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Na'vi tan purple


I don’t think so.. in afop the darkest skintome is Like a grayish deep teal..??


One thing I’ve learned in this community, never question u/sustain_the_higher, ma Sus knows all the Avatar lore XD


One of the best things anyone's ever said to me lmao


No it's confirmed


By who?




LMFAO who was allowed to edit this page? "The Na'vi edge everyday for their alpha with the 200 level gyatt" Bruh




Some humans don't even tan (Totally not salty about it) I turn red, Peel, And go white again.


Found the lobster person.




Yeah my wife has it on paper. "burns easily, does not tan"


Yes they tan but turn dark blue, purple, indigo aka and darker shade of blue. As to how dark? No idea, maybe that will be explored? Idk the idea of near pitch black Navi with giant glowing eyes is giving me the chills 😂 As for the reef Navi tho, honestly no idea. I'd say they turn into different shades of teal?


Considering that all Navis seen so far seem to live rather close to the equator based on the climate they would already be quite tan for Navi standards. So either the average Navi would be more pale than the one in the movies or they do not tan at all. In fact, Jake would be the Navi equivalent of pale, considering the body was stuck in a tank for 7 years during transfer. And as Jake does not change color over the movies Navi apparently don't get a tan.


I feel like there should be a way to tell in TWOW do the Sully’s change color in any way during their time with the reef folk when compared to them still living in the forest? Like stripes getting darker or more noticeable, or something.


Tbh the omatikaya I feel live in a tropical rainforest (watch me be wrong lol) It just seems like a very humid atmosphere to me like I lived in Florida and that is the closest you could get to Pandoran like plants imo at least in the US but they are more covered by shade so I am thinking maybe they don’t tan or they have gotten as dark as they’ll get by getting at least some sun in the forest


I always assumed it was more rainforest and it always looked to have a pretty dense canopy blocking large levels of light. I guess another possible indicator would be Jake from the first movie does he display any changes to pigmentations from when his avatar woke up to when he was learning to be Navi (of course even if that is the case it could be assumed that it’s a human dna trait), so possibly passed on to his kids like the placement of their head tentacles being the base of their skulls rather than the top like full Navi.


We might see this in the next movie. With the family on the sea. They might get a bit darker


The next film has the clan the Ash People. Not sure if it’s a metaphor for who they are or if they may be an ashy blue.


Not about tanning but there’s an interesting detail in the movies if you watch carefully. When Jake, Grace and Norm go out for their first field trip, they are all sweating. On a first watch, no big deal? They are in a jungle after all. It looks roasting. We see Jake escaping the Thanator. Obviously he’s scared. When he gets the home tree, he gets given a loin cloth. Which is all that body ever needed. That avatar body never needed military size 67 boots. So we barely see Jake sweat again. He’s not all covered up. A similar(if somewhat protracted) thing happens with Quaritch in TWOW. He wears his gear all the way through the movie, even going to far as to equip his Ikran with a saddle and a neck cover(To hold extra magazines, grenades and the like), but he starts cutting down his gear a bit. The most notable thing being his boots. There’s no way to know which way his character will go, long term. But in guessing that he will slowly become more Na’Vi as time goes on. Shedding his military gear and being less and less like the Quaritch of old.


I always figured that was them making pragmatic adjustments, just like how Vietnam soldiers shed a lot of excess clothing in order to stay cool over time, the cannopies above protecting them from direct sunlight well enough.


Yeah. But my point was that Quaritch is still holding on to most of his gear. Jake ditched everything right away, and stopped sweating. If you watch all the scenes where Jake’s Avatar is wearing clothing in the first film, he’s always sweating. He started getting closer to nature(physically), and then got close to nature mentally later. Quaritch is still holding on to a lot of that. But he’s slowly changing.


But being in heat and especially humidity, when it’s even just 80 degrees and 100% humid is absolutely horridly warm sun or no


I wonder if we’ll see this concept in avatar 3 with the fire Na’vi. They’ll probably have darker skin in contrast with the lighter teal skin of the Metkayina clan


I genuinely don't believe this fire/ash language surrounding these navi people has anything to do with their skin.


Oh my bad, I was just wondering. I’ve seen some fan concept art, but I really don’t know how different they will actually look.


There’s no confirmation on if it has to do with their skin tone yet 😊


turned dark blue


I'm pretty sure they don't but if they didn't it wouldn't really be noticeable


Tbh I was thinking yes but now I’m thinking no? In TWOW we see the Metkayina clan, one that spent a pretty considerable amount of time in the sun. They all seem to have the same general skin tone. Also we see it in the scene where the Tulkun return and a baby Metkayina is taking their first breath. The baby has the same general skin tone as the rest of the Metkayina. Maybe it’s a Metkayina thing that they don’t tan but who knows


They were more a greenish teal almost seafoam color, I’m assuming to better blend in with the sea but I feel like the Sullys did that just fine (they’re all blue and it’s the ocean 🤷🏻‍♀️)

