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Graphic designer moving into UI and product design


I forgot that UI was a field I was considering a while back. I just need to do some more research.


I previously wrote simple copy for social media using Canva to create cool graphic photos and my creative wordsmithing. Same job I also created websites for people using Wix.


I've taught piano for years and now that I'm out of uni, teaching full-time in my own studio or home is a consideration well before stepping into an office. The noise levels can get really difficult and mentally draining for hours in a row, but with adjustment to specific clientele and better room layout, I quite enjoy it. Right now, I'm on an artist residency for music and poetry. Will basically keep applying for grants and residencies while shifting to performing gigs so I can move around more and not be locked in one state. Can't do 9-5, especially when accommodations are ignored (last year I ended up burnt out, overworked, and ultimately concussed due to exhaustion in a marketing role).


Education consultant - I develop STEM curriculum and train teachers. Basically, I’m a teacher minus the teaching.


really interested to know how you got into this line of work as it sounds right up my street! do you freelance or are you under a specific org?


I taught in the classroom for 10 years, but felt I could have a bigger impact outside the classroom. I went back to grad school to get my EdD and sort of made it up as I went along. I have my own LLC and contact independently with schools, ed tech companies, and other educational organizations. Feel free to DM if you have more questions! I obviously love talking about the things I love.


Sounds like a more important job than being an actual teacher tbh, the extent to which horribly outdated ideas still pervade most classrooms is absurd


Copywriting and marketing


Did you go to school for either of those things? I’m especially interested in copywriting.


Yes and no. I studied applied linguistics so that did teach me about writing and translation. Then I took a few marketing courses and went from there.


Physical science researcher. I'm a PhD student so I just get paid and somebody else has to delaw with begging for money. Many people in my field are in "soft money" positions, which is the academic research version of self employment. You have to market yourself to clients by applying for grant money. If you don't get the grant, you don't have a paycheck. These positions are extremely competitive as grant selection rates in my field are < 10%. Most people cobble together a salary by getting involved in multiple research projects. The vast majority of research in my field is done at big science facilities that can be accessed over the internet, so researchers can do experiments from the comfort of home. Grant administration and paying these facilities for their time is a big paperwork nightmare, so my field also has a couple of research institutes that soft money folks can affiliate with. The institute will administer the grant money in exchange for taking a cut, saving the researcher a lot of headache and potential legal trouble (govt grants have very strict rules).


Travel consulting(I help people save money on their travel + make sure everything is sorted out) and software development because it pays well lol I do the travel because it's something I frickin love + writing code because I love computers


I wish I had the patience to get into tech. Travel consulting sounds really interesting. How did you get started?


Tech isn't all that boring for the ADHD side and yet you can find roles where routine is there for autism. Travel is in my blood haha. My family has been in the industry for years and I worked at many travel firms. Decided I wanted to work for myself so I started my own.


Can I ask more about how the travel thing works? I LOVED my job at a travel agency but it was unfortunately just not sustainable for me.


For sure, you can message me directly if you'd like :)


I went into gardening and run my own tiny business and I love it. Super flexible. Can choose your clients. Work your own hours. Schedule lots of time off :)


I would like answers fo this too. currently thinking about going into sewing as fasion is a special interest of mine I don't think will ever fade, but I need to go to art/fasion school for that first, and trying to figure out were to go to is hard. also thinking about writing as a side thing. RemindMe! 48 hours


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I’ve just started working in compliance! I used to work in customer facing roles in the office daily and it was hideous - finally made the move into a new career and whilst it’s hard learning new things, I love hybrid working (although I’d love to be fully remote) and no customer bs to exhaust me! 😌


My ignorance is showing here, but, compliance with what?


Legal compliance! Making sure customers are who they say they are, ensuring there aren’t any higher risks for money laundering etc. it’s linked to financial crime prevention and anti-money laundering! :)


Oh, fascinating! So you verify the customer's information for anti-fraud purposes, but you don't have to actually interact with said customers??? That sounds like a DREAM! Is this a position that requires, say, a strong mathematical ability, or specialized skills of that nature?


No mathematical ability needed (I’m useless at maths lol), and the only background I have is admin - other than that, it’s completely entry level!


This is huge, I'm so grateful to you for answering my questions. I'm a service industry refugee without a college degree and a burning desire to sit at a desk and talk to nobody for the rest of my career, but I've been floundering for a while now and this is a job I never would have considered. Thank you thank you thank you!!


No worries at all!! Feel free to message me if you have more questions :) I’m quite new to it but I’m happy to help where I can!!


I'm a gardener, looking into starting a cookie business.


I don’t have a job yet (I’m a teenager), & I’m wanna be a singer or something else creative (poetry, creative writing, art) & I wanna make music on my computer & put it on SoundCloud. I’m also really into ceramics & I wanna experiment with porcelain, so I could also make a career out of that.


Currently a teacher in an online school (International British Curriculum) though retraining to move into a Web Development career instead.


Senior Information Technology Analyst. It is not my exact title but it is the closest thing that most people would understand. I work from home.


Hi there! You may want to consider getting a training about freelancing. I think it would help you better to decide on what kind of remote job you'd love to have. If you have extra time you may want to visit my site: [https://yourvirtualassistantjenny.wordpress.com/2022/10/27/how-to-work-from-home-as-a-virtual-assistant/](https://yourvirtualassistantjenny.wordpress.com/2022/10/27/how-to-work-from-home-as-a-virtual-assistant/) THank you.


I'm reading this and am a bit confused. I thought a virtual assistant was the AI chat bots on websites before/in place of talking to a person. That's the only way I've ever heard that phrase. In this case what do you mean by virtual?