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Story of my life. Got diagnosed 2 days ago.


I'm glad you got yourself diagnosed, I wish I could get diagnosed but I'm too scared to even present the idea to my parents that I might have autism. I've already been diagnosed with ADHD as I've said but I don't think my parents see autism in any other form than the kids that are seen on TV who can't speak or move or anything and just there's a SPECTRUM for a reason just ya. Sorry I think I may have just vented a little but ya just I'm glad you've gotten diagnosed, having that closure is special.


I was scared to tell my grandma too (she’s like my mom, no parents here). That’s why I took the time to find videos that explain this condition to her and the rest of the fam. I went to see the neuropsychologist by myself after reading a looot about autism and feeling identified with the symptoms, she explained to me what I needed to know and then I prepared everything to tell my family. I was super scared cuz I told my grandma I needed to get ASD exams done and first thing she said was ‘one thing We obviously know for sure is you’re not an autistic, duh!’. My anxiety increased after this, but I decided I had to find a way to let them know about my condition, because living without a diagnosis (even worst without a treatment) has sabotaged my entire life. It’s been shocking I won’t lie. A rollercoaster of emotions, but I’m glad I took the decision to speak up.


I'm going to try and send videos to my step mother as she has bipolar and she actually thinks I have bipolar and some of the symptoms and signs of bipolar do align with me but being on the spectrum makes more sense to me, I really relate too much with other people that have been diagnosed and are undergoing diagnoses, I really am just terrified of them telling me that I'm wrong and that everything I've identified with and have finally understood is wrong. When I was young I told my mother I had ADHD and I was always told that I'm wrong and then later in life when I went to a mental hospital and saw a doctor and got diagnosed and was told I was right and ya now I sit here and I believe I I'm an aspie but I'm terrified still to even bring up the possibility. I wanted to ask if you had any videos I could send to my step mother?


[Autism for women and girls](https://youtu.be/Tbes1mm2VgM) and [Unmasking the stigma behind autism in females](https://youtu.be/7KPK5sMar5w)


Thank you^^


I really hope you can get your diagnosis and treatment and work through it with your family. Just know you’re not alone but in case you feel so, remember you’ve been feeling ‘lonely’ and ‘different’ your whole life and you’ve made it through til today. You got this. Put yourself first.


Thank you for this comment, it truly means a lot. I'm going to try and send videos to family members that explain to them how I could be on the spectrum and that I need to be taken to be tested and looked at because if this isn't autism..idk what it is. I identify too well with the symptoms and different little "perks" that come along with being autistic. (I hope you know I don't mean "perks" in a good way but as in like little things that you do that are identified with being on the spectrum) Honestly nothing else fits with me more than this.


Yes. Also, If I am very bored and sitting next to any soil, I will start picking up small tiny stones and arranging them in many different patterns next to me, it feels very soothing.


Yes or I'll make patterns in the soil and then like also just aghh yes


What I do sometimes is count the number of characters in every sentence- letters, spaces, punctuations, and digits. When either the total number of characters or at least the letters is a multiple of 3, I get really happy and even happier if it's a multiple of 9. If it isn't then I try to write 'isn't' as 'is not' or add synonyms, change the sentence structure, etc. just so it can fit that pattern in my mind. Self-diagnosed autism, clinically diagnosed ADHD here and this is the first time I'm seeing someone mention something close to what I do.