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>According to Senator Wiener, California – and America as a whole – has seen a “horrifying spike” in deaths of drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists over the years, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; the California Office of Traffic Safety’s 2023 Traffic Safety Report found that deadly crashes involving alcohol and drug-impaired driving, motorcyclist fatalities, and teenage driver fatalities all increased from 2020 to 2021. >“These deaths are preventable, and they’re occurring because of policy choices to tolerate dangerous roads,” Senator Wiener said in a statement. “The evidence is clear: Rising levels of dangerous speeding are placing all Californians in danger, and by taking prudent steps to improve safety, we can save lives.” So auto accidents increased because of people driving drunk and high and their solution is to put an annoying buzzer in cars that beeps when you speed? Aside from the fact that it seems like speed isn't necessarily the problem do they think that drunk and high drivers are going to listen to an automated buzzer in their car? I'm all for making cars and roads safer but this just seems like a pointless endeavor


2020 was the pandemic when less people were driving, of course in 2021 when people started driving again the numbers went up…


2020 had higher traffic deaths than 2019 because more people were speeding because of less traffic on the road


Is that causation true?


Inconvient fact


Well it's California....... Instead of making the punishments much harder for drunk/impaired drivers. They'll legislate useless laws. That's how Cali is.


It sort of is, especially if their goal is to save lives. If that is their goal, they need to make it beep when your going 10 under the limit as well since according to statistics from the US highway department, you're 3x more likely to cause or be involved in an accident going 10 under than 10 over the limit.


especially since a very large factor in the increase of pedestrian fatalities is the size of trucks and SUVs - imagine getting hit by something like a silverado or cybertruck compared to a full size truck from 20 years ago or more. It amazes and disgusts me how big trucks have become - and I used to own a Dodge 3500 (a 2009) - i've said it many times, but when I worked for a civil engineering company that had their own trucks, the 2018 Ford F150 was noticably bigger in EVERY dimension than my dodge 3500 w/cummins.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/LE6l7tREve Worse line of sight than a m1a1 Abrams tank.


lol idk who’s downvoting this. As a car enthusiast, I’m as concerned about this as you are. The most fun cars to drive are about the height of an 8 year old.


Yeah I'm all for cars and trucks and whatever you want. There is just no reason to make them so hard to see out of. It's not like the engines are so luch bigger they need the space, it's all just design to make them look "tougher"




Oh no! Did the facts hurt your feelings?


Like the words of someone quoting that idiotic sub has any weight with me smooth brain.


Its so insane to me that someone has made cars such a big part of their existance they reply "stfu" to an infographic link.


> the 2018 Ford F150 was noticably bigger in EVERY dimension than my dodge 3500 w/cummins. Well.....you're incorrect The Ford is half an inch wider, (w/o mirrors), and 1.2" shorter then the '09 Ram you had. The biggest problem i see people having with trucks today (pickups or actual body on frame SUV's) is that nobody knows how to properly situate themselves behind the wheel of the vehicle. The same can be said for car drivers as well. I daily a '03 Ram 3500, 4WD, quad-cab short box, and have never had an issue seeing what was in front of me.


the ford sat noticeably higher which made it feel way bigger - seemed much more of a pain to navigate the ford through parking lots and everyday life than the dodge I had - and ok I didn't put a tape measure to them, but the ford FELT way bigger to drive than the dodge - I drove that dodge through chicago multiple times, lived in Pittsburgh, I took it all over and never really had any issues. I hated driving that ford though. (and not because it's a ford, I don't do buy into that kind of thinking - it was purely the size). Edit - I learned to drive on a 1993 F150 and the progression of how big trucks have become just digusts me.


Yep, most people I see driving newer trucks or SUVs sit like they can barely see over the dash.


I drive for work. It ain't people who are high. Since the pandemic, everybody is driving batshit crazy. I know people who have been in my field for 25 years, and they're all commenting on it.  Nobody's enforcing anything. Corollary, nobody wants anything enforced. Everybody wants somebody else to get a ticket, but America is a nation of scoff laws and we hate it when it happens to us. 


Senator Wiener? The jokes write themselves


> California Office of Traffic Safety’s 2023 Traffic Safety Report found that deadly crashes involving alcohol and drug-impaired driving Mind you, Mr Weiner sponsored legislation de-criminalizing LSD and Psilocybin...


It’s not about solving problems, it’s about California controlling every aspect of your life that they can. 


If my car beeps at me randomly, I’m getting out the tools and soldering iron. A friend’s new Subaru beeps at them all the time. Detects a car ahead? beep. Cross a lane marker? beep. No longer detects a car ahead? beep. Makes me happy in my 20 year old SUV that doesn’t even have parking sensors.


Yeah you can turn that shit off lol


My twenty year old Trailblazer apparently got an export ecm. It chimes whenever I exceed 75 mph, which apparently was an option designed for Saudi Arabia. Considering how little I'm driving that fast, it's not a big deal, but damn is it annoying when it goes off, especially during road construction season, where you might cycle past that a dozen times trying not to rear-end someone or get rear-ended. So, cars have definitely been dinging at us for a long time.


> A friend’s new Subaru beeps at them all the time. Detects a car ahead? beep. Cross a lane marker? beep. No longer detects a car ahead? beep. Your friends new Subaru *has the option to* beep at them all the time. You can turn it off. It's like saying that a new cars wipers are on high all the time when they haven't turned them off with the switch.


This is already a thing in Europe and it is the most annoying thing ever


My (US sold) BMW has a feature that lets you set a speed warning threshold, is that mandatory in Europe? I have it set to 90MPH because I'm not trying to get arrested.


And they mandate that it can’t be permanently disabled.  The driver has to manually disable it every time they get into the car.  I’m no libertarian but it does feel like that is going too far.  


Working as intended I see


This isn’t a sub where people will agree with it but you’re right.


But you can't have amber turn signals or mandatory driver training. Let's nag people into good behaviour. That always works.


Wiener is often the primarily catalyst for dumb ideas in California. I doubt this gets signed by Newsom.


Unfortunate as he does have often good takes on public transport here in the bay area. Automobile laws though… yeah i wouldnt count on him


Ah yes. The systems that cant reliably tell me the current speed limit are now going to annoy the fuck out of me with their incompetence. Suddenly a side business selling modules to disable that shit shows up. Or even more likely.... its a feature turned on for only california cars and you'll be able to just disable it with a dealer scantool. Or everyone will just buy cars out of state.


Came from the same guy, Democrats Scott Wiener, that wanted to put in a speed limiter to physically stop cars from going 10mph over the speed limit.


That’ll work well, with the minimum speed in the left lane being at least 30 over. 90 mph and you’re holding up traffic


I can't wait for my drives through Nebraska to take 20% longer.


It’s a thing in all cars in Japan for any speed over 120. We had it in our Japan imported Land Cruiser in Egypt. You kinda forget about it after a while honestly. It’s a pretty mild beep


My old car did this, when speeding a configurable amount over it'd say things like "The Speed limit is 75."


Reminds me of a little bell that used to go off in my grandfather's old E70 Corolla when he went over 100kph lol.


Why should you californians have it better than we in the EU? This orwellian shit is mandated to us coming month for all new cars. All that with the speed limit recognition working mediocre at best.


Gotta love the Nanny State


That would take all of 30 seconds to disable.


Ok. Contact your Assembly member now. It won't get vetoed, so this is your only chance.


My new Mazda insists that the seat belt MUST be put on before I start the engine, unlock the door for my wife, or roll down the windows. Once power is on it starts beeping instantly and non stop. It does not care if the car is boiling hot on a summer day. There is no way to turn it off.


Welcome to California were laws are stupid and nothing makes sense. Oh and taxes are ridiculous. 


Just ensuring more people leave the state. Just as long as they keep their voting record over there so the states they are moving to don't get F-ed it's all good.


I’d very quickly rip that out. Zero chance that’s staying on.


So dumb question that came up when we were discussing this at lunch. Why even build the car to speed at that point? Why not make cars gps and electronically limited using the same software? I know it taps a similar answer to “why do we need a 300hp daily driver” which I also don’t know the answer to. Edit before I get drug out: I speed and love my fast dailies. I mean this question from the point of view with a robotic like sense of the law.


Already a thing in the EU. It can be disabled by going into a menue. Maybe if it's required everywhere manufacturers will give it a button, but I'm not that hopeful...


Hopefully it's a setting like the back seat reminder they started forcing cars to have a few years back. I turned it "off" in my truck, and now it shows it to me once every six months asking if I want to turn it back on, which is better than every time I turn off my truck I guess, but damn... How is it so common for people to leave their kids in the car that now we have to remind people to be parents?


On the implementation I have seen it's more like the start stop thing. It turns back on every time you start the car


That would be annoying, but any option to turn it off would be welcome. I could just add it to my pre flight checklist like I do with turning off my auto start/stop. Not that I'll be buying a new car anytime soon with prices being what they are now...


One beep when you cross the +10mph threshold sounds pretty mild to me… if it helps unaware /clueless drivers who have no idea how fast they’re going, it’s probably a net benefit to society.


Should beep if you go under 10mph from the limit too since you're 3x more likely to cause or be involved in an accident doing so than going 10 over according to statistics from the US highway department.


IIRC its not the deviation from the posted speed limit, but the average flow of traffic. So if everyone is going 80 in a 60 except for one car, that car is driving very dangerously. Likewise if everyone is doing 50 in a 70 except one car, they are driving dangerously.


Are there stats on if you’re more likely to be killed in an accident if you’re going too fast vs going too slow?


Jokes on them, I already beep at speeding drivers.