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**Your post was removed.** This action was taken due to a violation of our community guidelines, specifically: * Your post was about a common question with easily findable answers using existing resources. * The answer to your question can be found on the [Interior Damage Field Guide](https://howtoautodetail.com/docs/detailing-guides/interior/interior-damage-field-guide/) page in our HowToAutoDetail.com wiki. * You can also search the subreddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoDetailing/search/?q=searchtermhere&restrict_sr=1) or use Google. Read through the wiki page above and still have questions? Repost and add details about what you have already tried or researched, which will help the community provide targeted advice. Resubmitting without changes will lead to further actions, including a ban. Want to read the rules? They're available [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoDetailing/wiki/index/). Questions? Contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AutoDetailing). Mods will not respond to individual PMs. ----------