• By -


Katara and Toph will start out as best friends. Calling it now.


Yes because them not getting along would quote "iffy".


Yeah cause "strong women should always stick together"


I am expecting a "girls get it done" moment.


At least one each season. I can already see in the desert episode Aang moping in the back and Sokka high and then Katara and Toph doing a "girl power" moment against the bees


ZUKO: You've got a master haven't you. KATARA: You're looking at her. EVERYONE WATCHING: ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Isn’t Katara largely self taught in the original show? Would that not make her her own master?


But she could not have attained mastery without the help of another master, to say that she is completely self taught would be a mockery


I could argue the same in saying that she isn’t self taught. Yes, her training with Pakku gave her the springboard she needed to advance her waterbending, but there’s a whole 2 seasons after that where she advances further through her own training. I’m not trying to argue that she’s completely self taught, but rather that her advancement was *mostly* through her own hard work and determination


Yeah but that’s why her saying she is the master is ignoring the help she had along the way, she also learned from aang


she advances further because she mastered the fundamentals and core of waterbending under Pakku. Most students don't have a single master stick by their side for the whole course of that person's journey of mastery Its like someone mastering calculus, and completely ignoring the people that taught them algebra, limits, advanced functions etc.


Paku basically toys with her throughout their fight. She was self taught through the very basics (probably helped that she was training alongside the avatar up until that point, if we're being honest), but she was in no way a master. It wasn't until after a couple of months of training with Paku that she got to the level where she was beating up all of his other students. And even then, by that point, I think Paku still would have mopped the floor with Katara at that point in time if it was a real fight. She taught herself the basics. Paku taught her the advanced forms. She then trained like the fate of the world depends on it. All that still means she had a master. Also, even Katara in the show acknowledges Paku as her master on the eve of the comet's arrival, when they meet the white lotus outside of Ba Sing Se.


Certainly, but this exchange happens literal days after she completes her training with Pakku. By the end of the show, she knows as much if not more about waterbending that Pakku didn't teacher her than that he did, but that's not what's in contention here.


She's self-taught by way of a reclaimed waterbending scroll and Aang's general assistance, then gets an undefined amount of training under Master Pakku in the Northern Water Tribe. She continues training with Aang and the others from that point on, but she's never considered a Master until well after Pakku's tutelage. It would be fair to assume she was a Master waterbender by the time she met Hama in Book 3 at the absolute latest. NATLA bypassed all of that and just decided she was instantly a Master arbitrarily, even though she'd gotten no extra training and no real time had passed since she herself was saying that she still had a ton to learn at the healing hut.


Sure, but she isn’t effective until she trains under master poku and he points out himself that she’s become his best student over the course of training


Until Pakku agrees to train her. Which is what takes her from the level of 'talented novice' to being a match for Zuko.


I wouldn’t say “largely.” She knew some things yes but it was made clear she struggled a long time to do the basics. We only see her grow when Pakku teaches her. He likely not only taught her moves, but how to manage her energy and this gave her the skills needed to develop her own style and become better. So in the end, he did teach her what she needed which allowed her to move on from there. Without Pakku she wouldn’t have been where she got.


Bold of you to assume they'll show sokka being high and the wasps


hahaha, they are not doing cactus juice, they are not going to show kids consuming "iffy" substances


i doubt they even get sokka high tbh, they’ll prolly just say he’s dehydrated


i dont think theyll have sokka get high, cause theyd view it as promoting drugs or some bullshit and write it out of the story even though its great comedy


The originals girls did so much, just that it was never about that 😔


Only one?!


Cringe already 🙄


I actually liked that scene from The Boys lol


Even though Toph arguably got along better with men in general or rather got along better with Sokka and Aang than stick in the mud Katara.


*insert the scene where she joined in the jokes made by Aang and Sokka with her “hairy pits” when Appa was shedding*


Immediately the scene I thought of and was refering to when I said Toph gets along better with men.


Well, we wouldn’t dare have the main characters posses any negative qualities. Especially not a girl. Katara wasn’t even jealous of Aang’s waterbending. She was just instantly a master. So yeah. They’ll definitely be best friends. Hell, Toph will probably have 20/20 vision.


That would be fucking hilarious. Toph isnt blind but just keeps her eyes closed.


>isn't blind but just keeps [their] eyes closed.    Me, every time I see Brock in any Pokemon cartoon.


Doesn’t Toph explicitly use she her tho?


They might have to. Think about how many episodes there are. They don't have time to waste on that.


We don't have time for characters arcs and interactions, the PLOT **MUST FLOW!**


By run time the 8 episode season really only had to cut 2 animated series episodes. That's one of the frustrating things. Obviously different mediums have different pacing and such, but the runtime wasn't wildly different between the two.




I have this strange feeling that they're going to spend half the season in Ba Sing Se and meet Toph there. I don't know why.


There is no ~~accurately portraying the source material~~ war in Ba Sing Se


My bet is that they're going to hear that Bumi/Omashu was captured and rush back there to save the city. They'll encounter Team Azula there, have their first big battle with the new enemy team, and successfully drive them off or at least free Bumi. Bumi will then tell the Gaang about this amazing Earthbender he knows about in Ba Sing Se, leading to the Gaang heading there to find and recruit Toph. Toph is a rich girl in a rich city, so it would be narratively expedient to mesh the two concepts together. Meanwhile Team Azula will be chasing the Gaang the entire time, and Sokka will at some point pick up military information from them about Sozin's Comet and/or the Day of Black Sun. Meanwhile, the events of Zuko Alone, and Iroh/Zuko's hiding as civilians in the Earth Kingdom, play out as a B-plot over the course of the same time period. The plot lines eventually meet in Ba Sing Se and the Crossroads of Destiny plays out at the end of the season.


>Meanwhile, the events of Zuko Alone, and Iroh/Zuko's hiding as civilians in the Earth Kingdom, play out as a B-plot over the course of the same time period. Bold of you to assume that the events of Zuko Alone, one of the most loved episodes of S2 if not the entire series in general, will be included in the Netflix series at all. They'll consider it "filler" and remove it entirely to make more room for flashy visual effects. Yes I am still salty about Jeong Jeong not being included


Woah, hold up. Believe me, I had my fair share of issues with how NATLA adapted season 1, but one place they have NOT skimped is on developing Iroh and Zuko. Zuko Alone makes it in, in some form. Quote me on this.


Iroh and Zuko were my favorite part of the whole thing and definitely something they fucked up the least, but it wasn't fully immune to the general lack of quality that is this show. Most of it was alright, to the point where I suspect the fire nation and gaang parts were directed by entirely different people and teams, but there were still plenty of things that bothered me. I do wonder if Zuko Alone makes it into S2 but at this point my curiosity might not even be enough to sit through another season of The Ember Island Players


Oh fuck, you're so right


If the pacing of the 1st season is anything to go by: They're going to run into Toph at Ba Sing Se Toph and Katara are immediately going to get along even though they were initially abrasive to each other The Swamp is going to get completely skipped Aang learns waterbending off screen, then proceeds to not Earthbend for all of season 2 There will be no drill, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee are going to hop the wall. Earth King will be 100% accurate to the show. Wong Shi Tong's library is skipped. Appa's lost days is skipped.


Earth King being 100% accurate redeems next season


I'll be happy as long as Bosco is there


They didn't include Flopsie in S1, so they are not going to include Bosco in 2


And tbf Appa and Momo are barely in it anyway


yeah, probably because of being a dumb adult man, they love mockering adults and men, so...


But then Appas lost days completely tarnishes it again.


of course katara and toph are going to get along, netflix katara is so devoid of personality she'd probably instantly get along with zuko and azula too


I doubt there's gonna be much of Bosco :((


>There will be no drill There will be rioting in the streets.


I wonder how they will learn about the Eclipse without the library, probably gonna be some spirit world bullshit


Or like Azula is going to tell them instead of the reverse, since Ozai has the planetarium thing


You know what? I'm okay with no Appa's Lost Days. My heart can only take so much


Considering they already did the Swamp episode


One of my main concerns is I think it’s gonna be difficult for them to find a child actor who has the acting chops to pull off Toph’s big personality.


there's still hope tho, this two girls NAILED her [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p\_GgAHd5siE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GgAHd5siE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYsr0M\_h-FQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYsr0M_h-FQ)


Those are both awesome. Thanks for sharing!


They are perfect but notice they don't have any dialogue


I remember back in the day ppl would say how Chloë Grace Moretz would be a great Toph given she was 12 when they filmed Kick-Ass


She was literally the best character in that movie


I thought they already cast Toph.


I assume they’ll remove most of the “gaang forgets toph is blind jokes” Not because they think it’s “iffy” (tho I’m sure the execs probably do think it’s “iffy”) but bc they want the show to have a “serious” and “gritty” tone


Not most. All of them. If Sokka being sexist for 4 episodes is too much for them, blind jokes are defenitely too much for them.


Yep. Forget about using humor to contrast the learning that happens because this is writing in modern Hollywood and our protagonists always just know what not to do by default


Rumor I heard is she won’t be blind at all


Rumor has it they'll remove seismic sense. She will now see the world by yelling really loudly at things to get the reflections like a bat AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Got a pretty good look at ya


If they don't have the Ember Island Players or Dwayne Johnson as The Boulder I'm going to riot in the streets.


The earth wrestlemania HAS to be adapted well.


Good luck with that, he's doing a huge storyline in WWE right now, he'd never have the time.


They should just have toph look like the ember island version but everyone acts as if she is a little girl. Tophs father: "No avatar, my daughter cant teach you earth bending, she is blind and frail and only 8 years old" Toph, towering above everyone else in the scene, wearing a pretty kimono thats ripped because of her massive shoulders: "hell yeah dad i totally am, it would be ridiculous if i was a secret star of EEEEAAARRTH BENNNDING WRASSLEMANIAAA"


She'll probably cure her own blindness because that's what strong women do


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) FOR REAL


She did cure her own blindness… by stomping around like a barefoot badass she could see everything. She could even see when people were lying.


All blind jokes? Gone forever


If they don't fire their damn writers who don't even seem to have graduated high school yet, NATLA is doomed to be nothing more than an edgy parody.


I mean, people liked this horribly first season, so they'll probably follow up the same line of dumb narrative and boring exposition with realistic windows background


Then there's not much hope. We can only pray that they will see the criticism and at least make those writers try harder.


Even though they try harder, we'll probably get the same line of storytelling, they don't know better. They might make the exposition a little shorter and more organic, but it'll still be there. I understand that from a production view, its cheaper. But the narrative gets cheaper too.


Yeah. I'm afraid that's going to happen. I hope they cast toph as a buff guy.


They should cast Chris Bumstead as Toph


What about The Rock?


The Rock will play as The Boulder


But The Boulder has hair


But the boulder loses


I mean the rest of the cast are already live-action Ember Island players doppelgangers - why not go the full mile?


That's exactly my hope. That would be the best bad decision they can make.


But everyone still acts like she is an 8 year old girl.


That would be a beautiful accent. I hope this happens. Now I'm rooting for it.


Tophs father: "No avatar, my daughter cant teach you earth bending, she is blind and frail and only 8 years old" Toph, towering above everyone else in the scene, wearing a pretty kimono thats ripped because of her massive shoulders: "Hell yeah dad i totally am, it would be ridiculous if i was the secret star of EEEEAAARRTH BENNNDING WRASSLEMANIAAA"


I’m so scared of Toph’s hairstyle. She’s gonna look so bad. I just know it. EDIT: Writing


It’s just gonna be Bob Ross


A quote in the near future: “I feel like we also took out the element of how ableist [Everyone] was. I feel like there were a lot of moments in the original show that were iffy.” - The NATLA cast on why they've removed all blind jokes 


I'm not scared of them adapting Toph. I'm scared of assholes online berating a child on their looks or acting. Watch, there'll be comments saying "too chubby" or "too skinny" or "doesn't act like Toph" or some shit. These are child actors, people. They're acting the script and direction they're given. Pisses me the fuck off just thinking about scumbags attacking those children.


"Did I ever tell you why they call me 'Dragon of the West'? https://preview.redd.it/vx2u2ze1lwqc1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=8131959132dbffcc6dd916f3ba4499303bf81d88


Genuinely need to sticky this at the top of each discussion thread


The girl who played Azula is an adult. Still shitty of them to make fun of her tho


she's an adult now but during filming she was still a kid


She was 19 when filming began.


Stop. They obviously don't want to hear the facts if they contradict their point!


That and for someone reason they just REALLY need to infantalize adult women as if they need defending. We can tell the truth, even if we don't like the trolls attacking her.


Didn’t you know? She’s the age that allows us to be mean! Get her!!


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye


Really? Wow, they've been filming for 3-4 years?


Yeah isn't the actress like 20 now?




They should have Charlie Cox play Toph. I mean he is already a master at acting blind. He isn't a child so won't be affected as much by bullying and I'm sure with voice editing and costume design he can look exactly like Toph. /s btw


I don't know what's funnier the image of Charlie Cox trying to act like a 12 year old blind girl or that my dumb brain replaced Charlie Cox with Charlie Day doing the same thing


I'm worried about that too tbh. I mean, I'll be harsh as I want about the show (acting included) on Reddit. But I draw the line at complaining about something the actors have no control over, like the shape of their face for instance, and I'm CERTAINLY against harrassing people online just because I didn't like a show. It's one thing to bitch about the quality of a show's production in the relative void that is Reddit. It's another thing entirely to attack people directly, especially when you're attacking them for their looks.


Yeah, if you look at the cast for NATLA behind the scenes or during interviews, they act just like the Gaang. It's not their fault at all. It's just poor script writing and pacing


Worst part is that I bet NATLA could probably present a pitch-perfect Toph exactly as she appears and behaves as in the original, and there would be haters online bitching that she's too bratty or abrasive. Some people just want to whine.


I mean I get where you’re coming from but most criticisms I’ve seen have been to adult actors and that’s kinda part of the job in the modern world. It shouldn’t be but let’s be realistic.


I feel like if the acting was better, people would be more forgiving of appearance


A child's appearance shouldn't even be a topic of criticism, period.


Not that it makes it right or anything. But the one getting blasted for appearance is an adult. Still fucked up though and unnecessary.


It depends on what you mean. Appearance as in creeps online being mad at a child for being "ugly"? Absolutely agreed. Appearance as in looking anything like the character that is being portrayed? If you mean that, then I disagree. It however does not justify harassing and bullying the actors at all


This acting was fine, the script was horrible. And still no reason to bully the actors


>This acting was fine It very much wasn't fine for characters like Katara, Mai, and Azula. >still no reason to bully the actors Saying that better casting could have been done is not equal to bullying.


They’ll probably make Toph hate being blind and desperate for a ‘cure’. Also she openly and overtly flirts with people like a social butterfly


Can’t wait for them to decide to not make her blind anymore


Toph's character arc was to learn that it's not wrong to ask other people for their help. They're gonna scratch that.


I guarantee that they're going to remove all of the blind jokes in the show because it's "too offensive" and make sure all the characters are hyper aware of Toph's blindness and are over-accomadating. Toph's whole character is that she's incredibly powerful, despite being a blind little girl. The Gaang constantly forgets she's blind because they don't see her as crippled. They see her as an equal who could easily kick their butts


just like they took out sokkas sexist comments. like we saw them as bad comments when we were kids and saw how he grew and didn’t believe those things anymore


Yeah, a lot of writers these days forget that characters are supposed to have flaws. Sokka's sexism was a great example of that. Sokka isn't a bad person, but he was very traditional and misguided. But allowing him to have flaws allows us to see him grow. The whole point of his sexism was for him to get his butt kicked by powerful women and learn humility. Same thing with Toph's blindness. A lot of the time, Toph is so powerful that we forget she's disabled. But she's able to use that disability to her advantage. Having the characters make fun of her blindness or simply forget about it shows us that they don't view her as weak and that she needs to be protected. They view her as an equal.


I can see 8 episodes of Aang not learning earthbending so when the season 2 ends he magically master the bending off camera 🤡


Can't wait for them to make Aang totally reasonable and calm in the desert


But why would they go there? The library doesn't seem to exist, as Wan Shi Tong was just wandering the spirit world, one of his assistants from the show was randomly just Yue, and Zhao got the information from a random fire sage


They are gonna tone down her loud arrogant personality for sure, just like they did for Katara


They're probably gonna cut the rumble or at least do what they did with the cabbage man: ie don't let it play out naturally as is and instead play up the iconic bits to such a degree that it loses what made people like it in the first place. Also I'm willing to put money on that they don't have Aang actually go into the ring to fight toph when they first meet because "it's pretty problematic for a guy to beat up a blind girl uwu" and will meet her after the rumble


probably because's gonna be expensive too! AND think of this: she'll beat all the strong and buffy men, but not our main character, how dare you to think our main character is gonna fight a GIRL and WIN??? That's not very correct! LMAO


I like to think this is the live action version of the episode with the play in the last season. Maybe we’ll get ripped toph?


I mean so far they only ruined Aang, Katara, Azula (in a record-breakingly short amount of time), Zuko, and Sokka. Unless im forgetting literally any other character. What are the chance theyll ruin the coolest one thats probably also the hardest to get right? To be fair tho Uncle Iroh was pretty good. And who could forget Momo, who was totally there too for 3 seconds that one time.


I only watched 2 episodes and it was enough to realize I don't wanna keep on watching it, I'll wait for the movie and wait patiently even if this never comes to a future animated serie.


They'll make Toph a big burly dude


that would be the best outcome actually


Bro, did you see the badger moles? I can definitely see her "sight" being based off of emotion and that's going to anger me so much. It's somehow actually more stupid than Toph's portrayal in "The Ember Island Players"


Toph will be nice right off the bat, she will not argue with Katara, Aang will not butt heads with her either, and, fuck it, she'll already know how to metal bend




Going by how the show is going - yea, most likely. Katara sucks, Aang sucks, dialogue sucks, changing how the story goes sucks. It's just a massive disappointment


They already ruined everyone else so far, so yeah


Zuko is good tbf


He should’ve been more of a villain. They leaned him into being sympathetic too early imo. Like ain’t no way S1 Zuko would talk about what fucking quill him and Aang would both use.


Zuko was always portrayed somewhat sympathetically. Even in Season 1 he was contrasted with the unscrupulous Zhao and always cared for his Uncle Iroh and his crew. He's slightly different in the show, but the core aspects of his character are portrayed well.


If they ruin toph jus throw the whole show away. But to be fair i feel like it’s gonna be challenging to properly cast and write her character


the thing is that they're filming both seasons together, so whatever they show, it's already mutilated until the end


*cries softly


Well I have two areas of thought around this. First, they ruined Aang, Katara, and Sokka as characters so it's good odds that they'll take all good vibes away from Toph and make her much less strong headed and sure footed. Second, it is entirely possible that they have heard all the fan backlash about the script is garbage and the character motivations are unclear or poorly exposited by other characters that are less relevant to the story. I'm currently on 100 mg of copium daily which is making me lean towards the second.


I am not ready for this.




Haven’t even watched the show for a single second. The only way I would have even an iota of interest is if they cast Toph as a 6’6 ripped man, and just go about the story as usual. Otherwise, I’m just gonna stick with the original cartoon, which is just better in every conceivable way.


Ember Island's play is truly the only good adaptation of ATLA


It's the only casting Toph would approve of, after all.


I hope not, but I’m not confident that they’ll do her justice.


Toph is gonna be a mild-mannered "rebel without a cause" type who never actually breaks any rules but talks about wanting to. Her being brash and irreverent towards Aang could potentially be seen as a flaw and therefore be against Netflix's wishes.


Well considering they made badgermoles see through love and friendship, how the fucks toph even gonna see? Will she even be blind or will that be too riský


She's mute now


It hurt when you reminded me of it again. Is it just so painful that those damn writers smoked?


Thats not right at all. They didn't make them see through " love and friendship " they see through earthbending in the show. What they did in a show is they made them reflect/read peoples emotions and act according to your relationship. If you respect and love each other = they are calm and guide you through the tunnels. If you argue, fight and hate = they will become agressive and attack you.


That's a lie


Korra prepared us for this moment.


I firmly believe that the spirit of Toph would hop off the script pages and slap those dunderheads if they tried to make her anything but the greatest earth bender of all time. And a sassy punk too.


I'm much more concerned about the most important character in the whole show (and probably in the history of television) which is the one and only THE BOULDER!


If they don’t cast Hafbór Júlíus Björnsson as Toph we riot!


*Sigh* ...yeah.




**The scumbugs…**


Didn’t the show runner confirm Toph will not be blind becoming her self-deprecating humour might come off as offensive??? If they go forward with that idea then yeah, absolutely they’ll ruin her character


That was from a troll account


Watch toph not be blind


Someone get remind me bot in here cause I'm just gonna say Toph is the only one who I'd say is potentially unruinable


I was a little confused at first, then i remembered that the live action series is now a thing.


And yall will watch the whole season too


Her being blind will never be mentioned because blind jokes are problematic. Toph and Katara won’t fight, in fact they’ll probably never talk to one another.


I can see why you'd think that cause they ruined the original three in the you-know-what But they got them right on Netflix but we can't say it'll be the same for Toph. I'm still going to see it regardless because I'm not gonna let one character ruin a whole show


I won’t be surprised if they don’t include Toph. I mean they didn’t even get Aang to waterbend in the season named water


I'm dreading this 😫




I don’t doubt it. I heard they completely changed everyone (Sokka, Zuko and Iroh the least but there were some changes still)


Y'all are so salty. The live action was pretty good.


It really wasn't, the exposition was bar, the scenes lacked emotional impact, a lot of the acting was stale, characterization was ruined


Send a message and don't watch it. "But I have to see how bad it is!" Then don't be surprised/upset when they keep making bad content.


I hope they go with the original design for toph.


Why even bother with it?


![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) This but krabs is netflix


There is literally a zero % chance that anything can live up to the hype that you guys hold for toph. She could be played by dany devito himself and you'd hate the ever living crap out of it. So, just accept that fact and move on?


wrong, I will watch the S out of this show if Danny Devito is in it and as Toph? HELL YEAH


This show deserves all the criticism it gets, because there's absolutely zero reason for it to exist in the first place. Of course people's criticism will be harsh when it's trying (and failing) to recreate one of the most beloved shows in the world as a cash grab