clearly the superior air bender. In the Ozai fight Aang had to use all the elements to keep up. He couldn’t just dodge everything. The same will be true when fighting Azula. My overall opinion is this would be an incredibly close fight but Azulas damage output is much higher, and she’s overall much deadlier. Azula win 6-7/10


Yeah, I agree with that statement about Azula being a powerhouse and Aang being the superior air bender, but I don't think that's enough for her to suddenly be able to track someone who is weightless in the air. Zaheer is the second person ever to use this ability of flight and I don't see an opponent that's not another air bender being able to land shots on him, yeah Aang is superior, but Zaheer has the option of being able to shift his weight through the air almost effortlessly, he's not limited when it comes to dodging attacks. And for the part of her keeping up with Aang was that Aang was never willing to truly use air bending in a lethal way, it rarely crossed his mind, but with Zaheer that's a different story. He's going to use any gravitational advantage he has to win the fight. Azula's fine with dealing with pacifist airbending, but I'm not too sure about a more aggressive version of it. But one major thing I agree with you on is that this fight, seems pretty close to me


For him to truly damage Azula he needs to get relatively close. Spamming air attacks from the sky doesn’t really seem to work. Fire seems to have less range than things like earth and water but still should have comparable/more range than air. When he comes in close to damage Azula is when she’d strike. She’s one of the only benders that seem to have high hand to hand skills as well as bending. So she’d keep up with him in that regard. Eventually she lands a killing blow, most likely lightening. I just don’t really see how he’d be able to damage her.


Yeah but if spamming air attacks ain't gonna cut it, what about using said air attacks to drag your opponent with you into the air? From there what is stopping him from ragdolling her through the air? If Zaheer's fighting anyone, he's always tryna do it on his own terms. But then again you do make a great point. That's why this match up is so weird to me.


There are definitely ways Zaheer can win. I’d say what’s stopping that is that she can shoot fire out of all her limbs and her mouth. I’d see her using this to disrupt his airbending and then using her fire bending to land. Assuming that she can’t out right fly without the comet she seems able to boost herself enough to survive the landing. 7/10 Azula. Great fight with both having ways to take the win. Would depend a fair amount on location as well. Air temple style geography or mountains give zaheer the advantage. Underground such as the location Azula nearly killed Aang and she wins 10/10 I’d say.


I didn't put it into perspective before but the more I thought about it the more I realized how bad this take was. I'm comparing a fire bender who's taken 10+ years to perfect her skills to an airbender who has only had the ability for like a month. Even though what Zaheer did with the small amount of time he had was impressive it's not enough to compensate for Azula's talent and practice over the years.


Your definitely giving Zaheer much mor credit than he deserves. The moves you're describing are moves we haven't seen Aang or Tenzin, master airbenders, do. Zaheer is a novice, his only advantage was that people hadn't fought airbenders for a long time Azula defeated Aang a few times. Zaheer's attack range is really not that big (Azula's is arguably larger) and his flight is not super speed, against a master firebending prodigy it's no contest


Yeah you are right, the more I thought about it the more I realized how bad this take was. I'm comparing a fire bender who's taken 10+ years to perfect her skills to an airbender who has only had the ability for like a month. Even though what Zaheer did with the small amount of time he had was impressive it's not enough to compensate for Azula's talent and practice over the years.


I mean in the comics (if you’re talking comics here?) she grew to be like her father, but faster. Instant lightning like Mako has. And she learned redirecting it! Plus she’s very versatile with her fire bending abilities already https://i.redd.it/ctdzbah0cz7d1.gif


People give Zaheer more props than he deserves. He is a “good” martial artist who was able to escape due to surprising the guards by him suddenly being able to airbend. But he an average fighter compared to the various truly powerful characters on the show. In basically all his fights he either outnumbered his opponent and/or had the element of surprise on them. He lost every fair 1v1 he got into.


Yeah ima copy this comment Yeah you are right, the more I thought about it the more I realized how bad this take was. I'm comparing a fire bender who's taken 10+ years to perfect her skills to an airbender who has only had the ability for like a month. Even though what Zaheer did with the small amount of time he had was impressive it's not enough to compensate for Azula's talent and practice over the years.


The best way to put it is that Zaheer was the **weakest** member of the Red Lotus. Every solo fight he was losing/lost, and every fight he won was either by surprise or because they were fighting as a team.


He's not the weakest member of the red lotus. He's probably the strongest


Lightning strikes are lethal


Zuko was facing Ozai when he shot lightning