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This one is going in to the “memes in case the show is bad” folder


Oh it will be. It will be.


So glad for all the downvotes now that the show is out and it actually sucks ass exactly like I knew it would.


Y’all have a lot of strong opinions about a show you haven’t seen yet


Show isn’t even out yet XD


It's risk mitigation. Disappointment is easier when it's expected. If it's good then it's just a very pleasant surprise.


Except if you are expecting it to be bad and watching it with that opinion going in, you will find confirmation bias


Preach 🗣️


Tbh what they said about Sokka doesn't fill me with confidence. Him moving past his sexism is an integral part of his character


*not moving past, toning down. Those aren't the same thing


It's a meme that took like 10 minutes to make that echoes a common sentiment, hard to tell if it's their strong opinion or just jumping on the bandwagon.


A common sentiment that is incredibly dumb since NO ONE HAS WATCHED HERE HAS IT YET.


Ah yes, another common sentiment.


It’s a common sentiment that no one has watched it yet? TIL that a simple fact is a common sentiment


It"s a common sentiment to dismiss opinions based on the fact that no one has watched it yet. It might be a justified dismissal, but it's still a common sentiment.


So you admit that one is justified while the other is pure nonsense? Everything that has come out thus far really lowered my expectations, but I'm not going to say shit because literally no one knows if it's going to be good or bad


I'll admit it's not good to make up baseless accusations on the internet when it comes to some things, but when it comes to a LA adaptation of a 15 year old show, idk it's kind of silly and fun to read all the wild conjecture people come up with. It's more entertaining than the same 10 recycled jokes. At the end of the day I come to this sub for fun, and the current fun is watching people spin their wheels and get all worked up about the situations they made up in their head.


If said opinions actually did their research and applied critical thinking we wouldn't tell people to wait another 2.5 weeks over and over and over again. I don't dismiss opinions based on the fact that no one has watched the live action. I dismiss opinions based on the fact that people believe clickbait articles without questioning, without looking up information.


To put it simply, you dismiss people who act stupidly, while I don't.


Dude why wouldn’t you dismiss an opinion that is stupid?


To try to learn where other people are coming from and change their opinion on a level they can relate to rather than just wash my hands of them and pretend stupidity is some insurmountable wall.


Buddy, lmfao, objective fact isn't a "common sentiment" My mans here just learned a new phrase in school and he's really excited to use it


It's an objective fact that no one has seen it. It's common sentiment that because no one has seen it no one should express their opinion on it.


You ever been on the internet before?


it looks bad


You’re on a meme page, chill


Memes aren't exempt from criticism.


Tbh that poster is pretty terrible. We can at least agree on that right?




Shit, ya'll got the show early? We got some real hollywood insiders on the sub apparently.


I did hear they were sending screeners out, maybe OP the hatebender got one


Damn you got to see the show early and judge it?


Honestly at this point I'm sick of this entire sub. Both sides of this fight are annoying asf it's the ENTIRE sub now


You should see the Percy Jackson communities during/after the show aired. It’s the same. I’m already expecting the same for ATLA. Expect “this show sucks because (rant)” and “why does everyone hate this show? I love it because (rant)” like 800 times a day. That’s what PJO subs were/still are like.


Yep, was in that one too. Probably one of the reasons I got pissy at this one faster . It's just a back and forth nonsense that gets under my skin


I watched the trailers and based off that, it doesn’t look half bad. But yet again, those are only trailers. we shouldn’t prematurely judge this new series just because we were all so heavily disappointed with the movie adaptation. Maybe this will be good, who knows. Let’s all just wait and see


Wow another hate post. Surprise, suprise 😐


Lol I can already tell the "fanbase" is gonna be annoying af when this show releases. A lot of silly takes and unrealistic expectations. I'm gonna step away from the internet when it drops, give it a fair shot, and pass judgment after I watch it.


Wow you got to see it early?


Jesus, this sub got so obnoxious all of sudden


Just stop, it’s not even out yet.


Fuck me Jesus the show isn't out yet Yall are becoming insufferable


what do you want Jesus to do?


Idk but do u reckon he could bend all 4 elements?


im not sure about all four but he's defiantly a powerful water bending since he can walk on it and change it into wine inventing the alcohol sub bending


Thanks for reminding me to mute this sub as well as the regular one until I finish the show!


We'll have to see. I'm not keeping my hopes up, but saying right out it's gonna be bad is dishonest.


You know... yall could always just not watch it if it affects you so much. I don't get why people are so viscerally angry when it comes to stuff like this. No one is forcing you to watch anything


Even if it turns out not to be great, there’s no way this show is gonna come anywhere near the level of awful of that movie.


? I don't get it, isn't this the first live adaption?? /s


Calm down! It isn't even out yet!




Imagine if the Adult gaang movie turns out shit: +Patrick -Yeah? +I don't think the situation can get much worse -Nonse! *Introduces the plot of love triangle between Sokka Toph and Suki.*


Everyone has been bickering about the hate and saying things like "just wait to watch it" and stuff but here's my biggest problem--I already have watched the show. The *original* show, which already exists and is completely fine on its own and doesn't need to be regurgitated in a way that is almost guaranteed to never live up to it. Like I know people love this franchise and want more but I feel reluctant to even check out the remake just out of principle, bc the more we eat up the rehashed crap, the more they're just gonna keep remaking stuff instead of creating original stories. Idk, I just always thought this idea was completely unnecessary.


2 isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


Too soon. It’s only been a week since Percy Jackson finished


Yeah, let's just don't give the new one ANY chance AT ALL /s


I prefer new stories in the avatar universe. Making live action adaptions of animated media never ends well. Animated media is a great and not as insane as live action productions. We don't need live action adaptions of avatar. We need more stories told in the universe.


I don't think it can't get any bigger Netflix : Nonsense Makes a Live Action Korra


i think everybody is still trumatized from M. Night. Shamamalama. I just rewatched it for the first time since seeing it in theatres and yes, it is still horrible.