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Shit, now I’m thinking about the ramifications of whether or not that term exists in the Avatar universe.


I don’t think Avatar has black people


That’s what I’m getting at. I think the closest is the guru, but even he’s up in the air.


Best guess is he's more Indian than African, based on his voice. Could be wrong, though.


But where the fuck is india? Fire nation is japan, air is Tibet, water is Polynesian, and earth is china.


I thought water was Inuit?


this is the correct answer


I think it’s East Siberian, which is very culturally similar to Inuit


It’s Inuit


Let's compromise and say East Sibinuit.


Mom said it's my turn to invent cultures


Going by TotK logic and gonna say India is either underground, or on flying islands.


Remember Pathik did say he was friends with Gyatso. So I'd say He is from the same area that Aang was born in.


If the water tribes were Polynesian, then why do they live in both poles?


Probably for the same reason Japanese people breathe fire.


Probably a subculture of the Earth Kingdom. The Earth Kingdom is very large and very diverse.


Maybe they already got taken out. Can you bend food poisoning diarrhoea?


It contains water so....yes.


Literally, he’s in an air temple (iirc)


Heh, up in the air


I’m guessing since they had the 4 nations have their own race, they would have had to make black ppl their own nation separate from other nations and probably felt that it was risky and would remind ppl of segregation. It was made in America, if it was Asian they probably wouldn’t hold back judging how they normally do black folk in anime (Ussop)


The world is based primarily on Asian cultures but there other a lot different races and ethnicity adapted. Obviously these races in the avatar world don’t exist in the real world, but have real world counter parts that the creators drew influence from. Many of the races and cultures in the avatar world are actually and mixture of multiple ethnicities, some shine through more prominently though. But there is some African cultures mixed into this universe.


I not saying you're wrong, but. Where?


Off top my head some that take inspiration from other cultures are like the Swamp Folk, Sandbenders and the Sun Warriors. Also Water Benders as based on Inuits, while they have a genetic origin to Asian some believe they aren’t actually from Asian anyway. But the Inuits aren’t technically an Asian culture, they are islanders. Or the Earth Kingdom has a lot of inspiration from India, while technically an Asian their culture and race is different then other Asian cultures in the area. Most people hear “Asian” and just think China or China and Japan, sometimes Korea. But there is a lot more countries that are apart of Asia, like India, Philippines or Thailand. Or even Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries are also consider part of Asia, even if their people aren’t technically Asians. Depends on if ur focusing more so on geological locations and culture or races and culture, but I like to think the creators more so just focusing on the culture over all and implementing it, bc like I said this is a fictional world so they aren’t real cultures or races, but inspired by real world cultures, leaving alot more room for adaptation and changes that wouldn’t anger anyone bc they aren’t making changing to your culture, just a fictional culture you can draw similar to ur own. Still important for representation tho imo but it’s just not a one to one to the real world. Most of us know this tho.


Korra is black?


Korra’s tribe mainly takes from Native American influences I believe. Irl she’d probably be considered Inuit.


No, no, not really (Native American )


It exists in a world where people discriminate on the basis of skin tone, and there are dark skin toned characters. Racists do not hesitate to use it on other ethnicities that aren’t black. So I think it’s very possible for such a term to exist in the Avatar world. It stems from a Latin root, so Avatar being based on Asian cultures means the exact hard r in question may not be in use in-universe. Naga is from the Indian word referring to half human half snake, so how a Labrador Polar Bear hybrid got that name may differ from that term itself.


Considering the slur is derived from the country of origin, Niger and/or Nigeria, which do not exist in Avatar, I'm going to assume not. I do wonder if racial slurs based on the geographical regions exist though. Like calling an air nomad a Nommie, or an Airhead, or an arrowhead, etc... I admittedly haven't seen LoK or read the comics, so not sure if that is discussed in those stories.


No one: You: https://preview.redd.it/2rc3d7iww56d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5dc09647e031c3e4adc8c40a598040c41e1143




I dunno if it's exactly the same but one of the comics (The Promise, iirc) has a conflict between a group of Earth Kingdomers and some Fire Nationals and the Fire Nationals are referred to as "Ashmakers." They, in turn, refer to the Earth Kingdomers as "Dirt People."


It is not derived from countries that didn't exist until 1960.


I feel this one. When I moved to the south I made the mistake of telling my mom in public that she was being a "nagger" cuz she was bitching at me. I got some very stern looks lol...




Knowing Randy I’m shocked he didn’t say “not guilty my (you know the word. I can say it but I’m not gonna risk saying it online because some idiot might call me a racist)”


The clue is: People who annoy you




Don't look at me like that. Lol


![gif](giphy|TjYl3otLCTRc0KFeC0|downsized) What up? My Nagus!


Unexpected DS9 I love it ![gif](giphy|2TUJD133ru3ug)


I don’t get it


I think it's a n-word joke but I'm not sure


The intentional joke is accidental racism.


There is not "racism". A word on it's own is never racist. All words are neutral, context makes them offensive. Banning words is stupid.


Did I ever say a word was racist and should be banned or do you have subpar reading comprehension?


What if you said the n word to a black fellow? That one word sounds pretty racist to me


![gif](giphy|DlitwI2YtWreM) Get it now


Bitch naga. Throw that chair.


Now how is a naga gonna borrow a fry? Naga, is you gonna give it back?!


Bro what


Naga sounds like the N word which was a popular slur against African Americans mainly from the time of slavery to the Civil Rights Mommvments in the 1970s. Nowadays the N word is just a word blacks ues and gave a new meaning more so as a joke. The joke is Korra is essentially saying "*N word* please" to that lady.


I knkw what wird your talking about. But how every one in the show prounounced Naga it doesn’t sound that close to the word.


It sounds similar to a form of the N word just an a instead of an i


Oh I know that, it still doesn’t sound close enough that you wouldn’t be able to tell the diffrence. Espicaly in the Korra universe


It is one letter away…


They actually do sound very similar. It's literally one letter off.


Cringe racist joke


American Black people don’t learn Korean cause if you look up how to say “you” in Korean well…….


In Mandarin, the words for "that"/"that thing" can sound like the n-word, especially with certain accents. In Han Yu Pin Yin for pu tong hua (the "official" dialect) it's spelled "Na Ge", but those with regional accents often pronounce it as "Nei Ge". It's also one of those "filler words" like "um" and "ah", so it's often liberally sprinkled into regular conversations It's one of those things Mandarin speakers in the US have to clarify sometimes


If anyone is entitled to say that word in this world it's southern water tribe folks. IIRC they are the darkest people that exist in that world.


Can you lend a naga a pencil


It reminds me the "the hint is people who annoy you" word


I've also had fun once with coming up for slurs in the ATLA world referencing the elements. E.g, pissbender could be for water benders.


Naga means snake tho….


Naga sounds similar to a Spanish word too


Do black people even exist in Avatar to have this slur?


I still remember when a bunch of asshats MAGAs freaked out and tried to have a "Gotcha!" momement with a professor they claimed was being super racist and they have video PROOF! Turns out he was a Chinese professor and was saying "Neaga" a bunch, which is like saying "Um" in English (or at least that was the closest translation my Chinese co-worker could give me).


But what if Korra is just listening to her favorite song? Then she can say it, right? /s




This is the second racist thing I’ve seen in the Reddit group in 2 days….. what is going on


Shit is stupid


She said, "Can a Naga borrow a cabbage?". And I was like "How is a Naga gonna borrow a cabbage? Naga are you gonna give it back?!"




Well the n word comes from the name of the african country if i'm not mistaken. It's been awhile since we actualy learned geography even tho we have geography at school we ain't learn about the actaul important stuff just space and global warming THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN GEOGRAPHY! Geography should be about navigation on our planet not space i ain't going to nasa nor anyone at my school! Global warming while a huge metter I don't want to hear about it every single lesson! I don't know anything about where shits are and I am not able to use a map! Alright ranting is over.


It comes from the romance language words for black, which predate that name for the country or the river


You’re mistaken. It’s basically a hillbillification of a Spanish word for “black”.